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随着网络和视频技术的发展,视频点播得到了迅速推广和普及,如今已广泛应用于远程教育、远程医疗、新闻出版、电子商务、视频会议、实时监控等许多领域。目前,在多网互联条件下,如何实现跨网络视频应用已经逐渐成为人们关注的热点。本文综合分析了视频点播在IP网络和CATV网络中的应用,针对IP和CATV跨网络视频应用的核心问题,从系统体系结构、播出端播控机制、接收与服务端处理机制等方面进行了深入研究,并结合相关领域的已有成果,设计实现了一个基于IP和CATV双网融合的视频点播系统—DNDW VOD系统。论文主要研究成果如下:
     4.在上述技术的基础上,设计并实现了DNDW VOD系统。该系统针对我国目前IP网和CATV数字广播网络环境特点,实现了视频点播跨网络应用,能同时支持现场直播、视频下载、在线广播、随机点播等多种视频应用;更为重要的是,基于现有IP和CATV网络构建该系统,既不需要花费进行网络改造,也不会影响现有网络应用。
With the development of network and video technology, the achievements of video-on-demand (VOD) have been applied with its popularity due to IP network, and also have been widely used in many other fields such as distance-education, Tele-medicine, journalism, publishing, e-commerce, video conferencing, real-time monitoring and so on. Nowadays, it is gradually becoming a hotspot that how to realize the inter-network video application on the condition of the existing multi-networks.
     By analyzing the VOD application in IP network and CATV network respectively, aiming at the core problem of IP and CATV cross-network video application and integrating the existing achievements of other related fields, the author does a research on the following aspects including the system structure, transmit and control mechanism at broadcasting platform, processing mode at receiving terminal and serving platform. It is designed and realized a VOD system--DNDW VOD across dual-network of IP and CATV in this paper.
     The main work in this paper is summarized as follows:
     1. An architecture of the DNDW VOD system is designed. By using the architecture, transparent transmission and end-user transparent access can be realized in dual-network of IP and CATV. Furthermore, the system not only has the capability of supporting both the two-way interaction and the data broadcasting, but also satisfies the demands of the cosmically users and large information in VOD application.
     2. As to the paroxysmal and nonuniform characteristics of VOD, a transmission and control mechanism--differential parallel broadcasting is presented, which can improve the transmission efficiency and bandwidth utilization of the network. By integrating the mechanism with the COM module encapsulation technology at receiving terminal, the system will automatically switch transfer channels without any artificially interference.
     3. In order to solve the problem of losing frames during the video transmiting process, a forward error correction (FEC) solution of frames-oriented is presented. With this technology, we can improve the integrity probability of information receipt at one time, thus guarantee the real-time effectively during video playing.
     4. A DNDW VOD prototype is designed and realizeed. Based on the current IP and CATV network environment in China, the system can realize the inter-network application of VOD, which can support live broadcast, video download, broadcast online, random on-demand, and so on.
     All in all, the innovative technologies and methods showed in the dissertation will provide some useful reference for the related researchers. And the DNDW VOD system is an effective try to branch out into cross-network data services, based on the IP and CATV dual-network integration.
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