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The Arctic Region has ever been a remote area which is far away from people’s lines of vision and it is also deemed to be a fringe issue in the Arctic states’political and economical concerns. However, with the Arctic states’new global strategic deployments and obvious warm climate change in the Arctic region, the abundant sea resources and commercial shipping in the Arctic Seas become Arctic states’chasing targets. In August 2007, the Russian Arctic Scientific Expedition Team planted a titanium Russian flag on the seabed beneath the North Pole, which made the Arctic states’infighting come into the spotlight of the international world. Instantly, the old scores and news among the Arctic nations seemed to turn white-hot. What kinds of international legal regime would be like behind such a bustling Arctic region, the paper herein will uncover its mysterious“veil”. The paper is composed of an introduction and five chapters, approximately 210,000 words. The main contents hereby are as follows:
     Chapter One: General Introduction to the Arctic Seas. The Chapter first has a preliminary introduction to the scope and feature of the Arctic Seas as well as the definition of the countries around the Arctic Seas and the Arctic coastal countries. The Arctic Seas herein include the Arctic Ocean and its nine annexed seas. In accordance with this criterion, Canada, Russia, America, Denmark(Greenland), Norway and Iceland among the commonly-called eight Arctic states could be known as the countries around the Arctic Seas while the aforesaid five countries except Iceland are referred to as the Arctic Ocean coastal countries. The present global climate change exerts much influence on the Arctic Seas. Some scientists reported that the Arctic Ocean would be iceless at the end of this century. This change will bring both negative and positive effects to the Arctic Seas. The negative effects are that the crowning calamity to the sea environment, even the global environment may arise therefrom. The positive effects mainly lie in the commercial values of the Arctic Seas including the exploitation and development of the gas and oil on the seabed and the commercial shipping which are supposed to be the leading reason to the disputes among the countries around the Arctic Seas. The Arctic Seas are not a vacuum of legal system as what some scholars said. Instead, the relevant international laws concerning with the sea, the bilateral and regional treaties and the regional soft environmental laws shall be applied to the aspects of the Arctic Seas.
     Chapter Two: Established Sea Rights over the Arctic Seas. The issue of the Arctic sates’sovereignty is an inevitable topic when some researches about the international legal system in the Arctic Seas are being done. So far, the lands around the Arctic Seas, inclusive of the main islands in the Arctic Seas have been divided by the eight Arctic states. In most instances no disputes existed over the title to Arctic lands. However, the disputes arising from the sea rights among the countries around the Arctic Seas never stop. Before touching on these disputes, we’d better go through with the established sea rights over the Arctic Seas by the surrounding countries which can provide the basis for the following understanding of the disputes. The chapter herein starts from the territorial sea rights in the Arctic Seas and introduces the sea rights in the territorial seas, the exclusive economic zones, the continental shelves as well as the shipping rights respectively. The countries around the Arctic Seas not only contribute to the international world with their peculiar national practices but also some innovative theories in the process of asserting the sea rights in the Arctic Seas. The typical examples for the former are the national practices of the straight baseline by Norway, Canada and Russia and the“Long-arm Jurisdiction”over the foreign ships by Canada and Russia in their ice-covered EEZs. The latter are some new theories like Sector Principle and Arctic Lake Theory. Besides, the original boundary treaties and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 are also the predominating factors affecting the assertion of the sea rights in the Arctic Seas by the surrounding countries. Especially, the 1982 UNCLOS is not only attributed to today’s“hot war”in the Arctic Seas, but also provides the ways and substantive laws for the final cease-fire. The last section in this chapter combines the assertion of the sea rights in the Arctic Seas with the international laws of the sea and then extracts and summarizes the development and challenge made to the international laws of the sea.
     Chapter Three: The Disputes in the Arctic Seas and its Legal Comments. This chapter reviews and expounds each dispute arising from the Arctic Seas in depth and then comments it from the perspective of the law respectively. The present disputes in the Arctic Seas involve different aspects of the sea. There existed the disputes over the islands like Hans island dispute between Canada and Denmark, the EEZs and continental issues of the Svalbard Islands between Russia and Norway, the disputes over the shipping passage like the Northwest Passage between Canada and the United states, the European Union, etc. and the Northern Sea Route between Russia and the western countries., and also existed the disputes over the EEZs, the outer limits of the continental shelves and the sea boundaries such as the United States-Canada’s dispute over the boundary in the Beaufort Sea and its continental shelf, the continental shelf disputes of Alpha-Mendeleev Ridge and Lomonosov Ridge among Canada, Russia and Denmark, and the division of the continental shelf in Barents Sea between Russia and Norway. As to the countries surrounding the Arctic seas and the non-Arctic states, they show different standpoints over the International Seabed Areas. In this Chapter, the author laid profound legal comments on each issue in the light of the international laws on the sea, the international treaty law and the verdicts made by the International Court of Justice. As to the ways to settle the disputes in the Arctic Seas in the coming days, the last section of the chapter listed and analyzed the legal outlets and the political ones. Especially, in term of the political ones, the possibility of the Arctic Treaty which is similar to the Antarctic Treaty is an international hot issue nowadays.
     Chapter Four: Sea Environmental Protection to the Arctic Seas. Since the late 1980s, the environmental pollution increasingly posed threats to the Arctic region. The environmental pollution mainly consisted of persistent organic contaminants, heavy metals, ozone depletion, acidification and noise, radioactivity and oil pollution from the leakage of the ships and so on. In the new century, warm climate change has turned into the greatest threat imposed to the Arctic region. The environmental legal regime in the Arctic region seems to be relatively complicated. Apart from the domestic laws in each Arctic state, the regional soft legal system and the international environmental conventions applied to the Arctic region constitute the international legal regime for the protection of the Arctic environment. The chapter hereby analyzes and comments on the present regional environmental soft legal system based on the achievements and defects by the working groups of the Arctic Council. As to the global and regional environmental conventions applied to the Arctic region, the essay touches on the main issues like the control of the sea pollution, the protection of the biological diversity and the relevant key issues like POPs, climate change, etc..
     Chapter Five: Prospect and Pondering over the Arctic Seas. As the conclusive part of the dissertation, it is deemed to be corresponding to the previous chapters and summarize and envision the international legal regime of the Arctic region in the coming days and thereby put forward the author’s own perspectives. In the new century, each country surrounding the Arctic seas has issued its newest Arctic strategy after Russia's planting of a flag at the North Pole. On May 28, 2008, the five Arctic Ocean coastal states gathered together in Ilulissat, Denmark and announced the Ilulissat Declaration. In April 2009, the Arctic council issued the Troms? Declaration, in which it indicated the key works in the next two years. By analyzing these new Arctic strategies of the Arctic states as well as the regional declarations, the future trend of the international legal regime of the Arctic region could be clued. Besides, as to the specific approaches to the future international legal regime in the Arctic seas, the chapter herein imposes preliminary pondering over the construction of shipping legal system and protection of sea resources. IMO will play a leading role in the former while the treaty like the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources might be concluded by the six countries around the Arctic Seas or by the eight Arctic states. What China enjoys in the Arctic seas and how China sticks to its principle and standpoint while facing today’s“boisterous”Arctic Seas,the author explained her own viewpoint in the last section of this chapter.
1 limits of Oceans and Seas, International Hydrographic Organization Special Publication No. 23, 3rd Edition,1953。
    2 J.Ashley Roach,Cold Facts,Hot Issue: International Law and the Arctic, A Guide to Understanding the Issues”, Southwestern Journal of International Law,15 Sw. J. Int'l L. 2009,p.301。
    1 David Scrivener, Gorbachev's Murmansk Speech: The Soviet Initiative and Western Responses 1-75 (1989)。
    2 Young, Oran R.,Creating Regimes: Arctic Accords and International Governance,IthacNY,USA: Cornell University Press,1998,p.54。
    1 Esko Rajakoski, Multilateral Cooperation to Protect the Arctic Environment: The Finnish Initiative in The Arctic: Choices for Peace and Security,pp.54-55,1989。
    2 Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy,supranote 11,pp.1631-1633。
    3 Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy, supra note 11,pp.1655-1664。
    4 Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy, supra note 11,pp.1655-1664。
    1 Hans H.Hertell, Arctic Melt: The Tipping Point for an Arctic Treaty Georgetown , International Environmental Law Review,2009,21 Geo.Int'l Envtl.L.Rev.565,p.576。
    2 David VanderZwaag, International Law and Arctic Marine Conservation– A Slushy, Shifting Seascape, 1997,Vol.9, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review。
    3 David VanderZwaag, Rob Huebert,Stacey Ferrara:Tinkering while the Arctic Marine Environment Totters, Denver Journal of International Law and Policy,Spring, 2002,30 Denv. J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 131,p.154。
    5 The Iqaluit Declaration: The First Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council,supra note 153, art.1(a)。
    1 Russell ,International Ocean Boundary Issues and Management Arrangements,in D.VanderZwaag (ed.), Canadian Ocean Law and Policy ,(Toronto:Butterworths,1992) pp.463-505。
    1 W.Lakhtine,Rights over the Arctic,American Journal of International Law,AJIL Vol. 24,1930,p.707。
    1 J.E.Berner,Master Mariner and Arctic Explorer,Le Droit Ottawa,1939,p.128。
    2 Arctic Sovereignty,http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm,(访问日期:2009年7月14日)。
    3 Territorial claims in the Arctic ,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territorial_claims_in_the_Arcti,(visited on July 20,2009)。
    1 L.B Person,Canada Looks: Nown North,1945-1946, Foreign Affairs, Vol.24,p.638。
    2 Donald R. Rothwell,Polar Regions and the Development of International Law, Cambridge University Press,1996,p.289。
    3 Arnfinn Jorgensen-Dahl,The Soviet- Norwegian Maritime Disputes in the Arctic,Law and Politices, ODIL,1990 Vol.21,pp.411-429。
    1 Erik Franckx,Maritime Claims in the Arctic, Dordrecht, Dordrecht,Boston,1993,pp.95-96。
    2 Candace L.Bates,U.S.Ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea: Passive Acceptance Is Not Enough to Protect U.S. Property Interests,North Carolina Journal of International Law & Commercial Regulation,31 N.C.J. Int'l L. & Com. Reg. 745,2006,p.747。
    2 Donat Pharand, Canada’s Arctic Waters in International Law, Cambridge University Press, NewYork New Melbourne Sydney,first published 1988,pp.150-158
    1 Qutar V. Bahrain, Judgement of March 16,2001, reprinted in XL ILM 847, 2002,pp.212-213;在该案中,国际法院在审查了巴林的海岸地理后决定,巴林无权使用直线基线的做法。
    4 D.M.McRae,Arctic Waters and Canadian Sovereignty, International Journal, IntJ,Vol.38,1983, pp.82-489。
    1 Statement by the Minister for Extern Affairs, Joe Clark, Canada House of Commons Debates, Vol.V,September,1985,p.64。
    2 Mike Perry , Rights of Passage:Canadian Sovereignty and International Law in the Arctic,University of Detroit Mercy Law Review,74 U.Det Mercy L.Rev.657,Summer 1997,pp.664-665。
    1Donat Pharand,Canada’s Sovereignty over the Newly Enclosed Arctic Waters, Canadian Yearbook of International Law,25 CYIL 325,1987,p.328。
    2 Donat Pharand,Canada’Arctic Waters in international law,Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, USA,1988,p.162。
    3 J.Ashley Roach & Robert W.Smith,Straight Baseline:the Need for a Universally Applied Form, Ocean Development and International Law,ODIJ,Vol.31,2000,pp.47-48。
    4 W.E.Butler,New Soviet Legislation on Straight Baselines,(1971),20,ICLQ,pp.750-752。
    5 W.E.Butler,The Legal Regime of the Soviet Arctic Marine Areas in Lawson W.Brigham,The Soviet Maritime Arctic(London,1991),pp.216-217。
    1 Donat Pharand,Canada’Arctic Waters in international law,Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, USA,1988,p.153。
    1 Stephanie Holmes,Breaking the Ice:Emerging Legal Issues in Arctic Sovereignty,The University of Chicago Chicago Journal of International Law, Summer, 2008,9 Chi. J. Int'l L.p.323。
    2 Keith F.Miller,The Implications of UNCLOS for Canada's Regulatory Jurisdiction in the Offshore--the 200-Mile Limit and the Continental Shelf,Dalhousie Law Journal,Fall, 2007,30 Dalhousie L.J.p.341。
    1 Donat Pharand,Polar Regions and the Development of International law,Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1996,p.182。
    2 See the Report of the Commission,1981,20,ILM,797。
    4 R,R.Churchill,Maritime Delimitation in the Jan Mayen Area, Marine Policy, 1985, vol. 9, issue 1, pp.16-38;Willy Ostreng,Delimitation Arrangements in Arctic Seaas,Marine Policy,1986, vol.10,pp.137-140。
    1 Giveaway of 8 American Alaskan Islands and Vast Resource-Rich Seabeds to Russians, State Department Watch,2009,http://www.statedepartmentwatch.org/index.htm,(last visited on August 19,2009)。
    2 Donat Pharand,Polar Regions and the Development of International law,Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1996,p.177。
    1 Susan Rolston and Ted McDorman,Maritime Boundary Making in the Arctic Region,in Douglas Johnston and Phil Saunders eds. Ocean Boundary Making: Regional Issues and Developments (Vancouver, UBC Press,1988),pp.37-39。
    2 Donat Pharand,Polar Regions and the Development of International law,Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1996,p.181。
    3 Denmark,http://huwu.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/STATEFILES,(last visited on August 19,2009)。
    1 Iceland,http://www.globaloceans.org/icm/profiles/iceland.html,(last visited on August 19,2009)。
    2 D.H.Anderson,The Status under International Law of the Maritime Areas around Svalbard,Paper read at the Symposium on“Politics and Law -Energy and Environment in the Far North”,held at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters on 24 January 2007。
    1 S. Rosenne & A. Yankov,United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982: A Commentary, Vol.IV 392 (2002),pp.393-397。
    1 Polar Ship Operations,http://www.martechpolar.com,(last visited on Sep.9,2009)。
    2 History of Arctic Marine Transport,Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment, AMAS Executive Summary With Recommendations,pp.54-59。
    3 Cruise Ship Safety Forum,http://www.marinetalk.com/articles-marine-companies/art/Cruise, (last visited on Sep.7,2009)。
    1 History of Arctic Marine Transport,Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment, AMAS Executive Summary With Recommendations,p.37。
    1 History of Arctic Marine Transport,Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment, AMAS Executive Summary With Recommendations,p.44。
    3 Lee Clark,Canada's Oversight of Arctic Shipping: The Need for Reform,Tulane Maritime Law Journal,Winter, 2008,33 Tul. Mar.L.J.79,p.94。
    4 R. Huebert,Polar Vision or Tunnel Vision, 19 Marine Pol'y 343, 353 (1995),p.343。
    1 Lee Clark,Canada's Oversight of Arctic Shipping: The Need for Reform,Tulane Maritime Law Journal,Winter, 2008,33 Tul. Mar.L. J.79,pp.96-104。
    1 Reprinted in T.E. Armstrong,Soviet Proposals for the Arctic: A Policy Declaration by Mr. Gorbachev,(1988) 24 Polar Record, pp.68-69。
    1 C.C.Joyner,Ice-Covered Regions in International Law,1991,31 Natural Resources Journal NatResJ 213,p.226。
    2 Auburn,Antarctic Law and Politics, Published in 1982, Indiana University Press (Bloomington),p.35。
    1 Christopher C Joyner,Antarctic and the Law of the Sea, Published in 1992, M. Nijhoff,p,81。
    2 S.Boyd,The Legal Status of the Arctic Sea Ice: A Comparative Study and A Proposal,(1984) ,Can. Y.B. Int'l La,p.98。
    3 F.M.Auburn,International Law–Sea-Ice- Jurisdiction,International & Comparative Law Quarterly, Volume 22, Issue 03, July 1973,pp.776-782。
    4 S.Boyd,The Legal Status of the Arctic Sea Ice: A Comparative Study and A Proposal,(1984) 22 Can. Y.B. Int'l La,p.140。
    1 US v. Escamilla,467 F.2d 341,1972。
    2 D.Phrand,State Juridiction Over Ice Island T-3:The Escamilla Case ,Arctic, v. 24, no.2, June 1971,pp.82-89。
    3 Christopher C.Joyner,A Comparison of Soviet Arctic and Antarctic Policies in Lawson W. Brigham, The Soviet Maritime Arctic(ed.),London,1991,pp.284-286。
    1 Ivan L. Head,Canadian Claims to Territorial Sovereignty in the Arctic Regions,1963-64,9, McGill Law Journal, p.70。
    3 Shelagh D.Grant,Sovereignty or Security? Government Policy in the Canadian North, 1936- 1950,Vancouver,University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver,B.C;1988。
    2基于加拿大自治领著名的天文学家W.F. King的报告。W.F. King,Report upon the Title of Canada to the Islands North of the Mainland of Canada,Gov't.Printing Bureau,1905,pp.9-10。
    1 William R.Morrison,Canadian Sovereignty and the Inuit of the Central and Eastern Arctic, Etudes Inuit Studies,Vol.10,1986,pp.245-59。
    2《Brief History about How it came to be》,PonInlethttp://www.pondinlet.ca/i18n/english/history,(Last visited on Nov.4,2009)。
    3 R.S. Reid,The Canadian Claim to Sovereignty over the waters of the Arctic,Canadian Yearbook of International Law, CYIL,Vol.12,1974,pp.112-114。
    2 John Franklin,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Franklin,(last visited onJuly 21,2009)。
    2是位于太平洋的一个无人居住的小岛。小岛取名于英国海盗约翰..克里伯顿(John Clipperton),他曾经在小岛上躲藏过。1855年法国声称所有;1897年被墨西哥占领。仲裁员将该岛的所有权判归法国。
    1 UK Treaty Series No. 18 (1924), Cmd. 2092;在国际联盟登记的条约名称为《斯匹次卑尔根群岛条约》。
    2 Whiteman《Digest of International Law, Vol.4,p.287(1965)。
    3 Arthur H.Dean, The Second Geneva Conference on the Law of the Sea: The Fight for Freedom of the Seas, 54 A.J.I.L.751,p.753(1960)。
    4 1982年《海洋法公约》第42条、47条。
    1 Matthew C. Miller,An Australian Nunavut? A Comparison of Inuit and Aboriginal Rights Movements in Canada and Australia,1998 Emory University School of Law,Emory International Law Review,12 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 1175,pp.1183-1184。
    2 Willy Ostreng, National Security and International Environmental Cooperation in the Arctic-the case of the Northern Sea Route, 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers,london, pp.139-143。
    1 Willy Ostreng, Politics in High Latitude, The Svalbard Archipelago,Montreal,McGill-Queen University Press,1978,pp.26-100。
    2 D. H. Anderson,The Status under International Law of the Maritime Areas around Svalbard,paper read at the Symposium on“Politics and Law– Energy and Environment in the Far North,”held at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters on 24 January 2007。
    1 Royal Decree of 25 September 1970: Limits in the Seas No.39。
    2 Act of 27 June 2003, in UN Document Law of the Sea Bulletin No.54(2004)。
    3 Robin Churchill,“The Soviet Union and Jurisdiction Disputes in Northern Waters”in Clive Archer(ed.) The Soviet Union and Northern Waters,London,1988,pp.53-58。
    1 A. McNair,The Law of Treaties ,Appendix A,Clarendon Press, 1961,p.765。
    2 D. H. Anderson,The Status under International Law of the Maritime Areas around Svalbard,Paper read at the Symposium on“Politics and Law– Energy and Environment in the Far North,”held at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters on 24 January 2007;pp.8-9。
    1 D. H. Anderson,The Status under International Law of the Maritime Areas around Svalbard,paper read at the Symposium on“Politics and Law– Energy and Environment in the Far North,”held at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters on 24 January 2007。
    1 Christopher Stevenson,Hans Off!: The Struggle For Hans Island and the Potential Ramifications for International Border Dispute Resolution ,Boston College International and Comparative Law Review Winter, 2007,30 B.C. Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 263,p.263。
    2 Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Government of Canada relating to the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between Greenland and Canada, Den.-Can.,Dec.17, 1973。
    1 Adjacent Territories Order, 1880 (U.K.), reprinted in R.S.C. 1985,App 11 No.14。
    2 Treaty on Cession of Danish West Indies, U.S.-Den.,Aug.4,1916,39 Stat.1706。
    3 Legal Status of the South-Eastern Territory of Greenland (Nor.v.Den.), 1933 P.C.I.J.(ser. A/B), No.55,(May 11)。
    4 Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Government of Canada relating to the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between Greenland and Canada, Den.-Can.,Dec. 17, 1973。
    1 Case Concerning Sovereignty over Certain Frontier Land (Belgium/Netherlands), 1959 I. C.J.209, 227 (June 20)。
    2 Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Government of Canada relating to the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between Greenland and Canada, Den.-Can., Dec. 17, 1973。
    3 Minquiers and Ecrehos (Fr.v.U.K.),1953 I.C.J.47,pp.65-69。
    1 Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan (Indon. v. Malay.) 2002 L.C.J. pp.625-685。
    3 Daniel Howden & Ben Holst,The New Cold War, Independent, Jan. 5, 2005, p.27.
    4 Sumner, supra note 49, pp.1806-07;also Frontier Dispute (Burk. Faso v. Mali, 1986 I.C.J. 554, 567-68。
    1 L.B.Pearson,Canada looks Down North, 1945-1946,24,Foreign Affairs, pp.638-639。
    1 Rothwell, D. R.,The Canadian-U.S. Northwest Passage Dispute: A Reassessment, Cornell International Law Journa l26,1993,pp.401-441。
    1 Ccanadian Practice in 12 C.Y.I.L.,p.297(1974)。
    2 Nathan Read,Claiming the strait: How U.S. accession to the United Nations Law of the Sea will impact the dispute between Canada and America over the Northwest Passage , ,2007 Temple International and Comparative Law Journal,Fall, 2007,21 Temp. Int'l & Comp.L.J.pp.413-442。
    2 Gordon W. Smith, An Historical and Legal Study of Sovereignty in the Canadian North and Related Probles of Maritime Law,Debates, 6 April,1957,pp.3185。
    3 Standing Committee on External Affairs and National Defence, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence,No.25,p.18。
    2 VanderZwaag & Pharand, supra note 32, p. 65. Judicial notice has been taken in Canada of the fact that the Inuit have resided in the North "since time immemorial. See 5 Geurin v. The Queen, 2 S.C.R.335 (1984)。
    1 J. A. Beesley & C. B. Bourne eds,Canadian Practice in International Law during 1970 as Reflected Mainly in Public Correspondence and Statements of the Department of External Affairs, 9 Can. Y.B. Int'l L.288 (1971)。
    2 Ronald G. Purver,Aspects of Sovereignty and Security in the Arctic, in Canadian Oceans Policy: National Strategies and the New Law of the Sea”, Int'l Can. 9 (Aug. and Sept.1985,pp.165-170。
    1 D.R. ROTHWELL,citing the Legal Status of Eastern Greenland Case (Norway v. Denmark), (1933) P.C.I.J. (Ser. A/B) No.53,p.22。
    2 Agreement on Arctic Cooperation, Jan. 11, 1988, U.S.-Can., reprinted in 28 I.L.M. 142 (1989)。
    2 A.Kolodkin,M.Kolossov,the legal Regime of the Soviet Arctic:Major Issues, Marine Policy, Vol.14,1990,pp.162-167。
    1 Brubaker, Douglas,Straits in the Russian Arctic - Jurisdiction v. Environmental Protection,Marine. Pollution and International Law (1993),p.98。
    3 Northwest Passage,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwest_passage, (last visited on Aug.24,2009)。
    2 Northern Sea Route, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Sea_Route,(last visited on Aug.24, 2009)。
    3 Franckx, E,Non-Soviet Shipping in the Northeast-Passage and the. Legal Status of Proliv Vil'kitskogo, Polar Record 24, No.151 (1988),p.270。
    1 Donat Pharand,Innocent Passage in the Arctic, Canadian Yearbook of International Law, 1968,6 Can. Y.B. Int'l L. 3 at 5.121。
    2该法案全称为:“On the improvement of protection of nature in the regions of the Far North and sea areas adjacent to the Northern coastline of the USSR (1984)”。
    1 1949 I.C.J.Rep.,p.29。
    3 Donat PHARAND,The Legal Regime of the Arctic: Some Outstanding Issues,(1984) 39 Int'l J.742,p.780。
    1 J.Ashley Roach,Arctic Sovereignty: Cold Facts, Hot Issues, InternationalLaw and the Arctic,Southwestern Journal of International Law,2009 15 Sw. J. Int'l L.301,pp.293-295。
    2 Treaty Regarding the Demarcation of the Boundary Between the United States and Canada, U.S.-Can., art.3,Feb.24, 1925, 43 L.N.T.S.pp.239, 244-46。
    3 David H. Gray,Canada's Unresolved Maritime Boundaries, 48 No. 2 Geomatica 131, 135 (1994), reprinted in Vol. 5, No. 3 Boundary and Security Bull. 61, 64 (University of Durham, International Boundaries Research Unit, 1997),http://www.dur.ac.uk/resources/ibru/publications,(last visited on Jan.4, 2010)。
    1 Mark B. Feldman & David Colson,The Maritime Boundaries of the United States, 75 Am. J. Int'l L. 729, 750 (1981),pp.729-750; K. L. Lawson,Delimiting Continental Shelf Boundaries in the Arctic: The United States-Canada Beaufort Sea Boundary, 22 Va. J. Int'l L. 221, 242 (1981);pp.221-242。
    2 Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Northern Oil and Gas Annual Report 2005, at 16 (2004), http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/nth/og/pubs/ann/ann2005/ann 2005-eng.pdf,(last visited on Sep.4, 2009)。Also see Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Map of Beaufort Sea Area (2007), http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/nth/og/le/mp/bsmd/bsmdnom2007,(last visited on Sep.4, 2009)。
    3 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Beaufort Sea Alaska, Oil and Gas Lease Sale 202, 72 Fed. Reg. 12817, 12817,12820。
    1 D.Russell,International Ocean Boundary Issues and Management Arrangements , Canadian Ocean Law and Policy, 1992, pp.463-505。
    2 Giveaway of 8 American Alaskan Islands and Vast Resource-Rich Seabeds to Russians,State Department Watch,2009, http://www.statedepartmentwatch.org/index.htm,(last visited on Sep.4, 2009)。
    2 Shamil Midkhatovich Yenikeyeff ,Timothy Fenton Krysiek,The Battle for the Next Energy Frontier: The Russian Polar Expedition and the Future of Arctic Hydrocarbons”, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, August 2007。
    3 the definition of Svalbard (Spitsbergen) in the Treaty Concerning the Archipelago of Spitsbergen, Feb.9, 1920, Art.1。
    2 DAVID A.COLSON,The Delimitation of the Outer Continental Shelf Between Neighboring States, American Journal of International Law, January 2003,97 A.J.I.L. 91,pp.95-96。
    2 Mark Jarashow, Michael B. Runnels, & Tait Svenson ,UNCLOS and the Arctic:The Path of Least Resistance,Fordham University School of Law Fordham International Law Journal, May, 2007,30 Fordham Int'l L.J.1587;pp.1890-1596。
    3 Brent Carpenter, Warm is the New Cold:Global Warming, Oil, UNCLOS Article 76,and How an Arctic Treaty Might Stop a New Cold War, Environmental Law,Winter, 2009,39 Envtl.L.215,p.217。
    1 Barry Hart Dubne,On The Basis for Creation of a New Method of Defining of International, Jurisdiction in the Arctic Ocean,Missouri Environmental Law & Policy Review200513 Mo. Envtl. L. & Pol'y Rev.1,pp.10-13。
    1 North Sea,1969 ICJ REP.32,para.101。
    1 Training Manual, supra note 5, at VII-33。
    2 Training Manual, supra note 5, at VII-30。
    3 Training Manual, supra note 5, at VII-32。
    1 CLCS, United States of America: Notification Regarding the Submission Made by the Russian Federation to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, 2-3, U.N. Doc. CLCS.01.2001.LOS/USA (Mar.18, 2002)
    2 U.S. Reaction, supra note 157; Grantz,supra note 10,p.3。
    3 Statement Made by the Deputy Minister for Natural Resources of the Russian Federation During Presentation of the Submission Made by the Russian Federation to the Commission, Made on 28 March 2002, U.N. Doc. CLCS/31 (Apr. 5, 2002)。
    4 U.S. Reaction, supra note 157; Grantz, supra note 10, pp.201-207。
    1 Moore,John Norton,etc, Legal and Scientific Aspects of Continental Shelf Limits, Martin Nijhoff,2004,p.303。
    2 Brent Carpenter,Warm is the New Cold: Global Warming, Oil, UNCLOS Article 76 and How an Arctic Treaty Might Stop a New Cold War Environmental Law,Winter, 2009, 39 Envtl.L.215,pp.234-236。
    3 Arthur Grantz, Treatment of Ridges and Borderlands Under Article 76 of the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea: The Example of the Arctic Ocean, in Legal and Scientific Aspects of Continental Shelf Limits 201, 202 (Myron H.Nordquist et al.eds.,2004).
    1 Ron Macnab, The Outer Limit of the Continental Shelf in the Arctic Ocean, in LEGAL AND SCIENTIFIC ASPECTS OF CONTINENTAL SHELF LIMITS 301–11 (Myron H. Nordquist et al.eds.,2004)。
    2 Rules of Procedure of the Commission,Annex I,Article 2(b)。
    3 Rules of Procedure of the Commission,Annex I,Article5(b)。
    4 Rules of Procedure of the Commission,Annex I,Article5(a)。
    5 Russian Submission Addendum, supra note 141, para. 41; Peter F. Croker, The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: Progress to Date and Future Challenges, in Legal and Scientific Aspects of Continental Shelf Limits 215, 220 (Myron H. Nordquist et al.eds.,2004)。
    1 CLCS, Statement by the Chairman of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf on the Progress of Work in the Commission, paras. 24-28, Doc. CLCS/58 (Apr.25, 2008); 2009年3月27日,委员会通过了“Recommendations of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in regard to the Submission made by Norway in respect of areas in the Arctic Ocean, the Barents Sea and the Norwegian Sea on 27 November 2006”。
    1 Gilbert Guillaume, Speech to the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations (Oct.31,2001), http://www.icj-cij.org/icjwww/ipresscom/iprstats.htm> ,( visited on Jan 23, 2010)。
    2 Qatar-Bahrain, 40 ILM 847 (2001)。
    3 Maritime Delimitation in the Area Between Greenland and Jan Mayen (Den. v. Nor.), 1993 ICJ REP.
    5 DAVID A. COLSON ,The Delimitation of the Outer Continental Shelf Between Neighboring States American Journal of International Law,January 2003,97 A.J.I.L. 91,pp.11-102。
    1 Ron Macnab, The Outer Limit of the Continental Shelf in the Arctic Ocean, in LEGAL AND SCIENTIFIC ASPECTS OF CONTINENTAL SHELF LIMITS 301–11 (Myron H. Nordquist et al.eds.,2004)。
    2 Moore,John Norton,etc, Legal and Scientific Aspects of Continental Shelf Limits, Martin Nijhoff,c2004,pp.302-309。
    3 Daria Boklan ,Russia: The Arctic Region Perception, Quarterly,Year VII N°2– Summer 2009,pp.71-72。
    4 I.C.J. Reports 1984,p.291。
    5 I.C.J. Reports 1984,p.290。
    1 Brent Carpenter,Warm is the new Cold: Global Warming,Oil, UNCLOS Article76, and how an Arctic Treaty might stop a new Cold War, Environmental Law,Winter, 2009,39 Envtl.L. 215,pp.219-220。
    1 Brent Carpenter,Warm is the new Cold: Global Warming,Oil, UNCLOS Article76, and how an Arctic Treaty might stop a new Cold War, Environmental Law,Winter, 2009,39 Envtl.L.215,p.252。
    2 Stephanie Holmes,Breaking the Ice: Emerging Legal Issues in Arctic Sovereignty,The University of Chicago Chicago Journal of International Law,Summer, 2008,9 Chi.J.Int'l L. 323,pp.326-370。
    3 For a summary of results from AMAP's Human Health Monitoring Program see Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, supra note 3,pp.171-186。
    4 Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, supra note 3, p.97。
    1 McIver, supra note 27, p.150 (quoting Dr. Fred Roots, scientist and Arctic expert for Environment Canada, quoted in Stephen Dale, New Arctic Body Grapples with External Pressures, INTER PRESS SERVICE,Sept.26,1996。
    2 Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, supra note 3,p.179。
    3《人体铅元素与硒元素超标怎么办?》,“百度知道”, http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/98699439.(访问日期:2009年11月11日)
    4 Part IVB. Even though human-created noise poses a significant threat to the Arctic marine populations, the Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy recognizes "that most types of [noise] disturbance do not cause mortality." AEPS, supra note 2, 30 I.L.M. pp.1640-41。
    1 Report of Senior Arctic Officials to Arctic Council Ministers, Barrow, Alaska, Oct. 2000, 11.
    2 Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, AMAP Assessment Report: Arctic Pollution Issues (1998)。
    3 Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, AMAP Strategic Plan: 1998-2003, AMAP Report 99:6, available at http://www.amap.no/ol-docs/str-plan.pdf (last visited Jan. 2, 2010); AMAP Strategic Plan: 1998-2003, AMAP Report 99:6, available at http://www.amap.no/ol-docs/str-plan.pdf (last visited on Jan.2,2010)。
    4 Oran Young, Creating Regimes: Arctic Accords and International Governance,(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press),1998,39
    5 AMAP Report to the Ministers (Alta:1997)。
    1 The website for this group is at http://www.ims.uaf.edu:8000/EPPR/。
    2 The Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy, Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Guidelines, June 13, 1997, can be found on the PAME website at http://www.grida.no/pame/FRreports.htm。
    3 Strategic Plan of Action for the Arctic Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response Working Group, supra note 130。
    4 Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response, Report of the 13-15 June 2000 Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response (EPPR) Working Group Meeting 9 (2000), available at http://www.artic-council.org/reports/990908.html (last visited on Jan.2, 2010)。
    1 Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment, Work Plan for the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment, supra note 136.
    2 Arctic Council, The Iqaluit Declaration:The First Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council, Iqaluit, Canada, September 17-18,1998,art.24,http://arctic-council.org/iqaluit.asp(last visited on Jan.13,2010)。
    3 Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment, Working Group Meeting Report, June 5-8,2000, Copenhagen, Denmark 8 (2000)。
    1 Lawson W. Brigham, The Emerging International Polar Navigation Code: Bi-polar Relevance, in Protecting the Polar Marine Environment: Law and Policy for Pollution Prevention 244 (D.Vidas, ed.2000)。
    2 Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna, About CAFF, at http://www.grida.no/caff/about.htm (last visited on Jan.13,2010)。
    3 CAFF Strategic Plan for the Conservation of Arctic Biological Diversity, September 1998, available on the CAFF website at http://www.grida.no/prog/polar/caff/stratplan.htm
    4 Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna, The CAFF Work Plan 1999-2000, http://www.grida.no/caff/workplan.htm (last visited on Jan.13,2010)。
    1 CAFF Strategic Plan for the Conservation of Arctic Biological Diversity, September 1998, available on the CAFF website at http://www.grida.no/prog/polar/caff/stratplan.htm。
    2 GEO-2000, Global Environment Outlook,(UNEP: Nairobi), chapter 2, The Polar Regions
    3 Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), Circumpolar Protected Areas Network (CPAN)– Strategy and Action Plan, CAFF Habitat Conservation report No.6 (1996), p.20。
    4 David VanderZwaag, International Law and Arctic Marine Conservation and Protection: A Slushy, Shifting Seascape (1997), Vol.9, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review 303 ed., p.316。
    5 Generally Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna, Caff Habitat Conservation Report No. 8: A Summary of Legal Instruments and National Frameworks for Arctic Marine Conservation (2000), http://www.grida.no/caff/MarinePaper-final.htm (last visited on Jan.14,2010)。
    1 Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna, Caff Habitat Conservation Report No. 8: A Summary of Legal Instruments and National Frameworks for Arctic Marine Conservation (2000), http://www.grida.no/caff/MarinePaper-final.htm (last visited on Jan.14,2010)。
    2 Task Force for Sustainable Development and Utilization, Report of the Task Force for Sustainable Development and Utilization and Working Papers in Progress 3-5 (1996)。
    1 For a variety of reasons, the US has worked to ensure that the Arctic Council has a limited mandate, and thus has limited significance,Samantha Smith, Ministerial with Only Three Ministers, WWF Arctic Bulletin No.4,Fall 2000,4。
    2 Ministerial with Only Three Ministers, WWF Arctic Bulletin, vol.4,p.4.(2000)。
    3 Bruce A. Russell, The Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy & the New Arctic Council, online at the Arctic Circle website maintained by the University of Connecticut: http:// arcticcircle.uconn.edu/ArcticCircle/NatResources/Policy/uspolicy1.html,(last visited on Jan.14, 2010)。
    4 David VanderZwaag, International Commons– The Arctic,in The Year in Review,1998, 9YbIEL,pp.266-273。
    1 David VanderZwaag, International Law and Arctic Marine Conservation– A Slushy, Shifting Seascape,(1997),Vol.9, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review; Rothwell,p.32。
    1 The International Negotiating Committee (INC 5) on the POP Convention: Intervention by Ambassador Kari Karanko, Finland on behalf of the Arctic Council,http://www.arctic- council.org/,(last visited on Jan.15,2010)。
    2 List of Major International Instruments and Policy declarations pertaining to the Arctic Environment, presented at the Ministerial meeting,Rovaniemi,Finland,1991。
    3 Linda Nowlan,Arctic Legal Regime for Environmental Protection,IUCN Environmental Law Programme, IUCN Environmental Policy and Law Paper No.44。
    4 Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy, supra note 11, pp.1655-1664。
    1 Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy, supra note 11, pp.1655-1664。
    2 Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy, section 7。
    3 Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy,section 9。
    4 Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy,section 8。
    2 Donald R. Rothwell, Global Environmental Protection Instruments in Davor Vidas, ed.,Protecting the Polar Marine Environment– Law and Policy for Pollution Prevention,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2000,p.64。
    3 Olav Schram Stokke, Radioactive Waste in the Barents and Kara Seas: Russian Implementation of the Global Dumping Regime in Davor Vidas, ed. Protecting the Polar Marine Environment– Law and Policy for Pollution Prevention ,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2000。
    4 Resolution LC.51(16);1996 Protocol, Annex I。
    1 Declaration on Arctic Military Environmental Cooperation, May 26, 1998, Norway-Russian Federation, I.L.M. ,(last visited on Jan.15, 2010)。
    2 Lakshman D. Guruswamy & Jason B. Aamodt,Nuclear Arms Control: The Environmental Dimension,Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy,Summer, 1999 10 COLO. J. INT'L ENVTL.L.& POL'Y 267,p.302。
    2 Donald R. Rothwell, Global Environmental Protection Instruments in Davor Vidas,ed. Protecting the Polar Marine Environment– Law and Policy for Pollution Prevention,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000,p.60。
    1 COSEWIC Assessment and Update Status Report on the Northern Fur Seals,2006,pp.19-20。
    3 Kevin McCormick, Involving Local Authorities and Indigenous Peoples in Marine Management, Background Paper, CAFF, IUCN, PAME Circumpolar Marine Workshop,1999,p.15。
    1 Brit Floistad and Olav Schram Stokke,Common Concerns- National interests;Norway, the Soviet Union and the Barents Sea Fisheries,(1989)9(2),International Challenges,pp.23-24。
    2 Floistad and Olav Schram Stokke,Common Concerns,p.25; The Northern Enviroment,p.64;Sciener, Soviet Fisheries,pp.76-79。
    3 Schram Stokke and Alf Hakon Hoel,Fisheries Management in the Barents Region: Safeguard and Swaps,(1992),12(4), International Challenges,pp.69-71。
    1 Jeffrey L. Canfield, Recent Developments in Bering Sea Fisheries Conservation and Management,(1993),24 ODIL,pp.257-289。
    2 Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources in the Central Bering Sea,Article I。
    3 Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources in the Central Bering Sea,Article 11,12。
    4 Stuart Kaye,Legal Approaches to Polar Fisheries Regimes: A Comparative Analysis of the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Resources and the Bering Doughnut Hole Convention,(1995),26,CalWILJ,pp. 75—112。
    2黄硕琳:《<联合国海洋法公约>生效对公海渔业的影响》,载《水产学报》1996年9月第三期,第251- 225页。
    1 Meltzer,E.,1994.Global Overview of Stradding and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks:The Non-sustainable Nature of High Seas Fisheries.InOcean Development and International Law,25:pp.255-344。
    1 Linda Nowlan,Arctic Legal Regime for Environmental Protection,IUCN Environmental Policy and Law Paper,No.44,p.29。
    1 D.L.VanderZwaag,“International Commons”(1998), 9 YB iel Law, p.272。
    3 Stockholm POPs Convention, supra note 14,Annex A, Part II。
    4 Stockholm POPs Convention, supra note 14,art.8。
    5 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organi Pollutants,http://www.unep.org/Documents/Default. asp,(last visited on Dec.20,2009)。
    6 Terry Fenge,Indigenous Peoples and Global POPs,in Northern Perspectives, Fall 2000。
    1 ICC, Northern Contaminants and Global POPs Programme, http://www.inusiaat.com, and IPEN, The Arctic POPs and the Recognition of a Duty, http://www.ipen.org.(last visited on Dec.20,2009)。
    2 Earth Negotiations Bulletin,Summary of the Fifth Session of the Inter-governmental Nego- tiating Committee for an International Legally Binding Instrument for Implementing International Arctic on Certain Persistent Organic Pollutants (IISD: Winnipeg), 2000; http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/download/asc/,(last visited on Dec.20,2009)。
    4该数据截止到2009年2月;Kyoto_Protocol ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyoto_Protocol。
    1 Kalamarkyan R.A., Migachov Yu.I. Mezhdunarodnoye pravo. Kurs lektsiy (Lectures in international law). M.: Eksmo Education, 2006, p.332
    1 Canada First Defence Strategy ,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_First_Defence_Strategy,(last visited on Dec.28,2009)
    2 Minister Cannon Outlines Canada’s Arctic Foreign Policy,March 11, 2009。
    1 JOHN R. CROOK,Comprehensive New Statement of U.S. Arctic Policy,American Journal of International Law,Vol.4,2009,pp.342-345。
    1 Arctic Council,Member States ,Norway, Arctic Policy,http://arcticportal.org/arctic-council(last visited on Dec.29,2009)
    2 JOHN R. CROOK,United States Joins in Arctic Declaration, Supports Existing Arctic Legal Regime,American Journal of International Law,October, 2008,102 A.J.I.L.872。
    1 Oran Young, Young, Oran R. The Structure of Arctic Cooperation: Solving Problems/Seizing Opportunities , paper prepared at the request of Finland in preparation for the fourth conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region, Rovaniemi, 27-29 August 2000, and the Finnish chairmanship of the Arctic Council during the period 2000-2002,p.15。
    2 Alexandre Kiss, Commentary and Conclusions”in Dinah Shelton, ed. Commitment and Compliance, 2000, 239。
    1 Discussion in Davor Vidas, The polar marine environment in regional cooperation in Davor Vidas, ed., Protecting the Polar Marine Environment,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp.89-92。
    2 Testimony of Oran Young to SCFAIT, Canada and the Circumpolar World,chap.5,p.2.。
    1 Ystein Jensen,The INO Guidelines for Ships Operating in Arctic Ice-Covered Waters: From Voluntary to Mandatory Tool for Navigation safety and EnviromentalProtection,FNI Report 2/2007,summary。
    2 SOLAS,Annex 7, Ch.V, Regulations 10-11, 32 U.S.T.47,1184 U.N.T.S. 278。
    2包括澳大利亚的大堡礁;古巴的Sabana-Camaguey群岛;美国的Florida Keys周围海域;波罗的海区域等。
    2 24-01 (2005)1,2,3 The application of conservation measures to scientific research;26-01 (2006) 1,2,3 General environmental protection during fishing。
    1 Derek A. Scott, Bird Life International, Migratory Birds of the Arctic– A Review of International Conventions and Other Legal Instruments Relevant to the Conservation of Migratory Birds, CAFF, 1998.
    3 U.S. Reaction, supra note 157; Grantz, supra note 10, pp.201--207。
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    54、互动百科:《夏洛特皇后岛驯》, http://www.hudong.com/wiki,(访问日期:2009年10月23日)。
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