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Journalism has been a crucial part of the Communist Party’s career since theParty’s establishment. News media of the Party plays an important educationfunction among the Party members and the masses. During90years’ practice,through continuous learning, summary, reflection and perfection, the Party’s newsmedia has accumulated rich experience of publicity and education practice, andhas formed the news media education function thought which is of Chinesecharacteristics and in accordance with the demand of development. Theachievement was accomplished under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, MaoZedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory, the important thought “ThreeRepresents” and the scientific outlook on development under the guidance of theparty.
     Since the creation of Party’s journalism, the news media has attachedimportance to exert its education function, and has constantly adjusted the aims ofeducation, enriched education contents, and improved teaching methods,according to the needs of the development of Party, The news media function ofeducation ideas has gradually been formed, which effectively helped the Partyachieve final victory during the revolutionary struggle. Although the educationalfunction was once misused as tools in the Cultural Revolution during theconstruction period, after the reform and opening-up, the news media has made a significant contribution to breaking the confinement of thoughts, as well as to thepromotion of economic construction and social development, during which theeducational function of the Party’s news media has become more mature andperfect.
     As the information technology and media industry enjoys a growingdevelopment, and media globalization and marketization are further deepened,people are provided with more media products, however, at the same time, whichalso brings up problems such as vulgarity, excessive entertainment, and valueorientation disorder. Media is not only a channel of information, but also animportant tool of learning and a main force of individual socialization. With thecommunication technology rapid development, the force of media communicationand influence expands fast, and so does its educational function which becomes aconsiderable education subject. However, media has not fully realized itself roleas an “educator ". That the educational function did not regarded theoretically as abasic function of media, is one important cognitive reason of practice deviation.
     In this context, from the historical and realistic background, this paper,combs media education function theories in the history of Party's journalism,summarizes the challenges Chinese media faces in the context of nowadaysglobalization, and thus to proposes the rational advice on how to enhance theeducation function of news media.
     The introduction part elaborates the main topic of news media educationfunction. From origin to status quo, this part gives a concrete explanation on theorigin and the important value issue of the issue, as an important beginning. The first chapter explains the core concepts in theory, such as news media and itseducational function, and analyses the inevitability and uniqueness of news mediaas “educators”, as well as the characteristic of the educational function of newsmedia and their influence factors. In addition, this paper observes rationally on theeducation function of news media, analyzes its impact and mechanism, and citedthe TV show “Moved China” as a case to illustrate how to effectively bring theeducational function of news media into play.
     The second chapter is devoted to a historical study on the educationalfunction of news media of the Party’s journalism on the stance of Chinese socialcommunism journalism. It has a reflection and evaluation in a time order of thechanges, work channel and effect of the news media education function atdifferent stages of Party's journalism history. A general summary of the differentunderstandings on the education function and practice at different historical stagesis also noted in this chapter. During the early period of Party establishment, newsmedia mainly publicized Marx doctrine to enlighten people, forming a goodtradition of adhering to the principles of Marx's; during the revolutionary warperiod, the news media became Party’s main weapon whose core content oflearning was closely around the struggle for victory in the war. Thus it madeoutstanding contributions and its revolutionary fully fit to demand of the war time.After reforming and opening, to actively cooperate with the gravity changes ofParty’s work focus, the main education contents of the news media is economicconstruction. Until the new stage in the new century, material civilizationconstruction has made great achievements and the construction of spiritual civilization has become a new challenge to Party, the socialist core value systembecomes an important content news media publicizes and educates.
     In the third chapter, the author stands as a “researcher " to view the west, andanalyzes the nature, function, performance and internal mechanism of the newsmedia education function under different political and economic, social andcultural backgrounds. This chapter summaries and analyzes the understanding ofthe western media to the education function from two aspects of theory andpractice, and also analyzes in details about their means of benefiting news mediaas education. For example, through the production of television programs forchildren's education; through the production of educational shows to teach peoplecommon scientific knowledge; through the Internet to infiltrate other countriesIdeology; through the production of film and television drama to have othercountry's cultures infiltrated. Research observes that the western media oftenspread some unscrupulous or harmful information to the audience due to theirprofit-seeking nature and “eyeball economy " characteristic. Facing this situation,the western countries mainly focus on educating audience through school andother ways to let the audience have media literacy education, which producesthemselves immunity, rather than correcting news media. With recognition of thewestern media’s real aim, this chapter tries to provide at the same time a reflectionand reference for China’s news media function to effectively bring itself into play,without detours. In addition, under the premise of restrictions of congenitaldefects in the western media ideology, this paper analyzes objectively thecharacteristics, advantages, problems and deficiencies of the Western media in exerting educational function.
     Since China became a formal member of WTO on November10,2001,China begins to blend in the economic globalization process. Globalization hasbrought China historic changes and at the same time, brought the huge challengeto the Chinese news media in bringing its educational function into play. Focusingon the present, the forth chapter summarizes the globalization context and itsfeatures, examines challenges to the educational function of the national newsmedia brought by globalization and the development of the new media. Forexample, after China's accession to the WTO, the introduction conditions of thefilm and television work has been reduced and the media field gradually opens.People flow has brought the value collision, and at the same time, manyopportunities go with the challenges where this paper begins to analyze thestanding problems of China's news media under the context of globalization, suchas the underestimation of Western value penetration, the entertainment of thecontent, the vicious homogenization, low international influence. This paper thusrenders a further and a full range of introspection on the effect of educationalfunction of news media in our country. At the same time, this paper analyzes howto bring the educational function of news media into play when the demand ofaudience for democracy is increasing, social values become to be similar, culturalidentity is having crisis, and public morality become a problem.
     The fifth chapter is both the ending, By revolving around “the requirement ofconstructing socialist core value system”, from improving the culturalconsciousness and cultural confidence, from different angles, such as Party committee in charge of media publicity, the media itself, and the context ofglobalization, the research theory and news education, this chapter discusses theeffective ways to strengthen educational function the Party 's news media in thecontext of globalization, and thus to propose suggestions to enhance theeducational function of China's news media from a global perspective. That isbecause it is not just the media's own duty to set standards to media behaviors, italso relates to the publicity, supervision and other departments. In order tofundamentally improve the current problem of news media’s weakeningeducational function, the media jobholders’ quality has to be improved, and talenteducation, ideological and political education, business education from newsschools have to be strengthen as well. This chapter does not only have the generalregularity countermeasures to solve the above challenges, but also some specificcountermeasures to concrete problems; not only have request of orientationtowards news media, but also have specific operational recommendations; notonly focus on the coverage measures at home, but also focus on enhancingthinking of international communication; not only have analysis on newspapers,television and other traditional media, but also have discussions on the Internet,mobile phone and other new media. Overall, this paper is quite comprehensive.
     As part of socialist ideology, journalism belongs to the superstructure ofthought. As news media of social communism, the socialist core value system isits inherent presence and pursuit, and also the inevitable goal to abide by and tovigorously promote. Studying the education function of news media is to put itinto the construction and carrying forward of the socialist core value system. As a very important carrier for the realization of socialist core value system blendedinto public life, the civil common emotional experience, the citizens’consciousness of moral, News media is the builders, booster and demonstrator ofsocialism spiritual civilization. Bringing the News Media into play in theconstruction of socialist core value system has very important significance to thestrengthening and promotion of the construction of socialist core value system.
     In the work of constructing socialist core value system, China's news medianeeds to undertake the tasks of research, publishing the core value system, toemphasize the leadership Party to the mainstream media, to adhere to correctpolitical direction; to put forward mainstream values into the whole process of themedia work, to improve work methods and means of publicity, to enhance thecommunication effect, to adhere to the principles of people-orientation, close toreality, life, and the masses, to strengthen the educational function of media itself,to publicize and education with the language, forms and examples people love tosee and hear, and to make the system of socialist core values truly to accept, graspand recognize by our audience.
     From the perspective of educational function, the author uses five chapters toreflect the existing problems in practice of today's news media, and puts forwardthe corresponding measures. Surely, not all problems can be solved due to thelimitation of the paper and the author didn’t expect that either, only to hope thatthrough observation and accumulation to bring attention to educational functionsof news media in the industry and academia, and hope to see more insightfulopinions regarding this issue.
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