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Research on the accounting earnings, was pioneered in the1960s by the famousAmerican scholar, Ball and Brown. Along with the development of economics, financialand statistical techniques, the empirical accounting theory was born and developed. Theempirical accounting theory set off a considerable accounting revolution in the1970s. Itadopted economics and finance research results, and explained the confusion inaccounting research. At the same time, research on the relationship between accountingearnings and stock prices in the capital market has entered a new stage of development.Empirical accounting theory make the study on the capital market an important branch inthe Western financial theory. The theoretical basis of the study is the efficient markettheory and capital asset pricing model. This combination of financial theory and capitalmarkets research, not only enriches the capital market theory, but also provides areference for the practice of capital markets.
     With the development of market economy, the accounting legal system andcorporate accounting standards promote the in-depth development of China's capitalmarkets on accounting earnings. The establishment of the Shanghai and Shenzhen StockExchange and joint-stock reform of state-owned enterprises, made our Country'ssecurities market development in regardless of market capacity, market transactionsvarieties and means of transactions, or other aspects of the regulatory system. Moreoverit helps to establish and perfect the market system, optimize the allocation of resources,converse the operational mechanisms of enterprises and establish modern enterprisesystem. In the process of rapid development of securities market, there are still manypractical problems. For instance, earnings and profitability of listed companies, therelationship between profitability of listed companies and their growth, the relevance ofaccounting earnings information in the financial and accounting reports of listedcompanies and stock price fluctuation in capital markets, the relationship that existsbetween them are the focus of the theory community and the practitioners concerned.
     In the capital markets, investors need to use existing information to makeinvestment decisions. Accounting earnings information in the financial and accountingreports for investors to make decisions is the most important. This information is specific for listed companies, stock investment decisions by investors own analysis to non-systeminformation. Therefore, the profitability of listed companies and the impact of accountingearnings information on the stock price have a high practical value, but also contribute tothe development of Empirical Accounting Theory.
     Owing to a number of objective conditions, there are not a lot of valuable researchresults of the domestic relations problems related to accounting earnings and stock pricechanges, research methods appropriate to study the problem of the profitability of listedcompanies in China still need to be explored and summarized. China SecuritiesRegulatory Commission required listed companies to announce quarterly financial andaccounting reports in2002. To date, it is able to study the issues of profitability of listedcompanies by chronicle method.
     In this paper, the empirical methods is adopted to analyze accounting earnings andprofitability information disclosed in the financial and accounting reports of listedcompanies, then study the relationship between profitability and its growth of listedcompanies and accounting earnings and stock price changes, based on the accountinginformation disclosed in the financial and accounting reports of listed companies.Empirical research methods, which study a large number of observations, experimentsand surveys to obtain objective information, summed up the essence of things from theindividual to the general properties and laws of development. When carrying outempirical research requires the use of quantitative economics and quantitative analysismethods and statistical tools statistics. Quantitative analysis methods used in this articleinclude: regression analysis, VAR models, co-integration and error correction model andGranger causality relationship test methods, etc. and statistical analysis methods aredescribed in the statistical analysis, factor analysis and multiple regression analysismethod.
     The empirical accounting theory and financial analysis theory are the foundation ofthis article. The thesis analyze accounting earnings information disclosed in the financialand accounting reports of listed companies in China, and study the relationship betweenaccounting earnings and stock price movements based on the accounting informationdisclosed in the financial and accounting reports of listed companies, using empiricalstudies and issues research methodology of empirical research. The paper is divided into four parts:
     The first part is introduction. It describes the background, the theoretical andpractical significance of the research, research methods and ideas, and the maininnovation, inadequacies, and future research directions.
     The second part illustrates the accounting profitability issue of the status at homeand abroad, the research results, statistical analysis of the Public Company Accountingprofitability, the relationship between the further study of the profitability and growth oflisted companies, and the theoretical basis of the relationship between the accountingearnings and stock price movements. The theoretical foundations of the study areempirical accounting theory and financial theory.
     The third part includes chapters2,3,4,5,6, which are the core content of the thesis.
     Chapter2is a statistical analysis of the profitability of listed companies in Chinafrom a static perspective. Analysis of research methods and perspectives of innovation, acombination of residual income pricing theory and the theory of financial analysis, theselection of indicators from multiple angles, side, considering the absolute index andrelative indicators
     Chapter3analyzes regularity of the listed companies accounting earnings from adynamic perspective.
     Chapter4is the analysis of domestic listed companies' accounting earningsinformation that disclosed in the financial and accounting reports whether haveinformation content.
     Chapter5analyzes the relationship between accounting earnings information andthe growth of listed companies.
     Chapter6analyzes the relationship between accounting earnings information andstock price changes. The study is the first to use the VAR model, the analysis of data atthe same time the stationary test, Co-integration analysis and Granger causality test, errorcorrection and impulse response analysis.
     The fourth part of the thesis is conclusion and policy recommendation. This part is asummary of the full-text results, describe the main conclusions of the study, and makerelevant policy recommendations based on how to increase the accounting earnings oflisted companies and how to make investment decisions for investors.
     The main conclusions of the study are:
     First, The profitability of listed companies in China overall is relatively stable. Thecharacteristics of sales margin is on the left side of the fat tail. Net assets yield rate has acertain circulating or cyclical feature, performance characteristics of seasonal time series,industry characteristics of listed companies.
     Second, The empirical test proves the profitability of the majority of our listedcompanies with dynamic regularity of the random walk.
     Third, China's capital market can distinguish between the different nature of theearnings per share, accounting earnings has the certain content information and marketeffects. Quarterly earnings per share can explain the changes in stock prices, but theexplanatory power is weak.
     Fourth, listed company's growth is influenced by many factors, different annual andenterprise in different stage, each factor to the listed company growth the influencedegree of each are not identical, this study and the life of the enterprise cycle theory isconsistent.
     Fifth, A positive correlation exists between the accounting information disclosedby listed companies' financial and accounting reports and stock prices. Merely reflectsthe degree of strength of correlation between the different abilities accounting indicatorsand stock price; every year in enhancing the explanatory power of the accountinginformation on stock prices, the strongest explanatory power of the consolidatedaccounting information on stock prices; Profitability information and developmentcapacity information are the basic accounting information that effect the stock prices, thelong-term growth of the vast majority of the Public Company accounting profit isdetermined by the company's own management, the long-run equilibrium stock price isvery weak.
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