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The visual image of Christ was set up on the basis of traditionalJudaism with which idol worship,"The Second Commandment" of The TenCommandments clearly opposed to idol worship, then it has occurred morethan once "iconoclasm" campaign against the image of Christ in thesubsequent history of Christianity. There are two of the most great anddistant effects: once in Byzantine in the year8-9of the century, anotherof the reformation in the Netherlands in the16th century。
     The process of the image of Christ destroyed is what image of Christwere shaped by Visual Arts. The image of Christ not only had beenreferenced or directly misappropriated with different gods’ statues inthe early process; but also established on the destruction of the idolof gods. During of "Iconoclasm", the imagery of Christ not only isdestroyed, and the theological theory of Christ was established."Incarnation" and "The doctrine of the Trinity" on the Christ wererecognized by the Orthodox Church, and were partly accepted by theCatholic Church. Invisible God appeared on the flesh of Christ throughthe Logos and show the dean of salvation. Portrait of Christ can be paintedby human form with which embodies the Holy Spirit, the Father and the sonof God in the image-symbol system of "The doctrine of the Trinity ", suchimage of Christ is called "Icon".
     " Iconoclasm " effects to the image of Christ not just has destroyedthe imagery of Christ itself; and many substitutes or symbols of the imageof Christ has been appeared in the process of destruction, such as, theCross of Christ for sacrifice in the Byzantine" Iconoclasm ", the HolyCommunion and tekstborden symbolized and alternated Christ in reformationmovement,reflecting the faith and reliance is dependent on visual imageof Christ.
     It important influence of "Iconoclasm" on the image of Christ was notthe cause of the imagery of Christ completely died out, but was differenteffect and understanding on the image of Christ. A new round of upsurgeof the image of Christ creation had been set up during the end of Byzantine " Iconoclasm ", and appeared common "standard Icon" of Christ; it wasdifferent theological understanding between "venerate" and "adore" todistinguish "Icon reverence" from "Idol worship"; The standard system andsymbolism of the image of Christ also affected the most perfect image ofChrist in the Renaissance."Iconoclasm "of reformation had affected theimage of Christ in two different directions between the real simple styleof realism and the Baroque style of romance and passion, also affectedsome subsequent artist to portray non-consecrated of Christ's image.Therefore,"Iconoclasm" effects on the image of Christ not only led tothe harmonization and standardization of the image of Christ, but alsoled to a diversification of the image of Christ, and continued to affecttoday's understanding and creation of the image of Christ.
5Negating the image:Case Studies in Iconoclasm[G].Edited by Anne McClanan and Jeff Johnson.Burlington:Ashgate Publishing Company.2005.65-68.
    13Negating the image:Case Studies in Iconoclasm[G].Edited by Anne McClanan and Jeff Johnson.Burlington:Ashgate Publishing Company,2005.68.
    15M.Edwards.Optatus against the Donatists.(Translated Texts for Historians).Liverpool:Liverpool University Press.1997.27.
    17Negating the image:Case Studies in Iconoclasm[G].Edited by Anne McClanan and Jeff Johnson.Burlington:Ashgate Publishing Company,2005.65-68.
    18Brian B. Schmidt.The Aniconic Tradition: On Reading Images and Viewing Texts[C]. in DianaVikander Edelman, ed., The Triumph of Eiehim: From Yahwisms to Judaisms.Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,1996.96.
    22拜占庭又称为“东罗马帝国”,它是在古代罗马帝国的基础上发展演变而来的。16世纪法国著名历史学家热罗姆·沃尔夫(Jerome Wolf)在整理出版拜占庭历史资料时,第一个使用“拜占庭”来称呼以君士坦丁堡为中心的东方帝国。在法国卢浮宫出版了由许多法国学者合作编辑的《拜占庭历史资料大全》后,“拜占庭”这一名称正式成为学术界的专门术语
    31Claude Lefort. The Political Form of Modern Society[M].Cambridge: Polity Press,1986. Chapters
    32Hans Belting.Likeness and Presence[M].Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1989.108.
    33Costas Douzinas. The Legality of the Image[C].from The Modern Law Review Limited2000
    (MLR63:6, November). Blackwell Publishers.815.
    34D. J. Geannokoplos. Byzantium: Church, Society and Civilisation seen through ContemporaryEyes[M].Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1984.17-18.
    36A.H.M.Jones.The Decline of the Ancient World[M]. Longman,1980.122-124.
    37Foucault.The Subject and Power[J].Critical Inquiry8:4(Summer1982).786.
    38(美) W.J.T.米歇尔.图像理论[M].陈永国,胡文征译.北京:北京大学出版社,2006.303.
    39David Freedberg.The Power of image: Studies in the History and Theory of Response [M].Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1989.
    世(408-450年)在伊佛索召集了第三届基督教大会,此后,第四届察尔西顿基督教大会和第五届君士坦丁堡基督教大会分别由马尔西安(450-457年)和查士丁尼一世(527-565年)于451年和553年主持召开。参见:C1. Richards. The Papes and the Papacy in the Early Middle Ages[M]. London,1979.186-191.
    45A.A.Vasiliev.The History of the Byzantine Empire[M],Vol1.University of WisconsinPress,1961.81-82.
    46A.A.Vasiliev.The History of the Byzantine Empire[M],Vol1.University of WisconsinPress,1961.53.
    47Immanuel Kant, The Critique of Judgmemt[M]. Oxford: Oxford Umversity Press,1973.127.
    48Edmund Burke. A Philosophical Enquiry into the0rgins of the Sublime and the Beatiful[M].editedby J.T. Boulton, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press,1958.Reflections on the Revolutionin France.edited by J. G. Pocock, London: Hackett,1987.63.
    49Bradley Nassif. Kissers and Smashers:Why the Orthodox killed one another over icons[J].Christian History, Issue54,1997.
    51Bradley Nassif. Kissers and Smashers:Why the Orthodox killed one another over icons[J].Christian History, Issue54,1997.
    53Painted Ceiling:4th Century CE Catacomb of S.Pietroe Marcellino[C], Rome (Fig.296). Ref.Janson H.W.,History of Art Harry N. Abrams Inc. Publishers, New York1997.233.
    55参见: Martin Luther. Against the Heavenly Prophets in the Matter of Images andSacraments[M].1525. from Luther's Works, Vol.40, Muhlenberg Press, Philadelphia,1958.
    57Chales Culter. A Sufficient Knowledge: Icon and Body in Ninth-Century Byzantium[J].Interpreting Christian Art (Macon,2004).78.
    61Peter&Linda Murray. Oxford Dictionary of Christian Art[Z]. New York: Oxford University Press,1996.449.
    62St. John of Damascus. On the Divine Images[A], from Egon Sendler. S.J., The Icon: Image of theInvisible, trans. Fr. Steven Bigham, Oakwood Publications,1999.25.
    63St. John of Damascus. On the Divine Images[A], from Egon Sendler. S.J., The Icon: Image of theInvisible, trans. Fr. Steven Bigham, Oakwood Publications,1999.40.
    64Alain Besancon.The Forbidden Image: An Intellectual History of Iconolclasm[M]. University OfChicago Press,2009.149.
    66Costas Douzinas. The Legality of the Image[J].from The Modern Law Review Limited2000
    (MLR63:6, November). Blackwell Publishers.
    67Nicephoros. Discours contreles iconoclastes [C].edited and translated by M. J.Mondrain-Baudinet, Paris: Klincksieck,1989.86.
    68Hans-Georg Gadamer. The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays[C], trans. Nicholas Walker,ed. and intro. Robert Bernasconi, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1986.3-4.
    70A.A.Vasiliev.The History of the Byzantine Empire[M],Vol1.University of WisconsinPress,1961.262.
    71Anne Derbes.Picturing the Passion in Late Medieval Italy[M]. Cambridge University Press,1996.
    72Adrienne chaplin.The Theological Potential of Music[J]. in the Christian Scholar's Review XXXⅢ:1, fall.2003.125-133.
    85Richard A. Jensen. Thinking in Picture[M]. Blackwell Publishing.2004.297-303.
    86Martin Luther. Against the Heavenly Prophets in the Matter of Images and Sacraments[M].1525. from Luther'sWorks, Vol.40, Muhlenberg Press, Philadelphia,1958.
    87John Calvin.Institutes of the Christian Religion[A]. in2Vols., ed. by John T. McNeill, translated and indexedby Ford Lewis Battles, in The Library of Christian Classics, Vol. XX, The Westminster Press, Philadelphia,1960,IV.14.1.
    88John Calvin.Institutes of the Christian Religion[A], in2Vols., ed. by John T. McNeill, translated and indexedby Ford Lewis Battles, in The Library of Christian Classics, Vol. XX, The Westminster Press, Philadelphia,1960,IV.17,18.
    89John Calvin. Treatise on the Lord's Supper[A]. in Calvin: Theological Treatises, translated by The Rev. J. K. S.Reid, in The Library of Christian Classics, Ichthus Edition, The Westminster Press, Philadelphia,1954.158-159.
    91Carlton J.H.Hayes.A Political and Social History of Modern Europe[M],Vlo Ⅰ. Project Gutenberg,2004.142.
    94(美)托马斯·奥戴.宗教社会学[M].胡荣、乐爱国译.宁夏人民出版社,1989. l8.
    95John Calvin.Institutes of the Christian Religion[A]. in2Vols., ed. by John T. McNeill, translated and indexedby Ford Lewis Battles, in The Library of Christian Classics, Vol. XX, The Westminster Press, Philadelphia,1960,IV.14..3,17.
    97C.A.凡·斯威格切姆(C.A.van Swigchem)开拓性地考察了早期荷兰新教教堂,将此类图像称为“tekstborden”(“文本图像”或“文本绘画”),将其称为“圣经绘画”更能够概括它的功能,因为大多数这种绘画都涉及圣经要义的新教理解。
    98John Calvin.Sermons on the Ten Commandments[M].trans and ed, Benjamin W. Farley.Grand Rapids:Baker,1980.65–66.
    99Negating the image: Case Studies in Iconoclasm[C]. Edited by Anne Mc Clanan and Jeff Johnson.Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company,2005.140.
    100Robert L.Dabney.Systematic Theology[M].(1871;repr.Edinburgh:Banner of Truth,1985).362.
    101Robert L.Dabney.Systematic Theology[M].(1871;repr.Edinburgh:Banner of Truth,1985).363.
    102Moses Maimonides.Guide of the Perplexed[M].vol.1.Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1963.59.
    114Daniel Arasse.Le Détail: Pour une histoire rapprochée de la peinture[M]. Flamarion.1996.80-97.
    115Carol Duncan. The Aesthetics of Power: Essays in Critical Art History[M].Cambridge University Press,1993.191.
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    [27](美) W.J.T.米歇尔.图像理论[M].陈永国胡文征译.北京:北京大学出版社,2006.
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    [12] Alain Besancon.The Forbidden Image: An Intellectual History ofIconolclasm[M]. University Of Chicago Press,2009.
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    [14] Charles Barber.A Sufficient Knowledge: Icon and Body inNinth-Century Byzantium[M]. Leiden: Brill,2007.
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    [16] Carlos M. N. Eire. War Against the Idols: The Reformation of Worshipfrom Erasmus to Calvin[M]. New York: Cambridge University Press1989.
    [17] John Calvin.Sermons on the Ten Commandments[M].trans and ed,Benjamin W. Farley.Grand Rapids: Baker,1980.
    [18] Martin Luther. Against the Heavenly Prophets in the Matter of Imagesand Sacraments[M].1525.from Luther's Works, Vol.40, Muhlenberg Press,Philadelphia,1958.
    [19] Otto Pacht. Book Illustration in the Middle Ages[M], trans. KayDavenport. Oxford: Oxford University Press,1986.
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    [21] Hans Belting.Likeness and Presence[M].Chicago: University ofChicago Press,1989.
    [22] Richard A. Jensen. Thinking in Picture[M]. Blackwell Publishing.2004.
    [23] Negating the image: Case Studies in Iconoclasm[C]. Edited byAnne McClanan and Jeff Johnson. Burlington: Ashgate PublishingCompany,2005.
    [24] Brian B. Schmidt.The Aniconic Tradition: On Reading Images andViewing Texts[C]. in Diana Vikander Edelman, ed., The Triumph of Eiehim:From Yahwisms to Judaisms.Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,1996.
    [25] Bradley Nassif. Kissers and Smashers:Why the Orthodox killed oneanother over icons[J]. Christian History, Issue54,1997.
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