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The existence of diffused neuroendocrine system cells in corpus luteum (CL) of bovine in estrus was studied by method of immunohistochemistry streptavidin-peroxidase in present research. The co-existence and their regulation mechanics of four involved neuroendocrine markers, SYP、NSE、5-HT and S100, in one same cell were detected by means of immunohistochemical double label technique. The relation between oxytocin and diffused neuroendocrine system cells were also studied by immunohistochemical double label technique. All results were analyzed by Jiangsu JieDa cellular morphology Microsoft ware. The main results were showed following:
     1. The immuno-reactive productions of four neuroendocrine markers were located in the cytoplasm of part of the luteal cells of bovine during the period of estrus. The positive cells were belonged to three groups of strongly, mid and weekly staining according to the immuno-reaction. Some of the positive cells get together while the others are diffused in the CL. There are various morphological features of the positive cells including oval and triangle and spinal in shapes and some of which have projects. In this experiment, we found that the contents of the four markers and their numbers of the positive cells in bovine CL are significantly more than which in goat CL. As the SYP、NSE、5-HT and S100 are the common markers of neuroendocrine cells, we suggest that there are a number of neuroendocrine cells in the CL of bovine in estrus.
     2. The double labeled cells of two markers, 5-HT and SYP、5-HT and NSE、5-HT and S-100、NSE and SYP、NSE and S-100, SYP and S-100 were also observed in CL with colored cytoplasm of brown in present research. The double labeled cells presents the same feature as single stained ones with clear outline and round nuclear. The result shows that more than 95% SYP and NSE co-existence with 5-HT, more over, there is no significant difference between the number of SYP/NSE and SYP/S-100 double labeled cells. In addition, other pairs also have high co-existence rate. These results suggest that the four neuro-markers may affect the function of CL by regulating each other.
     3. Oxytocin plays a vital role in the development and apoptosis of the CL. The result shows that oxytocin also well co-exist with neuro-markers. The numbers of double labeled cells of OT/NSE、OT/S100、OT/5-HT has no significant difference, which indicates that the luteal neuroendocrine cells involve in the regulation of the formation and regression of CL.
     4. Pilot study of the origin of luteal neuroendocrine cells was also done in this research. The result shows that neuro-markers, SYP and NSE immunoreactive were detected only in corpus luteum with negative staining in other part of the ovaries. This result suggests that luteal neuroendocrine cells were generated from follicular cells by means of neuroendocrine differentiation during luteinization.
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