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This dissertation is a study of the meta-problem of drama translation from the perspective of "situation". All my arguments can be condensed into one proposition: drama translation consists of situation translation and translational situation, which are intrinsically linked by the emotion embedded in the source text and that of the translator.
     The lack of systematic theories of drama translation to date can be attributed to the fact that most studies so far have shied away from the ontology of drama transla-tion. This dissertation suggests that the construction of systematic theories of drama translation is possible only after we have entered into the ontology of drama transla-tion. It further suggests that from the perspective of ontology, drama translation proper, i.e. drama translation in a strict sense, is the very cornerstone on which drama studies, translation studies, and drama translation studies can be possibly developed.
     The main method of research employed in this dissertation is the formulation and confirmation of hypotheses through reasoning supplemented by a review of literature, multidisplinarity, qualitative and quantitative analyses, and cross-validation. Firstly, three major controversial issues in the theoretical studies of drama translation are dis-cussed, i.e. whether drama translation should be defined in a broad sense or narrow sense; whether the play text is best characterized by its literariness or theatricality; and whether the translator's role is a dominant one or a subordinate one in the process of drama translation. Solutions are then offered, that is, drama translation should be defined in its narrow sense; the play text is characterized by its dramaticality with both literariness and theatricality; and the translator plays a dominant role on his own home ground—drama translation. Secondly, the ontological approach to drama trans-lation is proposed on the basis of a thorough study of the existing literature. Accord-ing to this proposal, the research objects should be the play form and the translator's psychology, and the study of drama translation should take its very "nature" and "ori- gin" as its point of departure. A hypothesis is then formulated that the meta-problem of drama translation consists of situation translation and translational situation, and that situation translation constitutes the nature of drama translation, while translation-al situation is its origin.
     In the main part of the dissertation, the nature and the origin of drama translation are expounded and verified from the two dimensions of dramatic situation ontology and the translator's psychology, with the aid of other theories and methods from phe-nomenological aesthetics, language philosophy, art and literary psychology. In the process of discussion, situation translation and translational situation are elaborated theoretically with regard to their connotations, functions and significance on the basis of textual analysis. It is pointed out that situation translation involves the transfer of the dramatic situation of the source text into the target text, that the preservation of dramatic situation is the criterion of evaluating the identity between the source text and the target text, and that translational situation refers to the translator's psycholog-ical state at the time of translation, which is the emotional drive behind the act of drama translation, and which also contributes to the different traits of the target text from those of the source text. In the discussion on our idea that "situation translation is the nature of drama translation", the focus is on the process of translating, in which our arguments are developed step by step in support of the proposition. When dis-cussing the idea that "translational situation is the origin of drama translation", we proceed from a comparative analysis of the source text and the target text and prove the validity of the statement with concrete examples.
     A comprehensive analysis is made of situation translation. After a brief introduc-tion to the main points of dramatic situation ontology advanced by Tan Peisheng, this dissertation suggests that in drama translation, this theory should include another point, that is, the dramatic situation is revealed by the translator's psychological inten-tion via language. It is pointed out that the dramatic situation is the criterion for judg- ing the identity between the target text and the source text. Based on Roman Ingar-den's theory about the stratification of literary works, image-thinking of drama and poetic literary language, we suggest that the dramatic situation is composed of three strata:the stratum of language, that of image, and that of essence, which are key to effective understanding of the structure and significance of the play under translation. As the translation of the dramatic form is a major concern of the poetics of drama translation, this dissertation proposes the notion of the identity of the verbal expres-sion, image recreation, and emotional expression of the situation, which are presented as the poetic identity between the two texts.
     Then a thorough analysis is made of the translational situation. We claim that the translational situation is the psychological state of the translator. On the basis of the viewpoint that "the human being is the root of translation", it is confirmed that trans-lational situation is the origin of drama translation, and thus the question of where drama translation comes from and how it comes into being is answered. We contend that the psychological state of the translator is constructed with his consciousness, pre-consciousness, and unconsciousness, the last of which agrees with the translation ontology, since it constitutes the translation situation which, as is further argued, is what guides the translator in the process of translating irrespective of his wish. This argument is then followed by a discussion on the manifestations of the origin of translational situation in three aspects, i.e. the empathy of the translator, the isomorph and tension between situation translation and translational situation, and the psycho-logical implications in the target text. The hidden impact of translational situation upon drama translation is analyzed from the perspectives of verbal expression, image recreation, and emotional expression of the situation. In the following analysis of the visible impact of translation situation on drama translation, we offer an answer to the puzzling question of why translated plays need to be retranslated every two decades that the identicalness between the source text and the old target text tends to be over- whelmed by the increasing incongruousness between them due to the development of the target language and the necessity of reconstructing the dramatic situation with new linguistic resources for the new generation of target audience. Finally, it is suggested that the task of the drama translator is to set a correct viewpoint of drama translation, have a good grasp of dramatic theories, and keep a balance between objective transla-tion and translational empathy. In short, it is the embodiment of the translator's love for the play and duty to represent it faithfully to the target audience.
     The dissertation affirms the validity of the hypothesis that the meta-problem of drama translation consists of situation translation and translational situation. Of the two, the former is the nature of drama translation, while the latter is its origin, which are intrinsically linked by the emotion embedded in the source text and that of the translator. The correctness of the proposition could be verified repeatedly. Secondly, we have defined a number of terms about drama translation including drama transla-tion, situation translation, translational situation, meta-problem, identity, difference, image, latent and outstanding situations, and situation rhythm. It is emphasized that "situation" is a key word in answering fundamental questions such as "what is drama translation" and "how does drama translation come to be what it is", but it is also in-dispensable in solving other knotty problems such as the object of drama translation, the assessment of translated plays, and the role of the translator.
     The solution offered by this dissertation to the meta-problem of drama translation is a new starting point for the construction of systematic theories of drama translation, which means more translations of plays in the strict sense can be expected in the near future. Being the first and most important problem of drama translation, the meta-problem contains all the paradoxes and mysteries inherent in drama translation. Its solution means that all other theoretical problems could be solved subsequently. Therefore, it is safe to say that the study of the meta-problem of drama translation is of significance not only in ontology, but also in epistemology and methodology of drama translation.
1 1919年3月15日,胡适在答复一封关于戏剧翻译的信时说:“我们的宗旨在于借戏剧输入这些戏剧里的思想。足下试看我们那本《易卜生号》,便知道我们注意的易卜生并不是艺术家的易卜生,乃是社会改革家的易卜生。”参见《答T.F.C.(论译戏剧)》(胡适1919:333)。
    2 详情请参见附录一:剧情及翻译要点。
    3 中国本土戏剧创作所受外国戏剧的影响,在话剧方面有实验话剧和先锋前卫的小剧场演出作品;在戏曲方面有越剧《海上夫人》等,可参见《心比天高:中国戏剧演绎西方经典》(孙惠柱,费春放2012)。
    4 在对中国古代戏剧翻译的考证中发现:古代戏剧在中国,古代戏剧翻译在外国,因为中国古代戏剧的翻译者主要是外国的汉学家,如Stanislas Julien、William Dolby,和海外华人学者,如陈受颐、熊式一。1731年,法国耶稣会教士马若瑟(Joseph de Prenare)翻译的《赵氏孤儿》是中国第一部外译的戏剧。考虑到戏剧翻译的发生地点及译者国籍,所以不能以1731年为国内戏剧翻译研究起点。可参见《英语世界的中国传统戏剧研究与翻译》(曹广涛2011)、《汉籍外译史》(马祖毅,任荣珍1997)、《中国翻译通史:古代部分》和《中国翻译通史:现当代部分》(马祖毅等2006)。
    5 皮姆认为翻译可分为严格翻译(translation proper)和非严格翻译(translation),参见Method in Translation History (Pym 1998).
    6 在提及文本时,通常是译本和源文本的排列顺序,原因在于:译本是翻译场中的“光源”。参见《翻译的本体论研究》(蔡新乐2005:57)。
    7 每个剧本的源文本和译本版本信息均附录于参考文献。对于译本,为了强调译作本身,条目以译者的姓名开始,在文献的标题之后补充说明作者的姓名。
    8 同时参考方平校译本。
    9 《莎乐美》英译本均无译者姓名,原因详见3.3.1.2句法内隐的译者之情。此英译本经考证后确定译者为Lord Alfred Douglas和Oscar Wilde。
    10 此英译本经考证后确定译者为Robert Ross。
    11 “戏剧”一词,狭义指希腊诗剧和话剧,广义还包括戏曲等。本研究中的“戏剧”包括戏曲、诗剧和话剧,因为它们具有共同的质料载体,即语言文字,这些可称之为“语言戏剧”。与之相对的“非语言戏剧”,如 阿尔托的“残酷戏剧”,在反语言的同时也反翻译。至于歌剧翻译,因其译配性质,不属于语言戏剧翻译范畴,可参见《歌剧翻译与研究》(孙慧双1998)。另外,无论是黄梅戏版、越剧版的《西厢记》,还是川剧、京剧版的《麦克白》,黄梅戏、越剧、川剧和京剧这些剧种只是外在的表现形式,其所依据的剧本文字是固定不变的,这也从一个侧面说明了语言文字具有持存的性质。
    12 关于外国戏剧最早中译的另一种说法是,1907年春柳社在日本东京演出的《茶花女》。译者是留学生曾孝谷(1873-1937)。当时春柳社演出的是小仲马《茶花女》的第三幕,这个译本也没有流传下来。田禽认为,“中国翻译剧本之拓荒者,首推李石曾先生,他于一九○八年出版了《夜未央》。”第一部中译剧是《夜未央》而不是《茶花女》,原因在于春柳社的《茶花女》根据小说改译,只演了第三幕,结构不完整,与源文本相去甚远;而李石曾的《夜未央》首次把西方话剧的样貌比较完整地呈现出来。何为第一部中译剧,直接影响到外国戏剧研究者对中国戏剧的认知,如Aaltonen S在其著作中认为《茶花女》是最早的中译剧(2000:24)。
    13 近代翻译戏剧有文本记录的最早译者是李石曾,李石曾翻译的第一个剧本是波兰廖抗夫(Leopold Kampf,1874-1913)的戏剧《夜未央》(Am Vorabend),1908年法国万国美术研究社出版了李石曾的中译本。《夜未央》是具有浓厚政治色彩的剧本,剧本很快又在广州革新书局出版,并受到资产阶级革命派的欢迎。参见《文学经典的翻译与解读—西方先哲的文化之旅》(郭延礼2007)
    14 本研究认为,理论是关于各种事实的有条理的研究,或者对于表达各种事实的概念之间关系的理性研究。翻译理论有两个来源:一是实践;一是理性的逻辑推理。翻译理论的五个功能分别是:认知、解释、批判、方法和预测。
    15 在《戏剧翻译研究》(孟伟根2012)一书中,认为郭沫若、老舍和曹禺的某些观点属于国内戏剧翻译的主要理论,本文认为这种提法值得商榷。在中国戏剧翻译史中,只有胡适、朱生豪、梁实秋、英若诚、余光中、焦菊隐、许渊冲明确提出了戏剧翻译理论或类戏剧翻译理论。其他戏剧译者没有明确提出过戏剧翻译理论,他们的戏剧翻译思想需要挖掘整理后才能获得,如:洪深、田汉、郭沫若、老舍、曹禺、潘家洵、李健吾、芳信、周作人、罗念生、童道明、陈良廷、卞之琳、屠岸、赵少侯、张威廉、杨武能、吕同六、王央乐、刘安武、梅绍武等。
    16 详见1.2.2焦菊隐的整体观。
    17 焦菊隐(1905.12-1975.2)是中国著名的戏剧家,也是著名的翻译家,他精通英语、法语、德语和拉丁语,有二十余部译著,翻译重点是戏剧作品和戏剧理论。焦菊隐除了在译文中以“序”的形式记录翻译心得,还在《翻译通报》上发表了两篇重要的翻译评论:《论翻译批评》(1950)和《论直译》(1951)。因其在 翻译实践和翻译理论上的成就,焦菊隐提出的“整体论”被认为是中国传统翻译思想中十大学说之一。中国传统翻译思想十大学说包括:文质说、信达雅说、信顺说、翻译创作论、翻译美学论、翻译艺术论、意境论、神似说、化境说和整体论,详见《20世纪中国翻译思想史》(王秉钦2004)。虽然焦菊隐在这两篇译论中没有直接论述戏剧翻译问题,但因其戏剧家和戏剧翻译家的身份,可推知这个具有普遍意义的译论更适用于戏剧翻译研究。
    18 可参见王秉钦的著作《20世纪中国翻译思想史》(2004);张思永的文章《焦菊隐“整体观”翻译思想现代阐释——格式塔心理学视角》(2011)。另外,对焦菊隐翻译思想的概述和探讨还可参考陈福康的著作《中国译学理论史稿(修订本)》(2000);温建平的文章《翻译中相对价值的产生及其再现》(2010)。
    19 因与戏剧翻译研究相关的著作和报纸文章繁杂,且文字质量良莠不齐,根据本文研究内容,只选录了有参考价值的著作和报刊文章。
    20 在万方数据知识服务平台提取数据的时间为2013年1月下旬。
    21 PKU指被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录。
    22 2001年年度命中数为0.97,指的是戏剧翻译2001年每百万期刊论文中命中0.97篇文献,以下年份年度命中数依此类推。
    23 2001年青岛译学学科建设专题研讨会标志着中国译学开始了独立建设阶段。
    24 2008年戏剧翻译论文篇数和年度命中数未达到最高值,原因是论文发表时滞,2008年的投稿,发表时间可能是2009年或者2010年。
    25 根据万方数据知识平台,经典文献指的是以论文质量和其他相关因素为评判标准,与研究和主题相关的高质量成果。但必须说明的是,这些经典文献中有些不能达到通常意义上的“经典”标准,之所以被列入经典文献之中,主要原因是发表日期早而使下载数和引用数明显高于后发表的高质量文献。尽管这样,这些经典文献仍然可以表明戏剧翻译研究的重点和趋向。
    26 研究前沿文献,指2011年和2012年近两年内的文献。数据读取时间为2013年1月下旬。
    27 分隔号“/”前为博士生姓名,后为博士导师姓名。
    28 以“戏剧翻译..为题的研究专著,绝大多数是在作者博士论文的基础上修改完善而成,与博士论文重复的专著就不再列出。
    29 吴朱红,戏剧翻译家、戏剧编导。译作主要收录在三部《西方现代戏剧译作》中。第一辑《吴朱红外国新剧译作集》中加拿大戏剧《纪念碑》2000年在北京演出时引起轰动。第三辑《吴朱红外国戏剧译丛之以色列集》中共有三部转译的以色列剧作。作为艺人译者,吴朱红在文本选择上倾向于探讨战争、政治、人性和生死问题的剧作,她的选择给九十年代国内发展滞缓的戏剧翻译注入新的活力。吴朱红的译笔能准确再现源文本中的残酷、大气、深刻和细腻。对不同的剧作,她能恰当运用不同戏剧翻译策略,如改译《家有娇妻》,转译以色列戏剧。
    30 胡开奇,戏剧翻译家,纽约市教委终身教职,中国国家话剧院北美戏剧顾问。译作主要收录在《萨拉·凯恩戏剧集》、《迈克·弗雷恩戏剧集》、《枕头人:英国当代名剧集》等剧作集中。胡开奇在剧本选择上具有“新、广、深”特点,译笔凝练干净,无赘词。胡开奇译作的数量和质量,在当下戏剧翻译中处于领先位置。
    31 华明,南京师范大学影视艺术研究所所长,戏剧博士、品特研究专家。主要译作有《品特戏剧集》,其中共有《归于尘土》、《送菜升降机》等13部剧作及5篇演讲,这是哈罗德·品特戏剧首次在中国结集出版。华明于2003年翻译出版了马丁·艾思林的《荒诞派戏剧》。品特的剧作都是翻耕人性的作品,只有专门研究才能译好,华明是当下戏剧翻译态度日趋严谨的译者代表。
    32 非中文版文献,若未注明译者,均为笔者所译。
    33 虽然巴斯奈特对戏剧翻译的思考受益于戏剧符号学,但她并不完全赞同戏剧符号学的观点,如:她认为帕维提出的译者任务是“超人化”。另外,巴斯奈特强调文化的独特性,而帕维认为文化具有普遍性。
    38 对“何为元问题”的讨论,主要参考夏之放在《论块垒——文学理论元问题研究》(2007)中对“元问题”的观点。
    49 “具体的语音材料”指的是偶然的、个别的、变动的、每次都有所不同的、因人而异的发音.而“语音的典型形象”则是一般的、标准的、固定不变的、始终如一的,请参见《文学现象学:英加登<论文学作品>研究》(郭勇健2011)。
    56 划分参考了文章Lucky's Speech in Beckett's Waiting for Godot:A Punctuated Sense-Line Arrangement, (Atkins 1967:426-432).
    71 杨周翰在分析《李尔王》中的nature时指出,nature包含两个层次:宇宙秩序(cosmic order)和人性(human nature),人性作为伦理范畴概念源自物理自然并且与物理自然相呼应。参见King Lear Metamorphosed (Yang Zhouhan 1987:256).
    72 此书最初版本信息为:Wilde O. Salome:Drame en un Acte. Paris:Librairie de L'Art Independant; London: Elkin Mathews & John Lane,1893.现已不易寻到。法文版题献给“我的朋友皮埃尔·路易”。
    73 《莎乐美》中王尔德式的法语有很多,如tu和vous, enfin, on dirait, fut-ce,具体可以参考:Oscar Wilde as a French writer:Considering Wilde's French in Salome (MacDonald 2011:21-36).
    76 一个真正优秀的翻译工作者的价值是值得用黄金衡量的。据说9世纪的“翻译之王”,阿拉伯学者侯乃尼·伊本·伊斯哈格的薪金就是这样计算的。他受之无愧,因为他把柏拉图、亚里士多德、希波克拉底的著作,以及《圣经·旧约》和盖伦的几乎全部科学著作都翻译成了阿拉伯文和古叙利亚文。引自黄长著的文章《黄金译者的成就之道》,载于2012年12月21日《中国社会科学报》第240期。
    77 此语引自电影《面纱》的台词When love and duty are one, then grace is within you.
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