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The synergetic development of marine-land industrial coupling system is aneffective way to explore marine resources and relieve the pressure of land resourcesand environment. It is also an important channel to enhance the efficiency of coastaleconomic growth and carry forward a new round development of coastal areas.Meanwhile, it is regarded as an inevitable requirement for promoting economicconstruction, social construction, and ecological civilization construction in coastalareas, as well as an urgent need for marine power construction. Restricted by naturalenvironment, marine industry and land industry are divided into different patterns interms of industrial planning and spatial arrangement, which then present obvious dualeconomic structure and result in low coupling degree and disharmonious process ofmarine-land industry’s integrative development. From the perspective of industrialcoupling, this dissertation probes into the evolution mechanism of marine-landindustrial coupling system and constructs the evaluation model, aiming to explore acoupling synergetic development path for marine-land industries. This dissertation ismainly elaborated within following sections:
     1. The explanation of the feature of marine-land industrial coupling system. Bycategorizing the relevant concepts of marine-land industrial coupling system, thisdissertation respectively starts from the perspective of lateral correlation andlongitudinal development to make a thorough analysis of the principle, the content,the structure and the function in marine-land industrial coupling system. By studyingthe advantages and opportunities, disadvantages and challenges of marine-landindustry coupling, it summarizes a typical operating mode of marine-land industrychain.
     2. The illustration on the evolution process of the dissipative structure inmarine-land coupling system. By explaining its characteristic of openness,non-equilibrium state, nonlinearity and fluctuation, this dissertation examines thestructural instability and dissipation process of single industry system. Combined withthe Logistic equation, it investigates the life circle of single marine industry and singleland industry. Through the study on the stability of marine-land industrial couplingsystem, it reveals an evolution law that marine-land industry system continuously seeks for an ordered structure of a higher level.
     3. The discovery of marine-land industrial coupling system’s entropy changemechanism. Through recognition and analysis of the entropy of marine-land industrialcoupling system, this dissertation represents the speed entropy, scale entropy andstructure entropy. Then it constructs an entropy change model and investigates theentropy evolution mechanism in the process of marine-land industry system coupling.
     4. The exploration into marine-land industrial coupling system’s synergeticevolution procedure. In the light of the interest between different industries, itstimulates the competitive-cooperative relationship by utilizing replicator dynamicequation and Jacobian matrix in order to obtain the system’s dynamic balance point.Integrated by phase diagram analysis method, it demonstrates the dynamic evolutionprocess and stability of marine-land industry competitive-cooperative strategies underdifferent initial state parameters. By emulating the evolution path, it builds upLotka-Volterra empirical model of competition and cooperation between marineindustry and land industry. After practical analysis of the competition, cooperation, orpredator-prey relations between marine industry and land industry, it provides thetheoretical foundation and beneficial guidance for the formulation of differentmarine-land industries’ coupling development policies.
     5. The construction of an evaluation model of marine-land industrial couplingsystem’s synergetic development. From the view of lateral correlation, thisdissertation applies data envelopment analysis to build up a model and an evaluationindex system of synergetic validity, development validity and synergetic developmentvalidity. From the view of longitudinal development, it adopts the variation coefficientmethod to establish a coupling degree model, a synergetic degree model, and anevaluation index system of marine-land industrial coupling system’s synergeticdevelopment. By taking Tianjin as an example, it elaborates the current developingsituation of marine-land industry coupling system’s synergetic development and builda supporting system of marine-land industry system’ coupling systemic development.In the end, specific countermeasures are proposed for promoting marine-land industrycoupling system’s synergetic development.
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