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It is the battle of brand in the future marketing. The market competition will transform intointangible competition of brand equity. Now, it is a strict challenge for Chinese enterprises topossess brand equity which beyond borders and win support among the people. The keyproblem for Chinese enterprises preparing global brand competition is how to shape strongbrand and accumulate high quality brand equity. However, the building of Chineseenterprises brand equity also stands in the stage of primary when is scrabbling and studyinggradually. And in this stage, there are some of problems uncovering which includs hazyconception, vague content and illegibility in building method. At the same time, it is a newresearch direction for exploring the source of brand equity from relationship perspective inbranding science research. And there are a few of localization and expansion space indealing with these problems. Therefore, based on the consumer brand relationship researchparadigm, clearly define the conception of brand equity on relationship perspective,systematically extract the factors, deeply resolve the drving relationship, and analyzed by thesamples of Chinese consumers, which will satisfy the demand of brand managers in Chineseenterprises for shaping strong brand and accumulating high quality brand equity, expand theconcept of brand equity and research field, explore the factors of consumer brandrelationship in driving brand equity.
     In this context, the paper cleared the theoretics process of brand equity on consumer brandrelationship perspective and formed the research route and method of brand equity frombrand relationship perspective by reviewing, carding and concluding the interrelatedtheoretics and literatures from consumer value, brand relationship to brand equity and etc. Inthe research route, the paper put forward the conception of brand equity based onrelationship perspective qualitatively, extracted the factors from cognize, emotion andbehavior, and built the driving modle of brand equity based on relationship perspective bythe main route of brand equity forming process. In the end, the paper analyzed the samplesof Chinese consumers, tested the modle empirically by acquisiting and orderring the dataform telephone brand. Based on the empirical results, the paper advanced the managementproposals. In the research method, the paper adopted secondary data analysis, comparative analysis, logical reasoning, qualitatively syllogism, survey research and quantitative analysis,brought to bear the advanced theoretics and methodes, considered the developping tendencyof brand managment practice, focused the combine of theoretics and practice, quantitativeand qualitative verification, criterion and empirical analysis. The research methods ensuredthe whole process integrality, systematicness and scientificity.
     According as the research route, methods, and the normative process of empirical research,the paper systematically studied the conceptual model and driving relationship of brandequity based on consumer relationship perspective by the reviews of interrelated theoreticsand literatures, putting forward the conceptual model and driving relationship, testing theconceptual model, verifying the driving relationship, bringing forward the managmentpropositions, and the results and research prospect. The main content includes thefollowing sections:
     1. According to the research paradigm of brand relationship, the paper puts forward thefundamental concept of brand equity on relationship perspective, builds the structure model,and resolves the driving relationship among the factors. The paper considers that brandequity on relationship perspective is the differential effect of brand relationship quality onconsumer response to the marketing of brand, includes brand cognize, emotion and behavior.Brand cognize is defined as the benefits of brand products and services perceived byconsumer in the contact of brand, includes brand function, brand experience, and brandsymbol; brand emotion is defined as mentality response to brand cognize, includes brandtrust and brand attachment; brand behavior is defined as behavior tendency triggered bybrand cognize and emotion, includes brand loyalty and brand advocate. Brand equity onrelationship perspective is effected, driven by the factors of brand cognize, brand emotionand brand behavior. There are the driving relationships among the factors.
     2. The papaer validates the conceptual model and driving relationship of brand equtiy onrelationship perspective. In the empirical research of conceptual model, the paper introducesthe research methods, forms the 41 items of scales by group interviews and prediction testaccording to the canonical process, and discusses the rationality of the conceptual modelqualitatively; We selects six telephone brands to collect the samples data in three businesscircles of Changchun, tests the conceptual model by descriptive statistic analysis,exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis, purifys the scales to 34 itemsby the results of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. In theempirical research of driving relationship, the paper introduces the research methods ofvalidating the driving relationship model, surveys the samples of five cities on six telephone brands and cleans up the survey data. Through the escriptive statistic analysis and thereliability and validity of the test, the results shows the survey data and the scales havereliability and validity. Based on the results, the papaer builds the structural equation modelof brand equity on relationship perspective, analyzes the survey data and tests the hypothesis.The results shows that the data supports nine hypothesises, and seven hypothesises are notsuppoted.
     3. The paper put forward the management propositions to build high quality brand equityfor Chinese enterprises. After validating the conceptual model and driving relationship, thepaper focuses the opportunity of Chinese enterprises to build high quality brand equity, andputs forward some of management propositions for resolving the problems in Chineseenterprises that includs hazy conception, vague content and illegibility in building method.The paper advances that enterprises are guided to shape strong brand and accumulategenerous equity by defining the concept of brand equity on relationship perspective,clarifying the logic of building the high quality brand equity, and clearing the process ofconstructing the strong brand equity faced with severe challenge of building brand equity inChinese enterprises.
     The paper approved the concept of brand equity on relationship perspective and therationality of three hierarchy structural model, tested the relation paths of driving brandequity on relationship perspective, and found a few of results which have practice andtheoretics value. The empirical results show that consumer brand cognize is the rationalfoundation of forming brand equity on relationship perspective, and the dircet factor ofinspiring brand emotion and producing brand behavior. Brand function and brand experiencecan availably enhance consumer brand trust, brand experience and brand symbol canremarkably enhance consumer brand attachment, brand experience has directly driving effecton brand loyalty. Brand emotion is the affectionate ties of accumulating brand equity onrelationship perspective, and the key factor of driving brand behavior. Brand trust canavailably enhance consumer brand loyalty and brand advocate, brand attachment canremarkably enhance consumer brand loyalty and advocate. The paper clearly defined theconcept of brand equity on relationship perspective, uqwngp validated the research paradigmof brand relationship which proposed by Fournier (1994), systematicly deepen the pattern ofconsumer-based brand equity advaned by Keller (1993), canonically explored the scales ofbrand equity on relationship perspective, and afforded the academic foundation formeasuring brand equity. The paper analyzed deeply the driving relationship of brand equityon relationship perspective, and unlocked the new page for empirical research on brand equity based on consumer relationship perspective.
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