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试验于2007~2008年在东北农业大学实验实习基地进行,选用不同基因型大豆黑农44、黑农48、东农4400为材料,采用小区试验的方法,系统地研究了三个基因型大豆产量、品质形成生理差异以及氮素水平(0 kg/hm2、50 kg/hm2、100 kg/hm2)、氮素后移(开花期、结荚期、鼓粒期)对其影响的生理基础,主要结论如下:
     施氮可以提高硝酸还原酶的活性,且在酶活性峰值期作用效果最明显。施氮提高了黑农44苗期、鼓粒期叶片谷氨酰胺合成酶活性,其中施氮量为50 kg/hm2时效果较好;而施氮量为100 kg/hm2时,提高了黑农48谷氨酰胺合成酶活性。
     施氮增加了叶片和茎秆全氮含量,施氮效果因品种、时期不同而有所差别。施氮降低了黑农44、东农4400的氮收获指数,提高了黑农48的氮收获指数。施氮量为100 kg/hm2时,提高了三个基因型大豆储存氮对子粒的总贡献率;施氮量为50 kg/hm2时,提高了黑农44、东农4400储存氮对子粒的总贡献率,而降低了黑农48储存氮对子粒的总贡献率。
     施氮可以调节大豆内源激素系统。与未施氮相比,施氮处理降低了苗期叶片中IAA、GA3、ZR、ABA的含量;施氮量为100 kg/hm2时,在生殖生长期提高了叶片中IAA含量,而降低了叶片中ABA含量;施氮量为50 kg/hm2时,提高生殖生长期叶片中ZR含量。
     施氮提高了大豆子粒中IAA含量,且在成熟期效果较鼓粒期明显;施氮提高了成熟期子粒中GA3含量,施氮量为100 kg/hm2时,效果更明显;施氮量为100 kg/hm2时,在鼓粒期和成熟期子粒中ZR含量均有提高。而施氮量为50 kg/hm2时,只在成熟期提高了子粒中ZR含量。施氮在鼓粒期、成熟期均提高了子粒中IAA/ABA、GA3/ABA、(IAA+GA3+ZR)/ABA的值。
     施氮降低了叶片和茎秆中C/N的比值,施氮量为50 kg/hm2时,对茎秆作用效果明显,施氮量为100 kg/hm2时,对叶片效果明显;施氮降低了根系鼓粒期前的C/N比值,而鼓粒期后作用效果不明显。
     施氮增加了大豆的株高、株荚数、饱满粒数,降低大豆的结荚高度、结荚结位。适当施氮(50 kg/hm2)提高了大豆子粒的饱满度。
     施氮增加了大豆产量,施氮量为50 kg/hm2时,黑农44、黑农48产量最高。施氮量为100 kg/hm2时,东农4400产量最高。
     施氮提高了黑农44的脂肪含量,降低了东农4400的脂肪含量。施氮量为50 kg/hm2时,提高了黑农48的脂肪含量;施氮量为100 kg/hm2,降低了黑农48的脂肪含量。
     施氮降低了黑农44、东农4400的蛋白质含量,提高了黑农48的蛋白质含量,且施氮量为50 kg/hm2时,黑农48蛋白质含量最高。
     在50 kg/hm2氮素施素水平下,与氮素未后移处理相比,氮素后移降低了黑农48产量,其中R1期氮素后移(T1)减产幅度最大,为10.37 %。R1期氮素后移(T1)降低了东农4400产量,提高了黑农44产量;R3期氮素后移(T2)提高了黑农44、东农4400产量;R5期氮素后移(T3)提高了东农4400产量,降低了黑农44产量。
The experiment which used different genotypes soybean Heinong44, Heinong48 and Dongnong4400 as materials was done in test and practice base of northeast agricultural university from 2007 to 2008. The experiment studied the physiological differences between the yield and the quality of the three genotypes soybean and studied the effect of nitrogen levels(0 kg/hm2、50 kg/hm2、100 kg/hm2) and nitrogenous fertilizer postponing (flowering stage, pod bearing stage, seed filling stage) on the it through the method of plot experiment. The conclusions showed as follows:
     1、Differences between yield and quality of different genotypes soybean
     Yield and quality of different genotypes soybean showed as follows: Heinong48 had the highest yield and protein content. The yield of Heinong44 was in the middle, but the fat content was the highest. The yield of Dongnong4400 was the lowest.
     The Physiological differences between species showed as follows: the activity of nitrogen metabolism in Heinong48 was high, so was the total nitrogen content, the nitrogen metabolism was strong. higher C / N, with better coordination of carbon and nitrogen; grain higher IAA content, the promotion of the grain plumpness; better yield traits, the highest N harvest index, which reached the highest yield, the highest protein content.
     2、Effect of nitrogen levels on soybean carbon metabolism capacity
     Nitrogen can promote the activity of invertase at flowering stage and at seed filling stage. Moderate nitrogen can improve the activity of sucrose synthase at seedling stage and at the beginning of seed filling stage. Nitrogen increased the content of chlorophyll a, b and the total content at the beginning of flowering stage, but it presented differences, in other periods because of the variety and different nitrogen levels.
     N application can increased leaf starch content and lower stem soluble sugar content at flowering stage, lower the leaf soluble sugar content in the mature period. And lower the pod shell soluble sugar content at the beginning of seed filling stage. The effect of nitrogen was different at different growth stages.
     3、Effect of nitrogen levels on soybean nitrogen metabolism
     Nitrogen can increase nitrate reductase activity, and the effect was the most obvious in the peak period. Nitrogen increased the leaf glutamine synthetase activity at the seedling stage and at seed filling stage of Heinong44, the effect was better when the nitrogen rate was the 50 kg/hm~2 .and it increased glutamine synthetase activity of Heinong48 when the nitrogen rate was 100 kg/hm~2.
     4、Effect of nitrogen levels on soybean nitrogen accumulation and translocation
     Nitrogen increased total nitrogen content in leaves and stem, the nitrogen effect was different at different varieties and stages. Nitrogen reduced the nitrogen harvest index of Heinong44 and Dongnong4400, but increased the index of Heinong48.When the nitrogen rate was 100 kg/hm2, it increased the storage of nitrogen in three soybean genotypes on the total contribution rate of grain; When the nitrogen rate was 50 kg/hm2 it increased the storage of nitrogen on the total contribution rate of Heinong44 and Dongnong4400 and reduced the storage of nitrogen on the total contribution rate of Heiong48.
     5、Effect of nitrogen levels on soybean endogenous hormones
     Nitrogen can adjust soybean endogenous hormone systems. Compared with non-N, N treatment reduced IAA, GA3, ZR, ABA content of leaves at seedling stage; When the nitrogen rate was 100 kg/hm2, it increased the IAA content of leaves but reduced leaf ABA content at reproductive stage When the nitrogen rate was 50 kg/hm2 it increased the ZR content of leaves at reproductive stage.
     Nitrogen increased the IAA content in soybean grain, the effect at the mature stage was more obvious than at seed filling stage which increased GA3 content at the mature stage. When the nitrogen rate was 100 kg/hm2, the effect was more obvious; when the nitrogen rate was 50 kg/hm2, ZR content increased at the mature stage. when the nitrogen rate was 100 kg/hm2, ZR content increased at the mature stage and at seed filling stage.Because of nitrogen, the value of IAA/ABA、GA3/ABA、(IAA+GA3+ZR)/ABA in grain promoted at seed filling stage and at the mature stage.
     6、The adjustment of nitrogen levels on carbon and nitrogen metabolism.
     Nitrogen reduced the C/N in leaves and stem. When the nitrogen rate was 50 kg/hm2, the effect on stem was obvious. When the nitrogen rate was 100 kg/hm2, the effect on leaves was obvious. The C/N in roots lower before seed filling stage and the effect was not obvious after seed filling stage.
     7、Effect of nitrogen levels on yield traits
     Plant height, pods per plant and full grain number were increased and bottom-pod height and podded node were decreased by applying nitrogen.Plumpness rate of soybean seeds was improved by applying appropriate amount of nitrogen(50 kg/hm2).
     8、Effect of nitrogen levels on soybean yield and quality
     Nitrogen increased the soybean yield. When the nitrogen rate was 50 kg/hm2, the yield was the highest of Heinong44 and Heinong48. When the nitrogen rate was 100 kg/hm2, the yield of Dongnong4400 was the highest.
     Nitrogen increased the fat content of Heinog44 and reduced the fat content of Dongnong4400. When the nitrogen rate was 50 kg/hm2, the fat content of Heinong48 increased. When the nitrogen rate was 100 kg/hm~2, the fat content of Heinong48 lowed.
     Nitrogen reduced the protein content of Heinong44 and Dongnong4400, but increased the protein content of Heinong48. When the nitrogen rate was 50 kg/hm2, the protein content of Heinong48 was the highest.
     9、Effect of nitrogenous postponing on soybean yield and quality
     Compared to none-nitrogenous postponing, nitrogenous postponing reduced the yield of Heinong48 in the level of nitrogen fertilization. The reduce degree of nitrogenous postponing was largest at R1 stage, that was, 10.37 %. Nitrogenous postponing (T1) reduced the yield of Dongnong4400 and increased the yield of Heinong44 at R1 stage. Nitrogenous postponing (T2) increased the yield of Heinong44 and Dongnong4400 at R3 stage and Nitrogenous postponing (T3) increased the yield of Dongnong4400 but reduced the yield of Heinong44 at R5 stage.
     Nitrogenous postponing increased the protein content of Dongnong4400 and reduced the protein content of Heinong48. The protein content of nitrogenous postponing (T2) was the highest at R3 stage. With the time of nitrogenous postponing delayed, the protein content reduced. The protein content of Heinong44 declined with the nitrogenous postponing (T1) at R1 stage and with the nitrogenous postponing (T2) at R3stage. The protein content of Heinong44 increased with the nitrogenous postponing (T3) at R5stage.
     The fat content of Heinong48 declined with the nitrogenous postponing. With the time of the nitrogenous postponing delayed, the effect became more obvious. The fat content of Heinong44 increased Dongnong4400 was opposite with the nitrogenous postponing at R1 stage. The fat content of Heinong44 and Dongnong4400 declined with the nitrogenous postponing at R3 stage,but promoted at R5 stage.
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