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The main purpose of business model research is to respond to dynamic market environment and to integrate diverse enterprise strategy theories. Since Timmers first began to focus on the research of business model in the electronic market in 1998, the research on business model has made tremendous progress in terms of its essence, component, classification, representation, innovation and evaluation, etc. However, to this date business model is still an evolving theoretical and operational system, with many concepts and contents yet to be accurately defined and upon which consensus can be reached. This in part is resulted from the researcher's diverging motivations, perspectives and backgrounds, and also due to the fact that not many of these researches are based on today's strategic management and firm theory.
     This thesis focuses on the research on the fundamental theory of business model, the relationship between business model and enterprise strategy, business model innovations and means by which they're evaluated. The goal is to construct a basic theoretical system for the research of business model and its applications. The main content and conclusions of this thesis are listed below:
     On the research of the fundamental theory of business model:By nature business model and firm are closely related to each other. When examined from the perspective of firm's essence, the essence of business model is embodied in the way enterprise values are created and also in its internal logic. The key elements and core logic of business model's value creation are accurately reflected in the value circulation loop which exists between enterprise and its customers in microeconomics. In correspondence, the value proposition, value creation, value delivery, value acquirement and their relationships constitute business model's basic elements and structure. There is a one-to-one correspondence between information network system and enterprise system in terms of hierarchical layering, with the former confirming the latter's position in the enterprise. Business model has three major functions:value creation, operation & management and theory integration, it also has three key attributes:service system, organizational routine and idea & cognition. There exists certain internal relationships between these entities. Porter's three strategic positions can be used to construct a universal method with which business models are classified.
     On the research of the relationship between business model and enterprise strategy: Business model has long been embodied within enterprise strategy which lends itself as main theoretical foundation to the former. The essential characteristics of enterprise strategy is sequential, longitudinal action and process, whereas the essential attributes of business model is spatial and cross-sectional method and state. Business model and enterprise strategy share certain key elements, as well as a both vertically and horizontally mingled relationship between them. Different origins of competitive advantage usually compliment each other. Competitive advantage origins and business model are complimentary to each other in terms of key elements and consistent with each other in terms of value creation. As an integration framework and analysis unit for the origins of enterprise competitive advantage, business model can help reveal the internal hierarchy, value features of key components and structure of these origins. From business model's perspective, the deciding factors behind an enterprise's growth lies in its key components and structure, the optimization, upgrade and transformation of which will drive enterprise's growth, the heterogeneity of an enterprise is decided by the uniqueness of its business model. To summarize, business model can provide an analysis perspective to firm theory. Business model's value creation takes four different rent forms, namely monopoly rent, richardian rent, relationship rent and schumpeterian rent.
     As far as individual enterprise is concerned, there exists resource picking and capability building two major forms of rent creation mechanisms in business model value creation. These two mechanisms must integrate and compliment with each other, the key being resource integration and knowledge resource exploitation.
     For enterprises in a networked environment, there exists resource picking, capability building and relationship establishment three major forms of rent creation mechanisms in business model value creation. The source of rents comes from production factor, especially knowledge. Enterprises in a networked environment must focus on the dynamic integration and synergy of internal and external knowledge resource, so as to acquire knowledge based rents.
     On business model innovations and their evaluation:The key factors in business model innovation include innovation ideas, innovation methods and the appropriate evaluation methods. Business model innovation involves these fundamental concepts: docking strategy & linking governance, value centric with account for responsibility, focusing on the ecosystem & eyeing on the industry, resource integration & capability exploitation, partial optimization & overall adaptation. The three logical levels of business model, namely idea & cognition, organizational routine and service system, correspond nicely with the resource, capability and knowledge views in competitive advantage origin theory, and the spiritual, behavioral and material levels in enterprise culture system. The innovation at each level exhibits dynamic capability feature. The key to business model innovation is organizational learning, because by nature enterprise is a group production organization established by entrepreneur, managers and employees in accordance with certain institution and culture. The key to business model idea & cognition innovation lies in double-loop learning, through which the entrepreneur and managers transform their idea and cognitive model. The key to organizational routine innovation lies in institution and culture innovation aimed at overcoming core capability rigidities. The key to service system innovation lies in strategic human resource management aimed at facilitate development of resources such as human capital, organizational capital and social capital.
     There is a basic correspondence between the four evaluation levels in BSC (balanced score card) evaluation method which include learning & innovation, internal process, customer, finance and business model's three logical levels which include idea & cognition, organizational routine and service system and business model's ultimate function which is profit acquiring. Both BSC and business model emphasize causality, systematization and balancing. As a result, BSC is an ideal evaluation tool for business model innovation. The evaluation indexes for business model innovation must be able to reflect the customer values and adaptation among elements as well the key features of strategic resource, core capability and implicit knowledge.
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