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移动Ad Hoc网络是一种多跳的临时性自治系统,组网方便、迅速。但由于网络中的组成节点存在自私性的特点,所以网络在数据转发等方面遇到的挑战要远远超过有线或其它无线网络。无线ad hoc网络中,移动性和数据流模型十分复杂,拓扑动态变化,链路质量不可预测。本文通过使用博弈论来对现有协议、资源管理机制以及均衡诱导机制的设计进行分析。并使用博弈论对一些关键技术进行研究。
     (1)分析和研究了相关的博弈论理论,并根据博弈论相关理论和移动ad hoc网络的特点,分析和建立适合移动ad hoc网络各层间数据转发行为的博弈策略;并分别给出了adhoc网络在物理层、介质访问层、网络层和传输层的博弈论模型。基于前述的研究成果,分析和研究了两类激励机制:信任交换系统和基于信誉系统。并在此基础上,分析和研究了两类激励机制在移动ad hoc网络中的一些应用。
     (2)研究和提出了基于博弈论的自适应信誉机制。在分析和研究了相关博弈触发机制的基础上,提出了适合移动ad hoc网络的移动节点间数据转发的自适应博弈机制,该机制实现了:(a)尽最大努力促使网络中节点遵守确定的路由策略;(b)对合不合作的节点,不作报复行为,只将其排除在源节点之外,但其仍可转发数据;(c)鼓励犯错的节点进行改过自新。同时针对移动节点间存在的共谋情况,进行了分析和研究。
     (3)数据复制技术是解决当网络中源数据节点不可用时,而确保该数据继续有效使用的一种技术。如何在网络拓扑结构变化的移动ad hoc网络中实现数据的复制技术,同时还要针对移动的节点的自私性来解决数据副本放置问题。研究实现如何将博弈论中的投标原理用于解决数据复制问题。
     (4)由于移动ad hoc网络拓扑结构的动态变化,以及移动节点的自主移动,造成传输路由的经常性重新链接,从而会出现传输的中断。当实时性和完整性(或分布式计算)要求较高的应用需要网络提供稳定的路由服务时,如何为这样的路由选择相应的中继节点,以及按照何种条件选择。本文对这些问题进行了详细的分析和研究,并给出实现算法。从而为实时性和完整性(或分布式计算)要求较高的应用需要网络提供稳定的鲁棒路由服务。
Mobile Ad Hoc network is a multi-hop temporary autonomous system. It is convenient andrapid to form a network. However, due to the selfish characteristics of the composed nodes in thenetwork, the network encounters much more challenges than the wired or other wirelessnetworks in the fields of data forwarding, etc. In wireless ad hoc networks, mobility and dataflow model is very complex; topology changes dynamically; link quality is unpredictable. Thearticle analyzes existing protocols, the resource management mechanisms, as well as aequilibrium induction mechanism via the use of game theory. And use game theory to studysome key technologies.The article mainly includes
     (1) Analyzes and studies related game theory; and according to the knowledge of gametheory and features of mobile ad hoc networks, analyszes and establishes game-theoreticstrategies that are suitable for the data forwarding between layers of a mobile ad hoc network;Also, corresponding game-theoretic models of the physical layer, media access layer, networklayer and the transport layer of a mobile ad hoc network are given. Based on the aforementionedresearch, analyzes and studies two types of incentive mechanisms: the credit exchanging systemand the reputation-based system. On this basis, analyzes and studies these two incentivemechanisms in mobile ad hoc networks.
     (2) Studies and proposes an adaptive reputation-based mechanism based on game theory.On the basis of analysis and research of related game-theoretic incentive mechanisms, proposean adaptive game mechanism for data forwarding between mobile nodes in a mobile ad hocnetwork. The mechanism is to achieve:(a) to endeavor to procure nodes in the network tocomply the determined routing strategy;(b) not to apply retaliation to the uncooperative node;instead, exclude them from being the source node while they can still forward data;(c) toencourag nodes with mistakes to rehabilitate. And at the same time analyzes and studies thepotential "collusion" between mobile nodes.
     (3) The data replication technique is the solution to ensure that data continues to be validwhen the network source data node becomes unavailable. Studies how to achieve data replicationtechnique in the mobile ad hoc networks where the network topology changes, and also solvesthe problem of data replica placement considering selfishness of the mobile nodes. The study aims to implement how to adopt bid theory in game theory to solve the problem of datareplication.
     (4) Due to the dynamic topology changes and autonomous mobility of mobile nodes inmobile ad hoc networks, the transmission route re-links frequently, which will interrupttransmission. When the network is required to provide stable routing services for applicationsthat demand real-time performance and integrity (distributed computing), how to select theappropriate relay node for this route and what conditions to choose accordingly remaining aproblem. The article provides a detailed analysis and study of these problems, and proposes thealgorithm to implement. Thus it provides stable and robust routing services for the networks thatserve applications demanding real-time performance and integrity (distributed computing).
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