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     表现为:(1)受损神经元的活性降低,细胞存活率下降;(2)细胞培养液 LDH 的漏出
    变引发破坏性的生化级联反应;(3)NO 及其衍生的毒性自由基产生增多,造成对神经元的
    36h 末至再灌注72h 末。
    -2- 培养大鼠星形胶质细胞对拟脑缺血再灌注损伤神经元的作用和抗呆Ⅰ号的影响
     表现为:(1)ACM 对受损神经元发挥其最大生物学效应的浓度为1:5;(2)再灌注18h
    使死亡率、细胞培养液LDH 的漏出率和NOS 强阳性细胞的表达量显著降低;(4)ACM 可
    明显增强受损神经元 NSE、bFGF 的受体(bFGF-R)和 bcl-2 的表达,降低受损神经元 bax
    脂质过氧化及通透性增加而保护细胞膜,抑制 NOS 活性的反应性增强而防止 NO 及其衍生
It has very important meaning to the prevention and cure of cerebrovascular disease to study
    the characteristic, disciplinarian and mechanism of the damage induced by cerebral ischemia
    reperfusion. The damage induced by cerebral ischemia reperfusion was investigated solely from
    neuron or neuroglia in the past, however they are the functional whole and should be studied
    together. In recent years particularly ischemia preconditioning(IPC) has beening concerned as a
    inherent sheltered mechanism by the people. During brain ischemia preconditioning(BIP) neurons
    show cerebral ischemia tolerance and astrocytes play a significant protective role. Based on this
    views ,we investigated the relation between astrocytes and neurons after ischemia and
    reperfusion ,and then studied the effect of Kangdai I through experiments.We researched the effect
    of cultured astrocyte conditioned medium on the damaged neurons induced by simulated cerebral
    ischemia and reperfusion in Vitro and influence of Chinese herbal Kangdai I with the technique of
    separation and purification to cultured neurons and astrocytes. The aim is to probe into the
    mechanism and regulation of cerebral ischemia and reperfusion injury and BIP ,so as to provide
    more scientific and reliable experimental evidences to the treatment of Chinese herbs for
    cerebrovascular diseases and the research & development of new medicine.
     In the experiment ,the neurons and astrocytes cultured cerebral cortex of rats were
    researched, based on simulated cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in vitro. We investigated the
    avtivity of cultured neurons and the secretory function of cultured astrocyte in the damage induced
    by simulated cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in vitro, then studied the effect of astrocyte
    conditioned medium(ACM) on injured neurons and the influence of Kangdai I with biochemical
    method and immunocytochemical technique .The main results and conclusions are as follows:
    1. Cultured neurons were damaged by simulated cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in vitro:
     Results: (1)The activity of the damaged neurons was decreased, the survival rate was descent.
     (2)The transudation rate of LDH in cultured medium increased obviously.
     (3)The mortality was increased significantly.
     (4) The strong positive cell count of NOS expression significantly was increased 4h after
    ischemia (Is-4h)and 3h after reperfusion (Rp-3h).
     Conclusion:The reason of neurons injury may be :
     (1) The injury of mitochondria results in disturbance of energetic metabolism.
     (2) The damage of cell membrane structure induces membrane infiltrative change to cause
     devastating continuous biochemical reaction.
    -4- 培养大鼠星形胶质细胞对拟脑缺血再灌注损伤神经元的作用和抗呆Ⅰ号的影响
     (3) The increase of NO and its derived toxic free radicals cause the toxic harm on neurons.
    2. Cultured astrocytes were damaged by simulated cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in vitro:
     Results: (1)The activity of the damaged astrocyte was decreased, the survival rate was descent.
     (2)The ability of secreting total protein decreased.
     Conclusion: Cultured astrocytes was damaged in the model simulated cerebral ischemia and
    reperfusion in vitro.
    3. There were certain regularities in the change of damaged neurons and astrocytes induced by
    simulated cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in vitro, it could be divided into:
     (1) Cell injury period: from the begin of ischemia to Rp-3h.
     (2) Functional compensation period: from the end of Rp-3h to Rp-18h.
     (3) Lower functional period: from the end of Rp-18h to Rp-36h.
     (4) Functional restoration period: from the end of Rp-36h to Rp-72h.
    4. The ability of astrocytes secretory was increased in the damage induced by simulated cerebral
    ischemia and reperfusion in vitro, its high peak of expression was respectively as follows:
     (1) BDNF:The end of Rp-36h.
     (2) GDNF: from the end of Rp-3h to Rp-18.
     (3) bFGF:The end of Rp-3h.
     (4) HSP70:The end of Rp-48h.
     (5) IL-6: from the end of Rp-18h
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