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     采用原代培养的小鼠星形胶质细胞。①分别用碳酸锂、丙戊酸钠、卡马西平和托吡酯处理细胞1-4周,用RT-PCR和免疫印迹方法检测药物对PLA_2三种亚型的作用;②在正常或经5-HT_(2B)受体siRNA干扰后的细胞中,氟西汀处理20分钟观察ERK_(1/2)磷酸化水平,再用氟西汀处理正常细胞1或4小时后,观察c-Fos和FosB mRNA或蛋白表达水平,并且检测这一作用是否可被5-HT_(2B)受体抑制剂SB204741,或ERK_(1/2)磷酸化抑制剂U0126所抑制。使用SPSS12.0软件进行统计学分析,多组资料用one-way ANOVA方法进行比较,P<0.05表示差异具有统计学意义。
     药物处理2周后,0.25 mM,0.5 mM和1mM碳酸锂,25μM和50μM卡马西平,100μM和1mM丙戊酸钠均可使cPLA_(2a)mRNA和蛋白表达发生上调,仅持续时间不同。但是这三种药物对sPLA_2和iPLA_2表达没有影响。表明三种抗双相抑郁症药物长期作用具有cPLA_(2a)特异性。
     10μM氟西汀在1小时和4小时分别增加c-Fos和FosB mRNA和蛋白表达水平。此作用可被SB204741和U0126抑制。表明氟西汀是通过5-HT_(2B)受体,引起ERK_(1/2)磷酸化后,进一步调节c-Fos和FosB表达。
     低浓度的碳酸锂在研究时期内仅对cPLA_(2a)有上调作用,高浓度的碳酸锂作用长时间后有下调作用。长期处理影响表达水平的理论还在卡马西平和丙戊酸的结果中得到应证,二者高浓度(50μM和1 mM)的作用在处理2-3周后达到峰值,在4周后上调幅度消除或者迅速下降,然而二者低浓度(25μM和100μM)的作用在4周后更为显著,且发展的更慢。相反的是,无抗双相精神障碍疗效的托吡酯没有影响cPLA_(2a)的表达,并且三种抗双相精神障碍药物对iPLA_2和sPLA_2mRNA表达没有改变。以上观察(上调和下调)均表明了酶的特异性和药物的特异性,这些作用均有赖于药物的浓度和处理时间。在本实验中所使用的药物浓度与临床药物浓度具有相关性。
     2、氟西汀通过5-HT_(2B)受体诱导c-Fos和FosB mRNA和蛋白表达增加,此过程依赖ERK_(1/2)磷酸化。
     Unipolar depression and bipolar depression are both common mental disorders, and unipolar depression is usually called depression,and bipolar depression is also called manic-depressive illness.Clinically,anti-unipolar depression drugs are mainly serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs),fluoxetine as represented,and lithium salts(Li~+),valproic acid(VPA),and carbamaze-pine(CBZ)are the three classical anti-bipolar drugs.But the accurate pharmacological mechanisms of these drugs have not been clear and need to be further investigated.
     In brain tissue,phospholipases A_2(PLA_2)mainly includes three subtypes: secretory phospholipase A_2(sPLA_2),cytosolic phospholipase A_2(cPLA_2),and calcium-independent phospholipase A_2(iPLA_2).These PLA_2 could specifically hydrolyze the acyl ester bond at the sn-2 position of glycerol in membrane phospholipids to produce lysophospholipids and free fatty acids(such as arachidonic acid,AA).cPLA_2 activity and arachidonic acid release is linked to dopamine, glutamate,serotonin receptors through different coupling mechanisms.These mechanisms modulate the release of arachidonic acid and levels of second messengers in brain tissue.The majority of cPLA_2 in astrocytes is cPLA_(2a).In intact brain, scientists have established that after 6 weeks(Li~+ and CBZ)or 30 days(VPA)of treatment in rats with doses leading to therapeutically relevant drug levels,each drug decreased the in vivo turnover of arachidonic acid by deacylation from glycerophospholipids followed by re-acylation.Chronic treatment with Li~+ for 6 weeks decreased the expression of cPLA_(2a)in rat brain.
     Serotonin[5-hydroxytryptamine(5-HT)]is an important neurotransmitter in the CNS that has seven subtypes of receptors termed 5-HT_1 through 5-HT_7.5-HT_2 receptor comprises of 5-HT_(2A),5-HT_(2B)and 5-HT_(2C)receptors which all express on astrocytes.All three 5-HT_2 receptors are Gq/11 protein-coupled and their stimulation activates phospholipase C(PLC),generating diacylglycerol(DAG)and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate(IP3)by hydrolysis of phosphatidyl-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate(PIP2) and leading to an increase of free cytosolic calcium concentration[Ca~(2+)]_i.Acute exposure to fluoxetine similarly increases[Ca~(2+)]_i in astrocytes by a direct 5-HT_2 receptor action.
     Recently some reports shows that extracellular-signal regulated kinases(ERK) plays an important role in CNS,for example,in synaptic plasticity and memory formation.Fluoxetine causes ERK phosphorylation,followed by inducing expressions of certain genes.The Fos family of transcription factors includes c-Fos,FosB,Fra-1 and Fra-2 as well as smaller FosB(splice variants of FosB).The activity of all Fos family members is modulated by different kinases,i.e.,MAPK,PKA or PKC,and then Fos protein influences protein stability,DNA-binding activity and the transactivating potential of the transcription factors.
     In primary cultured astrocytes with dibutyryl cyclic AMP(dBcAMP),there is no serotonin transporter.In the present work,we studied of fluoxetine and anti-bipolar drugs:①the regulation of cPLA_2 by chronic treatment with three anti-bipolar drugs;②whether fluoxetine-mediated 5-HT_(2B)receptor stimulation in astrocytes caused by ERK phosphorylation,followed by effecting the expressions of transcription factors (c-Fos and FosB).
     Primary cultured of mouse astrocytes.①After treating with lithium carbonate, valproate sodium and carbamazepine for 1-4 weeks,measuring the mRNA and protein expressions of three PLA_2 subtypes by RT-PCR and Western blot;②In astrocytes control or RNA interfered with 5-HT_(2B)receptor siRNA,determining the phosphorylation level of ERK_(1/2)with fluoxetine for 20 min,then checking the mRNA and protein expressions of c-Fos and FosB with fluoxetine for 1 or 4 hours,in the absence or presence of SB204741(5-HT_(2B)receptor antagonist)or U0126(an inhibitor of ERK phosphorylation).The results are analysised with one-way ANOVA by SPSS12.0 software.P<0.05 indicates the statically significant difference.
     1、The chronic effect of three anti-bipolar drugs is enzyme-specific
     After 2 weeks,lithium carbonate(0.25 mM,0.5 mM and 1 mM),carbamazepine (25μM and 50μM),valproate sodium(100μM and 1 mM)could upregulate the mRNA and protein of cPLA_(2a),only the time duration was different.But these drugs had non-function to sPLA_2 and iPLA_2,indicating the prolonged treatment with three bipolar drugs having cPLA_(2a)enzyme-specificity.
     2、The chronic effect of anti-bipolar drugs to cPLA_(2a)is drug-specific
     Topiramate,an anticonvulsant as well as CBZ and VPA,but,which has no anti-bipolar effect.The expression of cPLA_(2a)could not be regulated by 100μM topiramate for 1-4 weeks.Suggesting the chronic regulation of cPLA_(2a)with three bipolar drugs being drug-specificity.
     3、ERK phosphorylation induced by fluoxetine via 5-HT_(2B)receptor
     In common cultured astrocytes,fluoxetine could increase the phosphorylation level of ERK_(1/2)in 20 min,but this function was abolished in astrocytes RNA interfered with 5-HT_(2B)receptor siRNA.And ERK phosphorylation induced by fluoxetine could be inhibited by GF109203X(PKC inhibition)or BAPTA/AM(a chelator of intracellular Ca~(2+)).
     4、The expression of c-Fos and FosB increased by fluoxetine
     10μM fluoxetine could respectively increase the mRNA and protein expressions of c-Fos and FosB,which could be inhibited by SB204741 or U0126.Indicating the regulation of c-Fos and FosB by fluoxetine via 5-HT_(2B)receptor,and dependenting on ERK phosphorylation mediated by fluoxetine.
     1、The expression of PLA_2 regulated by three anti-bipolar drugs
     Lower concentrations of lithium carbonate led within the period studied only to an up-regulation,but it is possible that longer exposure times might have resulted in a down-regulation.The concept that the length of the treatment period may affect the response is supported by the findings with carbamazepine and valproic acid where the effect of higher concentrations(50μM;1 mM)peaked after 2-3 weeks of treatment and was abolished or greatly reduced after 4 weeks,whereas that to the lower concentration(25μM;100μM)was pronounced after 4 weeks,but also developed more slowly.In contrast,topiramate,which has no anti-bipolar effect had no effect on cPLA_(2a)expression,and mRNA expression of iPLA_2 and sPLA_2 was unaltered by Li+, VPA,and CBZ.Thus,the observed effects(up-regulation and down-regulation)show both enzyme specificity and drug specificity,and it was in a systematic fashion dependent upon drug concentration and the length of the treatment period.The concentrations used in the present study are probably pharmacologically relevant.
     In the present context,it is of interest that cPLA_(2a)is the only PLA_2 that has specificity for phospholipid substrates containing arachidonic acid(AA).Moreover,the released arachidonic acid can be further oxidized to eicosanoids,converted to endocannabinoids or re-acylated in the membrane,a process that in the past has been quantitatively greatly underestimated.
     2、The mechanism of c-Fos and FosB expression regulated by fluoxetine
     RNA interference experiments showed that fluoxetine in cultures of well-differentiated astrocytes exclusively acts on 5-HT_(2B)receptors.The potency of fluoxetine in the induction of ERK_(1/2)transactivation was similar to that previously reported for its effect on[Ca~(2+)]i and in agreement with its affinity for the 5-HT_(2B) receptor.In the present work,we demonstrated that the upregulation of c-Fos and FosB expression by fluoxetine in astrocytes was inhibited by U0126,suggesting that the effects of fluoxetine on gene regulation in astrocytes were induced by 5-HT_(2B) receptor-mediated ERK_(1/2)phosphorylation.Whether or not such an effect might be of importance for the therapeutic effect of serotonin-specific uptake inhibitors(SSRIs), depends upon whether other SSRIs also stimulate 5-HT_(2B)receptors at realistic extracellular brain concentrations.Fluoxetine and paroxetine have approximately similar therapeutic potency and recent preliminary experiments have shown that the concentration dependence for paroxetine-mediated ERK phosphorylation is virtually identical to that found for fluoxetine.
     1、The expression of cPLA_(2a)mRNA and protein regulated by lithium carbonate, CBZ and VPA had similar trend,and this function was anti-bipolar drug-specific and enzyme-specific.
     2、Fluoxetine up-regulated the expression of c-Fos and FosB by stimulation of 5-HT_(2B)receptor and ERK phosphorylation.
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