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This dissertation explores the fiction by Jewish American writer Saul Bellow, the Nobel Prize winner for Literature in1976. From the perspective of the urban phenomenon, Bellow's changing attitudes towards city in different periods will be highlighted. Based on the chronological analysis and close reading of the texts, this dissertation tries to make a sound connection between Bellow's urban understanding of historical context and Jewish tradition. Accordingly, Bellow's urban fiction can be divided into three periods:the first period is from the beginning of1940s to the end of1950s; the second from1960s to1970s; the third from1980s to2000.
     This paper is composed of three chapters besides Introduction and Conclusion.
     The Introduction gives a brief outline of Saul Bellow's prominent role in America literature, his life experiences, and his literary career should not be excluded. Secondly, a detailed literature review on Saul Bellow at home and abroad is carried out, followed by the significance and approaches of this research.
     Chapter One "Urban Myth——the Seeking for 'the Promised Land'" focuses on Bellow fiction published during1940s and1950s. From the historical context labeled by existentialism, conservatism and liberalism, Bellow's writing style and his feelings towards city are brought to discussion. The protagonists in his early writings are mainly common Jewish immigrants, with passion for freedom and enthusiasm for a different life, while stepping out their beloved streets and setting out to be Americanized. In his first novel Dangling Man, Bellow metaphorically indicates the historical burden of Jews undertaken and their dangling situation in modern city. The Adventures of Augie March helps to transfer a mind of prudence and caution into that of optimism and aggression. Bellow puts Augie in a broader setting. Augie constantly shifts his location among many cities, such as Chicago, Paris, Rome, Mexico, and so on, without a fixed settlement. However, bearing in mind a hope for a wonderland, he searches for it in the vast region. This searching for the Utopia exactly embodies Bellow's optimistic viewpoint about city life in his early writing. Whereas, Henderson the Rain King makes a comparison between city and wilderness.
     Chapter Two "Urban Nightmare—Society under Seige" seeks to explore Bellow's writing during the period from1980s to2000. A pessimistic and critical outlook is conveyed in Bellow's understanding of cities, represented by Chicago. Robbery, cheating, speculation, beauty, money and lust are constructing a corrupted panorama of industrial cities. The protagonists of this period are Jewish intellectuals:Herzog, Sammler, Humboldt and Cetrine. Herzog, as a prominent History professor, criticizes the city life while playing his role in spiritual and cultural construction of the city. In Mr. Sammler's Planet, Bellow subtly makes a juxtaposition of what Sammler sees with what Sammler fancies about the modern city. Through the description of crazy and insane behavior of the city dwellers, urban shortcomings are revealed. Humboldt's Gift displays city intellectuals'dual spiritual worlds and their confusion in displacement. Bellow seeks to criticize the American city from different perspectives of city culture, including the corruption of bureaucracy, vices in public transportation, change in urban landscape, competition between the pursuit of art and the pursuit of money. Hence, Bellow deepens the discussion of puzzlement in urban minds.
     Chapter Three "Re-acceptance of city—Representation of the Multi-facet City" makes an exploration of Bellow's writing from1980s to2000. The feature of his literary writing of this period is that it focuses on the multiple facets of the city. This multi-facet city is international and global. The themes of this period are centered round human life, friendship, death and family. WhatBellow tries to display is a larger community, a multi-facet city with various nationalities living within, such as the German, the Polish, the Italian, the Greek, the Irishman and the Jews. The connection between death and history is a prominent feature for Bellow's writing in his third period. Bellow does not take a stance of radical criticism or absolute denial of the issues of the Black and Communism, but instead, he treats the racial issue in a more sensible and reasonable way. Should the term "protest novel" be labeled to Bellow, then he turns out to be more tolerate for the commonplace around him in his later works.
     The Conclusion emphasizes Bellow's literary role and his unique writing style.
     With a review of his six decades of writing experiences, Bellow's fiction has some characteristics as follows:
     First, there is a wider range of characters in Bellow's fiction. These varied characters range from the staff, the shrewd businessmen, to the pedantic and confusing intellectuals. Although the heroes in Bellow's works give priority to the intellectuals, the complexity of the identity of other characters offers the urban fiction of Saul Bellow a more three-dimensional, staggered, and complex network. All the protagonists strive to seek the ultimate value of life, or try to find stability of destination in the restless world.
     The second feature is that the setting of the novels continues to expand, showing a special sketch like this:home-street-city-intercity-internationality. Joseph in Bellow's first novel Dangling Man just wanders about around his room and within the nearest three blocks away from home. The transition of Augie in The Adventures ofAugie March from the initial reluctance to leave home to his spontaneous tendency of hanging out to make a fortune is never hard to be found. The settings in his later work of Herzog and The Dean's December have always surpassed the single city constraint, but rather replaced by different cities with diverse cultural coexistence.
     The enhancement of urban consciousness is nevertheless the third characteristic for Bellow's urban fiction. Bellow has a rather innocent and naive understanding of the city in his earlier writing. He uses the city generally as the setting. While in his later period, through the detailed depiction of the urban landscapes, the city is no longer a simple setting. The city has started to become a text, a character, and even the history. In addition, this kind of urban consciousness is also reflected in the manipulation of the city personality. If the characters of the early works are still viewed as one-dimensional, then in the later years, Saul Bellow attaches great importance to personality retention which is most ardently demonstrated by Benn, the defender of his "plant visionary", and Ravelstein, the gay professor.
     In summary, Bellow's Jewish characterized depiction of the city is a result of urbanization, a display of the contradictions of Jewish survival status. It also embodies the theme of excavating the past for those contemporary writers represented by Bellow who are trapped in spiritual predicament, especially "Jewishness" bearing witness to the diversity and pluralism in the period of postmodernism. Thus Saul Bellow strives to reveal the fact that the city is embedded in the mechanism of Jewish culture and in the parallel development of cultural pluralism of the United States. It has been playing an inestimable role of the Jewish culture construction from the post-modern perspective.
    ② Bloom, Harold. "Introduction." Saul Bellow(Modern Critical Views).Ed. Harold Bloom. New York:Chelsea House Publishers,1986. p.1.
    ③20世纪六七十年代,美国文坛涌现出大批优秀的犹裔作家,除贝娄之外还包括1978年获诺贝尔文学奖的艾萨克·巴舍维斯·辛格(I.B. Singer,1904—1991),获得美国国家图书奖在内的多种文学奖的伯纳德·马拉默德(Bernard Malamud,1914—1986),获普利策奖的菲利普·罗斯(Philip Roth,1933—),以及两度获得普利策奖的诺曼·梅勒(Norman Mailer,1923—)、“黑色幽默”大师约瑟夫·海勒(Joseph Heller,1923—1999)等。
    ④ Howe, Irving. "Introduction," Jewish American Stories. New York:New American Library/Penguin,1977. p.3.另外还可参见http://检索日期为2012年1月19日。
    ⑤ Ridder, Knight. "Saul Bellow rescued the American Novel." Philadelphia Inquirer, The (PA) (2005) on Thursday, April 7.
    ⑥以下贝娄生平参考自Saul Bellow. Letters. Ed. Benjamin Taylor. New York:Viking,2010. pp.ⅹⅶ-ⅹⅹⅹⅵ.
    ①Interview with Nina A. Steers, "Successor to Faulkner?" Show, IV, September,1964, p.38.,转引自乔国强:《美国犹太文学》。北京:商务印书馆,2008年。第328页。
    ②Kieval, Hillel J. "Antisemitism & the City:A Beginner's Guide." People of the City:Jews and the Urban Challenge (Vol.15). Ed. Ezra Mendelson. New York and Oxford:Oxford University Press,1980.
    ② Bellow, Saul. More Die of Heartbreak. London:Seeker & Warburg,1987. p.124.
    ③ Bellow, Saul. The Dean s December. New York:Penguin Modern Classics,2008. p.285.
    ⑤ Bellow, Saut. The Adventures ofAugie March. New York:Penguin Modern Classics,2001. pp.3,410.
    ⑥ Bellow, Saul. The Dean s December. New York:Penguin Modern Classics,2008. p.42.
    ⑦这部分论著有Bennett, Larry. The Third City:Chicago and American Urbanism. Chicago:The University of Chicago, 2010. p.57.以及Baumgarten, Murray. City Scriptures:Modern Jewish Writing. Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 1982.pp.11,15,19.以及 Peter Preston and Paul Simpon-Housley, eds. Writing the City:Eden, Babylon and the New Jerusalem. New York:Routledge.1994. p.1.
    ⑧ Malin, Irving. Saul Bellow's Fiction.1969. Carbondale, Illinois:Southern Illinois University Press,1967. Malin, Irving. Saul Bellow and the Critics. New York:New York University Press.1967. Opdahl, Keith Michael. The Novels of Saul Bellow:An Introduction. University Park, PA:Pennsylvania State University Press.1967.
    ① Clayton, John Jacob. Saul Bellow:In Defense of Man. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1979.
    ② Cohen, Sarah Blacher. Saul Bellow s Enigmatic Laughter. Urbana:University of Illinois Press,1974.
    ③ Malin, Irving. Saul Bellow and the Critics. New York:New York University Press,1967.以及Stanley Trachtenberg, ed., Critical Essays on Saul Bellow. Boston, MA:GK. Hall & Co.,1979.
    ④ Pifer, Ellen. Saul Bellow against the Grain. Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania, Press,1994.
    ⑤ Newman, Judie. Saul Bellow and History. London:Macmillan Press,1984.
    ⑥ Goldman, Leila H.. "The Holocaust in the Novels of Saul Bellow." Modern Language Studies,1986,16(1):71-80.以及Kremer, S. Lillian. "Scar of Outrage:The Holocaust in The Victim and Mr. Sammler's Planet," in Witness through the Imagination:Jewish American Holocaust Literature. Detroit:Wayne State University Press,1989, pp.36-62.
    ⑦ Quayum, Mohammad A. Saul Bellow and American Transcendentalism. New York:Peter Lang,2004.
    ⑧ Cronin, Gloria L..A Room of His Own:In Search of the Feminine in the Novels of Saul Bellow. Syracuse and New York:Syracuse University Press,2001.
    ⑨ Bellow, Saul. Saul Bellow:Letters, ed. Benjamin Taylor. New York:Viking,2010.
    ①这四部文献目录参考书分别是:Lercangee, Francine. Saul Bellow:A Bibliography of Secondary Sources. Brussels: Center for American Studies,1977; Nault, Marianne. Saul Bellow:His Works and His Critics:An Annotated International Bibliography. New York:Garland,1977; Noreen, Robert G. Saul Bellow:A Reference Guide. Boston:G K. Hall,1978; Cronin, Gloria L. and Blaine H. Hall. Saul Bellow:An Annotated Bibliography,2nd ed. New York: Garland,1987.
    ②这四部传记分别是:Harris, Mark. Saul Bellow:Drumlin Woodchuck. Athens:The University of Georgia Press, 1980; Miller, Ruth. Saul Bellow:A Biography of the Imagination. New York:St. Martin's Press,1991; Wasserman, Harriet. Handsome Is:Adventure with Saul Bellow. New York:Fromm International Publishing Corporation,1997; Atlas,James.Bellow:A Biography. New York:Random House,2000.
    ⑧ Qiao, Guoqiang. The Jewishness of Isaac Bashevis Singer. Oxford:Peter Lang,2003. pp.211-46.
    ②Fuchs,Daniel."Saul Bellow and the Modern Tradition." Contemporary Literature,Vol.15.No.1(Winter, 1974): 67-89.
    ③Kazin,Alfred.A Writer's America:landscape in Literature.New York:A.A.Knopf,1988.
    ④Baumgarten,Murray.City Scriptures:Modern Jewish Writing.Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1982.
    ⑤Brauch,Julia,et al,eds.Jewish Topographies:Visions of Space,Traditions of Place.Burlington,VT:Ashgate Publishing Company,2008.
    ① Levinson, Julian. Exiles on Main Street:Jewish American Writers and American Literary Culture. Bloomington: Indiana University Press,2008. pp.6-7.
    ③ James, Henry. Art of the Novel. New York:The Barnes & Nobel,1934. pp.223-224.
    ①瑞典皇家学院在给贝娄颁发诺贝尔文学奖时发表的声明中将其创作分为两个时期:第一时期从第一部长篇小说《晃来晃去的人》(1944)到第四部长篇小说《抓住时日》(1956),第二时期则以贝娄的第三部长篇小说《奥吉·马奇历险记》(1953)为始点。亚德武(C.S.Yadav)在其专著《索尔·贝娄》中将贝娄的创作按照主题进行划分,分为四种类型:40年代的受害者小说、50年代的冒险小说、60年代的幸存者小说以及70-80年代的超越小说。See C. S. Yadav, Saul Bellow. Jaipur:Printwell,1991. p.10刘兮颖在其专著《受难意识与犹太伦理取向:索尔·贝娄小说研究》中将贝娄的创作按照思想内容和艺术成就分成三个时期,分别是:早期创作(1941-1958)、中期创作(1959-1986)、晚期创作(1987-2000)。本文将按照贝娄对城市态度的轨迹来进行划分。
    ①Bloom, Allan. The Closing of American Mind. New York:Simon & Schuster Inc.,1987. p.14.
    ①这些评论家是Pinsker, Sanford."Saul Bellow, Soren Kierkegaard and the Question of Boredom." Centennial Review,1980,24(1):118-125. Holm, Astrid. "Existentialism and Saul Bellow's Henderson the Rain King." American Studies in Scandinavia Vol.10,1978:93-109. Aharoni, Ada. "Bellow and Existentialism." Saul Bellow Journal 2.2 (1983):42-54.专著有Durbeej, Jerry. Existential Consciousness, Redemption, and Buddhist Allusions in the Work of Saul Bellow. New York:Proquest, Umi Dissertation Publishing,2011.
    ② Roudane, Matthew C. "An Interview with Saul Bellow." Contemporary Literature 25.3 (1984):265-280.
    ③ Tuan,Yi-Fu. Space and Place:The Perspective of Experience. Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1977. pp. 3.9-10.
    ① Axelrod, Steven Gould. "The Jewishness of Bellow's Henderson", American Literature, Vol.47, No.3 (Nov.,1975), pp.439-443.
    ② Atlas,James.Bellow: A Biography. New York:Modern Library,2002. p.100.
    ① Schwartz, Delmore. "A Man in His Time." from Partisan Review 11.3 (1944):348-50, quoted from Gerhard Bach, ed. The Critical Response to Saul Bellow. Westport, Connecticut:Greenwood Press,1995. pp.12-14.舒瓦兹对贝娄创作的不足之处做了说明,比如小说情节过于直线型,涉及场景太过于狭窄。
    ① Baker, Robert. "The Corresponding Life." America, (November 22,2010):27.
    ② Antin, Mary. The Promisee Land. Boston:Houghton Milfflin,1912. p.60.
    ③ "Press Release:The Nobel Prize for Literature 1976" by Swedish Academy the Permanent Secretary, in http: //www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1976/press. html(2009/8/16)
    ④ Glenday, Michael K. Saul Bellow and the Decline of Humanism. London:Macmillan Press,1990. p.14.
    ⑤本小节所有相关引文均出自Saul Bellow, The Dangling Man. New York:Penguin Modern Classics,2007.以下标出页码,不再一一说明。
    ①Mumford. Lewis. The Culture of Cities. New York:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.,1970. pp.5-6.
    ① Schwartz, Delmore. "A Man in His Time." from Partisan Review 11.3 (1944):348-50, quoted from Bach, Gerhard, ed. The Critical Response to Saul Bellow. Westport, Connecticut:Greenwood Press,1995. pp.12-14.
    ① Kazin, Alfred. A Walker in the City. New York:A Harvest/HBJ Book,1951. p.60.
    ② Bellow, Saul. Herzog. New York:Penguin Modern Classics,2001. p.135.
    ③ Bellow, Saul. Ravelstein. New York:Penguin Modem Classics,2008. p.154.
    ① Mumford, Lewis. The Culture of Cities. New York:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.,1970. p.3.
    ③ Tuan, Yi-Fu. Space and Place:The Perspective of Experience. Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1977. p.52.
    ③ Kazin,Alfred.A Walker in the City.New York:A Harvest/HBJ Book,1951.p.11.
    ①Mumford. Lewis. The Culture of Cities. New York:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc.,1970. p.5.
    ①Tuan, Yi-Fu. Space and Place:The Perspective of Experience. Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,2001. p. 137.
    ①Baumgarten, Murray. City Scriptures:Modern Jewish Writing.Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1982. p.1.
    ①可参见 Saul Bellow. Letters. Ed. Benjamin Taylor. New York:Viking,2010. p.ⅹⅹⅱ.
    ③ Amis, Martin. "A Chicago of a Novel." The Atlantic Monthly,(Oct.,1995):114-127.马丁·阿米斯是贝娄的忘年交。在2001年贝娄第五任妻子弗里德曼编辑出版的《合集》(Collected Stories)里,弗里德曼邀请阿米斯为《更多的人死于心碎》撰写介绍部分。
    ④ Warren, Robert Penn. "The Man with No Commitments", New Republic (2 Nov.1953):22-23, quoted in The Critical Response to Saul Bellow, Gerhard Bach ed. Westport, Connecticut:Greenwood Press,1995. pp.49-52.
    ⑤ Ibid.52-62,原文参见Steven Gerson, "A New American Adam", Modern Fiction Studies 25.1(1979):117-128
    ⑥ "Saul Bellow rescued the American Novel." Philadelphia Inquirer, The (PA) (2005) on Thursday, April 7.
    ① Roger, Kapalan."'Augie March' Returns." Washington Times, The (DC),07328494, Sep.21,2003.
    ② Mumford, Lewis. The Culture of Cities. New York:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.,1970. p.5.
    ①文中所有相关引文均出自Bellow, Saul. The Adventures ofAugie March. New York:Penguin Modern Classics,2001.以下标出页码,不再一一说明。
    ① Baumgarten, Murray. City Scriptures:Modern Jewish Writing. Cambridge. Massachusetts:Harvard University Press, 1982. p.1.
    ② Hume, Kathryn. American Dream, American Nightmare:Fiction Since 1960. Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press,2006. p.3.
    ①转引自Richard Pearce, "Looking Back at Augie March". Gerard Bach, ed. The Critical Response to Saul Bellow. Westport, Connecticut:Greenwood Press,1995. pp.65-66.原文刊载在New York Herald Tribune Book Review (20 Sep.1953):2.
    ① Goren, Arthur A."A'Golden Decade' for American Jews:1945-1955." Ed.Meeding, Peter Y.A New Jewry? America since the Second World War. New York and Oxford:Oxford University Press,1992. pp.3-20.
    ③转引自Richard Pearce, "Looking Back at Augie March". Ed. Gerard Bach. The Critical Response to Saul Bellow. Westport, Connecticut:Greenwood Press,1995. p.4. 原文是 Bernard Kalb, "The Author," Saturday Review of Literature (19 Sep.1953):13.
    ②Michelson, Bruce. "The Idea of Henderson." Twentieth Century Literature Vol.27, No.4 (Winter,1981):309-24.
    ① Stern, Richard. "Henderson's Bellow." The Critical Response to Saul Bellow. Ed. Gerhard Bach. Westport, Connecticut:Greenwood Press,1995. pp.102-107.
    ② Rodrigues, Eusebio L. "Bellow's Africa. " American Literature 43.2(1971):242-56.
    ③ Baker, Carlos. "To the Dark Continent in Quest of Light." The New York Times Book Review (February 22,1959): 4-5.
    ④ Axelrod, Steven Gould. "The Jewishness of Bellow's Henderson", American Literature. Vol.47, No.3(Nov., 1975):439-43.
    ⑤文中所有相关引文均出自Saul Bellow, Henderson the Rain King. New York:Penguin,1966.以下标出页码,不再一一说明。
    ①这些评论家包括John J. Clayton的专著Saul Bellow:In Defense of Man, Leslie Fiedler刊登在由Irving Malin主编的Saul Bellow and the Critic中的文章"Saul Bellow",以及J.C. Levenson的文章Bellow's Dangling Man"。
    ① Rose, Aubrey, ed. Judaism and Ecology. New York:Cassell Publishers, Ltd.,1992. pp.11-12.斜体字为希伯来语,chayim是指life, Shabbat是指Sabbath, shalom是指peace。
    ③ Rose, Aubrey, ed. Judaism and Ecology. New York:Cassell Publishers, Ltd.,1992. p.65.
    ④ Katz, Eric. "Judaism", A Companion to Environmental Philosophy. Dale Jamieson, ed. Oxford:Blackwell Publishers, 2001.pp.88-89.
    ③虽然彼得·辛格还提到了“知觉”(sentience)这个词,即表达忍受或/及体验快乐的能力,任何有知觉的物体才有利益,任何有知觉的生物才有道德身份,人们就应该用平等的道德观去对待他们。但是之后不少学者批判辛格的功利主义伦理观,认为他提出的所谓最小化宰杀动物时的痛苦仅仅只是提及了动物权利的一个方面,而未真正意义上批判利用动物的商业行为、科学研究、娱乐项目等等。此处“都不能另眼对待”的原文是counts for one and none for more than one。
    ①Interview with Nina A. Steers, "Successor to Faulkner?" Show, IV, September,1964, p.38,转引自乔国强:《美国犹太文学》。北京:商务印书馆,2008年。第328页。
    ②此处取自《圣经·申命记》Deuteronomy20:19-20,原文为:When you besiege a city for a long time...you shall not destroy its trees by wielding an ax against them. You may eat of them, but you may not cut them down. Are the trees in the field men that they should be besieged by you? Only the trees which you know are not trees for food you may destroy and cut down, that you may build siege-works against the city.
    ① Katz, Eric. "Judaism". A Companion to Environmental Philosophy. Ed. Dale Jamieson. Oxford:Blackwell Publishers,2001. p.91.
    ② Braham, Jeanne. A Sort of Columbus:The American Voyages of Saul Bellow's Fiction. Georgia:University of Georgia Press,1984. p.2.
    ① Fuchs, Daniel. Saul Bellow:Vision & Revision. Durhan:North Carolina Press,1984. p.9.
    ② Braham, Jeanne. A Sort of Columbus:The American Voyages to Saul Bellow's Fiction. Georgia:University of Georgia Press,1984. p.2.
    ②Newman,Judie.Sau,Bellow and History.London:Macmillan Press,1985.
    ③Bellow,Saul.:A World Too Much with Us." Critical Inquiry,2.1(Autumn 1975):1-9.
    ①Eliot, T.S. Four Quartets. New York:Harcourt, Brace,1943. p.38.
    ② Roudane, Matthew C. "An Interview with Saul Bellow." Contemporary Literature 25.3 (1984):265-280.
    ③ Diner, Haisia R. The Jews of the United States,1654-2000. California:University of California Press,2004. p.259.
    ①转引自William Tierney,"Interpreting Academic Identities:Reality and Fiction on Campus." From The Journal of Higher Education,Vol.73,No.1(January/February 2002):161-172.关于academic novel的译法,也有学者译为"学人小说”,college novel也有人翻译成“校园小说”。国外其实还有campus novel的说法,但是并没有对它们进行详尽的区别。就笔者个人理解,笔者将此处统一译为“学院小说”。笔者认为里昂斯的定义稍显局限,如何界定“严肃的态度”他也未明确说明,许多学院小说以诙谐的手法消解了这种严肃性,但是却又发人深省,不能据此就否认这些作品是学院小说。在这篇论文中提尔尼也指出里昂斯的定义应该具有更为宽泛的范畴,他认为这种小说应该面向大众,不仅仅是学人。
    ②De Mott,Benjamin."How to Write a College Novel." Hudson Review,15(2),1962:243-252.
    ④此部分引文来自贝娄1977年“杰弗逊讲座演说”。可参见索尔·贝娄:《集腋成裘集》,李自修等译,宋兆霖 主编。石家庄:河北教育出版社,2002年。第165页。
    ①Bellow,Saul."Foreword." Bloom,Allan.The Closing of American Mind New York:Simon & Schuster Inc.,1987. p.14.
    ②Mumford, Lewis. The Culture of Cities. New York:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.,1970. p.271.
    ②Baumgarten,Murray.City Scriptures:Modern Jewish Writings.Cambridge and London:Harvard University Press, 1982.p.1.
    ③Bellow,Saul.More Die of Heartbreak.London:Secker & Warburg,1987.p.124.
    ②转引自爱德华·萨义德:《知识分子论》,单德兴译。北京:三联书店,2002年。第63页。书里萨义德认为贾克比在《最后的知识分子》中提出一个无懈可击的论点:在美国“非学院的知识分子”(the non-academic intellectual)已经完全消失了,取而代之的是一整群怯懦、满口术语的大学教授,而社会上没有人很重视这些人的意见。
    ③ Bloom, Harold. "Introduction." Saul Bellow(Modern Critical Views).Ed. Harold Bloom. New York:Chelsea House Publishers,1986. p.1.
    ④ Miller, Ruth. Saul Bellow:The Biography of the Imagination. New York:St. Martin's Press,1991. p.142.
    ③有关主人公名字的来历学者们有不同看法。大卫·加洛韦认为这个名字很有可能来自乔伊斯的《尤利西斯》中一个人物。可参见David D.Gallowa-The Absurd Hero in Amercan Fiction:Updike,Styron,Bellow and Salinger.Austin & London:University of Texas Press.1974.pp.127-129.另外还有学者认为这个名字同一位率领登山队攀登上喜马拉雅山的人莫里斯·赫索格有关。可参见Toney Tanner, "Saul Bellow:The Flight from Monologue." Encounter,1965,24:65. Qtd. In David D. Galloway, The Absurd Hero in American Fiction:Updike, Styron, Bellow and Salinger. Austin & London:University of Texas Press,1974. p.126.
    ④ L. H. Goldman, Saul Bellow's Moral Vision:A Critical Study of the Jewish Experience. New York:Irvington,1983. p.116.
    ⑤ Ibid. pp.117-118.
    ⑥本小节所有相关引文均出自Bellow, Saul. Herzog. New York:Penguin Modern Classics,2007.以下标出页码,不再一一说明。
    ① Galloway. David D. The Absurd Hero in American Fiction:Updike, Styron, Bellow and Salinger. Austin & London: University of Texas Press,1974. p.137.
    ③转引自Ruth Miller, Saul Bellow. The Biography of the Imagination.New York:St. Martin's Press,1991. p.69.原文Gordon Lloyd Harper, "Saul Bellow:An Interview," Paris Review (Winter 1965):48-73.
    ④ Cohen, Sarah. Bellow's Enigmatic Laughter. Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1974. pp.9-11.
    ①转引自齐格蒙·鲍曼:《生活在碎片之中——论后现代道德》,郁建兴等译。上海:学林出版社,2002年。第266页。原文可参见Arnold J. Toynbee, A Study of History (Vol.5). Oxford:Oxford University Press,1939. pp. 154-155.
    ① Howe, Irving. "Mr. Sammler's Planet", from Harper's 240 (Feb.1970):106,108,112,114.转引自Critical Response to Saul Bellow, pp.170-173.
    ② Ibid. p.170
    ③ Kazin, Alfred. New York Review of Books (3 Dec.1970):3-4.
    ④ Pinsker, Sanford. "The Headache of Explanation," Midstream (Oct.1987):56-58.
    ①此部分内容引自Bellow, Saul. Mr. Sammler's Planet. New York:Penguin Modern Classics,2007.以下标出页码,不再一一说明。
    ①Ginsberg, Allen. Howl, Kaddish and Other Poems. New York:Penguin,2009. pp.1-11.
    ②Mumford, Lewis. The Culture of Cities. New York:Harcourt, Inc.,1977. p.271.
    ①转引自乔国强:《辛格研究》。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2008年。第99页。原文可参见Ben Isaacson. Dictionary of the Jewish Religion. New York:A Bantam Book,1979. p.47.
    ③ Shattuck, Roger. "A Higher Selfishness?" from New York Review of Books (18 Sep.1975):21-25.
    ④ Glenday, Michael K.. Saul Bellow and the Decline of Humanism. London:Macmillan,1990. p.124.
    ① Rovit, Earl. "Saul Bellow and the Concept of the Survivor", in Saul Bellow and his Work. Edmond Schraepen. ed. (Brussels:1978), p.100. Quoted from Michael K. Glenday, Saul Bellow and the Decline of Humanism. London: Macmillan.1990. p.128
    ② Shattuck, Roger. "A Higher Selfishness?" from New York Review of Books (18 Sep.1975):21-25.
    ③ Shattuck, Roger. "A Higher Selfishness?" from New York Review of Books (18 Sep.1975):21-25.
    ④此小节的小说引用均来自Bellow, Saul. Herzog. New York:Penguin Modern Classics.2007.以下标出页码,不再一说明。
    ③转引自Michael K. Glenday, Saul Bellow and the Decline of Humanism. London:Macmillan Press,1990. p.1.
    ①Roudane,Matthew C."An Interview with Saul Bellow" Contemporary Literature 25.3(1984):265-280.
    ① Simmel, Georg. The Philosophy of Money (Third Enlarged Edition). Ed. David Frisby. Trans. Tom Bottomore and David Frisby. London and New York:Routledge,2004. pp.448-449.
    ② Roudane, Matthew C. "An Interview with Saul Bellow." Contemporary Literature 25.3 (1984):265-280.
    ②详情参见 Saul Bellow, Letters. Ed. Benjamin Taylor. New York:Viking,2010. p.559.
    ③ Ibid. pp.435-436.
    ④ Ibid. pp.454-456.
    ⑤比如乔纳森·威尔逊曾出版过一本有关贝娄的论著Wilson, Jonathan. On Bellow's Planet:Readings from the Dark Side. Rutherford, New Jersey:Fairleigh Dickinson University Press,1985此处转引自James Atlas, Bellow:A Biography. New York:Modern Library,2002. p.598.
    ② Bloom, Harold, ed. Saul Bellow:Modern Critical Views. New York:Chelsea House Publishers,1986. p.5.
    ②否定的评价有这样一些代表性的评论,比如Beatty, Jack. "A Novel of East and West." Review of The Dean's December. New Republic 3 Feb.1982:38-40.其中认为此部小说缺乏以往小说的凝炼,更为糟糕的是,知识分子的那种执着并没有得到戏剧化的描述。Walter Clemons在书评"A Tale of Two Cities." Review of The Dean s December. Newsweek 18 Jan.1982:86.中认为该小说是贝娄作品中最无趣的一部。
    ④ Besky, Seymour. "In Defense of Literature:Saul Bellow's The Dean's December." Universities Quarterly:Culture, Education and Society 39.1 (1984-85):59-84.此外还有John Updike,认为该文行文流畅,具有神秘主义色彩,形象生动且充满智慧。可参见John Updike, "Toppling Towers Seen by a Whirling Soul." Review of The Dean's December. New Yorker 22 Feb.1982:120-28.
    ⑤ Cohen, Joseph. "Saul Bellow's Heroes in an Unheroic Age," Saul Bellow Journal 3.1 (1983):53.
    ⑥ Newman, Judie. "Bellow and Nihilism:The Dean s December." Studies in the Literary Imagination 17.2 (1984):111-22.该文还指出跟以前贝娄的小说不同,在该小说中,真理和智慧来自于女性人物。
    ① Ben Siegel. "Still Not Satisfied:Saul Bellow on Art & Artists." Saul Bellow and the Struggle at the Center. Ed. Eugene Hollahan. New York:AMS Press,1996. pp.203-230.
    ① Bellow, Saul. Humboldt's Gift. New York:Penguin Modern Classics,2007. p.200.
    ② Cf. Bellow, Saul. "Writers, Intellectuals, Politics:Mainly Reminiscence" in Saul Bellow, It All Adds Up:From the Dim Past to the Uncertain Future, pp.98-114.
    ①虽然也有一些学者认为这部小说是贝娄反共产主义的小说,认为此部小说揭露了贝娄对东西方文化没落的批判,比如Levine, Paul. "The Dean's December:Between the Observatory and the Crematorium." Saul Bellow at Seventy-five:A Collection of Critical Essays. Studies & Texas in English 9. Tubingen:Narr,1991.125-36.
    ② Bellow, Saul. More Die of Heartbreak. New York:Penguin,2004. p.91
    ③ Roudane, Matthew C. "An Interview with Saul Bellow." Contemporary Literature 25.3 (1984):265-280.
    ④ Marcus, Steven. "Reading the Illegible:Modern Representations of Urban Experience." The Southern Review 22.3
    ① Miller, Ruth. Saul Bellow:A Biography of the Imagination. New York:St. Martin Press,1991. p.268.
    ② Goffman, Ethan. Imaging Each Other:Blacks and Jews in Contemporary American Literature. New York:State University of New York Press,2000. p.4.
    ③转引自Sallie Westwood and John Williams, ed. Imaging Cities:Scripts, Signs, Memory. London and New York: Routledge,1997. p.85.
    ① Bellow, Saul. Letters. Ed. Benjamin Taylor. New York:Viking,2010.p.393.
    ② Ibid. p.400.
    ③ McGuinness. Martin J.. "Invisible Man in Saul Bellow's The Dean's December." Saul Bellow Journal 16.2/17.1-2(2001):165-85.文章认为贝娄似乎对美国非裔视而不见。该文认为在此小说中,当人的权力被滥用的时候,剥削者和被剥削者都丧失了他们的人格尊严。科尔德本身对美国非裔持有一定的偏见。
    ④其实美国历史上犹太人和黑人的关系也经历了分分合合的局面。20世纪30年代以前犹太人害怕与黑人成为盟友。1934年爆发了一场反对犹太人剥削的行动,40年代的二战以及KKK的极大威胁,双方结成暂时的同盟,这种有利关系一直持续到50年代末60年代初。60年代美国黑人社会对美国犹太人产生了一种普遍的敌对情绪,一些黑人领袖也承认黑人团体中存在的反犹主义情绪。到了20世纪70年代,黑人的激进主义开始令犹太人感到恐惧,黑人憎恨白人,尤其是犹太人。进入80年代,这种紧张关系相对缓和。贝娄不同创作阶段的黑人形象或多或少受到这种政治背景的影响。有关美国历史上的犹太人与黑人关系问题可参考:Greenburg, Cheryl Lynn. Troubling the Waters:Black-Jewish Relations in the American Century. Princeton, New Jersey:Princeton University
    Press,2006.以及 Sundquist, Eric J. Strangers in the Land:Black, Jews, Post-Holocaust America. Cambridge, Masachusetts:The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,2005.还可参见Hasia R. Diner, The Jews of the United States,1654-2000. Berkeley & Los Angeles, California:University of California Press,2004.其中的第七章和第八章。
    ⑤ Bellow. Saul. Ravelstein. New York:Penguin,2000. p.56.
    ① Bellow Saul. More Die of Heartbreak. New York:Penguin,2004. p.8.
    ②转引自Liela H. Goldman,"The Dean s December:A Companion Piece to Mr. Sammler s Planet". Saul Bellow Journal 5.2 (1986):36-45.
    ③参见Richard Burgin, "The Sly Modernism of Isaac Bashevis Singer," in Brace Farrel, ed. Critical Essays on Isaac Bashevis Singer. New York:G. K. Hall & Co.,1996.pp.46-47,50-52.
    ④ Brauner, David. Post-War Jewish Fiction:Ambivalence, Self-Explanation and Transatlantic Connections. New York: Pilgrave,2001. p.9.
    ① David Brauner, Post-War Jewish Fiction:Ambivalence, Self-Explanation and Transatlantic Connections. New York:Pilgrave,2001. p.25.
    ②]987年出版的More Die of Heartbreak翻译为《愁思伤情》,本文所有引文均选取自Bellow, Saul. More Die of Hearbreak. New York:Penguin,2004.以下标明页码,不再一一说明。
    ③ Atlas, James. Bellow:A Biography. New York:Modern Library,2002. p.530.
    ⑤ Roudane, Matthew C.. "An Interview with Saul Bellow." Contemporary Literature 25.3 (1984):265-280.
    ① Marinelli, Peter V. Pastoral. London:Methuen & Co. Ltd.,1971. p.11.
    ② Gifford, Terry. Pastoral. London:Routledge,1999. pp.1-2.
    ①Marx. Leo. The Machine in the Garden:Technology and the Pastoral Ideal in America. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1964,2000. pp.5-6.
    ①马丁·阿米斯(Matin Amis)是贝娄的一位忘年交,也是一位才华横溢的作家。贝娄曾在阿米斯的创作道路上寄予他很多帮助。
    ② Atlas, James. Bellow:A Biography. New York:Modern Library,2002. p.536.
    ①转引自Simon Parker, Urban Theory and Urban Experience. London and New York:Routledge,2004. p.18.
    ① Atlas, James. Saul Bellow:A Biography. New York:Modern Library,2002. p.531.
    ①Bellow, Saul. Ravelstein. New York:Penguin Modern Classics.2008.以下标出页码,不再一一说明。
    ④转引自Allan Chavkin and Nancy Feyl Chavkin, "Bellow's Martyrs & Moralists. The Role of the Writer in Modern Society." Saul Bellow and the Struggle at the Center. Eugene Hollahan ed. New York:Ams Press,1996. pp.13-24.
    ③ Baumgarten, Murray. City Scripture:Modern Jewish Writing. Cambridge, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press, 1982. p.36.
    ② Atlas, James. Bellow:A Biography. New York:Modern Library,2002. p.54.这个故事在Ruth Miller写的贝娄的传记(Saul Bellow:A Biography of the Imagination. New York:St. Martin's Press,1991.)中也有说明。1935年贝娄从芝加哥大学转到西北大学的时候,从小就有作家梦的贝娄希望能转到英语系,结果被系主任告知上述一番话。详情可参见该书第9页。
    ① Chirantan Kulshrestha, "A Conversation with Saul Bellow," Chicago Review (Winter 1973), pp.7-15, The interview took place on January 12,1971.
    ②乔纳森·威尔逊曾出版过一本有关贝娄的论著Wilson, Jonathan. On Bellow's Planet:Readings from the Dark Side. Rutherford, New Jersey:Fairleigh Dickinson University Press,1985.
    ③转引自James Atlas, Bellow:A Biography. New York:Modern Library,2002. p.598.
    ④ Cohen, Steven and Arnold M. Eisen. The Jew Within:Self, Family, and Community in America. Bloomington, Indiana:Indiana University Press,2000. p.23.
    ⑤ Herberg, Will. Protestant-Catholic-Jew:An Essay in American Religious Sociology. New York:Anchor Book, Doubleday & Company,1960. p.183.
    ② Atlas, James. Bellow:A Biography. New York:Random House,2000. pp.248-249.
    ①Bell, Daniel. "Reflections on Jewish Identity." Commentary,1961,31:471.
    ① Ridder, Knight. "Saul Bellow rescued the American Novel." Philadelphia Inquirer, The (PA) (2005) on Thursday, April 7.
    ③ "Saul Bellow rescued the American Novel." Philadelphia Inquirer, The (PA) (2005) on Thursday, April 7.
    Bellow, Saul. "A World Too Much with Us." Critical Inquiry,2.1 (Autumn 1975):1-9.
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    Fuchs, Daniel. "Saul Bellow and the Modern Tradition." Contemporary Literature, Vol.15, No.1 (Winter,1974):67-89.
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    Goldman, Leila H. Saul Bellow's Moral Vision:A Critical Study of the Jewish Experience. New York: Irvington,1983.
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    Book, Doubleday & Company,1960. p.183.
    Holm, Astrid. "Existentialism and Saul Bellow's Henderson the Rain King." American Studies in Scandinavia Vol.10,1978:93-109.
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    Michelson, Bruce. "The Idea of Henderson." Twentieth Century Literature Vol.27, No.4 (Winter, 1981):309-24.
    Miller, Ruth. Saul Bellow:A Biography of the Imagination. New York:St. Martin's Press,1991.
    Mumford, Lewis. The Culture of Cities. New York:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.,1970.
    Nault, Marianne. Saul Bellow:His Works and His Critics:An Annotated International Bibliography. New York:Garland,1977.
    Newman, Judie. Saul Bellow and History. London:Macmillan Press,1984. "Bellow and Nihilism:The Dean's December." Studies in the Literary Imagination 17.2 (1984): 111-22.
    Noreen, Robert G. Saul Bellow:A Reference Guide. Boston:G. K. Hall,1978.
    Opdahl, Keith Michael. The Novels of Saul Bellow:An Introduction. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.1967.
    Parker, Simon. Urban Theory and Urban Experience. London and New York:Routledge,2004.
    Pifer, Ellen. Saul Bellow against the Grain. Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press,1994.
    Pinsker, Sanford. "Saul Bellow, Soren Kierkegaard and the Question of Boredom." Centennial Review, 1980,24(1):118-125. . "The Headache of Explanation," Midstream (Oct.1987):56-58.
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