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     基于此,本论文从新凯恩斯主义视角出发,尝试构造动态随机一般均衡(Dynamic StochasticGeneral Equilibrium,DSGE)模型来分析中国经济波动问题。文章的主体内容包括四个部分:前两个部分主要考察了以货币与财政政策为代表的需求政策冲击的模型,探讨我国利率冲击与财政扩张冲击对消费、投资、产出以及通货膨胀等主要经济变量的动态宏观效应,力图揭示这些宏观变量波动的机制与原因;后二个部分在结合近年来中国房地产过热现象、世界能源价格急剧上涨的两大背景下,分别探讨房地产市场波动成因和能源价格冲击对中国经济波动的影响。通过引入这些比较重要的冲击,最终帮助我们加深了对中国经济波动机制的理解。本文的主要工作和贡献如下:
In recent thirty years, New Keynesian plays a mainstream and dominant position not only inmacroeconomics theory but also in macroeconomics policy and practice for each national governmentincluding China. The most typical is the fact that when the global financial crisis broke out in2008hasthreatened to China’s economics growth, in response to this threat, our government implemented hugeamounts of fiscal expansion plan with up to four trillion, and issued a relaxed monetary policy. So suchaggressive government intervention is the core claim of New Keynesian. Compared with the westernadvanced countries, we are still lack of knowledge and experience of macroeconomic management,which has failed to maintain the right intensity of macroeconomic control, so it may cause wideeconomic fluctuation during process of macroeconomic control. Fortunately, New Keynesian can use foreffective reference to the socialist market economic practice in China, especially for macroeconomiccontrol.
     Based on the above reasons, this dissertation develops dynamic stochastic general equilibrium(DSGE) model to investigate the problem of China’s economic fluctuations from the new Keynesianpoint of view. Four parts consist of the body of the dissertation. In the first two part, we study twomodels with demand shocks including monetary and fiscal policy to explore the dynamic responses ofconsumption, investment, output and inflation to interest and fiscal expansion shocks, in order to discusstransmission mechanisms as well as reasons for fluctuations of economic variables. In the other two part,in the context of both overheating of China’s housing market and energy price hike in the world marketfor the past few years, we clear up the causes of fluctuation of China’s housing market, and study impactmechanism of China’s economic fluctuations to energy price shock. By introducing such importantshocks, it can help us promote deep understanding about China’s business fluctuations. The maincontribution and results of the dissertation are as follows:
     1. The dissertation first applies SVAR models in empirical fields to study the dynamic effects ofinterest and fiscal shocks on main macroeconomic variables in order to describe the typical facts, andthen we estimates a New-Keynesian DSGE model to properly explain these findings, respectively. It isuseful for the aspect of theory of economic to analyze propagating mechanisms of two of most useddemand policy to consumption, inflation, investment or output. Through the research on two models, we find the facts that deep habit being part of real friction associated with wage rigidity belonging tonominal friction have vital effect on explaining China’s economic fluctuation. Especially for deep habit,it consists in New-Keynesian DSGE model, which is a good cause or reason for describing the abovetypical facts, while remains better suitable to China’s households about habit formation, so deep habit isour innovation different from most domestic literature without realizing it.
     2. The dissertation develops a New-Keynesian DSGE of a two-sector model that describes the priceand quantity side of the China’s housing market. The results displays the following features: first,monetary policy shocks, housing preference shocks, technological shocks in housing sector and wagemark-up shocks account for a large fraction of the fluctuations in house prices, and moreover, monetarypolicy itself can illustrate about60percent, which is the most main sources of the fluctuations in houseprices; second, technological shocks in housing sector, wage mark-up shocks and monetary policyaccount for about95percent of the fluctuations in house quantity; third, the optimal monetary policy inChina mildly pegs volatility of housing prices. The research can promote to discuss the causes offluctuation of China’s housing market, and explore fluctuation of quantity side of the China’s housingmarket for the first time in domestic academic literature.
     3. The dissertation develops a New-Keynesian DSGE with energy shocks to study impactmechanism of China’s economic fluctuations to energy shock and to answer the optimal Chinesemonetary policy induced by energy shocks, using Beyesian method to estimate model parameters basedon China’s quarterly macroeconomics data. I find that the transmission mechanism of energy priceshocks are determined by the principles such as income effects, substitution effects, the relationshipbetween demand and supply in capital product market, and nominal rigidities. The numerical simulationresults show that the increase in energy price leads to negative effects to the real economy, but progressin energy technology or stronger nominal rigidities can to the extent ease economic volatility risk due toenergy price hikes. Besides, Interest rate rules play an important role in the magnitude of response ofeconomic variables to energy prices shocks, and the optimal monetary policy in China mildly pegsvolatility of energy price. The contribution of our discussion is as follows: we first use China’s quarterlymacroeconomics data to estimate model parameters in Bayesian approach, integrate factor of progress inenergy technology in model, and study choice of the optimal monetary policy in China in the context ofnumerical simulation of DSGE model.
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