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     第四章采用实证研究的方法,分二节来研究金融业税收政策的微观经济效应问题。第一节应用ETR (effective tax rate)指标,结合我国房地产、高科技、工业、公用、金融、商业及综合七大基础行业中有代表性的70家上市公司2006年到2010年5个会计年度的平均ETR指标及国际上主要国家金融业的税率与金融机构的实际税负,通过横向比较的方式,研究了我国金融业的税负问题,研究发现主要有三点:一是2006年-2010年间金融业样本上市公司ETR均值约为32.07%,在我们选定的7大行业样本均值中处于中游,低于房地产业(46.14%)、商业(35.99%)与综合业(33.56%);二是从国际比较上看,我国金融业样本上市公司的ETR未高于经济发达国家金融机构的平均水平,究其原因,则是由于负利率、高存贷款利差等形成的制度性红利造成的高利润在很大程度上抵销了税制对税负的影响,因此不能轻言中国金融业税负过重;三是通过实证检验,2000年-2010年间我国银行业上市公司ETR指标、ROA指标间不存在“协整”关系,进一步验证了税负因素并不是影响银行业盈利水平的主要因素。第二节通过面板数据回归模型,结合5家上市银行2000年-2010年的真实财务数据,研究金融业直接税与间接税对银行业的信贷规模、营业收入与净利润等经营指标的影响,研究发现相对于直接税,间接税对银行业的信贷规模、收入、利润等指标的影响更为显著,其中间接税每增加一个百分点,银行业的信贷规模相应减少0.7个百分点,间接税对信贷规模等指标的调控作用明显高于直接税,政府应重视并可考虑通过间接税来加强对宏观经济中金融商品规模与金融业发展的调控。
Since the outbreak of the2008Global Financial Crisis, with the proposals of a series of taxation policies such as the "financial transaction tax","Contribution tax on financial stability","financial activities tax","bank tax","banker's bonus tax", etc. being put forward, taxation policies in financial industry have become one of the subjects that attract the most attention from the global taxation field. In China, as the economic monetization and financialization keep getting deeper, the Chinese economy has also been impacted by a series of financial uncertainties, such as "savings structural imbalance","excess liquidity","significant rise of assets price","sharp fluctuations of financial markets","The impact of hot money from overseas","popular private lending", etc. The healthy development of the Chinese financial industry is confronted with the obstacles of the external factors, such as excessively high proportion of indirect financing, and slow development of interest rate liberalization reform. Moreover, the financial industry itself has the problems of severe homogeneous competition, over dependence on earnings of differences between deposits and loans, slow progress of disintermediation, etc, which all put forward new subjects for the taxation policies in the financial industry in China. In the huge macroeconomic system, what is the interactivity among finance, economy and taxation? What are the specific influences of taxation policies on credit expansions, revenues and profits of financial institutions? How to objectively regard the tax burden problem of the Chinese financial industry? What are the lessons and enlightenments can China draw from the taxation theories and practices of the international financial industry in the wake of the2008Financial Crisis? Facing the complex and variable economic and financial situation, how can the taxation policies in the Chinese financial industry coordinate the neutral principle and the macro-control principle? These issues are critical to the healthy development of the Chinese financial industry and even to the overall macro economy. This article carries out systematic study and argumentation centering on these issues. It tries to offer a few remarks by way of introduction so that others may come up with valuable opinions which can provide certain valuable references for the taxation policies making in the Chinese financial industry.
     The First chapters is introduction, and the main body of the article is divided into six chapters.
     The normative analysis method is adopted in the Second Chapter which investigates the basic theories closely related to taxation policies for the financial industry in three sections. The First Section starts with defining the concepts and scopes of finance, financial industry and taxation policies for the financial industry, and then it makes basic studies and discussions on some basic issues such as the origin, characteristics and functions of finance, categories of taxation policies for the financial industry, etc. The second section deals with the economic effects of financial taxation. It is discovered through the study that on the macro level, taxation policies for the financial industry can promote macroeconomic efficiency, increase governments' tax revenues, curb financial risks and prevent the "industry hollowing out" caused by "Excessive financialization". On the micro level, the taxation policies for the financial industry can both influence the scale and structure of the financial industry, as well as the factors closely related with the business and development of the financial industry, such as the scale and structure of the financial products and services, business performance, corporate governance, etc. Therefore, making scientific taxation policies for the financial industry plays a vital role in the development of the macro economy and financial industry. Three principles of "efficiency priority","neutrality and regulation in parallel" and "structural balance and finance serves for the real economy" are put forward in the third Section.
     The empirical research method is adopted in the Third Chapter which is divided into two sections for researching the macroeconomic effects of the taxation policies for the financial industry. The analysis methods of VAR model, Granger Causality Test and regression analysis are adopted in the First Section. Based on the macroeconomic data of China from1978to2009, the interactivity of three factors, economic growth, financial development and tax revenue, is researched, which discovers the following three main points:Firstly, there exists the only "cointegration relationship" among GDP, financial industry added value, financial institution loan balance and tax revenue in China; secondly, the financial institution loan balance is the strong Granger cause for GDP growth, rather than the financial industry added value. This indicates that the correlation is stronger between financial industry efficiency promotion and economic growth, in comparison with financial industry scale; thirdly, one percentage point growth of financial institution loan balance per year can push up0.79percentage point growth of GDP. In the Second Section, the panel data regression and double logarithmic equation methods are utilized to study the relationship between financial development and local fiscal revenue, based on the actual data in1978-2008from15Provinces and cities in eastern, middle, western China. Two main points are found out through the study:firstly, for every one percentage point growth of local financial institution loan balance, the local fiscal revenue increases by0.65percentage point in the same direction; secondly, the effect of financial institution loan generating fiscal revenue is considerably correlated with economic development level.
     The empirical research method is adopted in the Fourth Chapter which is divided into two sections for researching the microeconomic effects of the taxation policies for the financial industry. In the First Section, the tax burden of the Chinese financial industry is researched, using the indicator of effective tax rate (ETR),combining the yearly average ETR indicators of5accounting years in2006-2010from70representative public companies in the7big basic industries of real estate, hi-tech, manufacturing, financial, commerce and comprehensive, which discovers three main points:Firstly, the average ETR of the sample public companies in the financial industry in2006-2010is approximately32.07%, which ranks on the middle level among the7big industries, lower than the real estate industry (46.14%), commerce (35.99%) and comprehensive industry; secondly, compared internationally, no matter in terms of tax rate or the comparison among specific financial institutions, the ETR of the Chinese financial industry is not higher than those of the financial industries of the developed countries. The reason for this is that the high profit generated by the institutional dividends such as negative interest rate, interest spreads between deposits and loans that are higher than the international level, etc offset the taxation system's influences on tax burden to a large extent. Therefore, it cannot be easily said that the tax burden of the Chinese financial industry is excessively heavy. Thirdly, through the empirical test, it is concluded that there exists no cointegration relationship between the ETR and ROA indicators of the public companies in the banking industry in China in2000-2010, which further verifies that tax is not the major influencing factor for the profitable level of the banking industry. In the Second Section, using the panel data regression model, the influences of direct and indirect taxes for the financial industry on business indicators such as credit expansion, operating revenue and net profit, etc are researched, based on the real financial data from the5public banks in2000-2010. The research discovers that in comparison with direct taxes, the indirect taxes have more remarkable influences on indicators such as credit scale, revenue, profit, etc. For every one percentage point increase of indirect taxes, the credit scale of banks decreases by0.7percentage point. The regulation effect of indirect taxes on indicators such as credit scale is apparently better than direct taxes. Therefore, governments should attach importance to indirect taxes and consider using indirect taxes to enhance the regulations on the financial products scale and financial industry development in the macro economy.
     The Fifth Chapter studies the theories and policies of the international financial industry in three sections. The First Section studies the direct tax policies of the international financial industry, which discovers that the difference of direct tax rates of the international financial industry is relatively large and the direct tax rate of the Chinese financial industry is on the middle level of that of the international financial industry. In view of peculiarity of defining the revenues and costs, Specialized direct tax policy need to be developed by Government for financial industries.The Second Section studies the indirect tax policies of the international financial industry, which discovers that it's technically more difficult to levy value added tax on the financial industry and at present there's no relevant international practices yet, for the policy purpose of reducing capital flow restriction, most countries implement the policy of complete tax exemptions for financial services provided by the financial industries, or tax exemption for core financial services.The Third Section discusses the theories and practices of the taxation policies for the international financial industry after the2008Financial Crisis. Firstly, the international academic world and governments commonly believe that the financial activities by financial institutions have prominent externalities. Because the neutral principle of taxation is not fully applicable to the financial industry, government should employ tax tools to regulate and control financial externalities. Secondly, taxation policies are effective tools for modulating financial institutions'earnings and costs in a wider scope, and the taxation regulation and control principle needs to be attached with importance and employed in taxation policies for the financial industry. Thirdly, viewing from overseas practices, loosening financial control and implementing financial mixed operation can have tremendous influences on taxation policies for the financial industry, which needs deep researches by the tax theory world. Fourthly, the policy of indirect tax exemption for the financial industry objectively leads to regulatory missing of taxation. That is, governments cannot regulate and control financial externalities with tax tools, which objectively enlarge financial externalities effects that further enlarge the systematic financial risks. This is particularly remarkable in the countries that exempt indirect taxes for their financial industries, such as in U.K. and U.S.A. Fifthly,viewing from the theories and practices of the various new taxation policies put forward internationally since the2008Financial Crisis, such as the financial transaction tax, financial institution tax, bankers'bonus tax, financial activities tax,etc, they all have problems of weak operability,big implementation difficulty, inconformity of policies by various countries, being difficult to assess the policy effects, etc.
     The Sixth Chapter studies the theory and hot issues relate to the financial sector tax policy in four sections. The First Section studies the financial externalities which highlights in the2008financial crisis, it is discovered that the financial externalities are closely related with the financial functions, the business model of the industry itself, etc of the modern financial industry. Besides, Financial negative externalities lead to excessive expansion of the number of financial products in the market, beyond the needs of the real economy is an important factor in the cause systemic financial risks, which must be rectified with a series of measures. Because financial services have characteristics of public products, it is difficult to rectify effectively the financial externalities through the traditional way of defining property right in order to internalize the externalities as the private sector does. Therefore, the resolutions of the public sector should be borrowed, such as taxation, to rectify the financial externalities, which constitute the logic starting point for governments employing taxation policies to regulate and control the financial industry. Combination of the basic theory of international capital flows and China's actual conditions, the Tobin Tax Implementation is syudied in China in Second Section studies. The Third Section discusses the challenges and recommendations on the tax impact of financial innovation. The fourth section based on the basic principle of the economy, taxes and taxation system in China the status quo of China's financial sector reform to levy VAT to do the research and consultative.
     The Seventh Chapter studies the policies of China financial industry in two sections. Combined with China's reform and opening up the tax and financial reform background China's financial sector tax policy content, features, and insufficient is to do the research and analysis in three stages in the first section. China's financial sector tax policy-related recommendations is put forward from general guideline, the taxation system construction and the supportive reform in the second section. There are four proposals for the general guideline: firstly, to create sound taxation environment to promote financial industry efficiency; secondly, to attach importance to the indirect tax regulatory tool for the financial industiy, coordinated with the monetary policies by the Central Bank, and further enhance the macro regulation and control; thirdly, to objectively regard the tax burden issue of the financial industry. Under the condition that the long-term negative interest rates and high interest rate spreads between deposits and loans have not been changed fundamentally, light tax burden should not be imposed on the financial industry. Fourthly, it is suggested to adopt differential tax rate, preferential tax rate, etc to further enhance the guiding effect of taxation policies on financial development. For example, to establish progressive income tax system to help small-medium enterprises obtain more financial resources such as loans; to carry out preferential tax policies for the financial institutions in remote and impoverished areas in order to improve the financial development of these areas. For the taxation system construction, it is suggested that governments establish and perfect the taxation system for the financial industry according to the business characteristics of the financial industry, including the revenue recognition mechanism, bad loan prevention and control mechanism, etc, in order to help financial enterprises adapt to domestic and international complex financial situations and more effectively defend against financial risks. There are two aspects for the supportive reform: firstly, it is suggested establishing and perfecting the financial assets tax system in China as soon as possible; secondly, steadily promoting the interest rate liberalization reform.
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