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The socialism market economy is the credit economy, and the credit is the important guarantee for the establishment of market economy, and also promotes the healthy development of the national economy. Therefore, from the angle of ethics exploring the meaning of credit, relating reality, and analyzing the basic mentality and ethics principle of constructing credit in socialism market economy, has already became the important topic of the economical ethics.
     Working purpose: I choose the ethics of credit in socialism market economy as the research direction, for there are lots of problems on credit in socialism market economy and the construction of credit system is very necessary. From ethics angle, I analyze the meaning of credit, discuss the problems on credit and the specific measures and ethics principle of constructing credit in socialism market economy, and I hope I can supply some practice and theory for the construction of credit in socialism market economy.
     Researching approach: I have mainly used comparison methodology, real diagnosis methodology, and explanation methodology in order to write the paper. By comparison methodology, I comparatively analyze the historical and cultural traditions of credit in China and the ethical values of credit in Western countries, and further analyze the modern meaning of the credit. By real diagnosis methodology ,I analyze the problem and phenomena and basic causes of the credit in socialism market economy ,and discuss the specific measures and ethics principle of constructing credit in socialism market economy. By explanation methodology, I systematically discuss the ethics principle of constructing credit in socialism market economy.
     Innovation spot: Researching the basic mentality of constructing credit in the socialism market economy: For one thing, proposing loyalty, honesty, trust ,and credit as the ethical principle in socialism market economy; For another , relating the reality proposing the specific measures for individuals, the enterprises, and the governments .
     Achievement: In view of the fact that the problems on credit do harm to the socialism market economy, this paper emphatically analyzes the meaning of credit, the problem and phenomena and basic causes of the credit ,and the basic mentality of constructing credit in socialism market economy. My purpose is according to the fact in our country, constructing the perfect credit system, and finally realizing the development of the market economy and the progress of ethics morals.
     Conclusion: The market economy is the law economy, and also is credit economy and the contract economy. From ethics angle this article mainly analyzes the problems on credit, and proposes the ethics principle and the specific measures of constructing credit. But, as a result of the cultural tradition and the idea influence, the credit construction in Chinese socialism market economy falls behind greatly the development of market economy. Therefore, the construction of credit system will become the important content in our economy work.
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