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     目前为止,已有不少研究运用双向凝胶电泳和质谱鉴定技术以识别在膀胱癌尿液中差异表达的蛋白,并且应用考马斯染色、银染或放射标记染色法标记尿蛋白提取物。如2009年Feldman. et al运用蛋白质组学策略分析了膀胱癌患者和正常对照人群的尿液差异蛋白,并对兴趣蛋白Cystatin B进一步在组织中应用免疫组织化学技术和在尿液中用半定量的Western blot技术进行分析。研究结果发现尿液中Cystatin B的表达水平与肿瘤的分级(P=0.062),分期(P=0.0047)及肿瘤复发(P=0.0104)和进展(P=0.0007)的时间正相关。2011年Li. et al通过运用双向电泳筛选健康志愿者和低度恶性及侵袭性膀胱癌患者的尿液样本,以期识别能够早期检测膀胱癌的生物标记物。他们观察到纤维蛋白原、乳酸脱氢酶B、载脂蛋白A1、丛生蛋白和触珠蛋白等5个蛋白在低度恶性或侵袭性膀胱癌患者尿液中表达增高。进一步对尿液样本分析后发现,相对于低度恶性膀胱癌,载脂蛋白A1在侵袭性膀胱癌中表达显著增高。应用ELISA法测定载脂蛋白A1的水平,发现在18.22ng/ml水平其具有可以从正常人群中辨别膀胱癌患者的诊断效能(敏感度和特异度分别为91.6%和85.7%),并认为其浓度在29.86ng/ml水平可辨别侵袭性膀胱癌患者和低度恶性膀胱癌患者(敏感度和特异度分别为83.7%和89.7%)。
     (2.1)蛋白样品和上样缓冲液共450μL充分混合,用24cm IPG干胶条采取被动泡涨13h,等电聚焦条件为500V1h,1,000V1h,5,000V1h,8,000V60KVh,500V3h。聚焦完毕后将胶条先后平衡两次,随后将胶条移至12.0%的SDS-PAGE胶上端进行第二向电泳,直至溴酚蓝达胶底线。
     (2.3)凝胶通过UMAX PowerLook1100投射扫描仪进行扫描获取2-DE凝胶图像,利用Melanie4分析软件对图像进行分析。
     (3.1)将正常对照组和膀胱癌组尿液组各组样品pH值调至8.5;每份样本50μg(5~10μl)避光条件下加入1μl (400pmol)的CyDye Cy3、Cy5、Cy2荧光染料工作液,其中Cy2作为内标标记两组尿液蛋白样品混合物,Cy3标记健康对照组尿液蛋白样品,Cy5标记膀胱癌组尿液蛋白样品。
     (3.3)直到溴酚蓝到达胶的底端结束双向电泳。用Typhoon9400成像系统扫描荧光凝胶,各荧光染料的激发光和发射光波长分别为:Cy2:480nm和530nm, Cy3:540nm和590nm, Cy5:620nn和680nm。扫描后的图像文件用DeCyder5.0版本软件分析,应用BVA模式进行胶与胶之间的匹配,不同组间选择Student-t检验。挑选出两组间具有统计学意义且差异倍数>2.0的显著增加或者显著减少的感兴趣差异蛋白点。
     借助生物信息学研究手段如:SWISS-PROT, String和Pubgene等工具对所鉴定蛋白分析所参与的生物学过程、蛋白质间的相互作用及蛋白质特有的结构和功能等,以便选取候选蛋白进行进一步研究。
     (1)候选蛋白的Western Blot验证:选取正常对照组尿液标本8例;膀胱癌组尿液标本8例,其中低级别尿路上皮癌2例,高级别尿路上皮癌2例和浸润性尿路上皮癌4例。每个样本各自提取尿液总蛋白定量后,每孔加入约30μg蛋白,10%SDS-PAGE凝胶电泳,蛋白转移到PVDF膜上,5%脱脂奶粉的TBS-T室温封闭1h,封闭一抗、二抗后由ECL化学发光试剂盒检测,压底片曝光后显影。
     (1)差异表达蛋白的Western Blot验证:对单个的正常对照组和膀胱癌组织样本运用液氮研磨的方法提取总蛋白进行免疫印迹检测。
     2.成功构建了膀胱癌组和正常对照组尿液样本的2D-DIGE图谱,对其中24个差异超过2倍的差异点进行质谱鉴定,共鉴定出16个不同的蛋白。其中ALB, GC, HP, FGB, APOA1, RBP4和SECTM1等7个蛋白在膀胱癌组中的尿液样品中高表达,剩余UMOD, KNG1, AMY1A, AMY2A, ITIH4, AMBP, HSPG2, CST5和MASP2等9个蛋白在膀胱癌组中低表达;
     3. String和Pubgene等生物信息学分析提示GC蛋白在生长,发病机理,分泌,翻译,细胞凋亡,死亡,消化及信号转导等生物过程起着重要的作用,且GC蛋白与其他已鉴定的差异蛋白有着密切的联系,可作为候选蛋白;
     4.GC蛋白的Western blotting结果比较发现GC在膀胱癌组尿液样品中的表达水平要高于正常对照组,有显著性差异。Western blotting结果与蛋白质组学的结果一致。
     7.ROC分析示采用161.086ng/mg GC蛋白浓度来筛选膀胱癌,相应的敏感度和特异度为92.31%和83.02%;当尿液中GC蛋白浓度大于1407.481ng/mg时,提示为浸润性膀胱癌,其敏感度和特异度为82.61%和88.24%。
     3.对24个差异蛋白点进行质谱鉴定,共鉴定出16个不同的蛋白。其中ALB, GC, HP, FGB, APOA1, RBP4和SECTM1等7个蛋白在膀胱癌组中的尿液样品中高表达,剩余UMOD, KNG1, AMY1A, AMY2A, ITIH4, AMBP, HSPG2, CST5和MASP2等9个蛋白在膀胱癌组中低表达;
Bladder cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors of the urinary system threating to human health, and with its morbidity and mortality rising. All over the world, bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men and the seventh most common among women, and there are more than350,000bladder cancer patients diagnosised each year. As is estimated by American Cancer Society statistics, In2010, around70,530new cases and14,680deaths from bladder cancer occurred in the United States. Bladder cancer is still the most common malignant tumors of the urinary system in China, and presents the trend of steadily morbidity. In general, it is clinically characterized by high recurrent rates and poor prognosis once tumors progress to muscularis propria invasive disease. At diagnosis,~90%of bladder cancers are urothelial cancer,55%to60%of them are low grade urothelial carcinoma. Some patients with the low grade urothelial carcinoma will recur even after appropriate treatment of the cavity or open. Typically, the patients recurred have a better differentiation of low grade urothelial carcinoma, but16%to25%of the patients will have the tumor grade increased. Furthermore, around10%of low grade urothelial carcinoma will invade deeper layers or distant transfer. On the whole, the development of bladder low gradel urothelial carcinoma progressing is a multifactor, multi-gene complex process and multi-channel change.
     Currently, cystoscopy and bladder biopsy are considered as the most reliable methods for diagnosis and surveillance of bladder cancer. Repeated cystoscopy enable patients to receive effective treatment in the early stages of disease, potentially slowing disease progress myometrial invasion. However, cystoscopy is an invasive, time-consuming and expensive examination, which can not be accepted well for patients. Urine cytology, a non-invasive means, is still assisted with cystoscopy, especially in the highly invasive bladder cancer with a high sensitivity. But its sensitivity is lower in the low-grade lesions, and its accuracy is dependent on the experience of the pathologists. Improving the predictive ability would greatly benefit treatment of patients and monitoring of their condition. Thus, the development of a reliable non-invasive biomarker would be highly valuable for increasing the early detection rate of bladder cancer and predicting the progression of superficial tumors in time. To date, during the clinical routine process, we still do not have a good sensitivity and specificity of serum or urine tumor diagnostic markers for the detection and tracking bladder cancer patients.
     The basic research based on the genetic level has provided a strong basis for the occurrence of bladder cancer diseases and the development of the interpretation of the molecular mechanisms, but these studies emphasized the role of a single or a few molecules, lacking of integrity of the protein level and systemthe nature of the study. Ultimately, the protein is a direct execution of the life activities, and the expression of certain genes in the product may be more than one. Moreover, the expression for gene is complicated. The same gene with different surrounding environment of the body and different physiological states of the body, will produce different the protein and play an entirely different role. There is a great contrast on gene structure with stability compared to the complexity and vari of the protein function. In addition, for the functions of proteins, it is also related to the post-processing of the protein, modification and transfer the process of positioning, which these processes can not be decided by the gene, once, any one of these process steps with any little error can result in the body's disease. At last, discovery of miRNA allows us to realize differentially expressed miRNA post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression, is also possible in the corresponding protein levels. Therefore, studying bladder cancer disease on the protein level is an important issue that should not be overlooked.
     The Proteome that is a dynamic whole changing with time and space is aimed at analyzing the composition, expression levels and modification state, interaction and association of the proteins in cells from a holistic a holistic perspective, and revealing the functions of proteins as well as laws of cellular activity. The models of humoral proteomics research provide new opportunities to find new, highly sensitive diagnostic tools for the early detection of cancer. The main purpose of the clinical proteomics research is looking for a marker to identify disease in body fluids, which can be relatively inexpensive detection and early diagnosis of disease. Currently, serum or plasma proteomics have attracted widespread attention. While, the urine can directly contact with the tumor samples, so it is readily available in the early detection of disease and disease surveillance. Therefore, urine is an attractive option to bladder cancer finding potential markers compared to plasma. Although there are some known protein markers of bladder cancer identified in the blood and urine such as bladder cancer antigen, nuclear matrix proteins and fibrinogen metabolites; they were unsatisfactory specificity and sensitivity. To sum up, studies using proteomics technology for urine analysis diagnosis and monitori prognosis bladder cancer is a current research trend
     To date, many studies use two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry techniques to identify differentially expressed proteins in the urine of bladder cancer, using Maas staining, silver staining or radiolabeled staining marked urinary protein extracts. In2009, Feldman et al conducted a proteomics strategy analysis of the urine of bladder cancer patients and normal control subjects to find differently expressed proteins, and the protein of interest Cystatin B was further tested by immunohistochemical techniques in the organization and semi-quantitative Western blot techniquein urine usin. They found the expression level of urine Cystatin B is positively associated with tumor grade (P=0.062), stage (P=0.0047) and tumor recurrence (P=0.0104) and the progress of time (P=0.0007). In2011, Li et al performed a study by using two-dimensional electrophoresis screening healthy volunteers, low-grade and invasive bladder cancer urine samples in order to identify capable of early detection of bladder cancer biomarkers. They found that the fibrinogen, lactate dehydrogenase B, apolipoprotein Al, profusion protein and haptoglobin5protein expression increased in the urine of patients with bladder cancer of low malignant or aggressive. After further analysis of the urine samples, apolipoprotein A1expression was significantly higher in invasive bladder cancer compared to the low grade bladder cancer. Apo-A1level was measured quantitatively using ELISA and was suggested to provide diagnostic utility to distinguish patients with bladder cancer from controls at18.22ng/ml with a sensitivity and specificity of91.6%and85.7%respectively, and at29.86ng/ml for distinguish patients with low malignant bladder cancer from patients with aggressive bladder cancer with a sensitivity and specificity of83.7%and89.7%respectively.
     However, with the improvement of proteomics technology, fluorescent differential two-dimensional gel electrophoresis-based proteomics research is a new trend. Two-dimensional fluorescent differential gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) is an advanced sensitive gel-based separation and quantification approach. Protein samples are prelabeled with different fluorescent dyes, mixed and run simultaneously on the same gel. Different excitation wavelengths can be recorded by different filters the Noninterference gum diagram results due to the different fluorescent labeled sample.
     This method could effectively avoid systematic errors between different gels, especially suitable for the differences between the comparison of different samples. In1997, Unlu etc. firstly published papers about the fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis, which the different samples with different fluorescent dyes labeled and mixed in the same gel and then were conducted a two-dimensional electrophoresis, greatly improving the experimental results of repeated and quantitative accuracy. As far as we know, the study for bladder cancer by labeling urinary protein extracts and using the fluorescent two-dimensional gel electrophoresis is rare. Only in2007, Orenes-Pinero used2D-DIGE proteomics strategy to explore urine markers for diagnosis of bladder cancer.
     In our present study, from the view of the formal level of urine proteomics, based on the establishment of norms and standards for the collection of clinical specimens workflow, developing the scientific and rational inclusion and exclusion criteria, then, we collected the enough the urine samples form patients with bladder cancer and healthy control subjects. The diagnosis was conducted by two different pathologists in Nanfang hospital of Southern Medical University according to the criteria of World Health Organization classification of tumour. The bladder cancer patients were divided into the low-grade urothelial carcinoma group, the high-level urothelial carcinoma group and the invasive urothelial carcinoma group. We used the method of repeated ultrafiltration and the salt removing to purify the total urine protein. Two-dimensional fluorescent differential gel electrophoresis was used for screening and separation. After electrophoresis, the gel was scaned by Typhoon9400imaging system and analyzed using DeCyder software to find the differently expressed proteins. The proteins were identified using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight technology. Then, we applied bioinformatics methods to select the interested candidate proteins (GC). After the verification of the result of the candidate protein reliability, a large number of clinical bladder cancer urine of patients and the control group urine samples was used to measure GC protein concentration by ELISA. Statistical analysis was performed by ELISA results combined with the clinical data of clinical specimens to establish the relationship between the candidate protein molecular markers and bladder cancer disease so as to further determine the effective diagnosis and monitor of bladder cancer disease, study the pathogenesis of bladder cancer. These will be a basis for the study to diagnosis, disease monitor and treatment of bladder cancer.
     However, up to date, studies using two-dimensional fluorescent differential gel electrophoresis for urine analysis related to bladder cancer are scarce. Therefore, to our present research, Identification of urinary Gc-globulin as a novel biomarker for bladder cancer by two-dimensional fluorescent differential gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) is to acquire the ideal biomarker for the early detection, development and prognosis of bladder cancer on the level of urine samples. Undoubtedly, this project has important theoretical and practical significance on the in-depth understanding of the occurrence, development and prognosis of bladder cancer.
     Material and methods
     1. Specimen collection and preparation
     Studies were done with the approval of the bioethics committee of Nanfang hospital. All subjects were informed about the purpose of the study and gave their written consent. All patients had their upper tracts cleared via examinations, healthy volunteers with no evidence of disease were used as control group. All subjects were recruited from the Chinese Han population at Nanfang hospital from January2011to April2012. Pre-cystoscopy voided urine specimens were collected from patients presenting positive findings under suspicion of bladder cancer. Bladder cancer tissue and normal urothelial tissue were harvested form the cystectomy specimens of individual patients. The bladder cancer was confirmed by cystoscopy combined with histopathological information after subsequent surgical operations. The diagnosis was conducted by two pathologists in Nanfang hospital of Southern Medical University according to the criteria of World Health Organization classification of tumours. Each urine sample (20ml) was collected into a sterile plastic tube and then immediately centrifuged at1500x g for5min at4℃to remove cell debris and particulate matter. The supernatant was stored at-80℃for further analysis.
     2. The screening of the candidate protein marker
     (1) Equal volume urine specimens from12bladder cancer patients and12controls were pooled respectively for2D-DIGE analysis. Of these bladder cancer patients, there were8cases of non-invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma (4were low grade and4were high) and4cases of infiltrating urothelial carcinoma. For processing, samples were first thawed on ice, adding protease inhibitors,1mmol/L phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride,5mmol/L phenanthroline, and5mmol/L benzamidine, and then centrifuged using Centricon Plus-20,10,000MWCO devices. Then proteins in the concentrated urine were precipitated using a ReadyPrep2-D clean up kit to remove other interfering components according to the manufacturer's instructions. Protein concentration was measured by using the Bradford method.
     (2) To establish the good stability, high repeatability urine proteomic profiles by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
     (2.1) The Immobiline Dry strip (pH3-10, length24cm) was rehydrated with
     100pg protein in450ml was rehydrated buffer for13h at room temperature. The first dimensional electrophoresis was performed on Protean IEF cell with a total of60kVh, The soelectric focusing conditions were500V1h,1,000V1h,5,000V3h,8,000V60KVh,500V3h.Then the strip was subjected to two-step equilibration for each step15min. The second dimensional electrophoresis was carried out in a homogeneous SDS-PAGE (12%) using a Protean II xi2D cell until the bromophenol blue front reached the bottom of the gel.
     (2.2)40.0%ethanol,10.0%acetic acid fixed2times, each time15min.30.0%ethanol,0.2%Na2S2O3,6.8%sodium acetate-sensitized for30min. Following distilled water washed three times, each time5min.2.50‰AgNO3staining20min. Following distilled water washed two times, each time1min.2.5%Na2CO3,0.04‰formaldehyde to develop an image until protein spots clear. Then we immediately added the5.0%acetic acid to terminate for10min, following distilled water washed three times, each time5min. At last, we used30.0%ethanol and4.6%glycerol to preserve.
     (2.3) the gel was scanned through the UMAX PowerLook1100scanner to obtain2-DE gel image, then using Melanie4image analysis software to analyse the image and produce differentially expressed protein spots data.
     (3) To screen and separate the differentially expressed proteins between patients with bladder cancer and normal controls by two-dimensional fluorescent differential gel electrophoresis
     (3.1) Protein isolated from the pooled urine samples were labeled with cyanine dyes according to the manufacturer's instructions.50μg of urine protein samples from bladder cancer and control group were minimally labeled with400pmol of Cy3and Cy5fluorescent dyes, respectively. To assess the reproducibility and statistical inferences, an internal standard pool was labeled with Cy2. The internal standard pool was generated by combining equal amounts of extracts from urinary samples of all neoplastic and control group subjects. The labeling reactions were carried out on ice for30min protecting from light, and then quenched with1ml of10mM lysine for10min. All three labeled samples were mixed and resolved in one gel.
     (3.2) The method of the resting isoelectric focusing was similar to2-DE
     (3.3) The three gels were visualized with a Typhoon9410scanner at the excitation emission of488/520nm (Cy2),532/580nm (Cy3) and633/670nm (Cy5), respectively. The images were analyzed with the DeCyder5.0software. Its differential in-gel analysis (DIA) module was used for pairwise comparisons of each sample with the internal standard within each gel by calculating the normalized spots volumes. The DeCyder biological variation analysis (BVA) module was used to calculate average abundance changes for each spot across the different spot maps. The spots whose ratios of Cy5/Cy2and Cy3/Cy2were up-or down-regulated equal or greater than2-fold were considered for further analysis
     (3.4) In addition, another strip was performed in parallel as a preparative gel for spots picking as marked in2D-DIGE. Noticeably,1000mg of proteins were loaded onto the IPG strip and the gel was stained with Coomassie brilliant blue. The differentially expressed protein spots were cut from the Coomassie stained gels, and then identified by MALDI-FOF/TOF-MS. Briefly, Protein spots from gels were digested with trypsin solution, and the peptide mixtures was analyzed. A list of the corrected mass peaks was the peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF). The search was restricted to the Homo sapiens subsets of the sequences in the Swiss-Prot and NCBI nonredundant protein sequence databases.
     3. GC was selected for further investigation after bioinformatics analysis
     We conducted the bioinformatics research to study to explore the biological processes participated of thosed identified proteins, protein-protein interactions and protein-specific structures and functions, in order to select the candidate proteins for further study by those tools, such as:SWISS-PROT, String and Pubgene.
     4. The expression of candidate proteins GC in the urine samples form healthy controls and patients with bladder cancer
     (1) For western blot analyses, the samples involved two low grade and two high grade non-invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma, four infiltrating urothelial carcinoma and eight controls.30μg prepared proteins from urine and tissue were electrophoresed respectively on a12%SDS polyacrylamide gel and then transferred onto Polyvinylidene Xuoride (PVDF) membranes. The membranes were blocked in a solution of TBS containing5%nonfat milk powder and0.1%Tween-20for1h at room temperature and then incubated overnight at4℃with the primary antibody and rabbit monoclonal primary antibody against human β-actin. After washing with TBS-T for three times, the membranes were incubated with the secondary antibody dilution at room temperature for1h. The proteins were detected using an enhanced chemiluminescence detection system.
     (2) ELISA was used to quantify urinary GC levels in91patients with bladder cancer,11benign bladder damage cases and42healthy controls. According to the criteria of World Health Organization classification of tumours,68cases were non-invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma (38were low grade and30were high) and23were infiltrating urothelial carcinoma.
     5. The analysis of GC level with clinical data
     To explore whether there was any correlation between the GC expression and features of bladder cancer such as age, gender, hematuria, recurrence and metastasis and classification of pathology. Receiving operating curve (ROC) analyses were used to define the optimal diagnostic cut-off value by estimating the sensitivity versus its false-positive rate at optimal cutoffs
     6. Expression of GC in normal and tumour bladder tissue
     (1) For western blot analyses, Tissue specimens were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen, then ground to powder and homogenized in lysis buffer. The mixture was placed on a shaker at4℃for1h, and then followed by centrifugation. The supernatant was used for further analysis after measuring the protein concentrations. Then, the protein was used for western blotting.
     (2) For Immunohistochemical analysis, There were eight low grade and eight high grade non-invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma, ten infiltrating urothelial carcinoma and ten normal controls in immunohistochemistry. The samples of normal controls were the normal-adjacent to-cancer tissues. Paraffin sections was dropped the wax then put into the water. The sections were incubated in3%hydrogen peroxide to quench the endogenous peroxidase activity and washed in PBS for three times. Plus the primary antibody conjugated with biotin (Biotin) at37℃for30minutes, then put in the wet box. Following PBS washed three times, then plus enzyme labeled avidin (Avidin) at37℃for30. PBS washed three times, following DAB chromogenic and washed in the running water. The sections was stained, dehydration and mounted at last.
     1. With the improvement of optimization steps of repeated ultrafiltration and desalination to sample, we could obtain high-resolution, reproducible two-dimensional electrophoresis maps from human urine samples.
     2. A representative DIGE image from bladder cancer versus control group is acquired., a total of24differential protein spots whose volumes changed by or over2-fold were selected for further identification. Sixteen differentially expressed proteins were identified. The up-regulated proteins in bladder cancer were ALB, GC, HP, FGB, APOA1, RBP4and SECTM1, and the other nine proteins were down-regulated. They were UMOD,KNG1, AMY1A, AMY2A, ITIH4, AMBP, HSPG2, CST5and MASP2.
     3. The analysis of Pubgene and String indicated that GC was predicted to play important roles in the bioprocesses of growth, secretion, induction, pathogenesis, signal transduction, digestion, translation, apoptosis and death. Furthermore, GC may tightly correlate with the other identified proteins.
     4. Western blotting results demonstrated that GC was significantly upregulated in bladder cancer cases in comparison to controls, consistent with our DIGE results.
     5. The expression level of GC was significantly higher in bladder cancer tissue in comparison to normal control bladder tissue. GC protein was detected, apparently in the cytoplasmic compartments of normal bladder transitional cells and cancerour cells by immunohisochemical staning of bladder sections.
     6. GC-Cr was significantly elevated in patients with bladder cancer compared to controls and benign cases (1013.70±851.25versus99.34±55.87,105.32±47.81ng/mg, respectively, P<0.05). The urinary GC concentration was significantly higher in infiltrating urothelial carcinoma cases than in cases with low grade and high grade non-invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma (1906.69±840.86versus472.92±348.02and1014.06±753.16ng/mg, P<0.05).7. The optimum cut-off value was161.086ng/mg with92.31%sensitivity and83.02%specificity for diagnosis of bladder cancer. ROC analyses rendered a cut-off value with1407.481ng/mg corresponding to82.61%sensitivity and88.24%specificity d to distinguish infiltrating urothelial carcinoma form bladder cancer patients.
     1. Establishing stability and good reproducibility human urine2-DE techniques and methods in our study, which laid a foundation for further bladder cancer research on urine proteme.
     2. Comparing the urine proteome map of bladder cancer compared with normal controls by2D-DIGE.
     3. Sixteen differentially expressed proteins were identified. The up-regulated proteins in bladder cancer were ALB, GC, HP, FGB, APOA1, RBP4and SECTM1, and the other nine proteins were down-regulated. They were UMOD, KNG1, AMY1A, AMY2A, ITIH4, AMBP, HSPG2, CST5and MASP2.
     4. GC was selected for further investigation after bioinformatics analysis.
     5. The expression level of GC was significantly higher in bladder cancer tissue in comparison to normal control bladder tissue. GC protein was detected, apparently in the cytoplasmic compartments of cells.
     6. GC is significantly elevated in bladder cancer, and is positively associated with the pathological classification of bladder cancer
     7. Urinary GC may be a potential biomarker for the early diagnosis and effective surveillance of bladder cancer.
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