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Finance is the core of modern economies, and economic development isinseparable from the financial support. Since the reform and opening up, the northeastarea, including Liaoning, who made great contribution to the new China economicdevelopment and were known as the "Republic of the eldest son, developed slowlyand lagged behind economically developed coastal regions. The revitalization ofnortheast old industrial base, led by Liaoning become the focus of attention. Since thebeginning of the new century, the coordinated development of all regions of thecountry's economy has become China's major economic development strategy. In2003, the State Council clearly put forward the strategy of revitalizing the northeastold industrial base, which is another major strategic plan of the central collectiveleadership assess the situation and plan for the global building a moderatelyprosperous society, following the implementation of the coastal development strategy,the western development strategy after another major strategic decisions.
     Since 1970s, with the financial development theory by MacKinnon and Shaw,the theory of financial development and the relationship with the economic growthbecome the main area of economic research. Most studies are relying on the theory ofregional economic theory as a regional financial research, the regional characteristicsof China's economic development as a starting point for the analysis of regionalfinancial issues, or provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions as a researchsamples, analysis of inter-provincial financial development and economic growth,there is little research to refine the sample to a province for the study sample. Thispaper take Liaoning as study sample, with quantities and qualities analysis andempirical methods, based on the development strategies, such as Liaoning CoastalEconomic Zone, Shenyang Economic Zone and the breakthrough Liaoning NorthwestRegional Development Planning, specializes in the strategy of revitalizing the oldindustrial base of Liaoning on the financial support.
     The first chapter,“Introduction”, discusses the topics of study of theory and practical significance, introduces the significances and innovations of the study.
     Chapter two are of financial theory and empirical research literature review. Inthis section, we will carefully comb the development of theoretical and empiricalresearch on financial development and economic growth. Although people have longnoted the relationship between finance and economic growth, and the emergence ofthe large number of theoretical significance of financial development on economicgrowth, but much of the literature is limited to a discussion of the developed countries.In theory, the discussion focused on financial development and economic growth inthe financial deepening and financial repression theory, financial structure andfinancial functional perspective, endogenous growth theory and the theory of financialdevelopment and financial determinants of discussion. After that, we conduct acomprehensive review of the empirical research on the relationship between financialdevelopment and economic growth. By the research method, we study the crosssection, time series analysis, micro level study, industrial level study, panel data, andcausality. We summary their research strengths and shortcomings, and then point outthe direction for further research. We also review the study focusing China, and pointout most studies are relying on the theory of regional economic theory as a regionalfinancial research, the regional characteristics of China's economic development as astarting point for the analysis of regional financial issues, or provinces, municipalitiesand autonomous regions as a research samples, analysis of inter-provincial financialdevelopment and economic growth, there is little research to refine the sample to aprovince for the study sample. This paper take Liaoning as study sample, withquantities and qualities analysis and empirical methods, based on the developmentstrategies, such as Liaoning Coastal Economic Zone, Shenyang Economic Zone andthe breakthrough Liaoning Northwest Regional Development Planning, specializes inthe strategy of revitalizing the old industrial base of Liaoning on the financial support.
     Chapter three titled“Empirical study on the financial development and economicgrowth”. Do empirical research on the actual situation of China's provinces, financialdevelopment and economic growth, review and analysis the relationship betweenfinancial development and economic growth in the first three decades of reform andopening up. Through the investigation of indicators of financial added value, financialvalue-added index, deposits, we find out there are close relationships betweenfinancial development and growth. We conduct a time series test. the results show that the major achievements of three decades of reform and opening up the economy, thedevelopment of the financial industry played an important role. Also the cross sectionstudy prove our conclusion. Based on Wulger(2000), we find out the allocation offinancial resources in China after the reform and opening up more efficient andeastern coastal areas of the financial efficiency of resource allocation wassignificantly higher than the central and western regions, is closely related to thedevelopment of the financial sector and capital allocation efficiency. Liaoningfinancial industry capital allocation efficiency in the whole country is still at arelatively high level and Liaoning's financial development has a vast space.Well-functioning financial sector has a crucial role in capital allocation efficiency andeconomic development. Government departments should give full play to the role ofmarket mechanisms; promote the resources and effective allocation, in order toachieve rapid economic development.
     On the basis of the analysis in the country, the fourth chapter, we continue toexamine the important role of finance to economic growth in Liaoning. Review ofLiaoning economic development of the course, in particular, is since theimplementation of the northeast old industrial base revitalization strategy, Liaoningeconomic development changes and coastal economic belt, the economic planningconstruction of Shenyang Economic Zone and breakthroughs in Liaoning Northwestand other area, of finance in which play important role to do a comprehensive analysisof finance in support of the coastal economic belt, Shenyang Economic Zone and thenorthwestern Liaoning economic Development.
     The fifth chapter does the empirical analysis of the relationship between financialdevelopment and economic growth. Analysis of results and financial role inpromoting economic growth, financial development in Liaoning Province since thereform and opening up and Liaoning Province Financial development and economicgrowth of the relationship between the experience of a time series analysis. Examinethe situation of the regional financial development and economic growth, andexperience in cross-sectional data analysis. An Empirical Analysis of LiaoningProvince and the region as a sample, once again proved the close relationship offinancial development and economic growth and financial role in promotingeconomic growth.
     With the main line of financial ecological theory in chapter six, focusing on analysis of financial support for economic growth in Liaoning, mainly bank creditfunds is not enough support for SMEs, the lack of effective and rapid exchange ofinformation channels, the level of financial services and financial innovation to befurther enhanced, senior financial personnel have adequate reserves. Compared withthe developed areas of China's coastal economic and financial development of thefinancial industry in Liaoning Province is still in the relatively backward state, and itsroot cause lies with the Liaoning Province financial ecological environment andfinancial ecological construction needs urgent great improvement. In particular,highlight the problem of bad loans and financial risk in Liaoning, a serious threat tothe financial environment. On this basis, Liaoning financial ecological construction inrecent years is analysed, and is illustrated through specific cases study.
     The last chapter concludes and summarize on the basis of the financial support ofLiaoning old industrial base policy recommendations, including: actively improvesocial credibility and greatly improving the financial environment; in accordance withnational planning, the elaboration of complementary policies to create favorableexternal conditions for financial support; the establishment of regional financialcoordination mechanism, integration of financial resources, and effectively enhancethe level and efficiency of regional financial services; play Shenyang, Dalian Twinsfinancial advantage, promote the comprehensive development of the province'sfinancial and economic; active and innovative financial products, to improve the levelof financial services; to strengthen the construction of the new financial personnel.
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