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Graph can express more semantence compared with other data. It can be intuitively presented and has a wide variety of applications both in research and in business. Such as it may describe relations in the world intricate things. Because the relation of between person and person ,and the person and thing relation is complex in the social network. Through the abstract method, may turn the entire society into network topology graph and each person may be the node of graph, but between the person and person's relation may regard as for the edge of graph. Therefore, analysis to the social crowd's may transform to the mining of society network structure. In the biological technology domain, the biologist discovered frequent subgraph mining may reduce the price of structure match experiment in the protein gene structure match experiment. Frequent subgraph mining has the widespread application in the Web mining the space data mining, the medicine molecular formula design and it's the function forecast and so on. Therefore, research on the frequent subgraph mining has the important significance of theory and the application value. Simultaneously, The rich semanteme enhance the complexity of data structure and increase the difficulty of mining interested sub-graph. So, we must imply the graph knowledge and data mining techology to solove this problem.
     Our contribution in this paper includes: (1) according to the particular that support reflects the common characteristic of the elements in a database, then frequent reveals the personality of the elements, we propose a novel definition of frequent subgraph mining based on the support and frequency subgraph mining definition, (2) base on the theory of subgraph isomorphism and the idea of determine two graph isomorphism: if two graph isomorphism, then canonical code must be equal, we propose a novel graph canonical form to determining graph isomorphism and avoid the NP-Complete problem of subgraph isomorphism, (3) base on the subgraph mining technology which generate redundancy subgraph, we propose two efficient candidate generation operations: FSubgraphM-Join and FSubgraphM-Extension that can significantly reduce the invalid graph matchings during the counting,(4) Can efficient enumerated candidate subgraph's supporty and frequency by maintaining an embedding set, which base on the features that one CAM is another graph's CAM;(5) base on the theory of canonical graph, candidate subgraph generate techlogy and method of support, we propose algorithm FSubgraphM which employs the above techniques to mine frequent induced subgraph from a graph data sets.
     Performance study indicates that FSubgraphM can effectively discovery the frequent induced subgraph from the database carcinogen, it also can form some interesting association rules from the frequent subgraphs which has some theoretical and practical significance.
     In this paper solve three key problem that frequent subgraph mining: (1) solve subgrph isomorphism problem by novel canonical coding to determine one graph whether isomorphism to another graph; (2) solve generate candidate subgraph problem by propose novel join and extension operator; (3) solve counting frequent subgraph problem by embedding sets, apply skill of combine join and extension calculate embedding sets.
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