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The 16th National Congress of Communist Party of China and the 10th National People's Congress have made the decision that China will follow the New-type Industrialized Road in national economic construction, which requires scientific and technological approach on economic construction, profitable economy, less consumption of resources and environmental pollution, and full utilization of manpower resources. The New-type Industrialized Road doesn't mean the mere output value, the high achievement at the cost of sacrifice of environmental protection. How the Sichuan Electric Power Co. Ltd (hereafter referred to as the Chuan Dian Stock Company) takes the new-type industrialized road is a problem urgently waiting to be studied and solved.
    Ever since it's establishment ten years ago, the Chuan Dian Stock Company has made certain achievement. But in the face of the opportunities of development of the West, and the establishment of the well-being society, and under the requirement of the New-type Industrialized Road, the environment respect of the trade still faces challenges from the adjusting of the national industrial policy, system reform, and the competition in the electric power market. The development of Chuan Dian Stock Company should be taken into a thorough and strategic consideration.
    The management strategy of a enterprise is a project to achieve its business goal for the purpose of its survival and steady development, which is based on both the internal and external environment of the enterprise and its resources available.
    The study of this subject is of great significance not only for the requirement of the New-type Industrialized Road but also for the development of Chuan Dian Stock Company in the new situation.
    The main contents of dissertation are as follows:
    (1) Having analyzed the internal and external developing environment of Chuan Dian Stock Company from the respect of strategic management according to the national policy, the author pointed out the opportunities, challenges, advantages and disadvantages for the company, which prepared for the strategic projects put forward later.
    (2) The author put forward four sets of strategic schemes and evaluated the advantages and disadvantages respectively and chose the most appropriate.
    (3) The author raised a set of measures for the selection of the strategic projects. All these measures are maneuverable.
    (4) In this dissertation, the author designed an index system to measure the development of the New-type Industrialized Road
    The author is convinced that the Chuan Dian Stock Company will advance with the New-type Industrialized Road. And it will make more contribution to the Well-being Society in the market completion and the development of the west.
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