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    To analyze the clinical characteristics and investigate the diagnosis and treatment principles of testicular feminization syndrome(TFS). Methods
    27 cases of TFS admitted to The Affiliated Obstetrical and Gynecological Hospital of Zhejiang University from January of 1999 to June of 2006 were studied retrospectively through analyzing their related literature. Results
    1. There were 27 TFS cases in all, in which 18 cases were complete type and 9 cases were incomplete type.
    2. The phenotype was complete feminization in complete TFS patients, and more or less virilization in incomplete TFS patients.
    3. Serous testosterone(TTE) in TFS patients was higher than that in the normal women, and TTE in complete patients (19.15 nmol/L±11.9nmol/L) was significantly higher than incomplete ones(5. 5nmol/L±4.6nmol/L).
    4. All patients underwent testectomy, and two of the incomplete patients had testicle sertoli-leydig cell tumors.
    1. TFS patients who have genital malformations should undergo vulvoplasty in the shortest time when young.
    2. Because of the possibility of carcinogenesis with the ectopic gonads in TFS, gonads should be removed for all patients. But the time of testectomy is controversial. In general, gonads should be removed after puberty in patients with complete TFS, while in patients with incomplete TFS, gonads should be removed before puberty.
    3. Vaginoplasty should be taken before wedding if necessary.
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