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Since national advanced education department expanded scale for enrolling new college students in 1999, advanced educational project has developed rapidly. But meanwhile it also brought about some side effects. Severe contradiction between supply and demand of educational resources in colleges is one of them. How to reasonably allocate and share present national collegial educational resources has already been a significant task. The thesis studies some excellent modes of sharing collegial educational resources home and abroad, mainly integrates hard and soft educational resources in present three undergraduate colleges in Ganzhou using principles from management science and pedagogy, then probes into constructing the mode of sharing collegial educational resources in Ganzhou and its specific running institutions. The goal of the thesis is to offer theoretical guidance and reference to settle the problem of allocating educational resources, and supply policy consultation for contributing local economic development and overall development of advanced educational project of Jiangxi.
     There are five chapters in this thesis. Firstly, it is brief introduction of sharing collegial educational resources. Secondly, it analyzes current situation of collegial educational resources in Ganzhou. Thirdly, it compares different modes of sharing collegial educational resources home and abroad. Fourthly, it probes into sharing collegial educational resources in Ganzhou theoretically. Fifthly, it presents how to construct the mode of sharing collegial educational resources and its specific running institutions. In the fourth and fifth chapters, focal points in the thesis, it analyzes the mode of sharing collegial educational resources starting from sharing educational resources including hard and soft ware taking principles from management science, sociology, tact theory and systematic theory as theoretical support. At last it constructs the mode of sharing collegial educational resources and its specific running institutions, that is macroscopically governmental regulating institution, microcosmically collegial running institution, and public supervising institution.
1 朱剑,《美国的五校联盟探析》,现代教育科学2006,(2)。
    2 汤涛等,《高校教师资源共享途径与模式调研》,中国高等教育,2002,(3)。
    3 朱瑾,《从大学城模式谈高校资源共享》,西安建筑科技大学学报(社会科学版),第25卷,第1期。
    4 杨天平,西方大学城的演变和发展,北京理工大学学报(社会科学版),2003。
    5 UNESCO Policy Paper For Change and Development in Higher Education, 2000-2003。
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    7 江泽民,《在全国科学技术大会上的讲话》,[N],《人民日报》,1995-05-26(1)。
    8 周绍森,《论中国中部崛起》,北京,中国经济出版社。
    9 资料来源赣州政府网。
    10 数据来源赣州市高招办有关文件。
    11 朱瑾,《从大学城模式谈高校资源共享》,西安建筑科技大学学报(社会科学版),第25卷第1期。
    12 刘海波,《江浙沪高等教育资源整合与发展》,江苏高教,2005,(5)。
    13 朱剑,《美国的五校联盟探析》,现代教育科学2006,(2)。
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    22 《辞海》缩印本, 1989年版,上海辞书出版社。
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    24 《中国教育报》,2007-03-06(1)。
    25 孟繁华,教育管理决策新论[M],北京:教育科学出版社,2002,6-7。
    26 廖晓明,《行政管理通论》,中国人事出版社,2002,267。
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    28 周三多,《管理学》,第二版高教出版社,2003,321-322。
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    30 肖玉梅,《高等教育行政管理学》,人民大学出版社,2006,368。
    31 陈永明,《教育行政新论》,华东师范大学出版社,2003,389。
    32 杨天平著,《学校常规管理学》,人民出版社,2004,297。
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