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秦艽(Gentiana Macrophylla)为龙胆科龙胆属多年生草本植物,是一种常用中药材。以根入药,主治风湿痹痛、经脉拘挛、黄疸、骨节酸痛、日哺潮热、发热等病症,对风湿性关节炎有较好的疗效。龙胆苦苷为主要有效成分。亚洲是龙胆属植物的起源地,但该属植物在这一关键地区的传粉生物学资料比较欠缺。本研究通过人工控制试验,对秦艽开花过程中花部表型变化、开花特性、传粉特性以及不同处理下的结实率进行研究,旨在了解掌握秦艽的繁殖特性,为合理有效地保护和利用这一珍稀濒危物种提供科学依据,为秦艽的生殖生态学研究提供理论依据,也为秦艽品种提纯和改良研究提供技术支持。
Gentiana macrophylla is perennial grass of Gentianaceae. Gentiana macrophylla is the most commonly used Chinese traditional medicine and just use the roots for medcine. Gentiana macrophylla has the main function of rheumatism ache,pulse spasm,icterus,condyle ache,feeding tide and heat,faver , and so on , and has beter curative effect on rheumatoid arthritis.Gentiopicrin is the efficient component.Asia is the origin terra of Gentianaceae,where gravely lack studies on pollination biology of Gentianaceae.Among plants of Gentianaceae, interiorly we have fractionary information of Gentiana straminea and have no information about other plants of Gentianaceae.In this paper,we conducted artificial experiments to study the flower change,blossoming characteristic,pollination characteristic and fruit set of Gentiana macrophylla.we aimed to mostly realize and master reproduction characteristic of Gentiana macrophylla,and provide science knowledge to effeccctivelly protect and utiliza the precious species which is in severe danger,and provide theory for studies of the procreation ecology and technicks for species purification and improvement of Gentiana macrophylla.
     In this paper , we aimed to characterize pollination syndromes , pollinators and fruit set of an artificially cultivated population in the medical species Gentiana macrophylla (Gentianaceae).We tested pollen vigor and stigma receptivity along the blooming process, conducted the breeding experiments and qualified outcrossing indexes (OCI) and fruit set of this population. The results follows.
     The florescence of the artificially cultivated Gentiana macrophylla lasts two months,from early June to the last ten days of july.The blossoming flork is from the middle ten days of June to middle ten day s of July and the plant starts blossoming at 8AM,between 10AM and 2pm is day-dy-day blossoming flork. Every single flower lasts six days or seven days.the period from August to September is fruiting time. The pollen vigor reached the highest in the first blooming day and then continued to decrease while the highest stigmatic receptivity occurred in the second and third day. Gentiana macrophylla conform with other plants of Gentianaceae that Gentiana macrophylla also has temporal closure phenomena.
     The fruit set ratio is very high,around 79.8% and OCI is estimated to be higher than four.The treatments by artificial monoecious cross- pollination and dioecious cross-pollination both have higher fruit set, which indicated Gentiana macrophylla self-compatibility and outcrossing compatibility.The emasculation treat also has seed and all sample has seed;but the fruit set of bagged treat with no emasculation is zero.Bagged experiments similarly suggested that this population is outcrossing , self-compatible and insect-independent for fruit and fruit set , which conformed with OCI result.
     Flower visitors are diverse, including those from Hymenoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera and Coleopyera; bees are main pollinators. However, bombus are the most effective pollinators as revealed for the other gentians in the field.
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