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Knowledge and knowledge management are important sources of competitiveadvantage in the21st century. With intense changing market environment, it is a kindof important factors to decide whether enterprise continued success how to seekknowledge and ability and translate them into practical innovation capability andprofitability from the enterprise external. Cluster supply chain network is a specialkind of enterprise network with double feature of cluster and supply chain, and is animportant channel for enterprises close to the knowledge, resources, markets, andtechnologies.In this study, the overall idea is basically to expand according to theSCP (structure-conduct-performance) research paradigm. Based on analysis of thegeneration mechanism of cluster supply chain network and network characteristics,the dissertation studies the relationship of cluster supply chain capital, knowledgedevelopment and innovative performance from structural dimension and relationshipdimensions.
     The dissertation analyzes the symbiosis mechanism of cluster supply chain. Thequalitative parameters compatible, symbiosis environmental incentives andsymbiosis mode reasonableness affect relationship of cluster supply chain. Thedissertation analyzes the phase change of the cluster and supply chain symbiosismode by logistic model, and simulates various symbiosis mode of the cluster andsupply chain by matlab software. The analysis shows that the cluster supply chainsymbiosis can maximize to external effects brought about by the division of laborand the economies of scale. The symbiosis of cluster and supply chain is theobjective basis of social relations and social capital of supply chain network.
     The dissertation analyzes the tie type of cluster supply chain, presents specificmeasure items of cluster supply chain capital from the structural dimensions andrelations dimension. The network structure and network relations determine the flowand sharing of cluster supply chain network resources, determine social ties andsocial capita of network members. According to structural dimension and relationaldimension of social network analysis theory, the dissertation puts forward the fourbasic tie type of cluster supply chain network: sparse-weak tie, intensive-weak tie,sparse-strong tie and intensive-strong tie. The study analyzes characteristics of fourtie types and the influence of enterprise knowledge transfer, and points out mutualevolution rule of different types. The study shows that intensive-strong tie networkmaybe appear negative effect of network innovation locked when it developing tolate, and eventually lead to cluster supply chain network disintegration andreconstruction. The study defines the concept of cluster supply chain capital,proposes cluster supply chain structure capital three indicators of ego centerednetwork, network centrality, network openness and supply chain relationships capitalthree indicators of frequency, relationship stability, relationship quality and reciprocity.
     The dissertation analyzes knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer behaviorunder cluster supply chain environment from the individual perspective. The studyexplains knowledge shared decision-making of the supply chain enterprises througha multi-stage dynamic game model. More complementary knowledge can bettercompensate for the learning cost and have more knowledge sharing. This shows thatknowledge competition is stronger than knowledge cooperation in homogeneitynetwork. Moreover, the study set up differential dynamics model about tacitknowledge transfer between member enterprises and the whole cluster to analyze themain factors that affect tacit knowledge absorption capacity from network structureand network relations dimensions. The analysis shows that the network structuredimension (contact rate) and network relations dimension (strong ties proportion)will help the enterprises to obtain more tacit knowledge.
     The dissertation researches the relationship of cluster supply chain capital,knowledge development capacity and innovation performance from the theoreticaland empirical analysis. The study presents a conceptual model and relationshipassumptions about cluster supply chain structural capital and relational capital,knowledge development capacity and innovation performance in which enterpriseknowledge development capacity as mediating variable. Cluster supply chainstructure capital is represented with ego centered network, network centrality andnetwork openness. Cluster supply chain relational capital is represented with contactfrequency, relationship stability and relationship quality and reciprocity.Thedissertation conducts statistical test, multiple regression analysis and intermediaryeffect test through survey of154Zhejiang cluster enterprises. The results show thatcluster supply chain capital affects innovation performance through knowledgedevelopment capacity directly or indirectly in which knowledge acquisition abilityand knowledge absorptive capacity plays important intermediary role.
     The results of study show that network of cluster supply chain developments torelative mature period, the links between the members of the network will berelatively dense, coupling relationship will be relatively strong within the network,information and knowledge within the network will be flow smoothly, the scale ofego centered network for knowledge development and innovation performance hasno significant effect. Contrary, a significant positive correlation effects forknowledge development and innovation performance characteristics of networkopenness, this shows relative to the cluster supply chain this relative closed networkorganization, more with the importance of external network link. Although thisconclusion is based on the specific sample data, it at least represents a developmenttrend of the cluster supply chain network, which has a certain reference forenterprises, government institutions and theoretical research workers.
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