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     在小鼠上,本实验采用体外培养和诱导凋亡的方式,模拟体内单核细胞吞噬由大蒜诱导凋亡的卵泡颗粒细胞的过程,在不同时点(1h,2h,3h,4h,5h)对共培养物进行瑞氏染色后,用显微镜观察并照相,对吞噬程度随时间变化的规律进行回归分析。结果显示,在颗粒细胞凋亡形变的初期,即可被单核细胞识别,形成吞噬泡,与此同时,颗粒细胞的凋亡程度也越来越大,在吞噬泡内可见到凋亡细胞崩解的碎片。对照片进行分类计数发现,单核细胞与颗粒细胞共同培养约3 h的时候,外接凋亡细胞的单核细胞个数与内吞凋亡细胞的单核细胞个数的比值接近1,说明此时单核细胞中半数呈现吞入状态,半数呈现外接(识别阶段)状态,笔者建议将此状态的时间点称为“半吞期”。SPSS13.0回归分析,可得线性回归方程y=-0.247x+1.644,R~2=0.912,回归方程显著性检验F=31.095,P=0.011(<0.05),回归系数显著性检验T=-5.576,P=0.011(<0.05)。
The present study firstly established a method for quantitative measurement of phagocytosis in mouse. Then the further research has been carried out about the morphologic change of phagocytosis in yak.
     On the mouse, the phagocytic process of apoptotic granulosa cells by monocytes was imitated in vitro. Monocytes and granulosa cells were isolated from Kunming mice and cultured. Granulosa cells were induced to apoptosis by garlic, and then co-cultured with monocytes. At different time points (1 h, 2 h, 3 h, 4 h, 5 h), co-cultured cells were assessed by Wright's staining. The results showed that at the beginning of morphological changes in apoptotic granulosa cells, monocytes captured the apoptotic cells. Meanwhile, the apoptosis of granulosa cells were continuing. Debris was found in phagocytic vacuole. At the point of 3 h after co-culture, the ratio between the number of monocytes which attached apoptotic granulosa cells and that which engulfed the apoptotic cells was close to one. Namely, half of monocytes were in the state of recognition and half were in a state of engulfment. The author suggested to name it as 'half phagocytic period'. Regression analysis showed that the equation of linear regression was y = -0.247x + 1.644, R~2=0.912, F=31.095, P=0.011 (<0.05), T= -5.576, P=0.011 (<0.05).
     On the yak, according to the mode of mouse above, the phagocytic process of apoptotic granulosa cells by monocytes was also imitated in vitro. At different time points (1 h, 2 h, 3 h, 4 h, 5 h), co-cultured cells were assessed by Wright's staining. In addition, the process was observed through scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The results showed that the morphological changes under microscope were same with that of mouse in the main. At the point of 4 h after co-culture, the ratio between the number of monocytes which attached apoptotic granulosa cells and that which engulfed the apoptotic cells was close to one. Regression analysis showed that the equation of linear regression was y = -0.540x + 2.958, R~2 = 0.937, F=44.766, P=0.007 (<0.01), T= -6.691, P=0.007 (<0.01). Under the SEM and TEM, the apoptosis and phagocytosis were apparent.
     In conclusion, the present mode of phagocytosis can be used as a method of quantitative assay, which could analyze some effective factors such as medicines that could enhance or restrain phagocytosis. The mode of mouse fit on the study of yak. The result of half phagocytic period and morphological changes enlarged the understanding of apoptosis and phagocytosis, providing base for further research. Based on the mode, the ability of phagocytosis could be studied on other animals. In addition, it was notable that effect of fluorochrome stain could be got through picture processing of 'Invert' on the pictures.
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