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To assess the impact of fertilization treatment on copper element metabolism in Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep, and find an action plan to solve copper pollution, three studies(the fertilizing study、grazing study、the supplementing mineral study) were conducted on copper pollution pasture area in Weining County during the summer grazing season.
     1. In the fertilizing studies, the results showed that N concentrations in forage greatly increase in pastures with N fertilizer. There were not great differences among N fertilization treatment.
     Concentrations of Mn element, Zn element, N element and S elements in forage greatly increase in pastures with S fertilizer, concentrations of Se elements in forage greatly decrease in pastures with S fertilizer. There were not great differences among S fertilization treatment.
     Concentrations of Mo element and N element in forage greatly increase in pastures with Mo fertilizer. There were not great differences among Mo fertilization treatment. Mo element, S element and N element in forage greatly increase in pastures with Mo fertilizer and S fertilizer.
     Contents of Se element in forage greatly decrease in pastures with Mo and S fertilizer. There were not great differences among Mo and S treatment. Nomonal increases in forage IVOMD were realized by fertilization. Contents Cu element in soil and forage in Cu pollution meadow are greatly hight than reference value.
     2. In grazing studies:from pastures with N fertilizer, contents Cu elements in blood and liver of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly higher than reference value. Contents of Mo elements in blood and liver of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly lower than reference value. There were not great differences among other element. SOD, GSH-Px and CAT activitiy in blood of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly lower than reference value. Cp and MDA contents in blood of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly lower than reference value. Hb content, RBC, MCV and MCHC in Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly lower than reference value. Hemolytic anemia is seen in Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep from experimental pasture in the end of studies.
     From pastures with S fertilizer, contents of Cu element in blood and liver of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly lower than not fertilized control (NFC). Contents of Mn element and Zn element in blood and liver of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly higher than NFC and reference value. Contents of Se and Mo element in blood and liver of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly lower than NFC and reference value. SOD, GSH-Px and CAT activity in blood of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly higher than NFC. Cp and MDA contents in blood of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly lower than NFC. CPK and GOT activity in blood of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly lower than NFC. Hb content and PCV from Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly higher than NFC. Hemolytic anemia is seen in Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep from treatment IV pasture in the end of studies.
     From pastures with Mo fertilizer, contents of Cu elements in blood and liver of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly lower than NFC. Contents Mo element in blood and liver of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly lower than NFC. Contents of Mo elements in liver of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly higher than NFC and reference value. SOD, GSH-Px and CAT activity in blood of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly higher than NFC. Cp and MDA contents in blood of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly lower than NFC. CPK and GOT activity in blood of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly lower than NFC. Hb content from Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly higher than NFC. PCV from Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly higher than NFC. Hemolytic anemia is seen in Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep from NFC pasture in the end of studies.
     From pastures with S and Mo fertilizer, contents of Cu elements in blood and liver of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly lower than NFC. Contents Mn, Zn and Mo elements in blood and liver of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly higher than NFC and reference value. Contents of Se element in blood and liver of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly lower than NFC and reference value. SOD, GSH-Px and CAT activity in blood of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly higher than NFC. CPK and GOT activity in blood of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly lower than NFC. Cp and MDA contents of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep are greatly lower than NFC. Hb content and PCV are greatly higher than NFC. Hemolytic anemia is seen in Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep from NFC pasture in the end of studies.
     3. In the supplementing mineral studies, supplementing S element, Mo element and Cu element from blood and liver of Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep greatly decrease but Contents Cu elements in blood and liver from Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep supplementing S element and Mo element are greatly higher than those from animals supplementing S element or Mo element.
     Conclusion: S element and Mo element in forage can greatly affect copper element metabolism in Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep. We are able to rational utilization of copper pollution pastures by change of S element and Mo element contents in soil and forage and grazing Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep.
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