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     开胸法动物模型,并探讨 VT的诱发方式、成功率和时间窗等。
     C 采用单相动作电位记录方法观察。肌梗死后VT的左。
    。O)运用分子生物学方法 RTPCR技术,半定量研究心肌细
     K 在建立猪。Gi几梗死后单形性持续性VT的基础上,运用
     非接触心 内膜球囊标测系统(Ensite 3000系统)进行VT的心内膜
     标测,研究 Ensite 3000 系统在心内膜电位、。CjLA痕组织标测的
     方法,探讨心肌梗死后 VT的电生理机制,运用该系统指导心肌梗
     死后持续性单形性 VT的标测和消融方法,并通过与病理比较,观
     m 采用非接触球囊导管标测系统(Ensite 3000系统)指导
     方 法
     门) 猪19只,平均体重30 t skg。分为两组,一组13 R,
     AMI数周后诱发VT,另一组 6 R,作为对照组,只接受冠脉造影
     m 两组动物在麻醉后经颈总动脉或股动脉置入动脉鞘,进
     周内对9只存活猪进行卜 次电生理检查,子以心室程序电刺激方
     刀 运用单相动作电位记录方法;记录猪左,C室不同部位的
     MAP;观察 MAP各电生理参数及 Eny在 VT形成前后的变化。这
     RT的离散度,即 ATd、APDdl、APDd。、RTd以及ERPd,探讨 VT
    一 W 对。。肌梗死后持续性单形性VT猪模型 4只,经股动脉
     置N一 Ensite 3000球囊,分别构建左、右。U室的=维几何模型;
    Ischemia heart disease is the most common cause of sustained monomorpic ventricular tachycardia (VT). Among of the management of this arrhythmia , antiarrhythmia drugs have poor efficacy at suppressing VT and have been associated with long-term side effects including proarrhythmia and excess mortality. Although ICD have been shown to significantly reduce arrhythmic deaths, these devices do not affect the occurrence or frequency of VT. Furthmore, due to their high cost, an ICD is not an option for many patients. The major drawback to arrhythmia surgery is the operative morbidity and mortality. With the success of radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) in supreventricular tachycardia and idiopathic ventricular tachycardia, ablation of VT with organic heart disease especially ischemia heart disease is becoming the major area of study. RFCA offers hope of preventing VT recurrence, avoiding antiarrhythmic drug toxicities, and the risks of surgery. However, RF ablation of VT due to ischemia heart disease continues to be one of the most challenging procedures in clinical elsctrophysiology. Because of the limitation of conventional mapping methods, the successful rate of ablation of the VT is lower. A number of technological innovations including non-contact mapping system may improve the ease and efficacy of catheter ablation.
    The mechanism of VT due to ischemia heart disease is not clear and the electrophysiological mechanism is very complex. Further
    investigation about cardiac remodeling, mechanism of pothophysiology and the actions of these changes in resulting in ventricular arrhythmia and cardiac function after myocardial infarction are needed. Ionic channels of myocardium play a key role in maintaining normal heart function. Nearly all heart disease is related to the abnomality of ionic channels. Partial studies have certified that characteristic of ionic channels and expression of these ionic channel genes had some changes in the course of cardial remodeling after experimental MI. There are many controvert about ionic channel how to change and what exact actions in causing ventricular arrhythmia. Studies about them need to go step further. Objective
    (1) To develop a close-chest pig model of sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia after myocardia infarction and to investigate induce method and successful rate of inducing VT in experimental MI model.
    (2) Using monophasic action potential (MAP) recording technique, we observe the changes of MAP and effective refrectory period (ERP) in the porcine model of healed myocardial infarction and investigate the electric remodeling and electrophysiologic mechanism of sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia
    (3) Using the technique of semiquantitative reverse transcriptase- polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), we research the alterations of the expression of three potassium channel subunits and connexin43 gene after experimental myocardial infarction and discuss the cellular and molecular bases of arrhythmias in the postinfarction remodeled ventricular myocardium. The molecular mechanism of post-Mi ventricular arrhythmias is discussed with the research.
    (4) On the basis of establishing the model of sustained monomorphic ventricualr tachycardia of healed myocardial infarction, we investigate the accuracy of scar mapping and navigation of the
    noncontact mapping system through correlation with pathology analysis. We also explore the electrophysiologic mechanisms and methods of mapping and catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia in the porcine model of healed infarction using noncontact mapping system (EnSite 3000 system).
    (5) To assess the clinical utility and value of EnSite 3000 system for mapping and radiofrequency catheter ablation of refractory ventricular tachycardias include organic heart disease.
    (1) Nineteen pigs that weighed 30 ?5kg were studied. Thirteen pigs underwent coronary artery angiogr
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