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Egypt, as one of the greatest ancient civilizations, ranks high among thecountries of the world for its age-old tradition, the roles it has played in history, andits strategic location. Egypt is also the first Arabic country which engages in andemulates the western industrial civilization and then initiates the process ofmodernization. The history of Egypt from1923to1952under constitutionalmonarchy is a critical stage during which Egypt is transforming from a colonial stateto an independent one, and modern political system comes into being, and duringwhich violent conflict and flux happened between the tradition and modernity, elitesand mass, secularity and religion in Egypt society. In the same period, party politics isthe outstanding character of constitutional life in Egypt.
     The rise of modern party in Egypt is the outcome of the political, economic,cultural and social development after the startup of modernization in MuhammadAli’s Dynasty from1805. Attainment of national independence and constitutionalgovernment was the historical calling of these parties. Egyptian constitutionalmonarchy origins from the1919Revolution made by nationalist parties and theirmass supporters, whose institutional basis is the1922Declaration of Great Briton and1923Constitution of Egypt. The incompleteness of independence brought a deepcolor of nationalism to the party politics in the constitutional monarchy period.
     Generally speaking, parliamentary parties, especially the Wafd Party made agreat advance in the cause of Egyptian independence, which couldn’t beaccomplished just by one drastic revolution in a country dominated by a imperialistpower like Egypt which had a small military force, single-product economy, gravemisbalance of social structure, political power monopolized by landowner stratum,and non-integrated national identity. Peaceful and legal negotiation of theparliamentary parties was an important road to independence and the1936Treaty wasa vital stage for Egypt’s complete independence.
     The constitutionalism practice and competition of power between King andparties or among parties in Egypt under constitutional monarchy created an opportunity for public political participation and a more liberal space for the rise ofmass political movements which involved the Egyptian public in various strata intomovement of independence and overthrow of the constitutional monarchy throughvaried ideologies and programs. The new mass political organizations exhaustedimmensely the energy of the imperialist, the palace and the elite parliamentary parties,and paved the way for military coup.
     The Free Officers Movement led by Nasser succeeded and developed thenational cause devoted by the Wafd Party, by which the1952Revolution arrived andoverturned the constitutional monarchy and accomplished the task of independenceand anti-feudal. The reform policies carried out by the Free officers when they werein power reflected the socio-economic and political demands of mass movements,and in this sense, the1952revolution is a result of the development of party politicsin Egypt under constitutional monarchy.
1Arthur Goldschmidt Jr., A Brief History of Egypt, Facts On File, Inc.,2008, p.ix.
    3埃及概况,新华网,[2011-10-10], http://news.xinhuanet.com/ziliao/2002-04/05/content_348655.htm.
    1埃及数据一览,Egypt Data at-a-Glance,世界银行,http://devdata.worldbank.org/AAG/egy_aag.pdf.
    2埃及概况,新华网,[2011-10-10], http://news.xinhuanet.com/ziliao/2002-04/05/content_348655.htm.
    3埃及数据一览,Egypt Data at-a-Glance,世界银行,http://devdata.worldbank.org/AAG/egy_aag.pdf.
    2M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, Modern Egypt, from1517to the End of the TwentiethCentury, Cambraidge University Press,1998, pp.134-137.
    3P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded. London: Weidenfeld and Niccolson,1980, p.45.
    4M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, p.139.
    5P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt, p.69.
    5P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt, p.69.
    7M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, pp.190-195.
    3P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt, pp.174-176.
    4M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, p.238.
    5M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, p.242.
    1John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, London: the Cresset Press,1954, p.214.
    2Harris, C. P., Nationalism and Revolution in Egypt: the Role of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mouton&Co.,Hague/London/Paris,1964, pp.86-89.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power:The Wafd,1919-1952, London: Third World Center,1982. pp.13-17.
    4纳忠:埃及近现代简史,第164页;John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.222;Janice J. Terry,Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power:The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.26-28;Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, GreatBritain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: A Comparative Study.pp.84-85;J. C. B.Richmond, Egypt1798-1952: Her Advance towards a Modern Identity, p.174.
    5John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.225.
    6Ellis Goldberg, Peasants in Revolt-Egypt1919, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol.24, No.2
    (May,1992), pp.261-280.
    7Royal Institute of International Affairs. Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951. London&New York: OxfordUniversity Press,1952. P.4.
    8Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.43.
    2Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, New York: Syracuse University Press,1991p.27.
    3M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, p.250.
    4John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.249.
    5Norman Bentwich, The Constitution of Egypt, Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law, ThirdSeries, Vol.6, No.1(1924), pp.41-49.
    6Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.31.
    7Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.61.
    1M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, p.307-308.
    2Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.34.
    12Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.125.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, pp.371-378.James P. Jankowski, Egypt's Young Rebels:"Young Egypt",1933-1952, Stanford, California: Hoover InstitutionPress. p.118.
    4Harris, Christina Phelps. Nationalism and Revolution in Egypt: The Role of the Muslim Brotherhood, Stanford,California, Mouton&Co., Hague/London/Paris,1964.
    5Lia, Brynjar. The Society of the Muslim Brothers in Egypt: the Rise of an Islamic Mass Movement,1928-1942,Reading: Ithaca Press,1998.
    6Mitchell, Richard P. The Society of the Muslim Brothers, New York&Oxford: Oxford University Press,1969.
    1Gershoni, Israel. The Muslim Brothers and the Arab Revolt in Palestine,1936-39, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.
    22, No.3(Jul.,1986), pp.367-397.
    3Goldberg, Ellis. Tinker, tailor, and textile worker: class and politics in Egypt,1930-1952, Berkeley: Universityof California Press,1986. p.2.
    4Ibid., pp.16-17.
    1Ismael, Tareq Y. and Rifa’at El-Said. The communist movement in Egypt,1920-1988, New York: SyracuseUniversity Press,1990, pp.151-157.
    2Selma Botman, Egyptian Communists and the Free Officers:1950-54, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.22, No.3(Jul.,1986), pp.350-366
    7Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, London: Ithaca Press,1979, p.6.
    4饶义军:《多元现代性与政治发展——S. N.·艾森斯塔特政治发展理论研究》,浙江大学博士论文,2009年,第38页。
    1Dankwart A. Rustow&Robert E. Ward, Political Modernization in Japan and Turkey. N.J.: PrincetonUniversity Press,1964, pp.6-7.
    3Gabriel A. Almond, A Development Approach to Political System, World Politics.Jan.1965, pp.81-88.转引自吴振彰:政治现代化理论之探讨,http://www.cna.edu.tw/~sas/ccna/article/dps04.doc
    5饶义军:《多元现代性与政治发展——S. N.·艾森斯塔特政治发展理论研究》,第38页。
    2Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, New York: Syracuse University Press,1991,po.13-14.
    2详细内容参看:P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded. London: Weidenfeld and Niccolson,1980, pp.53-63;M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, Modern Egypt, from1517to the End of the TwentiethCentury, Cambraidge University Press,1998, pp.150-164;哈全安,《中东史:610-2000》,pp.496-498;杨灏城:《埃及近代史》,pp.63-87.夏吉生、杨鲁平:《非洲两国议会》,北京:中国财政经济出版社,2005年,第197-198页。
    2M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.175.
    4P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded. p.72.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded. pp.74-76.
    3M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.220.
    2M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.189.
    4M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.196.
    1M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.197.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded. p.171.
    1M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, pp.240-241.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed. pp.173-174.
    3Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt, Tel-Aviv: Israel Publishing House,1953, pp.42-44.
    5P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed. pp.191-192.
    6M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.242.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed. p.193.
    1M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.3.
    1M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.180.
    3M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, pp.190,192.
    1Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt, pp.8-13.
    3M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, pp.192;190;261;263.
    5Charles Issawi, Egypt in Revolution: An Economic Analysis, London-New York-Toronto: Oxford UniversityPress,1963, p.25.
    7Roger Owen, The Middle East in the World Economy,1800-1914, London&New York: I. B. Tauris,1993,pp.140-141.
    8Gabriel Baer, A History of Landownership in Modern Egypt1800-1950, London: Oxford University Press,1962,p.11.
    3Gabriel Baer, A History of Landownership in Modern Egypt,1800-1950, p.22.
    4Roger Owen, The Middle East in the World Economy1800-1914, P.217-218;M. W. Daly, The CambridgeHistory of Egypt, vol.2, p.272.
    9Roger Owen, The Middle East in the World Economy1800-1914, P.67.坎塔尔,埃及质量单位,1坎塔尔约等于44.928千克。
    10Charles Issawi, Egypt in Revolution: An Economic Analysis, p.25.
    1M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.273.
    2Charles Issawi, Egypt in Revolution: An Economic Analysis, pp.25-30.
    3埃及耕地面积从1833年为312.4万费丹,增加至1862年的416万费丹,1877年为474.3万费丹,1913年时达到528.3万费丹。请参看巴拉维、乌列士:《近代埃及的经济发展》,第68页;Charles Issawi, Egyptin Revolution: An Economic Analysis, p.26.埃及人口1821年约为250万,1870年时超过500万,1907年时达到1128.7万。请查看哈全安:《中东史:610-2000》,第502页;M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt,vol.2, p.253.
    1M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.275.
    2Roger Owen, The Middle East in the World Economy1800-1914, P.67;巴拉维、乌列士:《近代埃及的经济发展》,第71页.
    4哈全安:《中东史:610-2000》,第501页;巴拉维、乌列士:《近代埃及的经济发展》,第104页;51883年后的棉花出口额包含棉籽的出口,相关数据来自或换算自下列文献的表格,巴拉维、乌列士:《近代埃及的经济发展》,第104、171页;Charles Issawi, Egypt in Revolution:An Economic Analysis, p.28.
    6Charles Issawi, Egypt in Revolution: An Economic Analysis, p.25.
    3M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.263.
    3M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.225.
    4P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed. p.202;雷钰、苏瑞林:《中东国家通史·埃及卷》,北京:商务印书馆,2003年,第221页。
    5M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.264.
    7M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.221.
    2M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.230.
    3M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.267.
    4M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.191.
    6M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.265.
    3M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.279.
    1J. Heyworth-Dunne, an Introduction to the History of Education in Modern Egypt, London: Luzac&Co.,1938,p.2.
    4P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed. p.82;李阳:《埃及近代以来教育发展与埃及现代化》,第45-46页。
    5李阳:《埃及近代以来教育发展与埃及现代化》,第18页;P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed. p.82.
    6M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.279.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed. p.179.
    4P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed. p.179.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed., p.182.
    2M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.223.
    3P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed., p.184.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed., p.183-184.
    2Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study. Ph.D., University of Denver,1989, p.59.
    3P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed., p.186-187.
    4J. C. B. Richmond, Egypt1798-1952: Her Advance towards a Modern Identity, London: Methuen&Co. Ltd.,1977, p.154.
    1Nadav Safran, Egypt in Search of Political Community: an Analysis of the Intellectual and Political Evolution ofEgypt,1804-1952, Cambridge,Massachusetts: Harvard University Press,1961, p.92.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed., p.183.
    1也有观点认为他出生于波斯的阿萨德—阿巴德(Asad Abad),他声称出生于阿富汗可能是因为不喜欢自己的什叶派出身。见Goldschmidt, Arthur.&Robert Johnston, Historical Dictionary of Egypt, Oxford: TheScarecrow Press,2003, p.32.
    3Goldschmidt, Arthur.&Robert Johnston, Historical Dictionary of Egypt, p.33.
    4Nadav Safran, Egypt in Search of Political Community: an Analysis of the Intellectual and Political Evolution ofEgypt,1804-1952,1961, p.44.
    5M. A. Zaki Badawi, The Reformers of Egypt, London: Croom Helm Ltd.,1978, p.21.
    6Nadav Safran, Egypt in Search of Political Community: an Analysis of the Intellectual and Political Evolution ofEgypt,1804-1952,1961, p.44.
    7P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed., p.189.
    1M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.223.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed., p.195.
    2Nadav Safran, Egypt in Search of Political Community: an Analysis of the Intellectual and Political Evolution ofEgypt,1804-1952,1961, p.86.
    1J. C. B. Richmond, Egypt1798-1952: Her Advance towards a Modern Identity,1977, p.152.
    2Nadav Safran, Egypt in Search of Political Community: an Analysis of the Intellectual and Political Evolution ofEgypt,1804-1952,1961, p.86.
    3Nadav Safran, Egypt in Search of Political Community: an Analysis of the Intellectual and Political Evolution ofEgypt,1804-1952,1961, pp.87-88.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed., p.217.
    2Nadav Safran, Egypt in Search of Political Community: an Analysis of the Intellectual and Political Evolution ofEgypt,1804-1952,1961, p.89.
    3Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study. Ph.D., University of Denver,1989, pp.66-67.
    4转引自Nadav Safran, Egypt in Search of Political Community: an Analysis of the Intellectual and PoliticalEvolution of Egypt,1804-1952,1961, p.89.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed., p.240.
    2Nadav Safran, Egypt in Search of Political Community: an Analysis of the Intellectual and Political Evolution ofEgypt,1804-1952,1961, p.92.
    3P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed., p.242.
    1Nadav Safran, Egypt in Search of Political Community: an Analysis of the Intellectual and Political Evolution ofEgypt,1804-1952,1961, pp.92-94.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nd ed., pp.241-243.
    3Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952. New York: Syracuse University Press,1991.p.148.
    4Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt,pp.18-21.
    3M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.220.
    5M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.220.
    6Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt,pp.23-24.
    7Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt,p.25; M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2,p.220.
    2杨灏城:《埃及近代史》,第194-195页;M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.222.
    3杨灏城:《埃及近代史》,第195-196页;M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.225.
    12M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.226.M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.227.
    3杨灏城:《埃及近代史》,第186页;M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.229.
    1Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.58.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded., p.171.
    3J. C. B. Richmond, Egypt1798-1952: Her Advance towards a Modern Identity, p.151.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded., p.202; J. C. B. Richmond, Egypt1798-1952: Her Advance towardsa Modern Identity, p.153.
    2J. C. B. Richmond, Egypt1798-1952: Her Advance towards a Modern Identity, p.155.
    3P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded., p.203
    4Goldschmidt, Arthur.&Robert Johnston, Historical Dictionary of Egypt, p.424.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded., p.203
    2J. C. B. Richmond, Egypt1798-1952: Her Advance towards a Modern Identity, p.152.
    4J. C. B. Richmond, Egypt1798-1952: Her Advance towards a Modern Identity, p.152.
    5Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.64.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded., p.220
    2Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.83.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded., p.206.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded., p.222.
    3P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded., pp.219-225.
    1Goldschmidt, Arthur.&Robert Johnston, Historical Dictionary of Egypt, p.399.
    2Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.80.
    3P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded., pp.226-227.
    4M. W. Daly, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.245.
    5P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded., p.226.
    6Charles C. Adams, Islam and Modernism in Egypt, New York: Russell&Russell,1968, p.224.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded., p.227.
    2Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.67.
    3Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.70.
    1Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.70.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded., p.229.
    4P. J. Vatikiotis, the History of Egypt,2nded., p.229.
    5Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.81.
    6Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.82.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, Ithaca Press London1979, p.2.
    1John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, London: the Cresset Press,1954, p.212.
    2J. C. B. Richmond, Egypt1798-1952: Her Advance towards a Modern Identity, p.169.
    3Royal Institute of International Affairs. Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951. London&New York: OxfordUniversity Press,1952.p.2.
    4C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, London&New York:RoutledgeCurzon,2005, p.8.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power:The Wafd,1919-1952, London: Third World Center,1982. p.9.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power:The Wafd,1919-1952, p.10.
    3J. C. B. Richmond, Egypt1798-1952: Her Advance towards a Modern Identity, p.170.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power:The Wafd,1919-1952, p.10-11.
    2Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.66.
    3John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, pp.214,221.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events. London: MegaZette Press,2003.p.48.
    5John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.215.
    1Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events. p.430.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power:The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.11-12.
    1J. C. B. Richmond, Egypt1798-1952: Her Advance towards a Modern Identity, p.172.
    1Harris, C. P., Nationalism and Revolution in Egypt: the Role of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mouton&Co.,Hague/London/Paris,1964, p.86.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power:The Wafd,1919-1952, p.53.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power:The Wafd,1919-1952, p.14.
    4C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.9.
    5Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power:The Wafd,1919-1952, p.13.
    6John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.219.
    7Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power:The Wafd,1919-1952, p.54.
    1John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.220.
    2Harris, C. P., Nationalism and Revolution in Egypt: the Role of the Muslim Brotherhood, p.87.
    3以上内容详细请参看Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power:The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.13-17.
    12John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, pp.220-221.Harris, C. P., Nationalism and Revolution in Egypt: the Role of the Muslim Brotherhood, p.83.
    45J. C. B. Richmond, Egypt1798-1952: Her Advance towards a Modern Identity, p.173.John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.222.
    6Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power:The Wafd,1919-1952, p.26.
    7转引自Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: A Comparative Study.p.84.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power:The Wafd,1919-1952, p.26;纳忠:埃及近现代简史,第164页;杨灏城:《埃及近代史》,第290页。
    2Harris, C. P., Nationalism and Revolution in Egypt: the Role of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mouton&Co., Hague/London/Paris,1964, p.85.
    3Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.85.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power:The Wafd,1919-1952, p.26.
    5J. C. B. Richmond, Egypt1798-1952: Her Advance towards a Modern Identity, p.174.
    6John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.224.
    7Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power:The Wafd,1919-1952, p.28.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power:The Wafd,1919-1952, p.30.
    2Charles Issawi, Egypt in Revolution: An Economic Analysis, p.31.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.32,40-42.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.32; John Marlowe,Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.223.
    1John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.225.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.42-43; J. C. B. Richmond,Egypt1798-1952: Her Advance towards a Modern Identity, p.176.
    1John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.226.
    2Goldschmidt, Arthur.&Robert Johnston, Historical Dictionary of Egypt, p.169.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.44.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.45.
    1有关此时埃及内阁任命问题的详细内容请参加:Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: TheWafd,1919-1952, pp.46-49.
    2John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.228.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.38.
    1Tamim Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,a doctoral dissertation, Boston University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,2004, p.90.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.48.
    1Tamim Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.91.
    2A·穆沙拉夫认为最早提出这一想法的是奥马尔·图松亲王,图松具有强烈的亲奥斯曼和民族主义倾向,以慷慨大方、博学开明而在当时埃及王室拥有很高的威望。贾尼斯·特里则在自己的著作里提到扎格卢勒早在1915年就提出了类似的想法,并在1918年秋付诸外交行动。雅各布·兰道则提及首相鲁什迪出于职责所在酝酿了这一计划,并将之透露给了阿德里·亚坎。有关详情请参看:Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, GreatBritain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: A Comparative Study.p.90; Goldschmidt,Arthur.&Robert Johnston, Historical Dictionary of Egypt, p.215; Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of EgyptianPolitical Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.75; Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt, p.151.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.73.
    1Tamim Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.95.
    2祖国党主张英国在战后应从埃及在经济、政治和军事领域立即和全面退出,但这些主张被英国视为是极端要求,其支持者被看做是好战分子。参看Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist
    3Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: A Comparative Study.p.88
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.75-76.Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.76-77.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.77.
    2Tamim Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.96; Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.78.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.79.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.39.
    1Tamim Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.97.
    2Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: A
    3Comparative Study.p.90; John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.229.Tamim Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.98.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.80.
    5John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.229.
    6Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.39.
    7Tamim Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.99.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.81.
    2Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt, p.152.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.39.
    4Tamim Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.96.
    5Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.83.
    6贾尼斯·特里认为14人中12人为大地主,马略·迪布认为10人为大地主,这里涉及到大地主的划分标准问题,即以200费丹为分界线还是以100费丹为分界线。萨阿德·扎格卢勒虽然以教师为业,但拥有100费丹左右的土地,阿鲁巴以从事工业为主,在艾斯尤特拥有一个面粉加工厂和一个冰制品厂,但其父亲拥有大量土地。请参看Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.84;Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, pp.43,97.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.85-86.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.82.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.86.
    4Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt, p.154.
    1Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.91.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.88-89.
    3Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.92; Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.90.
    4Tamim Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.100.
    1Ibid., p.101.
    2Ibid., pp.101-102.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.91-92.
    5Tamim Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.105.
    1John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.232.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.94-96.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.99-100.
    1Tamim Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,2p.106.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.101.Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.93.
    4John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.233.
    6Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.102.
    4T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.108.
    5Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.94.
    6Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.102.
    7T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.109.
    8Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.102.
    1T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.110.
    4T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.110.
    5Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.67.
    6Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.103.
    1Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: A
    2Comparative Study.p.97.Ellis Goldberg, Peasants in Revolt-Egypt1919, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol.24, No.2
    (May,1992), pp.261-280.
    3Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.97.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.104-106.
    5T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.111.
    1T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.112.
    2T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.114.
    3C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.85.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.108.
    1Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.98.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.109.
    3Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.98.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.110.
    5John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.235.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.112.
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events. p.66.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.112.
    4John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.236.
    5另有学者认为截止到1919年夏,已经有超过800名埃及人遇害,31名欧洲人和29名英国士兵伤亡,甚至有数据认为超过3000埃及人被杀害。有关情况请参考Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and theNationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: A Comparative Study.p.101; Janice J. Terry, Cornerstoneof Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.113;彭克宏主编:《社会科学大词典》,中国国际广播出版社,1989年,第1083页。
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.46.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.114.
    3T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.117.
    4T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.118.
    5Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.116.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.117.
    2Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.pp.101-102.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.118.
    1Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.103; Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.120.
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events. p.69.
    3John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.238.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.47.
    5C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.112.
    6Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.47.
    2Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.105.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.121; John Marlowe,Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.239.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events. p.69.
    5Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.121.
    6Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.47.
    1John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.240.
    2John Darwin, Britain, Egypt and the Middle East: Imperial Policy in the Aftermath of War,1918-1922, NewYork: St. Martin's Press,1981, p.94.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.122.
    4Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.106; Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.125;C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.113.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.47.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.48.
    3Report of the special mission to Egypt.1921[Cmd.1131] Egypt. No.1(1921), p.23-24.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.128.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.129-131.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.128.
    12C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.114.Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events. p.71.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.49.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.49.
    5T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.129.
    6Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951. London&New York: OxfordUniversity Press,1952, p.6.
    1C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.115.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.134.
    3John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.244.
    4T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.131.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.50.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.135.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.52.
    4John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.244.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.136.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.52.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.136.
    4T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.133.
    12Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.53.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.136.Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.78.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.77.
    5C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.118.
    6Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.110.
    7Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, pp.78-79.
    8C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.118.
    1T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.133.
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, pp.76-77.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.138.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.53.
    5Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.138.
    6Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.54.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.139.
    2Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: A
    3Comparative Study.p.113; Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.139.C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.119.
    4或称“寇松备忘录”,其内容与米尔纳建议相比有所前进,备忘录第一条就提出终止保护国条例,还提及了苏丹问题,主张维持英埃共管现状,规定埃及在苏丹的军队统一由苏丹总督指挥。这遭到了阿德里的拒绝,埃及希望由埃及人担任自己军队的最高指挥官。有关情况参看Royal Institute of InternationalAffairs,Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951. London&New York: Oxford University Press,1952, p.7.
    5Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.79.
    6Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.139.
    1T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.135.
    2John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.246.
    3See Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.140.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.141.
    5Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.114.
    6Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.55.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.143.
    3C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.120.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.145.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.146.
    3John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.247.
    1声明英文原文请参看MoustafaAhmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.434.中文译文请参看“阿伦比对埃及的宣言”,潘光,朱威烈主编:《阿拉伯非洲历史文选(18世纪末—20世纪中)》,第165页。
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.81.
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951. London&New York: Oxford
    2University Press,1952, p.9.Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.147.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.55.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.147.
    5Donald M. Reid, Political Assassination in Egypt,1910-1954, The International Journal of African HistoricalStudies, Vol.15, No.4(1982), pp.625-651.
    6T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.137.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.57.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.148.
    3T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government, p.137;C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.125.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.148.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.73.
    3P. J. Vatikiotis, The History of Egypt, p.273.
    4Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt, p.60.
    5C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.125.
    6Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.83.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.58.
    2John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.261.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.59.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, pp.59-60.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, The History of Egypt, p.275.
    2C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.125.
    3John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.261.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.84.
    5P. J. Vatikiotis, The History of Egypt, p.276.
    6Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.155.
    1Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.85.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.60.
    3此处引用的宪法文本来自法文版本的英译本,全文见Text of the Constitution of Egypt, Current History(New York),25:4(1927:Jan.) p.532.关于宪法的概要介绍请参看Norman Bentwich, The Constitution of Egypt,Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law, Third Series, Vol.6, No.1(1924), pp.41-49
    1该选举法的条文概要请参看Royal Institute of InternationalAffairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951.London&New York: Oxford University Press,1952, p.189.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.63.
    2Ibid., p.66.
    3Ibid., p.65.
    4Ibid., p.164-166.
    5Ibid., p.167-168.
    1Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt, p.157.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.170.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, pp.173-174,226.
    2Ibid., p.172.
    1Ibid., pp.270,354.
    2Ibid., p.271.
    3Ibid., p.351.
    4关于华夫托党蓝衫军的更多情况,请参考James P. Jankowski, The Egyptian Blue Shirts and the EgyptianWafd,1935-1938, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.6, No.1(Jan.,1970), pp.77-95.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.353.
    2Ibid., p.70.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.87; Marius Deeb, PartyPolitics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.353; Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt,p.153; Tamim Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially CreatedGovernment, p.100.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.74.
    2Ibid., p.174.
    3Ibid., p.181.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.272-273.
    2Ibid., p.355.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.68-70.
    2Ibid., p.151.
    3Ibid., p.152.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.159-161.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.349.
    2Michael T. Thornhill, Britain and the Collapse of Egypt's Constitutional Order,1950-52, Diplomacy&Statecraft,Vol.13, No.1(March2002), pp.121-152.
    1Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.65.
    2Ibid., p.64.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.76.
    2一说250余人,见Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt, p.169.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.149.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.76.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.77.
    2Ibid., p.78.
    3Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt, p.170.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, pp.182-183.
    5Ibid., p.276.
    6Ibid., p.368.
    1Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt, p.171.
    2Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.66.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.79.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, pp.185-186.
    2Ibid., pp.367-368.
    1Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.67.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.81.
    3Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt, p.115.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.81.
    2Ibid., p.83.
    3Ibid., p.84.
    1Ibid., pp.188-189.
    2Ibid., pp.277-278,370.
    3Arthur Goldschmidt&Robert Johnston, Historical Dictionary of Egypt, p.292.
    1Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.67.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.187.
    3Ibid., p.278.
    4Arthur Goldschmidt&Robert Johnston, Historical Dictionary of Egypt, p.210.
    5Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt, p.173.
    1Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.68.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.280.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, pp.281-282.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, pp.222-223.
    2Ibid., p.370.
    3Ibid., p.357.
    4Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.68.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.360.
    2Ibid., p.362.
    3Ibid., p.364.
    4Ibid., p.365.
    1Ibid., p.366.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.155-156.
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.87.
    3John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.263.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.87.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.156.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.157.
    3P. J. Vatikiotis, The History of Egypt, p.277.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.157-158.
    5Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.75.
    6Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt, p.64.
    1Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.116.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, The History of Egypt, p.277.
    3Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt, p.64.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.159.
    2Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.117.
    3Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.10.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.160-161.
    5Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.88.
    1Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.88.
    2C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.127.
    3John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.265.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.89.
    6P. M. Holt&M. W. Daly, The History of the Sudan: from the Coming of Islam to the Present Day, Boulder,Colorado: Westview Press,1979, p.131.
    8C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.128.
    9Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.89.
    10Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.89.
    1T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.187.
    3C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.128.
    45Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.89.
    6Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.163.T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.188; P. M. Holt&M. W. Daly, The History of the Sudan: from the Coming of Islam to the Present Day, p.134;
    1Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.117.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.164.
    3Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.11.
    4Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.118.
    5Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.165; Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.11.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.132.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.168.
    3Tareq Y. Ismael&Rifa’at El-Sa’id, The Communist Movement in Egypt:1920-1988, New York: SyracuseUniversity Press,1990, p.28.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.132.
    5Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.133.
    1Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, London: University of California Press,1977, p.81.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.134.
    3C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.129.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.168.
    2C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.130.
    3T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.188.
    4John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, pp.268-269.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.170.
    3John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.270.
    4Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.13.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.171.
    2Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study.p.119.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.171.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.172-173.
    2T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.188.
    3埃及政府保证在一些关于外国人和外国利益的特定问题上与司法顾问进行协商,但取消了必须遵守两个顾问建议的要求。关于公共安全局,其欧洲处实行完全自治,总局长不仅代表和保护外国人的整体利益,而且要特别代表英国。有关内容请参见Royal Institute of InternationalAffairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.14.
    4P. M. Holt&M. W. Daly, The History of the Sudan: from the Coming of Islam to the Present Day, p.135.
    1截止到1924年11月第三任总司令被谋杀的五年里,被暗杀的总人数为46人。参见Royal Institute of
    2International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.15.C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.129.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.175.
    4C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.130.
    5Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.176.
    6Donald M. Reid, Political Assassination in Egypt,1910-1954, The International Journal of African HistoricalStudies, Vol.15, No.4(1982), pp.625-651.
    7C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.148.
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.16.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.136.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.182.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.182.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.136.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.179.
    5John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.275.
    1Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.95.
    2John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.275.
    3C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, pp.145-146.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.185.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.185.
    3Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.95,97.
    5T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government, p.149;C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.146.
    6Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.96.
    12Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.96.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.187.John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.276.
    4C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.146.
    5John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.275.
    6Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.138.
    7Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, pp.98,101.
    8Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.138; Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the
    20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, pp.98.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.138.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.187.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.188.
    2C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.148.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.191.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.189.
    5C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.148.
    6Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.189-190.
    7Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.16.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.140.
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.99.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.140.
    4Arthur.&Robert Johnston, Historical Dictionary of Egypt, p.193.
    5Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.100.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.141.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.193.
    3Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.102.
    1T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.191.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.193.
    3T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.192.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.142.
    5Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.194.
    1C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.155; Marius Deeb,Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.142.
    2C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.155.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.195.
    4T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.193.
    5John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.279.
    6Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.104.
    1C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.157.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, pp.16-17.
    3Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.17.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.196.
    5一说67岁,一说72岁,分别参看Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.196; Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.105.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.198-200.
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.18.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.213.
    3C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.159.
    4C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.159.
    5Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.104.
    6C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.159.
    12Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.106.Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.214.
    3Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.106.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.143.51923年,埃及政府颁布了一部公众集会任由警察摆布的政治集会法。1924年扎格卢勒上台后,华夫托党控制的议会先取消,后又决定修改该法令,但未及修改,扎格卢勒政府就倒台了。阿德里和萨尔瓦特执政后,议会批准了集会法修正案,但参议院由于技术原因未来得及通过。萨尔瓦特辞职后,劳埃德提出了抗议。新法试图削弱英国对警察的控制力,以便使支持华夫托党的警察减少对学生示威活动的干预。
    6Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.20.
    7Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.143.
    8T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.195.
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.20.
    2T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,3p.195.
    4C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.163.T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.196.
    5Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, pp.20-21.
    6Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.216.
    7Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.107.
    8Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.21.
    9C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.163.
    2T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.198.
    3John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.282; Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.145.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, pp.144,146.
    5Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.107.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.146.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.217.
    3Jacob M. Landau, Parliaments and Parties in Egypt, p.183.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.108.
    5Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.217; Jacob M. Landau,Parliaments and Parties in Egypt, p.183.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.217.
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.110.
    3Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.110.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.218.
    5Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.147.
    1John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.283.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.218-219.
    3C. W. R. long, British Pro-Consuls in Egypt,1914-1929: The Challenge of Nationalism, p.168.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.111.
    5John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.284.
    6Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.111.
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.22.
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.111.
    3Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.23.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.112.
    5Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.148.
    6Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, pp.148,160.
    7Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.220.
    1Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.117.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.149.
    3Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.24.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.115.
    5Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.25.
    6Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.25.
    7Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.115.
    1John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.286; Royal Institute of International Affairs, GreatBritain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.27; Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events,p.115..
    1Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, pp.132-133.
    2Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.133.
    1An Historical Account of Prime Ministers of Egypt,1878-1952.[2012-02-07],http://www.theegyptianchronicles.com/History/PRIMEMINISTERS30.html
    2“Foreign News: The Boss Goes to Jail”, Time, vol.63,1954.
    3Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.136.
    1Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.115.
    2Malak Badrawi, Isma'il Sidqi,1875-1950: Pragmatism and Vision in Twentieth Century Egypt, Curzon Press,1996. p.59.
    3Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.138.
    4Malak Badrawi, Isma'il Sidqi,1875-1950: Pragmatism and Vision in Twentieth Century Egypt, p.59.
    1An Historical Account of Prime Ministers of Egypt,1878-1952.http://www.theegyptianchronicles.com/History/PRIMEMINISTERS31.html
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.240.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.221.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.116.
    5Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.240.
    6Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.222.
    7Malak Badrawi, Isma'il Sidqi,1875-1950: Pragmatism and Vision in Twentieth Century Egypt, p.61.
    12Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.222.John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.286.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.241.
    4Malak Badrawi, Isma'il Sidqi,1875-1950: Pragmatism and Vision in Twentieth Century Egypt, p.67.
    5Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.222.
    6Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.241.
    7Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.222.
    8Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.190.
    1Malak Badrawi, Isma'il Sidqi,1875-1950: Pragmatism and Vision in Twentieth Century Egypt, p.64; MariusDeeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, pp.241-242; Royal Institute of InternationalAffairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.190;Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology ofMajor Events, p.116.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.242.
    3Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.190.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.222.
    5Malak Badrawi, Isma'il Sidqi,1875-1950: Pragmatism and Vision in Twentieth Century Egypt, p.59.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.243.
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.118.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.223.
    5Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.118.
    6Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.223; Marius Deeb, PartyPolitics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.243.
    1Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.119.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.223.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.119.
    6Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.244.
    2Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study. p.124.
    4Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.30.
    5Ibid, p.31.
    6Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.223.
    7Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.239.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.245.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.224.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.245.
    1Ibid., p.246.
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.122.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.123.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.225.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.247; Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone ofEgyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.226; Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.161.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.226.
    2Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.161.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.248; Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot,Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.162; An Historical Account of Prime Ministers of Egypt,1878-1952.http://www.theegyptianchronicles.com/History/PRIMEMINISTERS31.html.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.127.
    5Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.162.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.249.
    2Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.162.
    3An Historical Account of Prime Ministers of Egypt,1878-1952.http://www.theegyptianchronicles.com/History/PRIMEMINISTERS31.html.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.227.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.251.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.228.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.227.
    1Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.128.
    2John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.293.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.252; An Historical Account of PrimeMinisters of Egypt,1878-1952. http://www.theegyptianchronicles.com/History/PRIMEMINISTERS32.html.
    5John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.293.
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.32; An Historical Account ofPrime Ministers of Egypt,1878-1952.http://www.theegyptianchronicles.com/History/PRIMEMINISTERS32.html.
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.129.
    3Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.173; Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the
    20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.129.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.253.
    1An Historical Account of Prime Ministers of Egypt,1878-1952.http://www.theegyptianchronicles.com/History/PRIMEMINISTERS32.html.
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.135.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.228.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.132.
    5John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.294.
    6Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.132.
    12John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.294.
    3Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.173.Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.254.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.255.
    5Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.133.
    8Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.33.
    9Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.133.
    1Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.173.
    23Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.133.
    4Ibid.Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, Dissertation, PH.D., University of Pennsylvania,1983, p.93.
    5Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.34.
    6Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, p.93.
    7John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.294.
    8Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.34.
    9Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, p.93.
    1Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, p.94.
    2Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.174.
    3John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.295.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, pp.133-134; Royal Institute ofInternational Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.34; John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.295.
    5Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.255.
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.35; Marius Deeb, Party Politicsin Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.255.
    2Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.176.
    3Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.134.
    4Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, p.95; Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: theWafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.256; Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.176.
    5Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.35.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.256.
    2Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, p.99.
    3Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.134.
    4Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.36;
    5Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.134.
    6Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.257.
    1Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, pp.100-102.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.37.
    3Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.136.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.229.
    5Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.258; An Historical Account of PrimeMinisters of Egypt,1878-1952, http://www.theegyptianchronicles.com/History/PRIMEMINISTERS33.html.
    6Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.137.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.232.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.38.
    3John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.297.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.230.
    12Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.138.Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.38.
    3Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.139; Marius Deeb, Party Politics inEgypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.332.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.231.
    5An Historical Account of Prime Ministers of Egypt,1878-1952,http://www.theegyptianchronicles.com/History/PRIMEMINISTERS34.html
    6Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.333.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.232.
    2Ibid, p.233.
    3条约的英文文本请参看The Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of1936, Current History,22:128(1952:Apr.) pp.231-239;also see, Treaty of Alliance Between His Majesty, In Respect of the United Kingdom and His Majesty The Kingof Egypt, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.31, No.2, Supplement: Official Documents (Apr.,1937), pp.77-90.中文译文请参阅:“联合王国与埃及同盟条约”,《国际条约集(1934-1944)》,北京:世界知识出版社,1961年,第90-107页。
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.41.
    2John Marlowe, Anglo-Egyptian Relations,1800-1953, p.302.
    3Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.141.
    4Kamal Karim Katba, An Historical Account of Prime Ministers of Egypt,1878-1952,http://www.theegyptianchronicles.com/History/PRIMEMINISTERS34.html
    12Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.41.Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.333.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.234-235.
    4Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.42.
    5Abdulhameed A. al Musharraf, Great Britain and the Nationalist Movements in Egypt and India,1900-1939: AComparative Study, p.130.
    6Selma Botman. Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952. New York: Syracuse University Press,1991.p.41.
    12Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, pp.107-108.Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.235.
    4Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.44.
    12Ibid., pp.44-45.Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.45.
    3“关于废除在埃及领事裁判权的公约”,《国际条约集(1934-1944)》,北京:世界知识出版社,1961年,第122-141页。英文文本请参看Convention Regarding the Abolition of Capitulations in Egypt, MoustafaAhmed.Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, pp.373-378.
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.47.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.237.
    3Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.143.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.237.
    5Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.142.
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.48.
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.142.
    3Ibid., p.143.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.334.
    5Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.239.
    6Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.334.
    7Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.144.
    12Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.334.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.276.Kamal Karim Katba, An Historical Account of Prime Ministers of Egypt,1878-1952,http://www.theegyptianchronicles.com/History/PRIMEMINISTERS35.html
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.144.
    5Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.335.
    6Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.238.
    7Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.336.
    8Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.144.
    12Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.49.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.335.James P. Jankowski, Egypt's Young Rebels:"Young Egypt",1933-1952, Stanford, California: Hoover InstitutionPress, p.35.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.239.
    5Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.49.
    6Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, pp.119-120; Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.145.
    7Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.49.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.239-240.
    2Kamal Karim Katba, An Historical Account of Prime Ministers of Egypt,1878-1952,http://www.theegyptianchronicles.com/History/PRIMEMINISTERS35.html
    3Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.49.
    1Ibid., p.50.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.336.
    3Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.146.
    4Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.50.
    5Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.146.
    6Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.50.
    7Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.146.
    12Ibid., p.147.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.337.Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.147.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.242.
    5Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.338.
    6Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.147.
    7Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.338.
    8Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.147.
    9Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.50.
    12Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.148.Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.338.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.147.
    5Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.242.
    6Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.339.
    7Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.194.
    8Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.148.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.340.
    3Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.150.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.341.
    5Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.151.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.265-266.
    3Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.73.
    1Charles Issawi, Egypt in Revolution: An Economic Analysis, p.35.
    2Charles Issawi, Egypt in Revolution: An Economic Analysis, p.35.
    4M. W. Daly edited, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.321.
    5M. W. Daly edited, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.313.
    6Charles Issawi, Egypt in Revolution: An Economic Analysis, p.33.
    7M. W. Daly edited, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.313.
    1Charles Issawi, Egypt in Revolution: An Economic Analysis, p.34.
    1M. W. Daly edited, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.322.
    2Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.75.
    3Charles Issawi, Egypt in Revolution: An Economic Analysis, p.37.
    4M. W. Daly edited, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.313.
    5Charles Issawi, Egypt in Revolution: An Economic Analysis, p.43.
    1M. W. Daly edited, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.311.
    3Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.83.
    1Charles Issawi, Egypt in Revolution: An Economic Analysis, p.44.
    3Charles Issawi, Egypt in Revolution: An Economic Analysis, p.44.
    4Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, pp.81-82,84.
    1M. W. Daly edited, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, pp.323-326.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.31.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.229.
    4Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.107.
    5Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.197.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.272.
    2Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.108.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.274-275.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.275.
    5Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.198.
    6Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.199.
    1Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.109.
    2Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.201.
    1Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, p.138.
    2Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid-Marsot, Egypt’s Liberal Experiment:1922-1936, p.201.
    3Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, pp.143-144.
    1Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, pp.161-162.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.62.
    4Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.68.
    1Charles Issawi, Egypt in Revolution: An Economic Analysis, p.38.
    3Charles Issawi, Egypt in Revolution: An Economic Analysis, p.39.
    2Charles Issawi, Egypt in Revolution: An Economic Analysis, p.36.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.69.
    4Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.53.
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.55.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.55.
    3Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.56.
    1James P. Jankowski, Egypt's Young Rebels:"Young Egypt",1933-1952, pp.38-39.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.60; Selma Botman, Egypt fromIndependence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.42.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.243.
    2James P. Jankowski, Egypt's Young Rebels:"Young Egypt",1933-1952, p.81
    3Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.43.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.154.
    5P. J. Vatikiotis, the Egyptian Army in Politics: Pattern for New Nations? Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1961, p.52.
    6Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.61.
    1Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.154.
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.154.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.243.
    4Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.61.
    5Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.244-245.
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.62.
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.155.
    3Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.63.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.246.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.247.
    3Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.64.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.155.
    5Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.64.
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.65.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.67.
    3Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.67
    1James P. Jankowski, Egypt's Young Rebels:"Young Egypt",1933-1952, pp.83-84.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.68.
    3Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.159.
    4Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.68; Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt inthe20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.159.
    1Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.159.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.250.
    3Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.69.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.162.
    5Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.70.
    1Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, p.185.
    2Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, pp.184-185.
    3Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.163.
    4Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, p.185.
    5T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.206.
    6Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.163.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.252.
    2T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.207.
    1Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.44.
    2Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, pp.188-189.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.253.
    4Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.72.
    5Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.253.
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.74.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.73.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.254.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.75.
    3Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, pp.191-192.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.256.
    5Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.76.
    1Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.167.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.257; T. Barghouti, The Caseof Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government, p.209.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.257.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.258.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.258.
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.166.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.260.
    4Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.77.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, pp.260-261.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, pp.77-78.
    3Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.172.
    1T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.209.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.79.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.261.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.172.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.292.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.81.
    3Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.81.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.174.
    5Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.292.
    6Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt:1914-1951, p.81.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.293.
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.175.
    1Jankowski, James. Egypt’s Young Rebels:“Young Egypt”,1933-1952. p.12.
    1Jankowski, James. Egypt’s Young Rebels:“Young Egypt”,1933-1952. p.13.
    2Gershoni, Israel and James Jankowski. Redefining the Egyptian Nation,1930-1945. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1995. p.19.
    3Jankowski, James. Egypt’s Young Rebels:“Young Egypt”,1933-1952. pp.13-14.
    4Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.118; Marius Deeb, Party Politics inEgypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.374.
    1T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.252.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.375.
    3T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.253.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.372.
    2T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.253.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.378.
    1Ibid., p.377-378.
    2Jankowski, James. Egypt’s Young Rebels:“Young Egypt”,1933-1952. pp.19,22-23.
    3Ibid. p.25.
    4T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.254.
    1Jankowski, James. Egypt’s Young Rebels:“Young Egypt”,1933-1952. p.57.
    2Ibid., p.24,28.
    3Ibid., pp.38-40,52.
    4Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.118.
    5Jankowski, James. Egypt’s Young Rebels:“Young Egypt”,1933-1952. pp.83-84.
    1Ibid., p.107.
    1T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.263.
    2Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.120.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.379.
    2T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.261.
    3Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.121.
    1T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,pp.261-262.
    3T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.264.
    4Richard P. Mitchell, The Society of the Muslim Brothers, Oxford University Press, Oxford,1993, p.9.
    1关于穆斯林兄弟会二战前的组织结构,请参看Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, pp.381-386.
    2Mitchell, Richard P. The Society of the Muslim Brothers. London: Oxford University Press,1969. pp.328-329.
    3Ibid., p.329.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.387.
    1Gershoni, Israel and James Jankowski. Redefining the Egyptian Nation,1930-1945. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1995. p.14.
    1Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.41.
    2Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, p.202.
    3Christina. P. Harris. Nationalism and Revolution in Egypt: the Role of the Muslim Brotherhood,pp.178-180.
    4Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.121.
    5Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, p.202.
    1Ibid., p.204.
    2Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.122.
    3T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.267.
    4Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.123.
    1M. W. Daly edited, The Cambridge History of Egypt, pp.306-307.
    2Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.100.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.34.
    1Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.70.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.85.
    3Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.70.
    4Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.86.
    5Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.100.
    6Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.86.
    1Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.87.
    2Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.87.
    3Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.88-89.
    4Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.71.
    5Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.89.
    6Marius Deeb, Party Politics in Egypt: the Wafd&its Rivals1919-1939, p.88.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.162; Selma Botman, Egyptfrom Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.72.
    1T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.272.
    2Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.103.
    3T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.272.
    1T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.273.
    2Ibid., p.274-276.
    1Ibid., p.277-278.
    2Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, pp.207-208.
    3M. W. Daly edited, The Cambridge History of Egypt, vol.2, p.329.
    4Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, p.218.
    5T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.278.
    6Ibid., p.280.
    1Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.176.
    23Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.82.Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.177.
    5Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.82.
    1Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, p.212.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.84.
    3Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, p.212.
    4Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.178; Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone ofEgyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.293.
    1Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, p.213.
    2Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.178.
    3Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, pp.214-215.
    4Ibid., pp.216-217.
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.86.
    2Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, p.218.
    4T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.211.
    5Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.86.
    6Moustafa Ahmed. Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.178.
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.86.
    4Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.87.
    5Moustafa Ahmed, Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.179.
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.89.
    3Moustafa Ahmed, Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.180.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.297.
    5T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.219.
    6Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, pp.91-92.
    1Ibid., pp.93-95.
    2Moustafa Ahmed, Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.181.
    3Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.96.
    1Moustafa Ahmed, Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.181.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.98.
    3Ibid., p.99.
    1Ibid., p.100.
    1Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.115.
    2Moustafa Ahmed, Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.181.
    1Jankowski, James. Egypt’s Young Rebels:“Young Egypt”,1933-1952. p.91.
    3Moustafa Ahmed, Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.189.
    1Moustafa Ahmed, Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.186.
    2Ibid., p.191.
    3Christina. P. Harris. Nationalism and Revolution in Egypt: the Role of the Muslim Brotherhood,p.184.
    12Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.118.
    3Moustafa Ahmed, Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.195.Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.299.
    4Moustafa Ahmed, Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.192.
    5Ibid., p.119.
    6Michael T. Thornhill, Britain and the Collapse of Egypt's Constitutional Order,1950-52, Diplomacy&Statecraft,Vol.13, No.1(March2002), pp.121-152.
    7Moustafa Ahmed, Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.196.
    8T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,
    1Jankowski, James. Egypt’s Young Rebels:“Young Egypt”,1933-1952. pp.93-95.
    2Ibid., p.96.
    3Moustafa Ahmed, Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.197.
    4Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.121.
    5Moustafa Ahmed, Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.197.
    2Michael T. Thornhill, Britain and the Collapse of Egypt's Constitutional Order,1950-52, Diplomacy&Statecraft,Vol.13, No.1(March2002), pp.121-152.
    3Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.300.
    4Moustafa Ahmed, Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.198.
    5Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, pp.129-130.
    6Moustafa Ahmed, Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.198.
    1Michael T. Thornhill, Britain and the Collapse of Egypt's Constitutional Order,1950-52, Diplomacy&Statecraft,Vol.13, No.1(March2002), pp.121-152.
    3Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.136.
    1Ibid., p.137.
    2Michael T. Thornhill, Britain and the Collapse of Egypt's Constitutional Order,1950-52, Diplomacy&Statecraft,Vol.13, No.1(March2002), pp.121-152.
    3Moustafa Ahmed, Egypt in the20thCentury: Chronology of Major Events, p.200.
    4Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, pp.143-144.
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.301.
    2Jankowski, James. Egypt’s Young Rebels:“Young Egypt”,1933-1952. pp.98-99; T. Barghouti, The Case ofEgypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government, p.220.
    1Michael T. Thornhill, Britain and the Collapse of Egypt's Constitutional Order,1950-52, Diplomacy&Statecraft,Vol.13, No.1(March2002), pp.121-152.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, pp.145-147.
    3Ibid. pp.148-150.
    1Michael T. Thornhill, Britain and the Collapse of Egypt's Constitutional Order,1950-52, Diplomacy&Statecraft,Vol.13, No.1(March2002), pp.121-152.
    2Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Egypt,1914-1951, p.149.
    3Ibid. pp.150-151.
    1Michael T. Thornhill, Britain and the Collapse of Egypt's Constitutional Order,1950-52, Diplomacy&Statecraft,Vol.13, No.1(March2002), pp.121-152.
    2Selma Botman, Egypt from Independence to Revolution,1919-1952, p.52.
    3Jankowski, James. Egypt’s Young Rebels:“Young Egypt”,1933-1952. p.100.
    1Jankowski, James. Egypt’s Young Rebels:“Young Egypt”,1933-1952. p.99.
    2T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.221.
    3T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.216.
    1Jankowski, James. Egypt’s Young Rebels:“Young Egypt”,1933-1952. p.101.
    2Ibid., pp.101-102.
    3Michael T. Thornhill, Britain and the Collapse of Egypt's Constitutional Order,1950-52, Diplomacy&Statecraft,Vol.13, No.1(March2002), pp.121-152.
    4Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.302.
    5T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.217.
    1Jankowski, James. Egypt’s Young Rebels:“Young Egypt”,1933-1952. p.102.
    2Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.302.
    3T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,
    1Janice J. Terry, Cornerstone of Egyptian Political Power: The Wafd,1919-1952, p.302.
    4P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation, London: Croom Helm,1978, p.24.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.25;[英]罗伯特·斯蒂文思:《纳赛尔传》,第8页。
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.26.
    5P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.33.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.27.
    2杨灏城、江淳:《纳赛尔与萨达特时代的埃及》,第15页;P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978,p.28.
    4P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.27.
    1Christina W. Michelmore, Student Politics in Egypt,1922-1952, p.94.
    4Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egypt’s Liberation: The Philosophy of the Revolution, Washinton: N.P., p.50;加麦尔·阿卜杜勒·纳赛尔著、张一民译:《革命哲学》,北京:世界知识出版社,1956年,第22页。
    5P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, pp.32,60.
    6Ibid., pp.60,33.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.58.
    3P. J. Vatikiotis, the Egyptian Army in Politics: Pattern for New Nations? Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1961, p.45; P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.47.
    6P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.36.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.36.
    3P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.37.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.41.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.39.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, the Egyptian Army in Politics: Pattern for New Nations? pp.45-46.
    1Ibid., p.46.
    5P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.26.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.60.
    2T. Barghouti, The Case of Egypt: A National Liberation Movement and a Colonially Created Government,p.282.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.101.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.119.
    3P. J. Vatikiotis, the Egyptian Army in Politics: Pattern for New Nations? p.52.
    4P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, pp.102,119.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.103.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.104.
    3P. J. Vatikiotis, the Egyptian Army in Politics: Pattern for New Nations? pp.56-57.
    4P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.114.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.105.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, the Egyptian Army in Politics: Pattern for New Nations? p.60.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.105.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, the Egyptian Army in Politics: Pattern for New Nations? p.61.
    3P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.106.
    1P. J. Vatikiotis, the Egyptian Army in Politics: Pattern for New Nations? p.63.
    3P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.107.
    4P. J. Vatikiotis, Nasser and His Generation,1978, p.114.
    5P. J. Vatikiotis, the Egyptian Army in Politics: Pattern for New Nations? p.65.
    2P. J. Vatikiotis, the Egyptian Army in Politics: Pattern for New Nations? p.64.
    [1](英)B. R.米切尔编,贺力平译:《帕尔格雷夫世界历史统计:亚洲、非洲和大洋洲卷(1750‐1993)》,北京:经济科学出版社,2002年。
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