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     5.含砷黄铁矿包裹体3He/4He为0.0786~0.43R/Ra, 40Ar/4He为2.26~5.37,40Ar/36Ar为292~372,指示成矿流体属于大气饱和水(ASW),包括由原始大气降水和海水演化形成的盆地建造水。含砷黄铁矿Re-Os同位素等时线初始187Os/188Os比值为1.127±0.043,明显高于地幔比值而接近现代海水的比值,也说明成矿物质为壳源,成矿流体主要为盆地流体。
     6.首次采用含砷黄铁矿的Re-Os测年方法,获得加权拟合的Re-Os等时线年龄为193±13 Ma。首次采用常规40Ar/39Ar阶段升温测年法对石英-方解石脉中充填的热液绢云母进行测年,获得坪年龄为194.6±2 Ma。上述两个测年数据在误差范围内十分相似,反映金的成矿时代为早侏罗世,与构造解析推断的金沉淀的构造演化阶段(即碰撞造山后印支期挤压造山向燕山期伸展的构造转换期)吻合。7.建立在成矿时代约束下,基于成矿构造和成矿流体耦合条件下的成矿模式为:①右江盆地裂解-弧后盆地阶段(D2-T1),形成初始矿源岩(层),同生断层F7活动→②右江盆地前陆盆地阶段(T2),巨厚浊流沉积物之下的盆地建造水从矿源层中萃取成矿物质,逐步演化为含矿流体→③右江盆地挤压造山阶段(T3),F7反转成逆断层,并与造山作用形成的北西向逆断层(如F3、F14)及配套走滑断层(如F2、F12)三者共同构成导矿网络体系。而F5及其上盘T2xm4-3泥岩共同形成一个良好的构造闭圈,导致矿液主要在构造闭圈所限制的以同生断层为主的热液运移网络内活动→④右江盆地碰撞后造山侧向挤压阶段(J1),一方面使造山期形成的褶皱发生重褶,形成走向北东的叠加褶皱;另一方面随着构造应力在F2-F3近“X”型断裂系上的分配,F3右旋-正滑运动,在F2-F3交切地段的引张区域形成减压扩容带,含矿流体进入减压扩容空间沉淀形成超大型金矿床。认为该矿床是与盆地流体有关的沉积期后中低温热液矿床,属于后碰撞造山成矿作用的产物。
Jinfeng(Lannigou) gold deposit in Guizhou is the known largest Carlin-type gold deposit in Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi triangle area in southwestern China. The problems of deposit genetic still exist, although many work and study have been done there. Based on dissecting the gold deposit in detail, this thesis focused on three key problems consisting of mineralizing tectonism、mineralizing fluid and mineralizing geochronology and applied methods such as modern structural analysis, microstructure and fabric analysis, petrogeochemistry, fluid inclusion, electron-probe micro-analysis (EPMA), X-ray diffraction analysis, stable and radioactive isotopic geochronology to study mainly on the relationship between structure of deposit and mineralization,ore-forming fluid and source origin,geochronology. The main conclusions are as follows:
     1. Jinfeng(Lannigou)Gold deposit is a fault controlled epigenetic gold deposit,whose host rock is calcareous terrigenous arenite and,having nothing to do with magmatism. From early to late,hydrothermal alteration can be separate into four stages:decalcification+ dolomitization+slightly silicification ( metasomatism ) stage→silicification+ pyritization+arsenopyrite+ clayzation( metasomatism ) stage→quartz+calcite+unauriferous sulphide ( filling ) stage→quartz+calcite+kaolinite+sericite(filling) stage. The EPMA of arsenian pyrites,the primary hosts mineral for Au,suggest that zones riched in arsenic of larger-grained pyrite and fine-grained pyrite without core, riched in arsenic, formed at the same stage. There are four kinds of phyllosilicates minerals in the rock, and the age of illite of hydrothermal metasomatism and sericite of veinly hydrothermal filled represent the age of hydrothermalism.
     2. The detailed structural analysis suggests, in general, that fold-fault association is the main tectonic style of the mining district. The later small NE-trending folds superimpose on the large main NW-trending folds which control the mining district tectonic framework. The nearly SN-striking faults is a long active synsedimentary faults. The main faults in deposit are NW-trending in which the main ore-hosting faults F3 are steep at shallow and gentle at depth, and it thrust early from NE to SW, then became a dextral–normal fault, according to analyse of its kinematics. The NE-trending faults, cutting the two formers, in which the kinematics characteristic of ore-hosting faults F2 is dextral-normal and sinitral at early stage and later stage respectively.
     3. The deposit deformation, which underwent four stages consisting of splitting in the contemporaneous stage, compressing in the collisional stage, lateral compressing in the post-collisional stage and extending of lithosphere stage, match the evolution of Youjiang basin from splitting to closing and collapsing. Large scale gold metallogenesis occurred at the structural transition from collisional compression to extension tectonic. The structural trap formed by thrusting in collisional orogeny stage and the splay setting in the transition process from compression to extension are the main ore-control factors for gold’s large congregating and depositing.
     4. The analysis of the major elements in the ore and country rock indicates that there were importation of Fe、Mg、K and Ti and exportation of Ca and Na in alteration domain. The platinum group elements(PGE) distribution patterns of positive-slopes suggest that PGE are relative to basic-ultrabasic magmatism of the splitting in Youjiang basin. The REE distribution patterns of arsenian pyrite、quartz and their inclusions are all negative-slopes with clearly negtive Eu anormaly. The REE distribution patterns and its eigenvalue of inclusions in vein quartz of , represent the ore-forming fluid, are quite different from that of asynchronous basic-ultrabasic rock of mantle origin, but quite similar to that of country rock, ore, arsenian pyrite and its inclusions. This indicates the ore-forming fluid is mainly of crust origin in general. Negtive Eu anormaly suggests that ore-forming conditions are of reduction and gentle acidity. REE characteristic indicates that mineralizing hydrothermal fluids may stem from basin formation water. The minor elements analysis of arsenian pyrite, quartz and their inclusions show that arsenian pyrite is riched in sulphophile elements and depleted in V、Sr and high field strength elements(HFSE) and that vein quartz is riched not only in lithophile elements,also in sulphophile elements and Mo,Bi. Ore-forming fluids are riched in chlorine as HFSE/ REE (Th/La,Nb/La) ratio is less than 1 and HFSEs are depleted. Ore-forming temprature is low-moderate because Co/Ni ratio (0.20-0.31) of arsenian pyrite and its inclusions is far smaller than 1 which indicates ore-forming fluids evolved from basin water.
     5. 3He/4He,40Ar/4He and 40Ar /36Ar of inclusions in arsenian pyrites are 0.0786-0.43R/Ra, 2.26-5.37 and 292-372 repectively indicate that atmosphere saturation water (including primitive meteoric precipitation and basin formation water evolved from seawater) is the ore-forming fluid. Initial 187Os/188Os ratio (1.27±0.043) of arsenian pyrite suggest the ore-forming materials originated from the crust.
     6. Re-Os isochron age (193±13Ma), first time obtained from arsenian pyrite, is within analytical errors consistent with the plateau age(194.6±2Ma) obtained from sericite filled in quartz-calcite vein using normal step-heating method. This indicates that Au depositing epoch is early Jurassic and it is concordant to tectonic evolution stages,namely transition period from post-collision compression at Indosinian to extention at Yanshanian,of gold deposition inferred from structural analysis.
     7. The genetic model, based on the constrains on ore-forming geochronology and the coupling of metallotectonics and ore-forming fluid is as follow:
     Splitting-backarc basin stage(D2—T1) of Youjiang basin, the initial ore-forming source rock formed, the contemporaneous normal fault F7 became active→Foreland basin stage(T2) of Youjiang basin, the basin formation water beneath the superthickened turbidite extract ore-forming materials and evolved into ore-forming fluid→Orogenic stage(T3) of Youjiang basin, F7 reversed to a thrust fault and form a ore conduit structure network system with NW-striking thrust fault(such as F3,F14) and strike-slip fault(such as F2,F12). Ore-forming fluids migration is confined in the network of coinstantaneous faults constrained by tectonic trap which is formed by the coeffect of F5 and its hanging wall of mud-rock(T2xm4-3)→Post-collision lateral compressing stage(J1)of Youjiang basin. The orogenic folds were refolded by NE-trending folds. As tectonic stress distribution in F2 and F3 nearly‘X’shaped fault system, F3 is dextral-normal slip, and ore-bearing fluids flux into the decompression and expansion space, which is built up at the tensile part of F2-F3 meeting-section. The deposit is a post-sedimentary hydrothermal deposit of low-moderate temperature, with relative to basin fluid, and belongs to a product of post-collision mineralizing tectonism.
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