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Internet, for its interactivity, openness, attractiveness, has played an important role in the developing of the society and also provided vast space for the growth of the young students. On the other hand, problems such as Internet choose, hikers,internet virus and quick spread of unhealthy information is getting more and more seriously. Internet, in some sense, has become a dangerous pitfall to the innocent young students. The research on the influence of the Internet on the students is still rare. Vocational education is a main way to providequalified human resources that embodies not only on their knowledge technique but also on the development of public morality. Therefore the study of the impact Internet has imposed on the students is necessary and a must.
     The thesis is divided into four:
     The first part: characteristic of vocational students and the state of their access to the Internet. Vocational students refers those who aged between 16 and 19 with the characteristics that they have a certain of individual thinking ability, and are independent, hopeful to future. Show great interest to new atmosphere and longing to learn, begin to seek with a certain aim in their growing up. The other side is that they are generally not stable emotionally, and lack of self-control, cold, autistic, easy feel frustrated, intolerant; thirdly, they generally lack pursuance, reasonable social cognition; fourthly, they tend to be self-abased and meanwhile too much self-centered; finally, withered social psychology, deviant behavior in the contact with the opposite sex, obvious generation gap between teachers and lack of necessary trust.
     The second part: positive influence moral character education from the Internet. Moral character refers to many attributes including an individual’s subjective attitude and be have our to the country, people, career etc. under a certain political principle, legal frame and moral criteria. The positive influences from the Internet lie mainly in that it provides students more learning material and enriches learning style such as to increase their interest in the lesson, develop their self-awareness, motivate innovation inspiration for Internet is open, interactive and sharable.
     The third part: negative influences from the Internet and reason analysis. Internet firstly cause an incorrect attitude to world, life and value; secondly vocational students are not mature enough to resist the lure from the Internet and easy to get addicted to it; thirdly long term of interaction between lead to an indifference to the environment and intensify their communication obstacles; finally the masking feature of the Internet tend to lure those of weak minded or lack of responsibility to commit immoral behavior on the Internet, which manifested in real life as more extreme attitude toward others, much less responsibility to society. The reasons that cause so much negative influences are mainly particularity at their psychological development stage failed communication with family or insufficiently guided in school authority’s lack of awareness to the Internet morality the erosion from dark side of society the negative effect of the Internet
     The fourth part: measures to eliminate the negative effect from the Internet, Make full use of the school education; emphasize the importance of Internet moral education .families should play an important part in the moral education and parents set a model for children and develop a correct way to use the Internet. Teaching professionals and parents should connect the whole society to offer a civilized, clean Internet environment for the students.
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