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To improve the numerical methods on electromagnetic scattering problems is always the research hotspot in computational electromagnetics. To efficiently analyze the scattering of large-scale structures, it is significant to extract the scattering characteristics of the scatterer effectively and use reduced information to achieve the accurate results. This paper proposes the method of synthetic basis functions (SBF), which is based on the conventional method of moments (MoM). The SBF method can establish the scattering solution space of every scatterer, and extract scattering characteristics from the space as SBFs. In large-scale conductor array scattering problems, the SBF linear system has much less number of unknowns than the conventional MoM, thus leading to higher efficiency in numerical computation.
     In scattering of dielectric, including chiral and bianisotropic bodies, this paper discusses the conventional MoM in detail, in which the linear system is based on the volume mesh and SWG basis functions and usually has too many unknowns to solve. We propose to generate the generalized transition matrix (GTM) of the dielectric bodies by equaling the volume scattering characteristics of the scatterer onto its surface, and using the GTM on surface to calculate the far field scattering fields. In dielectric array scattering problem, it is effective to generate the GTM of every scattering unit, and establish the generalized surface integral equations (GSIE) based on GTMs of all units. The linear system is much smaller than the conventional MoM. And by introducing the SBF onto the GSIE system, the number of unknowns can be reduced further, thus make the computer memory and CPU possible to deal with the large-scale dielectric structures which can hardly be analyzed by conventional methods.
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