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  • 英文题名:Inquire into the Factors of the Facial Aging and the Method of the Facial Rejuvenative Surgery.
  • 作者:王晓军
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:整形外科
  • 学位年度:1996
  • 导师:陈宗基
  • 学科代码:100210
  • 学位授予单位:中国协和医科大学
  • 论文提交日期:1996-04-01
The study to the facial aging and the facial rejuvenative surgery is the focal point of the plastic surgery in the ages. Up-to-now, there are many problems remained unsolved.
    Through measuring and analyzing the aging
    changes of the facial bone and facial soft tissues
    in M.R, We studied the factors of facial aging and
    their inter relationshipes. We modify the
    procedure of the facial rejuvenative surgery.
    Two hundred the MR images was divided into two groups
    One aged twenty to thirty and the other aged over fifty-five years old.
    Data obtained from MR revealed:
    1.In the aging face there exists not only the atrophy but hypertrophy of the facial bone. The author first find that the zygoma hypertrophy are general law of the facial aging. The prominence of the zygoma produce the aging appearance. Reducing the prominence of the zygoma properly will be useful for rejuvenating the aging appearance.
    2.The prominence of the zygoma and the atrophy
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