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    五倍子水提取物抑制效果均低于 100ng加l的消炎痛。
    展。但浓度低于 100ug加 时其抑制效果低于 sug加 的强力霉素。
The host response to bacterium products is responsible for the direct destruction of the periodontal tissues, while the effect of intact bacterium is limited during the process of inflammatory periodontal diseases, Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) produced by periodontal dominant bacteria is one of generally-recognized inflammatory factors, and its role in the onset of periodontitis is attracting more and more attention. LPS involves in the inflammatory process and tissue destruction during periodontal diseases through inducing mononuclear macrophages to produce various cell factors and inflammatory mediators. The pathogenicity of LPS, in a sense, can be represented by its ability to stimulate the host to produce endogenous cell factors. Thus, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of the gallnut water extract on LPS produced by periodontal dominant bacteria and the LPS-induced cell factors and inflammatory mediators during the inflammatory process of periodontal diseases, thereby to provide an e
    xperimental basis for the application of the gallnut extract in the prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases.
    1. The effect of the gallnut water extract on the activity of Pg-LPS
    The effect of the gallnut water extract on the activity and the degradation of Pg-LPS were measured by Using ESD-99 LPS detection system and dynamic turbidity method. The results showed that all 5 concentrations of the extract used in the experiment were effective in inhibiting the activity of the Pg-LPS and its effect on the degradation was time- and dose-dependent.
    2. The effect of gallnut water extract on the structure of Pg-LPS
    The effect of gallnut water extract on the structure of Pg-LPS was observed with transmission electron microscope. The results revealed that the normal structure
    of the Pg-LPS lost, only reticular or short strip like fragments could be seen. This indicated that the inhibition of Pg-LPS activity by the gallnut water extract was not a temporary effect, but a persistent one through the destruction of Pg-LPS structure.
    3. The effect of the gallnut water extract on the IL-1β activity induced by Pg-LPS
    The effect of the gallnut water extract on the activity of IL-1β secreted by the Pg-LPS pre-treated human peripheral monocytes was examined by radioimmunoassay. The results showed that gallnut water extract could significantly inhibit the activity of IL-1β induced by Pg-LPS, and the effect was dose-dependent. These results indicated that the gallnut extract exerted its anti-inflammatory effect by inhibiting the activity of IL-1β .
    4. The effect of the gallnut water extract on the synthesis of PGE2 and LTB4 in human periodontal ligament cells
    The effect of the gallnut water extract on the synthesis of PGE2 and LTB4 in human periodontal ligament cells was examined by enzyme linked immunosorbent compitition assay and high-performance liquid chromatography. The results showed that the gallnut water extract had anti-inflammatory effect and could markedly reduce the synthesis and release of PGE2 and LTB4 by human periodontal ligament cells with a dose-dependent manner. These results indicated that the anti-inflammatory effect of gallnut extract might be due to its inhibition to epoxidase and lipoxidase. However, the inhibitory effects at the five concentrations were lower than that of 100ng/ml of Indomethacin
    5. The effect of the gallnut water extract on collagenase in periodontal inflammation
    The effect of the gallnut water extract on collagenase in periodontal inflammation was examined by Using hydroxyproline detection method. The experiments showed that the gallnut extract had the significant dose-dependent inhibitory effect on the activity of collagenase. However, the inhibitory effect of gallnut extract below 100ug/ml was less than that of 5ug/ml doxycycline. These results indicated that gallnut waster extract could block the connective tissues destruction made by collagenase, thus inhibiting or slowering the progress of periodontal inflammation.
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