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Since the recovery of private universities in China, private higher education has made great progress. The level and standard of school are constantly improving, and the number is expanding. Chinese private higher education has become an important part of China's higher education. However, there are still some problems such as a shortage of funds, for-profit and nonprofit balance and coordination. This paper discusses the theoretical basis of the private higher education investment compensation and the reasonable compensation mechanism of private investment in higher education, has an important theoretical and practical significance in specifying and promoting private investment in higher education and can solve the outstanding problem of the private higher education for sustainable development.
     This dissertation use a combination of theoretical analysis and empirical research, comparative research and case studies, and system analysis method, excavating the theory of investment compensation in higher private education compensation, from the microcosmic main body, the peper concludes the general law of private investment in higher education compensation mechanism, applyingsystems analysis to establish the compensation mechanism.
     Chapter2has defined the concept of investment compensation in higher private education, analyzing the product attributes and industrial propertyof higher private education and discussing the theoretical basis of the private higher education investment compensation.
     Chapter3introduces the course of development of Chinese private higher education, analyzingthe current situation of Chinese private higher education development, the cost and funding of the private higher education, institutional environmentand the trends and challenges of private higher education.
     Chapter4analyzes the feature and investment compensation mode of the America's and Japan's private higher education developments, summarizing its significance and enlightenment to the building of private higher education investment mechanism in China.
     Chapter5conducts a research of private colleges and universities in a region, examining private colleges investment operating conditions,and actual situation and problems of faculty, teaching, research and other aspects.
     Chapter6proposes the guiding ideology of and principles of the China's investment compensation mechanism in private higher education, building the investment compensation mechanism framework, which includes the investment compensation's subject and object, investment compensation's mode, exit mechanisms, evaluation and oversight mechanism and policy system.
     Chapter7introduces the quality assessment model of foreign higher education, constructing Chinese private higher education quality evaluation mechanisms, and analyzing the role and function of private higher education agencies and its organizational relationships.
     Chapter8repositions the role of private higher education, proposing the suggestions including implementing the system of category management, which classifies into non-profit and for-profit private colleges, and from the aspects of the social donations tax preferential policies,fiscal and monetary policy and human resources policies.
     The dissertation defines the concept of private higher education investment compensation mechanism firstly, and analysis the theory of private higher education investment compensation.The private higher education investment compensation mechanism is a economic incentive mechanism which improve economic benefits and social benefits of private higher education, and also is a mechanism which modifies the mutual effect, and coordination relationship between the sectors of private higher education investment through many kinds of ways.Through analysing Chinese private higher education macro environments, development status, and property status, the dissertation concludes private colleges in China exist some problems which include6points constraints factors defects:loan channel defects,capital markets financing system defects, social donation system defects etc. The dissertation concludes that China should widen financing channel, build up perfect legal system, regulatory system, highlight system, and stand out the features of private higher education colleges through the anslysis of typical private higher education investment compensation mode of Japan and America. The dissertation summarizes some problems of Chinese private colleges through the case analysis in a district in China. Based on the analysis above, the dissertation build up private higher education investment compensation mechanism framework, Chinese private higher education quality evaluation and oversight mechanism mechanism, and gives some policy system suggestions of Chinese private higher education investment compensation lastly. The main innovation of this dissertation is:
     (1)Proposed the concept of investment compensation and its mechanisms in higher private education, built the theoretical framework for investment compensation mechanismin private higher education.
     (2) Built the investment compensation mechanism in private higher educationincluding the investment compensation's subject and object, investment compensation's mode, exit mechanisms, evaluation and oversight mechanism and policy system.
     (3) Proposed policy recommendations of attracting the public investment and promoting the development of private higher education in China.
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