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目的:了解新疆和田地区维吾尔族代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome,MetS)的患病情况,测序筛查前列腺六次跨膜蛋白2(six-transmembrane protein of prostate2,STAMP2)基因在新疆和田地区维吾尔族MetS人群中的变异位点,研究STAMP2基因变异与新疆和田地区维吾尔族人MetS的关系,寻找新疆维吾尔族MetS的易感性标记,探讨MetS可能的遗传学机制。方法:对新疆和田地区,年龄≥30岁的维吾尔民族,采取整群随机抽样调研方法,进行流行病学调查研究,共调查了1545例维吾尔族(男性588例,女性957例);在流行病学调查结果的基础上,依据国际糖尿病联盟(IDF)诊断标准,随机在858例代谢综合征患者中,选取男性女性分别48例共96例的MetS受试者所提取的DNA,对PCR产物采用直接测序的方法对STAMP2基因筛查的,根据连锁不平衡关系和最小等位基因频率(minor allele frequency,MAF)选择常见的代表性变异位点,同时选择功能区的低频率错义突变;(4)应用高通量TaqMan基因分型技术对研究人群进行STAMP2基因tagSNPs的扩增和高通量基因分型,了解代表性变异基因型在维吾尔族人群代谢综合征组和正常对照组中的分布情况,分别探讨STAMP2基因变异与代谢综合征的相关性;(5)数据分析应用SPSSl6.0统计软件包完成,计数资料的关联分析、以及两组或两组以上连续性变量的比较分别采用卡方检验和t检验或ANOVA分析,优势比(odds ratio,OR)和95%可信区间(confidence interval,CI)应用Logistic回归计算得出,使用SNPAlyze7.0遗传分析软件进行遗传代表性Hardy-Weinberg平衡检验以及基因多态位点之间的配对连锁不平衡关系,进而行基因单体型模块判定和选取代表性变异位点,还有构建多态性位点的单体型和相关的统计学分析。结果:(1)对新疆和田地区维吾尔族代谢综合征的流行病学调查结果显示,代谢综合征在新疆和田地区维吾尔族人群中的检出率为55.5%,高血压、中心性肥胖、高血糖及血脂紊乱的检出率分别为47.5%、40.4%、35.9%及31.6%,在40至50岁年龄段最高,女性代谢综合征检出率明显高于男性,影响代谢综合征发生的危险因素可能是性别和饮酒。(2)随机选取96例小样本人群STAMP2基因测序共发现20个变异位点,包括14个新发现的变异位点和6个已知的变异位点,其中包括2个错义突变。计算各位点间连锁不平衡系数,挑选出5个标签SNPs,包括224A/G(rsl981529,Gly75Asp)、364G/A(rs34741656,Alal22Thr)、7414G/A(rs8122)和6031T/G及-237a/c。(3)5个SNPs中6031T/G位点分型失败,-237a/c变异位点在1110例个体中成功基因分型1044例(MAF<5%),发现突变杂合型25例,未发现突变纯合型。-237a/c变异位点在维吾尔族人MetS病例组和对照组均有分布,其余3个SNPs在新疆和田地区维吾尔族人行人群关联研究。与MetS关联分析显示:在additive遗传模型下rs8122(P=0.032)和rs1981529(P=0.011)变异位点与维吾尔族女性MetS表型明显关联;多元线性回归分析校正年龄、是否患病影响后,在MetS病例组和合计组的血清高密度脂蛋白(High Density Lipoprotein cholesteroal,HDL-c)水平与rs8122(病例组P=0.001,合计组P=0.004)、rsl981529(病例组P=0.024,合计组P=0.009)变异位点明显相关,并且rs8122变异的A等位基因(保护性等位基因)携带者和rsl981529变异的G等位基因(保护性等位基因)携带者HDL-C水平有逐渐减小趋势;单倍型分析发现,女性MetS病例组单倍型l(rs8122-rsl981529-rs34741656,G-A-G)的频率明显高于对照组(Permutation P=0.044)、单倍型2(rs8122-rsl981529-rs34741656,A-G-G)的频率明显低于对照组(Permutation P=0.009)。结论:新疆和田地区维吾尔族人代谢综合征及其各组分检出率较高,特别是40~50岁年龄人群,且女性高于男性。STAMP2基因rs8122和rs1981529位点可能与女性代谢综合征相关,rs8122变异AA基因型和rsl981529变异的GG基因型可能是防止维吾尔女性患有代谢综合征的保护性因素。
Objective: To investigate the prevalence of Metabolic syndrome (MetS) in Uygur.Systematically screen for and examine SNPs of six-transmembrane protein of prostate2(STAMP2) in Uygur ethnic groups and the pattern of intragenic linkage disequilibriumand the haplotype structure were estimated. Then explore the relation between variation ofSTAMP2polymorphisms and MetS in a large cohort from general Uygur population. Weaim to demonstrate effect of candidate genes in MetS pathogenesis from geneticperspectives and further investigate the mechanisms in more polulations.Methods:Subjects were selected from the cross-sectional study of obesity, hypertension,diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia among Uygur1545individuaIs with aged30-70years inHETIAN area of Xinjiang (male588and female957) based on the epidemiology. Basedon the criteria of international diabetes federation (IDF), there were858MetS subjects.The sequences of the putative promoter region, exon-intron boundaries,and all exons,including the5'-and3'-untranslated regions(UTRs)(~lkb) of STAMP2gene were PCRamplified and sequenced in96Uygur MetS subjects (including48males and48females).Representative variations were selected with linkage disequilibrium (a r2cutoff of0.8),minor allele frequency of>5%and possible function (missense mutation) were genotypedwith TaqMan-PCR method in all subjects,and then constructed a case-control study.Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version16.0software package. Betweencase and control groups, distributions of patient characteristics, allele and genotypesfrequency of each SNPs were analyzed using the t-test or Chi-square test. Adjusted Oddsratios(ORs) with95%confidence intervals from logistic regression analysis was used toestimate the relative risk of MetS associated with genotype: linkage disequilibrium (LD)analysis was carried out in a pair-wise fashion, the determination of haplotype block andthe estimation and comparation of haplotypes frequencies in two groups were inferred bythe SNPalyzer7.0Pro package. Results:(1)Epidemiology survey result indicated that the prevalence of MetS was55.5%from HeTian Area of Xinjiang in Uygur population.Respectively, prevalence of hypertension, abdominal obesity, hyperglycemia, and bloodlipid disorders were47.5%,40.4%,35.9%and31.6%. The detection rate was highest in40-50years and in female was more than in male. Gender and drinking were the majorrisk factor of MetS.(2)We identified20variations,including14novel variations and6known variations (including2nonsynonymous SNPs) of the STAMP2gene by sequencingin96Uygur patients with MetS. Accounting of linkage disequilibrium relationships andfunctions, five representative variations:224A/G(rsl981529, Gly75Asp),364G/A(rs34741656, Alal22Thr),7414G/A(rs8122),-237a/c and6031T/G (unsuccessfullygenotyped) were genotyped in a large cohort from epidemiological study.(3)The variation-237a/c with MAF<5%was genotyped in1110subjects and found25individuals with acgenotype and found no individuals with CC genotype. The variation-237a/c wasdistributed in the cases and controls of MetS, and was not special for the prevalence ofMetS and its related phenotypes. Of the other3common variations, rs8122(Padditive=0.032)and rsl981529(Padditive=0.011) were significantly associated with MetS phenotype inUygur female populations.By the multiple linear regression analysis controlling age anddisease status confound factors, the significant association of the variations rs8122andrs1981529with HDL-C level in IDF defined-MetS cases (P=0.001,0.024, respectively)and in a combined sample (case+control)(P=0.004,0.009, respectively) were revealed,and the mean values of HDL-C level were gradual decline among A (protection) allelecarriers of rs8122and among G (protection) allele carriers of rs1981529in both MetScases and the combined sample.The association between haplotypes of the STAMP2genepolymorphisms and MetS was further performed. Haplotype (G-A-G)(rs8122-rsl981529-rs34741656) were associated with a higher prevalence of MetS(Permutation P=0.044) and haplotype (A-G-G)(rs8122-rsl981529-rs34741656) wasassociated with a lower prevalence of MetS (Permutation P=0.009) in Uygur female.
     Conclusion:The prevalence of MetS and and its components were higher in XinjiangUygur population. The detection rate was highest among age40to50, and the prevalenceof MetS in male Uygur population was significantly lower than in female. STAMP2genetic variations are likely to be associated with metabolic syndrome of female Uygur.
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