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Recent researches in cognitive psychology and ESL/EFL learning theories reveal that learners themselves are the internal and dominant factor in language learning, and thus learner autonomy should become an unquestionable goal of education (Candy, 1989; Littlewood, 1999; Nunan, 2001; Piaget, 1977; Vygotsky, 1978). This paper investigates the effects of a computer-assisted project-based learning program on the development of learner autonomy. By exploring its impact on the students' autonomous learning beliefs and strategies, this paper aims to improve our ability to design CALL programs that foster autonomous learning so that we can implement such programs more effectively. The theoretical base for this study is a goal-oriented cognitive and social constructivist view of learning. H. Holec's three essential elements in learner autonomy development are employed as the research framework. They are goal-setting, independent-action and evaluation.
    In the research, both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed. The quantitative data were obtained from a learner autonomy survey of 51 third-year English majors in Suzhou University. Meanwhile, post-project interviews, the writer's observation notes and the students' writing samples were employed in order to gain insights into the process of learner changes. The major findings can be summarized as follows:
    1. No statistically significant changes have been found in goal-setting beliefs and independent-action beliefs during the one-semester's CALL program, but the general tendency of change has been identified in the expected directions. Obvious changes in the evaluation beliefs have been identified. However, the data analysis reveals that such changes do not take place immediately. Rather, they penetrate gradually into the students' increasing involvement in the evaluation activities, into their awareness of the benefits and into their constant reflections on the learning processes.
    2. Goal-setting strategies, independent-action strategies and evaluation
    strategies, have undergone statistically significant changes throughout the computer-assisted and project-based course. The students learn to make decisions about their own learning, determine the order of steps to be taken to complete the tasks, solve their own problems, evaluate the progress and predict the possible outcome. They are becoming the learners with clear goals and with the ability to manage their own learning.
    3. Many factors seem to have either facilitated or inhibited the development of learner autonomy in this CALL classroom. The most prevalent facilitating factors are teacher support, a new construedvist pedagogy, and a favorable CALL environment, while the inhibiting factors include students' misconceptions and disinclination, project management problems and inadequate technical support.
    In light of the above findings, this paper suggests that the constructivist project-based learning with technology has potential in developing learner autonomy, in terms of both learning beliefs and strategies, which include goal-setting, independent-action and evaluation. However, the effects of such CALL programs still depend on program design, classroom management and adequate support from administrators, technicians, teachers and learners themselves.
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