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     本文在回顾国内外最新的重游决策意向和重游决策行为的理论基础之上,综合评述了目的地形象、旅游者动机和旅游者决策行为的国内外研究现状及其发展趋势,提出了创新的研究思路和研究框架,即结合Kozak(2001)空间重游决策模型和Jang&Feng (2007)创建的TDRI时间范围重游决策模型,以重游决策意向的目的地形象的主要决定因素作为重要的研究对象,并充分考虑市场异质性对旅游者决策行为的影响,同时加入个人统计特征及旅游组织形式的背景变量,研究旅游者时空重游决策意向。
     实证研究分为近程市场(上海地区的居民对杭州形象的感知,500km以内)及远程市场(上海地区居民对北京形象的感知,500km以外)。研究包括三个方面:其一,目的地形象的三个层面的剖析,包括目的地认知形象(cognitive image),目的地情感形象(affective image)以及目的地与众不同的形象(unique image),采用SPSS16.0和LISREL8.7对量表进行信度和效度的检验;其二,根据不同“探新求奇”程度进行聚类分析,将研究对象分为“放松身心型”、“寻觅猎趣型”和“思索沉默型”;最后,根据不同类型旅游者对目的地形象的感知,进行时空重游决策意向影响因素的路径分析。
Currently, almost all provincial-level administrative region see tourism industry as a pillar industry or leading industries.Therefore,it is the most important that sustainable development strategy is to seek destination competitiveness according to enhance tourists visiting rate.The first visits and revisits are included in the destination of tourists and tour.Oppermann(1998)asserted that each country represents a measure of the ratio between the destination lifecycle. Especially, for mature destination, the great significance goal of improving the number of revisits became the the destination building its tourism development strategy.
     This paper reviews the theory of decision-making behavior and the latest decision intentions of revisit at domestic and abroad. In the light of Kozak'Space to revisit decision model(2001)and Jang&FengTDRI model(Temporal destination revisit intention,2007),Proposed a new framework.The main determinants decision intentions to revisit is destination image as an important object of study. Market heterogeneity fully consider the impact of the tourists decision-making behavior.Furthermore,add a personal statistical characteristics and tourism organizations in the form of background variables,and to explore the impact of the time and space revisit decision intentions.
     The empirical study is divided into short-range market(The Shanghai area residents have the perception of Hangzhou image, Within500kilometers)and Remote market(The Shanghai area residents have the perception of Beijing image,500kilometers away). Three parts of research problems included:Firstly, analysis the destination image,consisiting of cognitive image, affective image and unique image. Adopt SPSS16.0and LISREL8.7test the scales'reliability and validity; Secondly, Discuss the difference of three type of tourists including "Relax type"、"Hunting interest type"and"Silence thinking type"according to"novelty seeking"; Lastly,carry out the path analyse between the perception about destination image and time and space revisiting decisions intention.
     The results promulgate destination shaping unique image is the key to improveto revisit frequency.Frequent repeaters, continuous repeater and deferred repeaters have the distinguish revisit intention of influencing factors of decision-making and space areas to revisit destination choice. The place has the tourism special facilities and services should be developed space demands repeat Tourists. Personalized marketing decision to procure the necessary time and space to re-visit the intention to enhance protection. Finally, This paper presents the marketing decision-making proposals and the limitations of the paper as well as further research directions.
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