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In recent years, along with researches of education reform on learner-centered environment, People attach more and more importance to learner beliefs and affective effects in teaching and studying. It is well-known that education is to develop a whole person and a healthy society. The National Standard of English for Schools has also listed affective factors as one of the important factors attached to affect goals. A number of studies have pointed out that the way in which learners perceive language learning may have a significant impact on their learning outcomes.
     This study intends to examine the potential factors that could influence the affect and learning beliefs in English learning process in Grade Two in vocational schools, hoping to find some effective strategies to develop students' positive affective factors and positive learning beliefs in order to improve the students' English learning efficiency. Data were collected from 69 students by using questionnaires. Qualitative results came from the interviews with 6 students. The findings provide evidence that some problems exist 1) lack of self-confidence 2) lack of interest 3) lack of specific learning strategies in learning beliefs 4) lack of harmonious relationship between the teacher and the students, which will influence students' affective factors and learning beliefs. In the language learning process learners received respect and encouragement by being praised and co-operative in order to improve self-confidence, have lower anxiety and build up harmonious relationship between the author and the students by mutual understanding; the author gives the weak students some specific help, support and encouragement which are necessary.
     By making theoretical and practical research, the author thinks that affective factors and language learning beliefs in English teaching are important ways of developing students' better personality. They are necessary and feasible. Positive affective factors and positive learning beliefs can help students recover from being tired of learning, but also build up close relationship between students and teachers, improve their ability of cooperation and foster students' English learning efficiency.
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