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Christian Right refers to a series of right-wing Christian political and social movements and their organizations in American Protestant, the features of which include the strong support of conservative social and political value. Christian Right is an emerging conservative force in the recent three or four decades and Fundamentalism, Evangelicalism, Pentecost, South Baptism Congregation are politically active. As a new international relation actor, Christian Right is producing long-term and significant impact on American diplomacy.
     As an influential social movement, Christian Right is exerting a powerful and enduring influence on American domestic and foreign policies. Four mechanisms are involved as to the influence on American foreign policies by Christian Right. In the first place, Christian Right has a sharp awareness of political participation. They have established well-organized and well-managed networks and grass-root organizations, which enable them to vigorously lobby the administration. Secondly, right wing conservatism has become the ideology of Republican Party since Reagan presidency. Because of the common basis between the two, religious conservatives became the pillar of Republican Party and Republican Party went more conservative. This trend is more obvious since the mid-nineties. Christian Right has become the main thrust of Republican Party and played an active role in American politics. This trend is endangering the tradition of the separation between church and state. Thirdly, Bush is referred to as the most faith-based president. Eschatology combined with Armageddon, Messiah and Apocalypse is producing direct impact upon his administrative style and his unilateral foreign policy. Fourthly, Christian right established a political alliance with neo-conservatives. Two mechanisms make the coalition become possible. Members of Christian Right have strong faith in premillenniumism and to them the establishment of an Israeli state is the sign of the Second Coming of Jesus. Many neo-conservatives are Jews and their association with southern Christian Fundamentalism greatly contributes to American government's unqualified support to Israel. Since the southern Christian Fundamentalists are active in casting their votes, they have become the major force in the Republican preliminary election.
     Two areas have witnessed the obvious impact of Christian Right:American Middle East policy and new intervention based on faith. Due to the cultural affinity, the influence of Christian Right and the rise of Christian Zionism, America is in support of Israel without any reservation.
     This dissertation makes an in-depth analysis of the relationship between Christian Right and American foreign policies. The reasons of the participation in foreign policy decision by Christian Right and the modes of policy-decision are tackled thoroughly. The theological framework of Bush's faith is formulated at the author's discretion. The proof of two areas where Christian Right has the most obvious impact is initiated with groundbreaking significance.
    2. R.G.哈切森:《白宫中的上帝》,北京,中国社会科学出版社,1992年版,第35页。
    3. Walter Russell Mead, "God's Country", Foreign Affairs, vol.85, no.5,2006, p.42.
    4. Pew Forum on God's country?Evangelical and U.S. Foreign Policy, Tuesday, September 26,2006, Pew Research Center, Washington,D.C. http://pewforum.org/events/?EventID= 127
    天主教和其它传统主流教派。参见Walter Russell Mead, "God's Country", Foreign Affairs, vol.85, no.5,2006, p.42.
    7. Walter Russell Mead, "God's Country", Foreign Affairs, vol.85, no.5,2006,p.42.
    8. " American Evangelicals and Israel", Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life,15 April 2005, Pew Research Center, Washington,D.C.
    9. Robert Wuthnow, The Restructuring of American Religion:Society and Faith Since World War II, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1988, p.374.
    10. William Martin, With God on Our Side:The Rise of the Religious Right in America, Broadway Books, Revised edition,2005.p.138.
    11. ibid. p.139.
    12.这一理论首先由James Davison Hunter在1991年出版的Culture Wars:The Struggle to Define America提出,John Micklethwait和Adrian Woolbridge的The Right Nation: Conservative Power in America也有详细的讨论。
    13. Elizabeth H. Prodromou & Andrew Bacevich, "God Is Not Neutral:Religion and U.S. Foreign Policy after 9/11", Orbis, Vol.48, No.1.2004, pp.43-54.
    14. Jim Wallis, "Dangerous Religion:George W.Bush's Theology of Empire" Sojourners, September-October 2003, p.20-26.
    15. Jason Beggren & Nicol C. Rae, "Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush:Faith, Foreign Policy and an Evangelical Presidential Style", Presidential Studies, Quarterly, Vol.36(4), December 2006, p.620.
    17. Howard Fineman, "Bush and God", Newsweek, no.10,2003, p.22-30.
    18.《不要上帝》一书对自由派进行了辛辣的批判和抨击,因此赢得了许多保守派的夸奖,著名保守派网站右翼新闻(www. rightwingnews.com)的甚至从书中搜集了一些语句编成《库特妙语选》在网上进行传播。
    19. Howard Fineman, "Bush and God", Newsweek, no.10,2003, p.22-30.
    22.关于福音派的介绍,参见David W. Bebbington, Evangelicals in Modern Britain: A History from the 1730s to the 1980s, London:Unwin,1989; Paul Freston, Evangelicals and Politics in Asia, Africa and Latin America, Cambridge University Press,2004; George M. Marsden, Reforming Fundamentalism:Fuller Seminary and the New Evangelicalism, Grand Rapids:William B. Eerdmans Publishing,1987;Richard V. Pierard, "The Quest For the Historical Evangelicalism:A Bibliographical Excursus", Fides et Historia, 11 (2),1979 pp. 60-72.; Robert M.Price, "Neo-Evangelicals and Scripture:A Forgotten Period of Ferment", Christian Scholars Review,15 (4),1986, pp.315-330.
    23. "Religion and the Founding of the American Republic", http://www.loc.gov exhibits/religion.
    24.关于基要派的介绍,参见R. Scott Appleby, Gabriel Abraham Almond & Emmanuel Sivan, Strong Religion, Chicago:University of Chicago Press,2003; Karen Armstrong, The Battle for God:A History of Fundamentalism, New York: Ballantine Books,2001; Brenda E. Brasher, The Encyclopedia of Fundamentalism, New York:Routledge,2001; Lionel Caplan, Studies in Religious Fundamentalism, London:The MacMillan Press Ltd,1987; Gershom Gorenberg, The End of Days:Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount, New York:The Free Press,2000; Bruce B. Lawrence, Defenders of God: The Fundamentalist Revolt against the Modern Age, San Francisco:Harper & Row,1989; George M. Marsden, Fundamentalism and American Culture:The Shaping of Twentieth Century Evangelicalism,1870-1925, Oxford University Press,1980; Malise Ruthven Malise, Fundamentalism:The Search for Meaning, Oxford:Oxford University Press,2005.
    25.基督教特性组织(Christian Identity)是分离基督教基要主义的极端组织。俄克拉荷马联邦大楼发生恐怖袭击后,美国才发现一个叫基督教特性的基要主义基督教组织的存在,它有5万名会员,大多数会员是基督教民兵的成员。该组织也信仰前千禧年及阴谋世界观,他们认为盎格鲁—萨克森是失散的犹
    1. Walter Russell Mead, "God's Country", Foreign Affairs, vol.85, no.5 2006,p.42.
    2. "American Evangelicals and Israel", Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, fact sheet, Pew Research Center, Washington,D.C.,15 April,2005.
    3. ibid.
    4. D. Michael Lindsay, Faith in the Halls of Power:How Evangelicals Joined the American Elite, Oxford University Press, U.S.A.,2007, pp.1.
    5.史泽华:“新基督教右翼的复兴及其对美国外交的影响”, 《国际关系学院学报》,2008年第2期,第25-31页。
    6. Jack Beatty, Age of Betrayal:The Triumph of Money in America,1865-1900, New York:Alfred A. Knopf,2007,pp.86.
    7. Charles I. Foster, An Errand of Mercy:The Evangelical United Front, 1790-1837, Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press,1960, Chapter 3.
    8.参见Scopes Trial, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scopes_Trial
    10. Hall P. Dobkin, "The Civic Engagement Tradition", in Mary J. Bane, Brent Coffin & Richard Higgins (eds.), Taking faith seriously, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,2005,pp.23-59.
    11. Godfrey Hodgson, The World Turned Right Side Up:A History of the Conservative Ascendancy in America, Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company, 1996, pp.63.
    12. Lloyd J. Averill, Religious Right, Religious Wrong, New York:The Pilgrim Press,1989, pp.165-166
    13. "Crusader Schwartz", Time. vol. LXXIX, no.6, February 9,1962,转引自http://www.time.com/time/printout/0,8816,938304,00.html.
    14. Daniel L.Turner, Standing Without Apology:The History of Bob Jones University, Greenville:Bob Jones University Press,1997, pp.132.
    16. Robert Wuthnow, The Restructuring of American religion:Society and Faith Since World War II, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1988, p.208.
    17. Godfrey Hodgson, The World Turned Right Side Up:A History of the Conservative Ascendancy in America, Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company, 1996, pp.176.
    18. Roger Finke & Rodney Stark, The Churching of America:Winners and Losers in Our Religious Economy, New Brunswick:Rutgers University Press,1992, pp.73.
    19. "Counting Souls", Time Magazine, October 4,1976.
    22. Richard Carwardine, Evangelicals and Politics in Antebellum America, New Haven, Conn.:Yale University,1993, p.216.
    23. Chris Mooney, The Republican War on Science, NewYork:Basic Books,2005. p.202.
    24. Lee Sigelman and Stanley Presser, "Measuring Public Support for the New Christian Right:The Peril of Point Estimation", Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 52,1988, p.325.
    25. "Republican Party Files,1960-1987", Rita Crocker Clements Personal Papers 1932-2001, pp.22-35,转引自http://cushing.library.tamu.edu/ temp/collections/...clements...papers/rita-crocker-clements-papers.../republican-party-files-1960-1987.
    27. Michael D'Antonio, Fall from Grace:The Failed Crusade of the Christian Right. New York:Farrar, Straus, and Giroux,1989, pp.128.
    28. William Schneider, "Trouble for the GOP", Public Opinion Quarterly,1989, 2:2, p.59-60
    29. Moen, Mattew C. School Prayer and the Politics of Life Style Concern. Social Science Quarerly,1994,65:1065-1071.
    30. Mariah Blake, "Stations of the Cross:How Evangelical Christians Are Creating an Alternative Universe of Faith-Based News", Columbia Journalism Review, May/June 2005.
    31. Michael D' Antonio, Fall from Grace:The Failed Crusade of the Christian Right, New York:Farrar, Straus, and Giroux,1989, p.164.
    32. Maureen Farrell, "We Could Control This Country:33 Extreme Reasons to Give Bush the Boot", August 24,2004, http://www.buzzflash.com farrell/04/08/far04029.html.
    34. William Martin Chavanne, "With God on Our Side:Reflections on the Religious Right",转引自http://www.religion-online.org /showarticle.asp?title=1658.
    35. John C. Green, James L. Guth, and Kevin Hill, "Faith and Election:The Christian Right in Congressional Campaigns,1978-1988", Journal of Politics,Vol.55,1993, pp.80-91.
    36. "God's Country? Evangelicals and U.S. Foreign Policy", Pew Research Center,Washington D.C., September 26,2006.
    37. Robert D.Putnam, Bowling Alone:The Collapse and Revival of American Community, New York:Simon & Schuster,2000, pp.87.
    38. Alan Crawford, Thunder on the Right, New York:Pantheon,1980, pp.65.
    39. Matthew C. Moen, "School Prayer and the Politics of Life-Style Concern", Social Science Quarterly, Vol 65,1994, pp.1065-1071.
    40. Waton Justin, The Christian Coaliton:Dreams of Restoration, Demands for Recognition, New York:St. Martin's Press,1997, pp.77.
    42. Burt Solomon, "Christian Soldiers", National Journal, February 24,1996, pp.410-415.
    44. Robert Wuthnow, "The Political Rebirth of American Evangelicals", in Robert C. Liebman and Robert Wuthnow (eds.),The New Christian Right, New York: Aldine,1983, pp.168-187.
    45. Michael Lienesch, Redeeming America:Piety and Politics in the New Christian Right, Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press,1993, pp.46.
    46. Frances Fitzgerald, "A Disciplined, Charging Army", New Yorker,18 May, 1981,pp.53-141.
    48. Paul J.Weber & W.Landis Jones, U.S. Religious Interest Groups, CA: Greenwood Press, pp.179.
    49. Robert D.Putnam, Bowling Alone:The Collapse and Revival of American Community, New York:Simon & Schuster,2000, pp.87.
    50. John H. Young, Sherry A. Swirsky & Jay B. Myerson, "Going to the Grassroots:How the Christian Coalition is Filling the Void",Campaigns and Elections, Vol 34, July,1995.
    1. Michael Barone, " Faith in Numbers", National Review, Vol.48,1996, pp.56-58.
    3.参见Kevin Phillips, American Theocracy, New York:Viking,2006; Michael Northcott, An Angel Direct the Storm:Apocalyptic Religion and American Empire;吴梓明:“宗教与美国社会:在美国抬头的神权政治”,徐以骅编:《宗教与美国社会》(第四辑),第559-578页。
    4. John C. Green and Mark Silk, "Why Moral Values Did Count", Religion in the News, Vol.8, No.1 Spring 2005.
    5. Allen D. Hertzke, Freeing God's Children:The Unlikely Alliance for Global Human Rights, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,2006, pp.78.
    6. Howard LaFranchi, " Evangelized Foreign Policy", Christian Science Monitor, March 2,2006.
    7. ibid.
    8. William Martin, With God on Our Side:The Rise of the Religious Right in America, New York:Broadway Books,1997, pp.163.
    10. Jim Lobe, "Population Activists Angered by Bush Freeze on UN Fund", Tuesday, January 15,2002, One World.net,转引自http://www.commondreams. org/headlines02/0115-05.htm.
    12. Kate O'Beirne,"Our Girl at the U.N.", National Review,转引自http://www.nationalreview.com/kob/kob032102.asp.
    13. "Ellen Sauerbrey", http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php? title=Ellen_Sauerbrey
    14. Duane Oldfield,“基督教右翼单边主义的根源”,亚洲时报在线中文版,2004年3月31日,www.asiatimes-chinese.com/simplify/200403asiatimesSPECIAL.htm.
    15. Rick Warren, "Saving Africa, the Conservative Way:Right on", Economist, June 30,2005.
    16. Michael A. Fletcher, "Bush has Quietly Tripled Aid to Africa", The Washington Post, December 31,2006.
    17. Walter Russell Mead, God's Country, Foreign Affairs, vol.85,5,2006,p.42.
    18. Staff Writer, "Foreign policy:In the World of Good and Evil", The Economist, September 14,2006.
    19. Farah Stockman, Michael Kranish, Peter S. Canellos and Kevin Baron, "Bush Brings Faith to Foreign Aid", The Boston Globe, October 8,2006.
    20. Pew Forum, American Evangelicals and Israel. fact sheet,15 April 2005,Pew Research Center, Washington,D.C.
    21. John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, "The Israel Lobby", London Review of Books, Vol.28, No.6, March 23,2006, pp.3-12.
    22. Walter Russell Mead, " God's Country", Foreign Affairs, vol.85, no. 5,2006,p.42.
    23. Jasper Becker, "Christian Underground Smuggles North Koreans to Safety in South", San Francisco Chronicle, February 15,2003.
    24. John Feffer, All Democracy, All the Time, http://www.Salon.com.
    25.源出1970年美国人Charles A. Reich所作绿化美国,认为国家是一部巨大的机器,完全不受人控制并置个人价值于不顾。
    26. John S. Saloma, Ominous Politics:The New Conservative Labyrinth, New York: Hill and Wang,1984.
    27. Walter Dean Burnham, "Drift or Mandate?:The 1996 Elections",July 1,1996, http://www.prospect.org.
    31. Stefan Halper and Jonathan Clarke, America Alone:The Neo-Conservatives and the Global Order, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2004, pp.196.
    32. "Statement of Principles", Project for a New American Century, http://www.newamericancentury.org.
    33. Irving Kristol Biography, American Enterprise Institute, http://www.aei. org/scholars/scholarID.34/scholar.asp.
    34. Irving Kristol, "The Neoconservative Persuasion," The Weekly Standard, August 25,2003.
    35. Irving Kristol, Neoconservatism:The Autobiography of an Idea, New York: Free Press,1995, p.365.
    36. Leo Ribuffo, "Religion and American Foreign Policy", National Interest, issue 52,1998.
    37. Chip Berlet & Nikhil Aziz, "Culture, Religion, Apocalypse, and Middle East Foreign Policy", IRC Right Web, http://rightweb.irc-online.org/rw/848.html December 5,2003.
    38. A Clean Break:A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, http://en. wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Clean_Break
    39. Burt Solomon, "Christian Soldiers", National Journal, Februry,1996.
    40. Schneider, William. "Trouble for the GOP", Public Opinion,1998,12:2,59-60
    41. Irving Kristol, Neoconservatism:The Autobiography of an Idea, New York: Free Press,1995,pp.368.
    42. Duane Oldfield, "The Evangelical Roots of American Unilateralism:Christian Right's Influence and How to Counter It", http://www.fpif. org/papers/ 2004evangelical.html
    43. John Green, "The Spiritual Wiling:The Collective Identity and the Development of the Christian Right", in Jo Freeman and Victoria Johnson, eds., Waves of Protest, Lanham, MD:Roman & Littlefield,1999.
    44. Robert Reno, "Religion and Politics Didn't Mix", Omaha World Herald, November 1998.
    45. Corwin Smidt, "Identifying Evangelical Respondents:An Analysis of born-Again and Bible Questions Used Across Different Surveys", In Ted G. Jelen, ed., Religion and Political Behavior in the United States, New York: Praeger,1989,pp.23-44.
    46. Kevin Eckstrom, "2004, Christians stood at front lines", Washington Post, January 1,2005.
    47. Thomas B. Edsall, "Voter Values Determine Political Affiliation", Washington Post, March 26,2001.
    48. "2004 Republican National Delegate Survey",The New York Times/CBS News Poll(August 3-23,2004), New York Times, August 29,2004.
    49. "Democratic Lead in Party Identification at Highest Pointin 25 Years", The Harris Poll, Harris Interactive Inc. March,2009.
    50. Esther Kaplan, "Christian Right and Jewish Left", www.jewishcurrents. org/2005-july-kaplan.htm
    51. Michael Horowitz, "New Intolerance Between Crescent and Cross", The Wall Street Journal, July5,1995.
    52. John C. Green, "Religious Republicans:Hanging Tough with Bush", Pew Research Center, June 22,2007.
    53. Clyde Wilcox, God's Warriors:The Christian Right in Twentieth-Century America, Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1992, pp.220-229.
    54. "Christian Coalition Sees 1998 as Crucial", Omaha World Herald,Virginia Pilot, June 14,1998.
    55. Robert Reno, "Religion and Politics Didn't Mix", Omaha World Herald, Newsday, November 13,1998.
    56. Jim Wallis, "A Network for Renewal", Sojourners, July-August 1995.
    57. Bryan F. Le Beau, "The Political Mobilization of New Christian Right", http://are.as.wvu.edu\lebeaul.htm.
    58. Lyman A. Kellstedt, "Evangelicals and Political Realignment", in Corwin E. Smidt, ed., Contemporary Evangelical Political Involvement:An Analysis and Assessment, Lanham, Md.:University Press of America,1994,pp99-118.
    59. Lyman A Kellstedt, John C. Green, James L. Guth, and Corwin E. Smidt, "Religious Voting Blocs in the 1992 Election:The Year of the Evangelical?", Sociology of Religion, Vol.55,1994, pp.307-326.
    60. Matthew C. Moen, "School Prayer and the Politics of Life-Style Concern", Social Science Quarterly, Vol.65,1994, pp.1065-1071.
    61. David Goldstein, "Turnout a Key for Democrats", The Kansas City Star,1998, November 5.
    62. "Christian Coalition Speakers Take Two Different Stances", New York Times, September 19,1998.
    63. Susanne Scholz, "The Christian Right's Discourse on Gender and the Bible", Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Vol.21, no.1,2005.
    64. Howard Fineman, "Bush and God", Newsweek, no.10,2003,p.22-30.
    65.关于基于信仰的动议(faith-based initiative),参见Stephen Monsma, "Faith-Based NGOs and the Government Embrace", in Elliott Abrams, (ed.), The Influence of Faith:Religious Groups and U.S. Foreign Policy, Rowman & Littlefield,2002, pp.203-219.
    66. Howard Fineman, "Bush and God", Newswee, no.10,2003,p.22-30.
    67. George W. Bush, "Second Inaugural Address", January 20,2005
    68. Matthew Rothschild, "Bush's Shameful War", The Progressive,20 March,2003.
    69. Paul Kengor, God and George W. Bush:A Spiritual Life, Harper,2004, p.96
    70. Howard Fineman, "Bush and God", Newsweek, no.10,2003,p.22-30; Paul Kengor, God and George W. Bush:A Spiritual Life, Harper,2004, p.96
    71. Howard Fineman, "Bush and God", Newsweek, no.10,2003, p.22-30.
    72. Jeffrey Goldberg, "The Believer", New Yorker, February 13 and 20,2006, p.64.
    73.对于美国人响应上帝的号召这一框架而言,布什及其他美国官员是用一种纯粹宗教语言来表述的,这一框架的宗教性来源于17世纪从英国及荷兰带到美国的新教千年主义。英国的清教徒原本相信英国将是新的以色列—启示录中所记载的千年主义和善恶大对决的大战场。随着1658年克伦威尔革命的失败,他们将希望转向清教徒聚集的新英格兰,乔纳森·爱德华兹在18世纪40年代指出“上帝创造的那个辉煌时刻的黎明或至少序曲将在美国降临和奏响。”(Reinhold Niebuhr, The Irony of American History, New York:Scribner,1951, pp.69)
    74. David Frum, The Right Man:The Surprise Presidency of George W. Bush, New York:Random House,2003, pp116.
    75. Rupert Cornwell, "Bush:God Order Me to Invade Iraq-President Revealed Reasons for War in Private Meeting", The Independent, October 7,2005.
    76. Daniel YankeLovich, "Poll Positions What Amefcans Really Think about U.S. Foreign Policy", Foreign Affairs, September-October,2005.
    1. William Schneider, " Israel's U.S. Defense Team", http://www. aei. org/ publications/pub ID.13842, filter. all/pub_detail. asp,2002-04-27.
    3. Robert McMahon, "Christian Evangelicals and U.S. Foreign Policy", Backgrounder, August 23,2006.
    4. "Will Views Toward Muslims and Islam Follow Historical Trends?",The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, March 22,2006 Washington, D.C. http://pewforum.org/publications/surveys/Inter-Religious-Understanding.pdf.
    5.关于布什总统政治语篇的启示录修辞参见Paul Kengor, God and George W. Bush, Harper Collins,2004; David Aikman, A Man of Faith:The Spiritual Journey of George W. Bush, W Publishing Group,2004; Stephen Mansfield, The Faith of George W. Bush, Penguin,2004.
    6. Chip Berlet & Nikhil Aziz, "Culture, Religion, Apocalypse, and Middle East Foreign Policy", IRC Right Web, December 5,2003.
    8. Chip Berlet, "Dances with Devils:How Apocalyptic and Millennialist Themes Influence Right Wing Scapegoating and Conspiracism", The Public Eye, vol.12, Fall 1998, revised version online at http://www.irc-online. org/apocalyptic/ Dances with_Devils_1.html.
    9. Robert C. Fuller, Naming the Antichrist:The History of an American Obsession, Oxford University Press,1996, p.5.
    10. Sara Diamond, Spiritual Warfare:The Politics of the Christian Right, Boston: South End Press,1989.
    11. President Bush's State of the Union Address, February 2,2005
    12. Ibid.
    13. Amy E. Black, Douglas L. Kooperman & David K. Ryden, Of Little Faith:The Politics of George W. Bush's Faith-Based Initiatives, Washington, Georgetown University Press,2004, p.256.
    16. Frances FitzGerald, "Reflections:The American Millennium," New Yorker, November 11,1985, pp.88-113.
    18. John Cochran, "New Heaven, New Earth", CQ Weekly, October 17,2005
    19. Gary M. Burge, "Christian Zionism, Evangelicals and Israel", www.hcef.org/ hcef/index.cfm/ID/159
    21. John Mearsheimer & Stephen Walt, "The Israel Lobby," London Review of Books Vol.28, No.6, March 23,2006, http://www.lrb.co.uk/v28/n06/mear01.html.
    23. John Mearsheimer & Stephen Walt, "The Israel Lobby", London Review of Books Vol.28, No.6, March 23,2006, http://www.lrb.co.uk/v28/n06 mear01_.html.
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    26.“基督教与犹太教的千年恩怨”,http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/ 36905995.html.
    30. Ibid.
    31. Philip Lamy, Millennium Rage, New York:Plenum.1996, p.155.
    32. Bob Woodward, State of Denial:Bush at War, Part III, New York, Simon & Schuster,2006, p.135.
    33. "Religion and Politics:Contention and Consensus Growing Number Says Islam Encourages Violence Among Followers", Pew Research Center, http://peoplepress.org/reports/display.php3?ReportID=189.
    34. Nancy Gibbs, "Apocalypse Now", Time, July 1,2002,40-49,
    35.转引自Robert Bezilla (ed.), Religion in America, Princeton:Princeton Religion Research Center,1996,p.26.
    36. PR Newswire, "Forty Percent of Americans Believe the World Will End as the BiblePredicts:A Battle Between Jesus and the Antichrist at Armageddon", Newsweek, October 25,1999.
    37. David Gates, David J. Jefferson, and Anne Underwood, "The Pop Prophets", Newsweek, May 24,2004.
    38. Rammy M. Haija, "The Armageddon Lobby:Dispensationalist Christian Zionism and the Shaping of U.S. Policy Towards Isreal-Palestine", Holy Land Studies, 5:(1)2006,p.75-76.
    39.转引自'Fundamentalism in US military? "Times of India, February 19,2008
    40. Charles Dyer, The Rise of Babylon:Sign of the End Times, Moody Publishers, Updated edition, January 15,2003
    41.转引自'Rise Of The Righteous Army:Evangelical Movement Shapes Culture With Left Behind Series",60 Minutes/CBS News, February 8,2004.
    42. Jerry Falwell, Interview with CBS News, June 8,2003.
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