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In this paper, the methods of target tracking in frequency domain are studied from two aspects. One is the motion analysis based on phase difference of Fourier transform. It can accurately estimate the motion vector of object by identifying the displacement and rotation between two similar images. The paper proposed some improved methods to estimate motion parameters based on traditional phase correlation method. The method based on SVD is robust when noise present or object is sheltered because of using phase information in the frequency domain whose speed is nearly three times as quickly as original method. To satisfy the requirement of real time image processing system, a reduced method is presented which projects two-dimension image to one-dimension signal; thus, its velocity is increased fourfold. In this paper, a new method is proposed to estimate spacial object motion which based on phase difference in the frequency domain. It establishes a linear relation between positional movement of the object in spacial domain and phase change in frequency domain, whose speed is eight times as quickly as phase correlation arithmetic. It is fit for real-time image processing system because of sub-pixel precision and speediness. The simulated experiment data show that the proposed methods give a better detect result for the spacial object, which demonstrates the utility and practicability of these methods.
    The other method of target tracking is to detect image edges according local modulus maxima of wavelet transform based on multi-scale properties of wavelet
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