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The theory of public goods is the classic theme and the corestone of public choice theory economics. In the 1970s, 20century in westen countries, there incurred many market supply modes of quasi-public goods which give us some useful experience for reference : it can be supplied by market, and also can be provided by the government’s guide to promote private voluntary provision or contribution. Since it has been studied in market provision, so in this thesis I will pay more attention to private provision, especially on private vountary provision.
     Government behavior depends on its targets.If government maximize its own benefits but not social welfare just as many facts,there will cause some defects in public goods provision.In the thesis I analyse the traditional government supplies mode’s decificiency and conclued that it evitablely cause some defects: its supply insufficiently or excessively. Comparing with the traditional way, the private supply way is more efficient, to give this reason I analyze private and public property right and the efficiency of private and public enterprise, and alse positively analyse it by the western country’s practice. By the fact I draw the conclusion that private supply mode is necessary to compensate the traditional mode of government supply directly.
     Then I comb out the possibilities of private supply theorily, and analyse the insufficiency of private supply public goods and the feasibility of private supply feasibility. But private provision may be insufficient in quantity. I theoretically analyse the personal supplies feasibility firstly, then propose some mechanisms to cope with it, and analyze how to reduce the free-rider problem from the collective action logic angle. The private provision way may play a best role of the market efficiency, by the mechanism of the reasonable design and with the help of the collective action,it may reduce the insufficient supply problem.
     Different from most scholars, I think government also may take a very important role in solving the shortage of private supplies, which is a rear propose in domestic economic fields. This thesis analyze the mechanism of improving the supply of private public goods by way of establishing good social norm and personal prestige system and using subsidy and redistribution of income policies to improve private provision.
     At the end of the thesis I combine with the two cases of private voluntary supply modes: lottery financing and benovelant contribution, then I use particular data to expatiate the developing actuality of the two financing manners in china. Both the two cases are private volutary supply modes, but the development of the two cases differs a lot. According to the author's research, the government influence is great and speeds the development of the lottery projects. But in benovelant contribution the government roll lacks this character.Aiming at the situation of the poor development of charity project in china today, our goverment needs to do some innovations in aspects of lottery consciousness propaganda, prompting favored revenue, changing governmental functions etc. in order to exert governmental functions and promote the development of the bevenvlent project. Then the author compared the private-supply features of these two financing modes from theory, it indicated that the bonus-inspiring style of lottery-finacing made incentive compatibility on promoting private-supply but benevolent contribution had no this feature. Use the bonus-prompting style of lottery-finacing for reference, I advise importing redounding-system in almsdeed donation properly. Because at present most Chinese people have low almsdeed-will, this method is surely effective on promoting almsdeed-finacing.
     Taking the intrinsic logic into consideration, I arrange the thesis as follows:
     In the introduction, I stated the theoritical and practical meanings of this thesis, and made retrospection about the supply of public goods. In view of the insufficiency of researches on personal supplication of public goods in our country, I proposed personal ideas and described the general structure of the thesis.
     Chapter one, defining quasi-public goods and then making the standard of classification and making a disctinction between the correlative conceptions.
     Chapter two, providing an efficiency standard model in which a merciful, complete-information government supply public goods directly, then based on this model, the problem of government's providing public goods directly in traditional model would be studied, as well as the range in which the public goods should be supplied. And efficiencies of government's providing be compared with economic man assumptions in different budget constraint situations. Practically, in different conditions of budget constraints, governments are unable to make optimal level of public goods. By analysing and explaining the public and private property rights and enterprises, I get the conclusion of necessary and praciticality on private public goods provision according to the foreign private supplies examples.
     Chapter three, under the different conditions of private provision of public goods, I provide a systematical and theoritical analysis; and discuss the inefficiency and other problems on private supply of public goods in the views of static and dynamic, complete and incomplete information and the different numbers in private provision. And proposed some mechanisms to deal with the problems of private supplies.What’s more, I analysis how to cope with the problem in the collective supply of public goods at the collective action logic angle.
     Chapter four, analyzation of governments' roles in promoting private provision. Retrospecting economists' analyzation of governments' roles in promoting private supply. Then giving strict theoretical analyzation of promoting private supply from governments' functions in ideology, economic subsidy and redistribution of income.
     Chapter five, Combining the actual cases of our country, I analyze two kinds of the voluntary provision potention modes: Lotteryticket financing and charitable donation. Both of these two financing ways have developed lately in our country, but the effects differ distinctively. I positively study the development presentsituation of these two financing ways in our country. I find the vital role of government in promotion lottery ticket financing. I give the explanation and put forward the pointed policy proposals aiming at a slower reality in view of our country philanthropy from theoretically and the realistic angle. Finally contrasting two different intrinsic mechanisms from theory angle, I discover that the lottery ticket financing mode has superiority than philanthropy contrubution. Introducing the incentive mechanism in the charitable donation will be a feasible suggestion to promote the development of philanthropy.
     Last part is a conclusion that it is necessary to define the role of government, to take various and flexible provision modes as contended, and pays more attention to private provision. Government uses its guidance superiority, propaganda, subsidy and redistribution policies in order to promote private provision public goods.Combing lottery ticket circulation with special public goods provision mode would effectively solve public goods provision structure.In order to develop our country’s welfare of services, we should make use of market mechanism and bring incentive repayment method to promote the private provision. In the end put forword some problems for further study about this field.
     The problem of private provision about public goods is familiar with us, There are many papers about it, but it is rarely studied in systematic and deepgoing comprehention from the theoritical perspective.There are several important innovations of this dissertation.
     Firstly, the research angle is from the relationship of government and private supply to cut-in. and I question tradictional direct-supply mode. Supposing governmen is the economic man I theoretically analyze that what in soever soft or hard budget constraint, the inefficiency problem still exists for government supply public goods. It will occur supply too much or too little, consequently leading to public goods supply waste or lack. Secondly, the analysis which carries on is thorough; The union comparison analysis method (government and private supplies comparison with two kind of financing way comparison) gives the careful proof, the analysis conclusion is the establishment above the stricter inference foundation. Thirdly, the focus of study is the role of government promoting private supplies, specifically in guidance of public opinion, economical subsidy, redistribution etc. which is made a stricter proof in this thesis. At last, I introduces the suggestion of suitable incentive repayment mechanism to promote private supplies at the present in our country based on two cases comparative analysis foundations.
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