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Accounting measurement is trendence towards fair value by historical cost, guided by The Measurement Perspective of Value-Relevance, authoritative viewpoint of financial accounting objective. Valuation become the most cutting-edge problem of financial accounting, Including more and more estimates of the future in today's financial statements. Audit is reconfirm to accounting recognition, judgement to firm administering authority behavior, and judgement to CPA's behavior, is the last and the most important barriers of financial information gets into capital market. Although audit is a profession depending on sufficient demand of capital market, although now there are a vast amount of criterion and norms to audit, and although all government supervision institutions and International Organizations have great expectations on audit, but the fact is that audit don't play fully due functions. Particularly the fact of financial crisis of 2008 exposed that auditors didnot disclose adequately the defectives of companies'risk control, mispricing, and misleading information is clear proof. And auditing rational expectation gap is increase constantly because mainly CPA's judgment bias resulting from low professional competence, not audit fraud from adverse motivates. our country's fair value measurement of 2007 is compulsory change of measurement mode. Thus research on CPA's capability, especially the capability in professional judgment and their behavioral rules are urgent requirements.
     Audit is the combination of the process and the result, also is the combination of behavior and technology, but technology can standardization while behavior not, so influencing factors of audit quality mainly is auditing behavior, In other words, is a choice and integrated apply on auditing prodecure, method and technology. Based on literature review and theories analysis related, this paper begin to discuss from reconfirm to accounting recognition, judgement to firm administering authority behavior, and judgement to CPA's behavior, centered on the process and the result of auditing fair value, especially the process。in the process of discussion, I find general financial accounting objective, also is general audit goal and judgement norms audit quality is irrational and delphic, so I discuss them. Although bounded rationality of audit judgement is embodied in audit process, but can be comprehensive reflected in audit result. At the last of this paper I verify theories analysis by two empirical tests.
     This paper find, audit fair value involves matters most of structure uncertainty, not parameter uncertainty, so audit failure mainly bcause CPA's judgment bias resulting from low professional competence by complex circumstances and people bounded cognitive and computing abilities, not audit fraud from adverse motivates by people' opportunism。Risk-oriented Auditing is the most favorable audit mode in auditing fair value, but today the evaluation of business risk have much deficiency, neglecting the character's change of firm business risk is one because of using derivatives. Therefore it is necessary to reacquainte the concepts, for example, risk, materiality, risks of material misstatement, financial report objective, independence, and should pay much attention to the rules of audit behavior. The empirical tests of this paper find that it is different significantly between auditing fair value and auditing historical cost, and external environment'change, such as CSRC's financial penalty, may not effective to the improvement of audit quality. Hence This paper think that construction of CPA's capability is a fundamental way, this capability includes individual competence of CPA and total capability of accounting firm.
    [10]本小节内容根据杰弗里·M·霍奇逊(Geoffrey M. Hodgson)的《演化与制度——论演化经济学和经济学的演化》整理而成。
    [11]本模型借鉴了Avinash Dixit (2003)的On Modes of Economic Governance,452—454。
    [12]ρ1推算如下:ρ1是静态均衡时被认定为“舞弊”的审计师的比例,其中λ1在下一期仍存在,而舞弊被发现并被认定的概率是f1。其余的审计师(1—ρ1),即(1—γ2ρ2)未被认定为“舞弊” 反映”所代替,包括可验证性、中立性和完整性三个子特征,完整性既包括报表本身的反映,也包括附注的批露。
    [42]W. D. Hall and A. J. Renner, Lessons Audits Ignore at Their Own Risk, Journal of Accountancy June 1991, P63,转引自《审计中的职业判断》。
    [43]引自Power·M. (1997)的 The Audit Society-Second Thoughts。
    [44]Mary Stone和John Rasp 1991年发表于美国《会计评论》上的Tradeoffs in the choice between logit and OLS for accounting choice studies,专门针对经济数据特别是会计数据样本量少于30个甚至为几个的情况,利用真实数据和随机生成的模拟数据进行了数千次实证检验,结果发现,样本少于30个的模型与正态分布相比会向右倾斜,但其检验结果仍然是显著有效,且OLS的预测效果更好。另外,本章实证指标为营业收入、营业利润、经营现金净流量,而非主营业务收入与主营业务利润等。众所周知,证监会行业分类是只要某种主营业务占总收入、总资产或总利润三者之一50%以上,就将其归入某类行业。本文按行业搜集资料只是为了样本数据的可比性,一般来说,某行业的同类企业,其其它业务类型也不会相差太大。
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