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There are many features of international projects contracts. Employers and contractors are in different countries, projects are always complicated, and the whole process lasts long time. Those factors make it impossible for parties to foresee all situations which may happen during projects. Therefore, Variation becomes inevitable. As for employers, Variation means investment control, schedule and quality management. As for contractors, Variation is an important profit-making way. Scholars in project construction and contract management have already done some study on Variation in international projects, while legal field rarely pays specific attention to it. Taking 99FIDIC Red Book as a chief source, with case study, comparison analysis, and induction analysis methods, this paper tries to making research on nature, intension, extension and effectiveness of Variation, explaining ways to achieve Variations, disputes solutions and application of law, analyzing impacts of engineers' status on Variation instructions and making comparison between 99FIDIC Red Book and another model contract NEC Contract, which is pro-employer. I hope this paper can be used for reference for both employers and contractors in international projects.
     This paper is generally divided into three parts, Foreword, Main Text and Concluding Remarks.
     In Foreword, the author displays theoretical and practical significance of Variation, and introduces development of research in the field and main research methods used in the paper.
     Main Text, the core of the whole paper, is divided into six parts. Part 1 makes a brief introduction of FIDIC Contract. Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs Conseils (FIDIC) , which is a world-wide authoritative engineer organization, has been making series of model contracts of international projects since 1957. These contracts, which absorb experience of employers, engineers, and contractors, are deemed as high-level universal project contracts, and are widely used all over the world. FIDIC Red Book, applicable to construction projects designed by employers, has been modified for many times and the 99FIDIC Red Book is the 5th edition. This paper makes study of Variation on the basis of 99FIDIC Red Book. Part 2 concludes basic issues of FIDIC Variation. After reviewing fundamental theory of contract law, the author points out the nature of FIDIC Variation. Because of its different content, FIDIC Variation has different natures. Some is common contract variation, some is rescinding of parts of the former contracts and some is establishing a new contract after rescinding the former one. Then the paper takes 99FIDIC Red Book as the chief source, listing extensions of Variation, concluding its features, and analyzing its effect with a case. Part 3 explores the status of engineers in Variation and the effectiveness of his instructions. In international projects, it is engineers who give Variation instructions. In 99FIDIC New Red Book, engineers are employees of employers, and have the status of deputy of employers; in 87 FIDIC Red Book, engineers are independent ones. This paper illustrates different effectiveness of Variation Instruction according to different status of engineers. Generally speaking, if not specifically pointed out, instructions of engineers can be overturned. Part 4 discusses approaches to achieve the Variation. In past studies, Variations are often mixed with Claims. While making clear of differences between Variations and Claims, the author explains ways to achieve Variation. Two stages are involved, stage of Variation conformation and stage of claims for project period and contract costs. Part 5 discusses solutions of disputes aroused by Variation. FIDIC New Red Book provides three ways to deal with disputes aroused by Variation, such as DAB Process, Amicable Settlement, and Arbitration. Furthermore, judicial process can be involved to supervise Arbitration. An issue worth mentioning here is DAB process which is particularly prescribed in 99FIDIC New Red Book. In this session, the author discusses its validity foundation, detailed effectiveness, date of effectiveness, and enforcement of DAB decisions. Part 6 investigates application law of Variation issues. There are academic theories of unification and segmentation for application law of contract disputes. Most countries take theory of segmentation as the guiding idea for their legislation. According to the theory of segmentation, disputes aroused by Variation can take laws determined by both parties, laws of the place of objective marks, and laws with closest ties with disputes, as applicable law. What's more, while selecting applicable laws for Variation disputes, we should pay attention to how much we know about it, its perfect property, its compulsory regulations, and the risks of changes. Readers can also see comparison of Variation between FIDIC Contracts and NEC Contracts in parts 2, 4, 5. NEC Contract, traditionally deemed pro-employers, is a model contract compiled by Institution of Civil Engineers, and widely used Commonwealth of Nations. The author hopes differences pointed out here can help understand FIDIC Variation better.
     Concluding Remarks retrospect the whole thought of the paper, and place prospects on further study of Variation issues.
     Generally speaking, on the basis of 99FIDIC New Red Book, this paper makes systematically legal analysis on Variation and can be considered as references for further academic study. I hope and believe, as China enters WTO and merges into world economy, more and more scholars and experts will pay concerns on Variation issue and advance more opinions and better advice. I also believe that legal scholars will follow the trend, and exert more functions for our construction enterprises to compete in the world market.
1 田威:《FIDIC合同条件在国际承包工程中的应用(2)》,,访问日期:2007-12-21。
    2 田威:《FIDIC土木工程施工合同条件应用指南》,北京:航天工业出版社,1990年版,第32页。
    3 William Ibbs C.,"Quantitative Impact of Project Change:Size Issues",Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,(ASCE,1997) p.309.
    4 田威,前注1。
    5 何伯森:《国际工程合同与合同管理》,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1999年版,第165页。
    6 邱闯:《国际工程合同原理与实务》,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2002年版,第319页。
    7 张水波,何伯森:《FIDIC新版合同条件导读与解析》,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2003年版,第ⅶ页。
    8 通用条件如其名,可适用于各类项目;专用条件针对具体的工程由业主和承包商协议确定。黄景瑗:《FIDIC条款应用指南》,北京:中国科技技术出版社,2003年版,第33页。
    9 田威:《FIDIC合同条件实用技巧》,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1996年版,第3页。
    10 赵秀文:“论国际管理——兼论我国经济立法与国际惯例接轨”,《法学家》,1996年第2期,第14-19页。
    11 王利明:《民法》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2006年版,第435页。
    12 王家福:《中国民法学——民法债权》,北京:法律出版社,1991年版第358页。
    13 参见《中华人民共和国合同法》第一百零七条。
    14 参见《中华人民共和国合同法》第五十四条。
    15 参见《中华人民共和国合同法》第五十四条。
    16 参见《中华人民共和国合同法》第五十四条。
    17 参见《中华人民共和国合同法》第七十七条。
    18 王秋林:“FIDIC合同条件下国际土木工程合同变更处理”,《公路》,2004年第8期,第132页。
    19 魏美盛:“论工程变更的实施和操作”,《引进与咨询》,2003年第2期,第8页。
    20 张水波、何伯森:《FIDIC新版合同条件导读与解析》,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2003年版,第19页。
    21 国际咨询工程师联合会:《施工合同条件》,中国工程咨询协会编译,朱锦林翻译,北京:机械工业出版社,1999年版,第23页。原文为:'Variation' means any change to the works,which is instructed or approved as a variation under Clause 13[Variation and Adjustments].
    22 同上注,第85页。
    23 王音辉:《国际合同中的变更、索赔和争议》,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1998年版,第291页。
    24 杨志勇:“工程变更与合同变更”,《建筑管理现代化》,1999年第4期,第24页。
    25 国际咨询工程师联合会,前注21,第17页。
    26 国际咨询工程师联合会:《施工合同条件》,中国工程咨询协会编译,朱锦林翻译,北京:机械工业出版社,1999年版,第34页。“工程师应将每项商定意见或确定向双方发出通知,并附详细依据。除非直到根据第20条[索赔、争端和仲裁]的规定作出修改,各方均应履行每项商定或确定事项。”
    27 同上注,第17页。
    28 国际咨询工程师联合会:《施工合同条件》,中国工程咨询协会编译,朱锦林翻译,北京:机械工业出版社,1999年版,第25页。
    29 张水波,何伯森:《FIDIC新版合同条件导读与解析》,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2003年版,第23页。
    30 国际咨询工程师联合会,前注28,第41页。
    31 张水波、何伯森,前注29,第50页。
    32 国际咨询工程师联合会,前注28,第55页。
    33 国际咨询工程师联合会:《施工合同条件》,中国工程咨询协会编译,朱锦林翻译,北京:机械工业出版社,1999年版,第61页。
    34 同上注,第63页。
    35 同上注,第65页。
    36 同上注,第79页。
    37 国际咨询工程师联合会:《施工合同条件》,中国工程咨询协会编译,朱锦林翻译,北京:机械工业出版社,1999年版,第87页。
    38 同上注,第87页。
    39 国际咨询工程师联合会:《施工合同条件》,中国工程咨询协会编译,朱锦林翻译,北京:机械工业出版社,1999年版,第89页。
    41 王利明:《民法》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2006年版,第437页。
    42 黄平:“施工企业在FIDIC合同条件下变更与索赔工作初探”,《铁路工程造价管理》,2000年第3期,第24页。
    43 R.Gerrard."Briefing:NEC Contracts——Delivering 21 Century Construction,Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers,February 2007,p.9.
    44 J.C.Broome,Been,MAPM,"Best Practice with the New Engineering Contract",,2007-12-26.
    47 Jeremy Winter,"Valuation of Variations under the ICE Conditions of Contract——the Thrills & Spills of Tendering",Baker & McKenzie,March,2002,p.3.
    48 胡续梅:“国际承包工程项目合同咨询工程师浅谈”,《科技情报开发与经济》,2004年第14卷第12期,第323页。
    49 张水波,何伯森:《FIDIC新版合同条件导读与解析》,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2003年版,第8页。
    50 国际咨询工程师联合会(FIDIC)编:《业主/咨询工程师标准服务协议书应用指南》,张水波,周可荣译,北京:航空工业出版社,1999年1月出版,第ⅳ页。
    51 邱闯:《国际工程合同原理与实务》,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2002年版,第260页。
    52 汪金敏,陶嘉颖:“论工程师在施工索赔中的地位和作用”提交“2000年中国民商法实务论坛”的论文。
    53 国际咨询工程师联合会:《施工合同条件》,中国工程咨询协会编译,朱锦林翻译,北京:机械工业出版社,1999年版,第87-89页。
    54 Walker,David M,The Oxford Companion to Law,Clarendon Press,Oxford,1980,p.227.
    55 宇德明:《施工索赔》,北京:中国铁道出版社,2004年版,第147页。
    57 国际咨询工程师联合会:《施工合同条件》,中国工程咨询协会编译,朱锦林翻译,北京:机械工业出版社,1999年版,第131页。
    58 刘建:《民事诉讼法原理》,北京:法律出版社,1997年版,第267页。
    59 国际咨询工程师联合会:《施工合同条件》,中国工程咨询协会编译,朱锦林翻译,北京:机械工业出版社,1999年版,第147页。
    60 贾宝秋、朱红:“FIDIC合同条件的争端解决机制述评”,《沈阳建筑工程学院学报》2003年第5期,第35页。
    61 徐绳墨:“关于FIDIc合同条件中的争议、索赔和解决途径与程序”,《建筑经济》,2002年第3期,第56页。
    62 David G.Carmichael,Disputes and International Projects.A.A.Bailema Publisher,1999,p.291.
    62 徐绳墨:“关于FIDIC合同条件中的争议、索赔和解决途径与程序”,《建筑经济》,2002年第3期,第56页。
    64 田伟男:“论FIDIC合同条件下的承包商索赔”,中国政法大学硕士学位论文,2005年4月,第38页。
    65 曹建国、陈志东:《国际经济法专论(第六卷)》,北京:法律出版社,1998年版,第483页。
    66 范愉:《非诉讼程序(ADR)教程》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2002年版,第327页。
    67 国际咨询工程师联合会:《施工合同条件》,中国工程咨询协会编译,朱锦林翻译,北京:机械工业出版社,1999年版,第136-137页。
    68 曹建国、陈志东:《国际经济法专论(第六卷)》,北京:法律出版社,1998年版,第640页。
    69 范愉:《非诉讼程序(ADR)教程》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2002年版,第288页。
    70 Albert van den Berg,"Annulment of Awards in International Arbitration",in Lillich,Richard B.and Charles N.Brower.eds International Arbitration in the 21~(ST) Century:towards 'Judicialization' and Unformity? Transnational Publishers,Inc,1994,p.135.
    71 参见《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第二百五十八条。
    72 赵生祥、刘想树:《国际私法学》,北京:法律出版社,1999年版,第223-225页。
    73 张仲伯主编:《国际私法学》,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2002年版,第170-177页。
    74 王永春:“国际工程承包合同法律问题研究”,对外经济贸易大学硕士论文,2006年3月,第33页。
    75 田威:《FIDIC土木工程施工合同条件应用指南》,北京:航天工业出版社,1990年版,第201页。
    76 何铁军,王永强:“国际工程承包合同法律适用的完善”,《大庆师范学院学报》2007年第11期,第80页。
    17.[英]E.C.考伯特:《FIDIC第四版适用法律指南》,张明峰,彭凤国译, 北京:航空工业出版社,1998年版。
    15.郭娅:“FIDIC《施工合同条件》和NEC《工程施工合同》的比较研究”, 华北电力大学硕士论文,2005年5月。
    1.David G.Carmichael,Disputes and International Projects.A.A.Bailema Publisher,1999.
    1.R.Gerrard."Briefing:NEC Contracts——Delivering 21~(st) Century Construction",Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers,February 2007.
    2.Michael Douglas,The Lex Mercatoria and the Culture of Transnational Industry,University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review,Spring of 2006.
    3.Jeremy Winter,"Valuation of Variations under the ICE Conditions of Contract——the Thrills & Spills of Tendering",Baker & McKenzie,March,2002.
    4.William Ibbs C."Quantitative Impact of Project Change:Size Issues",Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,(ASCE,1997).
    5.Albert van den Berg,"Annulment of Awards in International Arbitration",in Lillich,Richard B.and Charles N.Brower.eds International Arbitration in the 21~(ST) Century:towards 'Judicialization' and Unformity?Transnational Publishers,Inc,1994.
    1. The Engineering and Construction Contract, The Institution of Civil Engineers, November, 1995.
    2. Conditions of Contract for Construction, International Federation of Consulting Engineers, 1999.
    3. Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction, International Federation of Consulting Engineers, 1987.
    4. General Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement, International Federation of Consulting Engineers, 1999.
    1. Walker, David M, The Oxford Companion to Law, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1980.
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