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     在传感器研究领域,各种种类及结构的纳米材料被用于传感器特别是电化学传感器制备,取得了良好的测试效果,线性范围及检测限有很大提高。这其中,金属氧化物半导体材料的应用引起很大关注。本文发展了基于ZnO纳米棒阵列(ZnO nanorod arrays,ZnONRAs)的电化学传感器,用于过氧化氢的测试,以期这类传感器能够更好地满足实际需要。此外,研究了采用场效应原理的器件及光可寻址电位传感器(Light AddressablePotentiometric Sensors,LAPS)表面修饰对DNA测试性能的影响。
     我们利用ZnO薄膜为种子层,通过水热法制备了ZnO NRAs。发现了紫外光处理ZnO薄膜促进了水热法制备ZnO NRAs表面均一性的提高,纳米棒阵列中棒直径的分布更均匀,棒的直径相对变小。
     实验表明,通过磁控溅射技术在ZnO NRAs上镀金,可以保护ZnO纳米棒在水溶液中不受腐蚀,同时也作为一维纳米阵列电极进行电化学测试。
     2 )镀金的ZnO纳米棒阵列电极测试过氧化氢的特性
     采用镀金的ZnO纳米棒阵列电极进行过氧化氢测试。与平面金电极对照,过氧化氢在这种电极上的氧化还原电位都有了显著下降,对应峰电流显著上升。实现了过氧化氢更低还原电位下的测试。采用镀金ZnO纳米棒阵列电极得到的线性范围为0.088mM-70.6mM,检测限为0.07mM,测试灵敏度为30mA cm~(-2)M~(-1)。在所测试浓度范围内,生理浓度的抗坏血酸对测试没有干扰。
     镀金的ZnO纳米棒阵列电极表面沉积纳米尺度的铂层后,过氧化氢在电极上氧化还原反应的可逆性增加,这表明镀铂后电极活性增加。过氧化氢测试的线性测试范围为0.044mM-20mM,检测限为0.03mM,灵敏度为50 mA cm~(-2)M~(-1)。生理浓度的抗坏血酸对测试没有干扰。
Hydrogen peroxide (H_2O_2) will be produced in many oxidase-catalyzed reactions,including enzymes such as glucose oxidase, uric acid oxidase, cholesterol oxidase, ethanoloxidase, etc. The detection of the concentration of H_2O_2 can be employed to measure theconcentration of many target samples, which are the substrates of the oxidase s mentioned above.This makes it possible to develop biosensors for various substances such as glucose, etc. Manycells will produce H_2O_2 and it will also appear in the urine, blood and breath. The detection ofH_2O_2 could be employed to evaluate the status of the oxidative stress and to monitor the reactionin the process of therapy.
     On the other hand, the separation and analysis of genes have exhibited more and moreimportance in the areas of hygienic immunology, medical diagnosis, pharmaceutical research,environmental science and biological engineering. This promotes new requirements on themethods for the gene analysis and detection.
     In the research area of sensors, nanomaterials of different kinds and various structures havebeen applied, especially in the development of electrochemical sensors. This has resulted ingood measurement effects in the related research work, including the improvement of linearrange and detect limit.
     We developed electrochemical sensors for the measurement of hydrogen peroxide, basedon the ZnO nanorod arrays, to meet the requirement of this kind of sensors for the practicalapplications. Besides, the influence of surface modification of field-effect device to its functionof DNA test was studied too. TiO_2 film was deposited on the surface of thelight-addressable-potentilmetric sensor (LAPS) to simplify the surface treatment process and toimprove the efficiency, for attaining better result of DNA test.
     The main research contents of this work are as followings:
     1) The effect of the UV treatment on the properties of the hydrothermally-grown ZnOnanorod arrays
     The ZnO nanorod arrays hydrothermally grown on the UV-treated area of the ZnO seedinglayer exhibit different surface morphology and photoluminescence characteristics comparedwith those grown on the non-UV-treated area. The UV treatment makes the surface of the ZnONRAs more uniform, the same as the diameter distribution of the nanorods. The nanorods on theUV-treated area were thinner than those on the non-UV treated area.
     2) Electrochemical characterization of gold-coated ZnO nanorod arrays electrode
     Gold was spurtered onto the surface of the ZnO nanorods in the arrays, which will protect them from erosion in aqueous solution and make the arrays capable of acting as electrode forelectrochemical detection. The prepared electrode was characterized by cyclic voltammetry andelectrochemical impedance spectrum, etc. With comparison to planar gold electrode, it is foundout that the diffusion property of the gold-coated ZnO NRAs electrode is nearly the same as thatof planar gold electrode, but the difffusion area enlarged and the charge transfer resistancedecreased. The decrease of the charge transfer resistance implies the increase of theelectrochemical activity of the electrode, which is in accordance with the properties ofnanostructure materials.
     3) Gold-coated ZnO NRAs electrode with improved electrochemical activity for thedirect detection of hydrogen peroxide
     The cyclic voltammograms in H2O2 solution revealed that the cathodic potential waslowered on gold-coated ZnO NRAs electrode compared with that on the planar gold electrode.The linear range of the detection for H2O2 with this electrode is 0.088 mM to 72.6mM, and thedetection limit is 0.07M. The detect sensitivity is 30 mAcm~(-2)M~(-1).
     4) Pt-modified gold-coated ZnO NRAs electrode for the detection of hydrogenperoxide
     With Pt modification, the resulted gold-coated ZnO NRAs electrode exhibits differentcyclic voltammetry characteristics. The reversibility of the reduction-oxidation reaction ofH2O2 on the Pt-modified electrode was improved, indicating the improvement of theelectrochemical activity of the electrode after the Pt deposition. The linear range of the detectionfor H2O2 with this electrode is 0.044 mM to 20mM, and the detection limit is 0.03mM. Thedetect sensitivity is 50 mAcm~(-2)M~(-1). Compared with the gold-coated ZnO NRAs electrode, afterPt modification, the detection limit and sensitivity were improved. The interference of theascorbic acid under the physiological concentration was neglected in the detection range.
     5) Influence of surface modification on the measurement effect of field-effect device.
     Two kinds of field-effect devices were studied, which could response to the change ofsurface charge by the variation of impedance of the devices.
     A. The influence of the surface treatment on the test characteristics of the field effectdevices (FED) has been studied. The surface treatment was carried out employing sulfuric acidand methanol-HCl solution respectively. The silanization and fluorescence-labeling of thesurface after these two kinds of treatment reveal that the treatments cause little influence on thesilanization effect of the surface. It is found that the sulfuric acid treatment makes the readout ofthe DNA sensor better.
     B. The non-label DNA test was conducted employing the characteristics of the LAPS responding to the surface charge. Nanocrystal titanium dioxide (TiO_2) thin film was depositedon the surface of the LAPS. The fluorescence labeling measurement indicates that the effect ofsurface silanization is improved by the UV treatment. The hybridization of 10μM target DNAwith the corresponding probe DNA immobilized on the LAPS surface can be measured by theshift of the I-V curve of LAPS.
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