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Fresh produce is the necessity of our life, and is correlative with the national economy and the people's livelihood. Fresh produce's development and circulation with stabilization, persistence and efficiency, it would be satisfied the building social's need. Fresh produce has its own attributes (such as: fresh, natural wastage in circulation, short life cycle, infection by natural environment and so on), these factors above and the basic actuality of fresh produce supply chain of our country, which deciding the risk management of fresh produce supply chain is the emphases and difficulties in research. On the other hand, the fresh produce's trade mode of our country is drop behind of the world level, which is a majority of the“face to face”trade mode, as a result, it increases the market risk of the fresh produce circulation. However, to manage the costly risks just mentioned, options contracts are becoming increasingly popular in supply chain management. Derivatives have been used to manage risk at companies such as: IBM printer division, Sun Microsystems, Hewlett Packard Company and so on. This thesis researched the fresh produce supply chain, combining the risk management with options games, in order to research and discuss its stochastic models. The main contents of this dissertation were as followed:
     In chapter 1, which was the Introduction, first of all, the relative background was introduced, and the theory and practice meaning was expatiated. Then, based on the summary of relative references, not only domestic but also foreign researchers on the fresh produce supply chain management and options contracts with risk management problems were summarized. After that, the main research contents and methods of the thesis were pointed out.
     In Chapter 2, the circulation wastage was introduced in the stochastic models, and one-supplier with one-retailer case was researched. First of all, the foundational theory and method of the thesis was discussed, which included Newsboy Model Theory, Deterministic Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items Theory. The one-supplier which could offer the produce as well as the options contract, and the retailer's optimal procurement decisions was studied. The conclusions with models comparing and the conclusions after numerical study were gotten, and then the brief summary was suggested.
     In Chapter 3, the produce's circulation wastage was introduced, and two-supplier with one-retailer case was researched. The two-supplier which could only offer the options contract, which reflecting the produce's quality by option executing price, and the retailer's optimal procurement decisions was studied. Firstly, the maximized profit models which were the retailer ordered the options contract from anyone supplier and got each optimal ordering quantity and the maximum profit. Secondly, the chapter researched the model about the retailer ordering from both suppliers. After that, the conclusions with comparing and the conclusions after numerical study were gotten, and finally the brief summary was suggested.
     In Chapter 4, the fresh produce's fresh degree was introduced in the stochastic models, and one-supplier with one-retailer case was researched. It is supposed the demand would be affected by the farm produce's fresh degree, and the retailer's procurement models both without options case and with options case were built. After that, the conclusions with comparing and the conclusions after numerical study were gotten, and finally the brief summary was suggested. Furthermore, this chapter was the base of the next chapter with produce's fresh degree.
     In Chapter 5, was based on chapter 4, with the circulation wastage introduced into, and the supply chain management policy about one-supplier with one-retailer case was researched. Firstly, the retailer's optimal procurement decision and the supplier's optimal carrying decision both without options case and with options case are gotten by building models. After that, the conclusions both from the supplier's point of view and from the retailer's point of view with comparing and the conclusions after numerical study were gotten, and finally the brief summary was suggested.
     In Chapter 6, which were the part called Conclusions and Further Research. The main conclusions and innovation points from the above chapters of the dissertation were summarised and the perspective for the further research were pointed out.
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