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瑞氏木霉(Trichoderma reesei,anamorph:Hypocrea fecorina)是一种重要的工业丝状真菌,是纤维素酶、半纤维素酶、淀粉酶以及蛋白酶的主要来源。可作为宿主载体表达多种外源蛋白质,具有重要的经济价值。此外瑞氏木霉作为低等多细胞真核生物,具有结构简单、生长迅速、操作简便的特点,是真菌遗传学与细胞生物学研究的理想生物材料。
     为研究氧化压力致死机理,本文选择活性氧物质H_2O_2模拟氧化压力。研究表明,低浓度的H_2O_2可导致瑞氏木霉QM 9414原生质体细胞活力发生可逆性的下降;而较高浓度的H_2O_2可导致原生质体活力发生不可逆的下降,直至全部死亡。显微镜观察结果显示,2.4 mmol/L H_2O_2处理后的瑞氏木霉菌丝出现细胞质“起泡”及原生质体凝缩等丝状真菌细胞凋亡的表型特征。AnnexinⅤ染色证明PS外翻这一凋亡生化表型。此外,PI染色排除了细胞坏死的可能性。对于动物细胞凋亡中常见的DNA ladder现象,瑞氏木霉与其他大多数真菌中的情况类似,未发现DNA ladder。本文证明细胞凋亡机制在瑞氏木霉细胞中具有保守性。为解释发酵过程中的菌体死亡提供了新的思路。
     流式细胞术(Flow cytometry,FCM)是一种基于荧光的细胞生物学分析手段,能快速检测细胞群体中单个细胞的性质。在动物、植物乃至酵母细胞凋亡研究中有广泛应用。但由于菌丝形态的限制,流式细胞术在丝状真菌中应用有限。对于原生质体的检测目前尚未见报道。
     本文证明细胞凋亡机制在瑞氏木霉中具有保守性。2.4 mmol/L H_2O_2可导致瑞氏木霉原生质体细胞凋亡。目前正在尝试通过转基因和基因敲除的方法阻断细胞凋亡信号通路,构建具工业生产潜力的凋亡抑制菌株。延长存活时间,提高发酵效率。此外,本文开创了利用流式细胞术检测丝状真菌原生质体活力的技术。该技术不影响原生质体活性,结合细胞分选(cell sorting)技术有望直接得到感兴趣的原生质体细胞,并再生出性状优良的菌株。
Trichoderma reesei (anamorph: Hypocrea jecorina) is an important filamentous fungus, which can produce a complete set of cellulases, hemicellulases, amylase and protease. In addition, it is an efficient host for heterologous protein expression. As a lower multicellular eukaryote, T. reesei has simple structure and fast growth rate, which make it significant in the researches of fungi heredity and metabolism.
     Apoptosis is a conserved mechanism that plays an essential role in eukaryotes. Malfunction of apoptosis contributes to many human diseases including cancer and AIDS. Research on yeast and filamentous fungi apoptosis is also expected to become new growth point in the biological field. During industrial fermentation, aerophilic fungus T. reesei is exposed to oxidative stress constantly, which can cause death of filament. It is speculated that apoptosis involves in this course.
     Here hydrogen peroxide was selected to mimic oxygen stress to study the mechanism of cell death. We have found that apoptosis can be induced in T. reesei by low external doses of H_2O_2. The accepted morphological markers of apoptosis in fungi were observed, including cytoplasmic vacuolization and extemalization of phosphatidylserine. DNA ladder, a commol/Lon phenomenon in metazoan apoptosis, is deficient in T. reesei. This research provides new insight into the death during fermentation.
     Flow cytometry is a powerful biomedical technology, which is also called Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting. Data are collected for each individual cell, which enables the investigator to measure the distribution of a property or properties within the population. However, because of the filamentous morphological limits, flow cytometry has little applicant in fungal research.
     This study assesses the potential of flow cytometric method to study the protoplast viability in filamentous fungi T. reesei. Cell viability after treatment with H_2O_2 was determined using the green fluorescent protein marker gene in combination with the viability indicator propidium iodide. This study demonstrates the successful application of flow cytometry to monitor filamentous fungal protoplasts.
     Our findings show that enough functional conservation exists between apoptotic machineries of mammol/Lals and fungi. We are trying to construct industrial strains by expression of anti-apoptotic proteins or deletion of pro-apoptotic genes in T. reesei. These strains are expected to have prolonged longevity and exhibited enhanced stress resistance. Besides, flow cytometric method to study fungal viability was successfully built up in this thesis. Since flow cytometric analysis does not cause any damage to cell viability, sorting these cells directly onto agar plates is advantageous to microbiologists.
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