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The USA held a hostile attitude towards the islamic republic of Iran and adopted a policy of containment after the islamic revolution took place in Iran.Confronting this situation,Iran took a series of measures to fight against the containment of the USA.During the period of Khamenei-Khatami,the Khatami administration adopted flexible and pragmatic policies towards the USA according to the changes of domestic and international situations,in the premise that Iran persisted in the principles of the revolution, these policies were a counterblast to the containment of the USA,improved the international image of I ran. increased the international status of lran,extended the diplomatic area of Iran and alleviated the diplomatic pressure of Iran.
     This article inclueds the introduction、the text and the epilogue,among which,the main text is divided into three chapters.
     The introduction explains the reasons and significances of this topic,reviews the status quo of this research at home and abroad,defines the basic concepts and introduces the train of thought and the innovations.
     The first chapter dicusses the evolution of iranian policies towards the USA since the islamic revolution.After the victory of the islamic revolution,Iran took extemely tough policies towards the USA after a briefly exploratory contacts during Khomeini period.During the period of Khamenei Rafsanjani, Iran began to adopt a flexible and pragmatic policy towards the USA, relations between the two countries tended to ease. During this period, Iranian policies towards the USA gradually evolved from rigid to flexible and pragmatic.
     The second chapter discusses the new changes of Iranian policies towards the USA during the period of Khamenei-Khatami. The firse section analyses the factors which affect Iran making policies towards the USA,mainly including domestic and international factors. The economic situation of Iran, the attitude of the people and the shift of the conservatives and the reformists mainly consist of the domestic factors,while the adjustment of policies of the USA towards Iran、the international situation as well as the major international events surrounding Iran consist of internationa factors. The second section expounds the major measures of Iran against the containment of the USA.Ahead of the advent of the speech of "axis of evil ",Iran took a tempered and friendly way to fight against the containment of the USA,but after the speech appeared, Iran took a hard-line standpoint towards the USA.
     The third chapter analyses the characteristics and enlightenments of Iranian policies towards the USA during the period of Khamenei-Khatami,and evaluate the significances of those policies.
     The epilogue gives a brief summary of the full text.
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    ① Donette Murray. US Foreign Policy and Iran:American-Iran relations since the Islamic revolulion,USA and Canada:Routledge,2010.
    ② Homa Katouzian and Hossein Shahidi,Iran in the 21st Century:Politics,economics and conflict, USA and Canada:Routledge,2008.
    ① 这些文章主要有:Douglas Jehl,"Iranian President Calls for Opening Dialogue with US",.New York Time, December 15,1997; Patrick Smith."The Indigenous and the Imported: Khatami's Iran". Washington Quarterly, Spring 2000; Ray Takeyh, "God's will: Iranian democracy and the Islamic context". Middle East Policy, November 4.2000. Barry Rubin.'The Root of Arab Anti-Americanism",Foreign Affairs,November/December 2002;等等。
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    ④ 本来有66名人质,1979年11月17日霍梅尼下令释放13名妇女和黑人质,后来另一名人质由于疾病也被释放。1981年1月20日共有52名人质获释。
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    9.Gary Sick, All Fall Down: American's Tragic Encounter with Iran, New York: Penguin Books,1986.
    10.Homa Katouzian and Hossein Shahidi, Iran in the 21st Century: Politics,economics and conflict, USA and Canada: Routledge,2008.
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    12.Rogers and Paul, A War Too Far: Iraq, Iran and the New American Century, London: Pluto Press,2006.
    13.Sasan Fayazmanesh, The United Stales and Iran: Sanctiom,wars and the policy of dual containment, USA and Canada,Routledge,2008.
    14. Trita Parsi, Treacherous Alliance: The Secret dealings of Israel. Iran and the United States,New Haven,CT and London:Yale University Press,2007.
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