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本论文对各井的每个层位的岩性和含量进行统计, 划分出三种岩性;从大量的实测孔系度-深度数据中得出三种岩性的压实系数,应用压实回剥技术,作出单井埋藏史图。从中得出十屋断陷埋藏史类型可划分为两种类型。在埋藏史的基础上对各井的生排烃史进行模拟。结合沉积相和构造演化,对十屋断陷深层的烃源岩和储集层、盖层进行评价。深层的沙河组( 包括火石岭组) 和营城组有非常好的深湖和半深湖相的烃源岩。沙河子、营城组登娄库组的水下扇、扇三角洲砂体,可以作为良好的储集层。盖层以断陷构造层的泥岩局部盖层,另一种是盆地坳陷时期形成的区域性泥岩盖层。成藏模式主要包括两类:一类是侧向运移为主的自生自储型成藏模式,一类是远源垂向运移为主的下生上储型成藏模式。
ShiWu fault depression lies in southeastern uplift region ofsongliao basin,it is the best degrees of exploration by oilexploration of northeast bureau .it composes of shuanglongsecondary depressed,middle structure zone,east gentle slope zone,north gentle slope zone and west abrupt slope zone. It is an areaof 1700 square kilometers.its’stratum concludes huoshilingformation,shahezi formation,yingchengzu formation,dengloukuformation,quantou formation,qingshankou formation,yaojiaformation,nenjiang formation etc.
    Baseing on simulation of burial history for Shiwu faultdepression ,the author simulates hydrocarbon generating andexpulseing history .the author who combines depositional faciesand the tectonic evolution evaluates Hydrocarbon SourceRock,reservoir and caprocks of deep stratum in shiwu faultdepression.then the author concludes two models of formation ofreservoirs of deep stratum.
    There were a set of intermediate or acid volcanic rocks ,pyroclastic rocks, grey or grey-black mudstone,french grey
    sandstone in the huoshiling formation of Shiwu fault depression.itshows it is alluvial-backswamp deposit and volcanism deposit. It was the best time for fault depression to develop during ofthe shahezi deposition.it developed mainly alluvial fan, which isclose with source areas,it is a set of grey or grey-brown sandstoneand conglomerate,which is main alluvial Coarse Claslic with coalyconstruct .it is mainly adlittoral lake basin and fan delta in themiddle,which sedimentary are a set of grey mudstone siltstone andconglomerate .it is deep water area,delta ,fan delta and subaqueousfan .its sediments are deep grey or grey-black mudstoneorconglomerate.it showed it is the time of water to advance. It was the time for basin to chang from fault depression sedimentto depression during denglouku formation ,which was filled andleveled up. The water was distributing more widely and becomedshallow. Its facies were alluvial plain and shallow lake,at the brimof basin facies were fan delta,subaqueous fan or alluvial fan.itsstones were mainly purple or grey-black mudstone with siltstonecoarsestone and grey-black mudstone,there were fuscous mudstoneand different size variedness sandstone and conglomerate. Baseing on erosion thickness,the author confirms the erosion ageand classifies stone types of every stratum,then the author dividesthree stone types and counts the amounts. The author calculatescompress coefficients of the three stone types through plenty of
    surveyed pore-depth data.lastly,the author backstripes every stataby the backstripping to come back original thickness of every epochstrata. Integrating tectonic features,the author works out burialhistory chart.Baseing on the burial history ,the author simulatesthe hydrocarbon generating and expulseing history. It was divided into two types of the burial history of Shiwu faultdepression,one was Quick and durative buried in the west basin-controlling fault side. There were a gigantic thickness ofsediment;The other was slow and durative buried in the east gentle slope. the author concludes that there were three petroleum systems:thefirst was J3h(J3h+K1sh+K1y),the second was K1sh(J3h+K1sh+K1y),thelast was K1y(K1sh+K1y+K1d+K1q) and the petroleum was divided two subpetroleum system in the yingchengzu formation. Hydrocarbon Source Rock of J3h(J3h+K1sh+ K1y) petroleum system waslake mudstone on the huoshiling formation, the reservoir was volcanic inthe huoshiling formation,shahezi formation and yingchengformation.the caprocks was local mudstone. The petroleum system wasauto-producting petroleum and auto-reservoir. Hydrocarbon Source Rock of K1sh(J3h+K1sh+K1y) petroleum systemwas deep lake or half deep lake mudstone in the shahezi formation ,thereservoir was sandstone of shahezi formation and yingcheng formation. Thecaprocks was local mudstone in the fault epoch or depression epoch.
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